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/lit/ - Literature

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8327697 No.8327697 [Reply] [Original]

>/lit/ suddenly hates Orwell

What happened?

>> No.8327701

I believe that's a false assertion

>> No.8327704

The contrarian pendulum swings to the other side.

>> No.8327722

Most of /lit/ is Armenian.

>> No.8327724

I don't hate Orwell. His stories will be relevant for years to come.

>> No.8327737

No serious person "hates" Orwell.

It's possible to criticise him, however a pleb on 4chan trying to dismiss him is a little like kicking footballs at a freight train.

The man's most well-known work alone has shaped more of modern language, discourse and thought than some entire nations.

And if you've never read his essays, you cannot consider yourself educated on 20th century history.

>> No.8327744

>his last name doesn't end in -ian

>> No.8327759

>if you don't agree with me you're really bad
typical Orwellian
Orwell can't write and can't think, he's totally obsolete, just a favorite of reddit and similar pseuds because of how accessible his shit is

>> No.8327767

rofl. 1984 has always been extremely overrated.

>> No.8327773

who the fuck wants to read heavy-handed anti-soviet propoganda in a post-soviet world.

he's not worth discussing. you can find everything you need to know about him on sparknotes.

>> No.8327779

You are clueless. Here's Orwell's story "Shooting an Elephant" from 1936. It explains the modern predicament of the "regressive left" better than anything I've ever read.


Orwell is far from "obsolete."

>> No.8327785

George Orwellian

>> No.8327793

"Trust a snake before a Jew and a Jew before a Greek, but don't trust an Armenian"

>> No.8327796

>George Snorewell

>> No.8327797

the hivermind changes his mind

>> No.8327799

>Not Borewell
Do you even comprehend agency?

>> No.8327807

also The Prevention of Literature

>> No.8327823

Why would Armenians hate Orwell?

>> No.8327899

>It explains the modern predicament of the "regressive left"
The purpose of literature isn't to be satire to political movements you don't like
>better than anything I've ever read.
Read more

>> No.8327928

10/10 actually made me mad

>> No.8327941

f*ckin sheeple . . .

>> No.8328136

Reading Homage to Catalonia, it started out interesting but the last 100 pages are boring shit about Spanish leftist factionalism.

>> No.8328161 [DELETED] 

I don't think so, I think some people here dislike his prose which is understandable although I personally love how 1984 was written. It's the only novel that I could read in a day that gave me the bleary eyed hangover feeling I get from reading philosophy.

I taught my girlfriend English (she could kind of speak it from media exposure but was about as literate as a typical American 8th grader, so not very) with Animal Farm and 1984, though she later said she didn't like 1984 much.

>> No.8328172

Seriously, not one reply about how he fabricated an entire journalistic book, plagiarized for his fiction, and sold out socialists to the British Crown despite claiming to be a socialist himself? I was disappointed to learn these things but theyre pretty hard to excuse

>> No.8328179 [DELETED] 

>hurrr i hate things that an author did so i cant appreciate his work anymore

he could have fucked the neckhole of a decapitated catalonian infant in a bomb hole while roman saluting for all I care, that shit's all in the past. The author and the work are separate entities from the perspective of history.

>> No.8328263

>muh death of the author

>> No.8328291

If anything the best reason to read Orwell is how clearly he communicates his thoughts (I.e. good writing)

>> No.8328298

The world is turning to shit again.

>> No.8328305

A somewhat decent author ruined by the insufferable fan-base of pretentious ''dissident'' kids.

Nothing new.

>> No.8328334
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He's a godsend for me.

Nothing like citing/quoting him against superficially left-wing university students. He's like a counter-appeal-to-authority.

Who readily contradicts/disputes Orwell? Not a lot of people, in my experience. His name is a buzzword, it commands surprising respect.

>> No.8328346

There was a time when /lit/ didn't hare Orwell?

>> No.8328353

1984 blows

>> No.8328364

>taught my girlfriend english

i thought mail order brides were illegal

>> No.8328388

>i thought mail order brides were illegal
What gave you that impression. Louie Theroux did a pretty good documentary on them a few years back. Not the guy you quoted by the way

>> No.8328734

He had horrible taste in tea like all British people do and that is inexcusable.

>> No.8328740

Maybe with his novels, but journalistic memoir? Yeah its hard to justify that being entirely fabricated. He was a political author and respected for his travels and worldview, so the truth of those things certainly mattered.

>> No.8328817

>he fabricated an entire journalistic book

Which one?

>plagiarized for his fiction


>and sold out socialists to the British Crown

He gave a list of communists to an organization whose job was to make anti-communist propaganda.

>> No.8328853

I enjoyed it a lot though, even the leftist factionalism part

>> No.8328856


Nigga, you're supposed to read his essays and other works that are not animal farm and 1984. My catalonia exposes the communists working with the royalty to crush socialist workers uprisings in spain.

A hanging is a nice piece on how "duty" destroys the humanity of everyone following orders instead of their conscience.