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8328270 No.8328270 [Reply] [Original]

Do you believe in God?

>> No.8328280

Damn he got fat

>> No.8328283

I believe in your mom's steaming hot pussy.

>> No.8328290

this was pre-suicide attempt

>> No.8328295

>Do you believe in God?

If you do, I don't. If you don't, I do.

>> No.8328366

That smugness around the corners of his mouth

>> No.8328373

No, but I really wish I believed in life after death: I would be much happier. I would like to have that blind faith that helps so many people to believe they will never be nothingness again, but I really believe that after death I will be in the same position that I was before I was born.

>”The cradle rocks above an abyss, and common sense tells us that our existence is but a brief crack of light between two eternities of darkness. Although the two are identical twins, man, as a rule, views the prenatal abyss with more calm than the one he is heading for (at some forty-five hundred heartbeats an hour).”

Still, although I do not believe in a personal god or any entity that has a particular interest in our human world I have some small hope that I might be wrong and that a superior intelligence and power might exist. Cats and dogs will never understand math or physics, no matter how much we try to teach them: they lack the organic construction, the necessary biological tools (the brain structure) for comprehending such aspects of the Universe. With that in mind, it is probable (or even certain) that we also lack the nature to fully comprehend and perceive all aspects of existence.

I always wonder: how can something emerge from nothing? How can space, time and matter emerge from emptiness? That is option “a”. Now, option “b”: how could something have always existed, be it “God” or the original source of the Universe or Universes? How can something be eternal? Either “a” or “b” are totally contra-intuitive, at least for me.

One thing I am sure off is that there is not a single religion on Earth (or religious figure) who is actually right about God and life after death. I might find many of Buddha’s teachings very wise and helpful - and also some of the words of Christ - but I know that not them nor any other human has known what exists after death. Some form of God might exist, but it sure hasn’t talked to anyone here on Earth.

>> No.8328387

>That smugness around the corners of his mouth

More like: "I really want to kill myself, but I gotta smile for 5 seconds while this sad and banal photographer gets his capital S-shot."

>> No.8328413

>banal platitudes
>platitudinous banalities
>banal banalities
>platitudinous platitudes

>> No.8328512


>> No.8328535

Yes but not the universally benevolent one contemporary meme-christfaggotry promotes. It's not as simple as just saying you accept god or jesus or whatever and assuming the rest will work itself out on its own regardless of how much of a worthless sack of shit you are after that.

>> No.8328547

no, i believe in Kafka

>> No.8328557

I'm trying, I really am. It would make things so much easier, ameliorate so many anxieties... But I've experienced the opposite of a beatific vision. Last summer, one night, when I was in the throes of my alcoholism, I awoke from a feverish delirium and new in the bottom of my burning gut that God could not exist, I slammed my fist down and raged my head up against the wooden backboard of the bed, and I passed out in a cold sweat. After about a year of apathy, I've decided to give t another shot with an Oxford Annotated Bible. If that doesn't work, I'm on to the Book of the Dead, and then the Gita.

>> No.8328602

Yes. Didn't always, had a belief break in high school, but then I came back into faith.

>> No.8328610


>> No.8328616

Yes. I went from being somewhat Catholic to being atheist to being super Catholic to being an agnostic theist.

>> No.8328632

What the fuck is agnostic theist supposed to mean?

>> No.8328638


>> No.8328639
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/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but ideally those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Check the wiki, the catalog, and the archive before asking for advice or recommendations, and please refrain from starting new threads for questions that can be answered by a search engine.

/lit/ is a slow board! Please take the time to read what others have written, and try to make thoughtful, well-written posts of your own. Bump replies are not necessary.

>> No.8328640
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>> No.8328641

He leans towards belief in the divine, but has no faith.

>> No.8328645

That's an atheist.
Wanting to be a Christian, sure.

>> No.8328647

I believe in a god but I don't think we will know what that god is like or if they even really exist.

>> No.8328648


For around 5-6 years I was some sort of 'Cultural Christian', but Nietzsche recently severed me from such a lukewarm, half-and-half approach to life's most fundamental question.

>> No.8328650

no, its agnostic. An atheist believes there is no god. And agnostic non-theist tends towards the belief that there is no god, and an agnostic theist tends towards the belief in a god. A theist has faith.

>> No.8328658

Nope. And the christians around here are the "no fun allowed"-type, so I don't really see the appeal anyways.

>> No.8328661

Just turned to Catholicism recently. I used to hate Christians and thought they were dumb before I studied history and learned the kinds of things the Church does for science today (and in the past).

>> No.8328663
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>> No.8328665

Converting for science is pretty nonsensical.

>> No.8328669

technically, atheism denotes the lack of a belief in any deity/deities, not the belief that none exist.

>> No.8328671

That's what it's pretending to be anyway.

>> No.8328679

Been Agnostic/Atheist since about 2010.

My ex-gf talking about eating my soul and her own soul almost caused me to relapse back into Christianity, but I held strong.

>> No.8328692

devils out hea'

>> No.8328694

This is some nice next-level reddit shit right here.

>> No.8328705

For me, it means that I lean towards believing in god, but I'm not sure if it really exists and I don't really care all that much whether it does or doesn't.
That's how I would define it at least.

>> No.8328712

Is that a reference to something?

>> No.8328724


But that's not what Christianity believes either....nice strawman.

>> No.8328780

Never said that's the reason.

I don't know what that means.

>> No.8328903
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You're a reasonable, non-biased human being.

>> No.8328935


The privative a can signify both negation and absence.

This ambiguity has spawned hundreds of thousands of pages of autistic arguments between atheists and agnostics, making everyone else believe (with good cause) that any kind of non-theism implies au-theism.

I call myself agnostic when people ask. It denotes the same thing most atheists mean when they say atheism, but it has the bonus of not associating me with internet fedora lords - a group of people who, honestly, at one point, repulsed me so much I was close to becoming a born-again christian out of spite.

>> No.8328941
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Which one ?

>> No.8328946


Protestantism has 900 million+ adherents and the doctrine of sola fide.

>inb4 protestantism isn't true christianity

>> No.8328988

>>”The cradle rocks above an abyss, and common sense tells us that our existence is but a brief crack of light between two eternities of darkness. Although the two are identical twins, man, as a rule, views the prenatal abyss with more calm than the one he is heading for (at some forty-five hundred heartbeats an hour).”

nice quote

>> No.8329022

I don't. It's a matter of faith.

>> No.8329027

The fact about God acting with humanity is complete nonsense.
But you shouldn't fear death, Socrates explained it wisely, if you don't know what there is after death then you should be kind of happy to fiugure it out when you finally die, if there is something after death you will see it, if there is nothing then you won't even notice it becuase you will have ended.
Fear of death is completly illogical.

>> No.8329108
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he's fucking C U T E
jesus, what happened?

>> No.8329138

I prefer the term 'secular'; i don't believe any kind of religion should have a structural role in society.

Statements about private beliefs after that are superfluous: we privately believe all manner of fictions that allow us to make sense of the world.

Agnosticism connotes a stance on private belief only, whereas atheism often connotes both.

>> No.8329177
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>Life would be so much easier if only I believed in something!
You're not about to get a backbone out of being a scrub! You don't give a hoot about God anyway--if you did, you would believe regardless of all logic. What you want is to have the correct stock of phrases and theories so that you can be said to have done a well job of your mind if ever you get judged... how very Christian of you, to always be preparing for what won't come. Ultimately you're only looking for someone to blame or be blamed by, not knowing the terrible implications of it. You also, very illogically, desire for continuation after the end, like you're so sure this life is bad and another would be better; of course you also don't dare question the existence of something before yours, likewise what comes after is assured. You poor fool, you're so dazed by your own smallness.

>> No.8329189

lil' boosie

>> No.8329206

>ou also, very illogically, desire for continuation after the end, like you're so sure this life is bad and another would be better;

No, on the contrary, I like life so much that I wanted to last forever.

>What you want is to have the correct stock of phrases and theories so that you can be said to have done a well job of your mind if ever you get judged... how very Christian of you
>how very Christian of you

I do not know if there is something like a God, but I'm sure that Christianity is not real and that the personal God who dwells in it is an invention.

>> No.8329236

>I like life so much that I wanted to last forever.
Same difference. You have no way of knowing you'll live like you have forever.

>I'm sure that Christianity is not real
Unlike your memories and assumptions?

You also didn't understand my meaning--it's not your "beliefs" that are Christian, it's your way of thinking. You still cling to the logos.

>> No.8329352

My father said faith will make you a happier person.

Personally I cannot accept the suffering in the world to justify the existence of an all powerful god, for what purpose would you worship cruelty, injustice etc

And if worshipping God is akin to grovelling before a tyrant, then I refuse that also

>> No.8329370

>Personally I cannot accept the suffering in the world to justify the existence of an all powerful god, for what purpose would you worship cruelty, injustice etc
There's probably a good reason behind it that's beyond human comprehension.
But choose to follow the whole
>whence cometh evil tho, dude?!
thing if you wish.

>> No.8330042
