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8339186 No.8339186 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: we post the worst pseudo-intellectual we've ever seen

>> No.8339189
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>> No.8339196

I really, really like this meme
Can I save it?

>> No.8339198

Myself desu. Even my drunken self tarot reading said I'll continue being a pseud for the present time.

>> No.8339199
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>> No.8339203
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>> No.8339206

Milo Yikamakkammaka is defs one, as are most of the comp lit kids at my local uni who pile over Deleuze but haven't read Nietzsche let alone the greeks. Joe Rogan fo' show. Most contemporary authors who do just enough thinking to coat their half-assed political agenda (which is to really coat their half-assed writing because it's easier to be hella inclusive than it is to take a fully thought out moral or political stance that might step on a few toes).

>> No.8339209


>> No.8339214


I thought I agreed with you entirely and then you ended by ranting about SJW. I am confused.

>> No.8339216


>> No.8339222



>> No.8339223

all yours friend

>> No.8339224

Not ranting about SJW as much as I am a lack of interesting/well thought out/risky insights by authors today.

>> No.8339227

>Joe Rogan
The mere mention of that faggot's name can ruin my day

>> No.8339231


Yeah that's definitely fair. There's a lot of talk about cultural assimilation and communication but nobody wants to talk about the dirty details of actual making it work given various seemingly intractable differences. Nor is there any interest in addressing the historical precedent that says it will never work, at least not in the facile manner half-conceived of by the mainstream.

>> No.8339243

>Most contemporary authors who do just enough thinking to coat their half-assed political agenda
I love how nobody is allowed to take a political stance anymore without retards like you sperging out and acting like politics are scawy. Fucking grow up and stop pretending that youre superior for being apolitical.

>> No.8339266

The anon in the Chesterton thread who thinks Nietzsche is a christian.

>> No.8339270
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>> No.8339271


>Milo Yikamakkammaka is defs one

He's an attention-whore, but a useful one. Lefties can't touch him thanks to the overtly flamboyant faggotry.

>most of the comp lit kids at my local uni who pile over Deleuze

I really hope this isn't a thing.

It'd be alarming if people "pile over Deleuze" even after having read Nietzsche/Greeks/etc.

>> No.8339277
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That fuckin' guy.

>> No.8339301


I love how you didn't understand what he said

>> No.8339304

>Lefties can't touch him thanks to the overtly flamboyant faggotry.
It's just a gimmick so the alt-rightists can pretend they dont hate gay people when they retweet him. The man is a fucking idiot.

>> No.8339311

Didnt bother reading the rest of the post :^)

>> No.8339313



>> No.8339345
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Takes one to know one! xD

>> No.8339355


And alt-right clinging to the idea that SJW can't touch him when he's a rich white man is equally stupid. If retards hadn't noticed gay men count as a privileged group now

>> No.8339371

He is a one trick pony. He only knows how to make noise, as most "journalists" do.

This. /pol/tards swarm around him like they swarm around camwhores that wear Trump hats.

>> No.8339379

Calm the fuck down, dickwad. Maybe I phrased that poorly, i dont particularly give a fuck about one's political stance, but when it's the same poorly thought out, popular "muh deeply meditative" facade shit I can't stand but call it out for the crock of bullshit it is.

>> No.8339380

And even on top of that he tries to sell the big issue about all social pseudo-sciences while he, himself is a fundamentalist Christian. His opinions are worthless because he uses the voices of angry, racist edgy teenagers to prop himself up.

>> No.8339385


>> No.8339393

Essentially, my critique is that I dont think many contemporary authors are in fact making a real political statement rather than pushing merely regurgitated ideology. Compare: Baldwin to Coates. Baldwin actually wants black folks to either burn down, or gtfo of America. Coates just rambles on about race in a way conparable to most Huffpost articles or FB posts. Real politics vs. shite.

>> No.8339396

I will soon senpai, I will soon

>> No.8339909
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>> No.8339913

It would be extremely painful.

>> No.8340244

you're a big guy

>> No.8340256

For her.

>> No.8340285
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double whammy

>> No.8340345
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>> No.8340360
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