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8338228 No.8338228 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw I can feel another existential crisis coming on

I'm afraid I might fuck my shit up even more, last time I dropped out of school and drank until I couldn't eat for 2 days

>> No.8338233

>having existential crises
>over 16

>> No.8338238

Could you explain how the existential crisis affects you from functioning on a daily basis?

>> No.8338243


>Not having existential crises everytime you wake up

Sub-130 IQ brainlet detected.

>> No.8338246

cool, write about it in your moleskine notebook

>> No.8338277

Once you accept the absurdity of your brief existence, you may learn how to enjoy existentialism

>> No.8338286

>normie 130-150 IQ brain detected
get on my level, faggot. you wish you could see reality like i do. LMAOing at your life.

>> No.8338310

If I may just chime in here a little bit.

I'm certain you can live a happy, meaningful and fulfilling existence despite being burdened by the thoughts of its meaninglessness. Don't get philosophical dilemmas and mental health mixed up, they shouldn't affect each other so be careful and checkup on your mind every once in a while to see if your reactions are healthy and motivated.

If anything, I'd recommend therapy or some form of meditation to calm your mind before it goes haywire.

>> No.8338330

Read Kierkegaard desu.

>> No.8338337

My IQ is 95 and my existential is a crisis.

>> No.8338460

this is subtlety savage

>> No.8338474

it's not even subtle, moleskine themselves tell you you'll wind up like hemmingway and picasso if you use them

>> No.8338481

this is my new favorite compliment

>> No.8338530

i keep a journal in a moleskin lmao

>> No.8338534

you overpaid atleast 500% for that, good job anon

>> No.8338538

>Not revolting against the absurd

>> No.8338543

subtly** i can not spell high lmao

>> No.8338550
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>> No.8338551

>the reality of being being aesthetically invested in stationary

>> No.8338570
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s-so do I

>> No.8338574
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>they keep journals

Christ. Are you all women, or metrosexual fags?

>> No.8338621
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lmao you faggots actually unironically do this?


>> No.8338648

fuck i'm starting to think that my moleskin is increasingly stupid

>> No.8338656
File: 133 KB, 1310x779, philosopher's jumper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude you fell marketing BAD, it's pretty embarrassing.

>> No.8338698

i thought being picky about color tones of paper made me sophisticated lol

>> No.8338789

That's because it is

>> No.8340007

When I wake up in the morning I'm startled and scared by the fact that I am "inside my body", that I move around in this sack of flesh and bones and I want to get rid of it to be free. I don't know what is happening.

>> No.8340037

ITT: a bunch of tumblr teens that read The Stranger but never read The Myth of Sisyphus and think it's deep to smoke cigarettes drink beer and write on overpriced pieces of paper about their """existential""" crises that are actually just post-pubescent hormonal imbalances

>> No.8340050

Wine, obviously.

>> No.8340058

>existential crisis
>implying you're not just a fuckup
>probably depressed

>> No.8340070

Who is that 'you' who doesn't know what's happening?

>> No.8340080

boxed, probably

>> No.8340084


>> No.8340087

I have no idea lol. my consciousness or something. I am aware that its a product of the body. but I feel weird about it

>> No.8340097

'You' are aware that 'you' are product of the body then? There are two?

>> No.8340109


There's an infinite number of (you)'s bruh everybody knows that, even you

>> No.8340117

depends on how good (you) are at getting them ;^)

>> No.8340121

there are two what? I am aware of the science of my body. I guess I just have depersonalisation or something.

>> No.8340133

i meant two 'you's you dolter. thanks 4 ruining my posts

>> No.8340139

also ur not aware of the science in your body don't fool (you)rself

btw are you INTJ

>> No.8340141

Well I know that there aren't really two. I am my body. I just have some disorder I believe.

am I who?

>> No.8340151

>am I who?
google myers briggs personality test. the best site of all is the one that looks the most commercialised

>I am my body.
you ought to question that

>> No.8340214

people who use the phrase "existential crisis" should shampoo the moles on my foreskin

>> No.8340242
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You're obsessed about the meaning of your life because you still think there's a self

There's your problem

>> No.8340261

hey I was walking down the street the other day and I met a Buddhist. Not sure if I should have killed him.

>> No.8340262


> 2016

> not appreciating your bio-suit

>> No.8340267

Every human has a self.

>> No.8340275

they think they have a self

>> No.8340288

The self is the subject of one's own experience of phenomena: perception, emotions, thoughts. In phenomenology, it is conceived as what experiences, and there isn't any experiencing without an experiencer, the self.

how does this not exist?

>> No.8340299

oh my gosh is that real

>> No.8340303


don't act like you're anything but weak shit.

>> No.8340316
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>btw are you INTJ
Why did you ask this question?

>> No.8340323
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Every emergent consciousness has a continuum of experiences. There's no "I" perched behind your eyes that's the subject of the experience. Recognizing experiences as they arise as simply transitory functions of consciousness is a good starting point in not ever falling victim to existential morose.

>> No.8340325

>Why did you ask this question?
Why did you ask this question?

>> No.8340327

it does not exist as a solid thing, there is no single fixed point of experience, only a stream of varying phenomena

there are phenomenal moments of awareness, instances of conscious events

there is the awareness of memories, emotions, etc

there is the causal structure of these phenomena in time

but there is no fixed self, no unchanging thing that experiences everything, no experiencer, just flux

>> No.8340330

I don't understand the question.

>> No.8340332

dis is the only truth

>> No.8340335

Which one?

>> No.8340336

There are 2 truths in that sentence.

>> No.8340340
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>> No.8340342

hey anon, what's a koan?

>> No.8340347


>> No.8340351

All these things that relate to the self have material foundations. Perception, emotion and thoughts obviously exist. You cannot detach yourself and see life through the eyes of an alien spectator. Buddhists divorce themselves from reason and live shit lives.

>> No.8340369

>but there is no fixed self, no unchanging thing that experiences everything, no experiencer, just flux
Uh yeah, your consciousness. The thing receiving all your sensory inputs.

>> No.8340378

>he doesn't regularly dump his thought for further analysis and self debugging at a later date
enjoy your therapy

>> No.8340383

how do you do this? how do you pick which thought to write

>> No.8340390

I have a yellow belt in 27 different martial arts.

>> No.8340391

don't pick. just write.

>> No.8340403

then i'd spend all day on the journal

>> No.8340422

a quaint little bedtime story the girls at the massage parlor recite during your happy ending. it promotes deeper relaxation.

>> No.8340433

I just define "me" "I" as the lump of cells involving my body, brain etc. This seems to be the definition most people go by. What "I" is it that you're proposing doesn't exist?

>> No.8340506


>Implying the Myth of Sisyphus solves anything

Like bro, I kno I just outlined the pointlessness and absurdity of all things, but imagine and u can b happy yourself, k?

Bravo Camus, bravo.

>> No.8340546

I write notes in my Leuchtturm1917 notebook, is this as meme tier as Moleskin?

>> No.8340556

I like Red and Black notebooks. The paper is really good and the thick black covers are nice.

>> No.8340566

consider using stickies 2 b safe matey

>> No.8340578

Anything but black and white marble composition books is pseud tier IMO

>> No.8340583
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But the damn wire bound things, they piss me off because they stand out from the actual thickness of the notebook and at least for me as a leftie it's just not very nice.

for note taking at Uni I buy these Claire Fontaine ones, they are wirebound at the top, so nothing obstructs the margins. Also the paper is godly

>> No.8340595

I'm 19 years old.

I am handsome, smart, athletic and virile.

I have a novel that is in it's final editing stage, and a creative writing professor at my college has read the first draft and thinks it's saleable.

I have a girlfriend who is confident, articulate, playful and spontaneous.

I have a small group of interesting friends from different social and academic backgrounds, and I also have many other acquaintances who see me as a reliable source of humour and good company.

Both my parents are alive and in good health.

I have no regrets.

I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.

I am a passionate lover, a sharp thinker, and a trader of witty repartee.

I am not self-pitying, meek or needlessly humble.

I will live a good life at your expense.

>> No.8340619

Nice pasta

>> No.8340627

Read the Stranger and The Myth of Sisyphus.
It helped for maybe a week, and now it seems pretty unsubstantial, good books, particularly the Stranger but it's like the fuel has burned out and I'm back to where I was. Less depressed though, but I'm pretty sure that's due mostly to external circumstances.

>> No.8340638


>being the absurd's lil bitch
>performing futile backflips against the absurd

>> No.8340767

conscious events are not fixed things either but constantly changing processes

wrong again

>> No.8340810



I would wear that if it wasn't absurdly expensive

>> No.8340819


The point is you have defined "experiences" as requiring a self, there isn't actually any evidence for the self, it's an assumption you make, and from that follows all this "proof" of the self

Nietzsche mentions this, "I think therefore I am" but you haven't proven that, all you have is thoughts, they come one after the other

All that said, nothing wrong with accepting the existence of the self, so long as you are also willing to entertain thoughts about strange psychologies with no self

>> No.8340894

Maybe, if you are a hopeless newfag.

>> No.8341198
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The Stranger was what catalyzed my first real existential crisis. I've already read sisyphus, and that definitely helped for a few months, but I'm starting to see the monotony in my daily routine more astutely and the idea of "living more" seems impossible at this position in my life.

Thinking of either saving up for a year and moving to a place where I can just be alone and read, or keep going at it, try to get my polysci degree, and see what happens.

As far as reading I would seriously suggest Plato and other early philosophers because their grounded, practical philosophy gets my mind off the lofty concept of absurdism.

>> No.8341397

I enjoyed this post, anon.

>> No.8341419


>living more

more isn't more

less is more

until it becomes less and you want to kill yourself

either way you end up wit h nothing hahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahah

>> No.8341960

Is this post "absurd"?