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/lit/ - Literature

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8327043 No.8327043 [Reply] [Original]

To all the german /lit/izens out there. Do you know of any good contemporary german authors worth reading? Bonus points for unknown ones

>> No.8327055
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>good contemporary german authors

>> No.8327069

Long and dense books:
Das bessere Leben
Die Erfindung der Roten Armee Fraktion durch einen manisch depressiven Teenager im Sommer 1969
Der Turm

Famous authors:
Juli Zeh

Comfy authors:
Walter Moers

Shitty ones:
that 15 year old girl who copied everything

The Deutscher Buchpreis is usually a good start, especially the short list: http://www.deutscher-buchpreis.de/en/

>> No.8327076

Better link to short lists/long lists: http://www.deutscher-buchpreis.de/en/archive/

>> No.8327154

the only people reading german contemporary literature are 50 year old women

>> No.8327174

german, or writing in german?

anyway, I'd say Josef Winkler... But beside that I don't know much about contemporary literature, yet I believe that Suhrkamp is still putting out nothing but great books.

>> No.8327186

Hertha Müller
literary scene is pretty shit t.b.h.d.e.s.u.

>> No.8327188
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>Die Erfindung der Roten Armee Fraktion durch einen manisch depressiven Teenager im Sommer 1969

>> No.8327191
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I haven't read any contemporary authors in a long time, but I remember being recommended Charles Lewinsky and Michael Köhlmeier by people I generally hold in high regards.

>> No.8327195

does anyone watch das literarische quartett
seems cringy and unwatchable

>> No.8327291
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Why are suhrkamp books so incredibly ugly and expensive

20 bucks for the ugliest book I've ever seen

>> No.8327302
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OP here. Thanks for the suggestions guys.
Someone read this? https://www.amazon.de/Wildnis-singend-Roman-G%C3%BCnter-Herburger/dp/3944174240/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1469630684&sr=8-1&keywords=wildnis+singend

I read a pretty enthusiastic article about it some time ago and will probably buy it.

Rarely. Sometimes I find Maxim Biller entertaining, but most of the time he is just so annoying, and in his columsn he spills out so much bullshit simply to provoke. But I guess he is still smarter than the rest.

>> No.8327372
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It's just not what it used to be
The old episodes are still watchable though

>> No.8327380

we should infest this board with a german speaking general tbqh

>> No.8327402

eh the guests are ok sometimes

>> No.8327454
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>> No.8327795


It might be alright, but I kind of enjoy that this is a board that isn't flooded with generals except for those autistic sci-fi/fantasy faggots.

>> No.8327820

I remember there was a german thread quite regularly

>> No.8327836

Pierre Krebs

>> No.8327850

Fuck off

>> No.8327862

What's wrong, You a refugee or something?

>> No.8327869


>> No.8327887

Does the European New Right scare morons this much

>> No.8327894

no, it's just annoying and arguing with morons is boring

>you disagree with me therefore you must be intimidated by my inevitable truth
like a child

>> No.8327901


Some people are too stupid to get with the times.
It's the current year, all those old 2007-2015 shitlibs need to hurry up and die already so society can move forward.

>> No.8327944

Herta Müller
Ingo Schulze

>> No.8327961

>dead for a year and wrote his major work half a century ago
>dead for 15 years
Handke and Schulz are disgusting tb.h

>> No.8327966

>Die Erfindung der Roten Armee Fraktion durch einen manisch depressiven Teenager im Sommer 1969
I didn't know light novels were a thing in Germany too.

>> No.8327968

>The Discovery of the Red Army Faction because of a Manic-Depressive Teenager in the Summer of 1969

What was meant by this?

>> No.8327997

google the definition of contemporary literature, dummy

>Handke and Schulz are disgusting tb.h

>> No.8328008

>hiding behind definitions because you're wrong
ok kid

>> No.8328028

I don't know if you are stupid or epic rusing. DFW and Bolaño are contemporary literature even though both are dead. Philip Roth is contemporary literature even though he is retired and his first book was released in the 50s. Péter Esterházy didn't suddenly become not contemporary because he died two weeks ago.

>> No.8328046

>I read a pretty enthusiastic article about it some time ago and will probably buy it.
Hahaha, I probably read the same article (ZEIT, iirc) and bought it. Was rather insane, but definitely fun.

Other recommendations:

Georg Klein’s writing is something quite out of the ordinary. Like a modern-day Kafka with a lot of pulp motives. I’d recommend „Die Anrufung des blinden Fisches“ if you want something hardcore, otherwise „Roman unserer Kindheit“, which actually starts out as a fairly enjoyable novel about a 50’s/60’s childhood and only gets a bit weird towards the end.
By the way, Georg Klein even won the Bachmannpreis in ~2000.

Another Bachmannpreis-winner (2nd place) is Dorothee Elmiger. I haven’t read her second book yet, but I definitely enjoyed „Einladung an die Waghalsigen“.

Klaus Böldl is another author I like, and one whose writing is – in contrast Klein and Elmiger – very realistic. What I enjoy about his books is the slightly gloomy, uneasy atmosphere and – at the same time – their contemplativeness. He’s very focused on nature, almost stoic.
„Südlich von Abisko“ and „Studie in Kristallbildung“ are two novellas of his that I’ve read, and „Der nächtliche Lehrer“ is a more traditional novel.

Martin von Arndt has written a very stupid/great book called „ego shooter“, about a guy that’s making a living playing games on the internet and also close to dying due to some kind of illness. The text has his first person perspective and he modifies most nouns with „scheiß“ or similar. I really liked the whole thing for how exaggerated it was. Then I read the other two available books by this author and they were… alright. They are far less bold.

Finally, I also like Christian Kracht a lot I guess, though I feel that „Faserland“ and „1979“ were really his best novels.

What I like about all these authors is that they aren’t very politic.

>> No.8328100
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Thank you so much for those recs. We must have a rather similar taste, because I find all those authors interesting (and based on your description and amazon page Klaus Böldl sounds like it could become my new fav).
And yes, I think it was in die ZEIT :)