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8326405 No.8326405 [Reply] [Original]

Last one is completely dead, also it's not going anywhere

>> No.8326449

>a guy born without an asshole
>a guy born without the ability to have an opinion
>1st guy gets no SJW sympathy because the aspect central to his identity is necessarily private
>2nd guy provokes SJW ire because he doesn't agree/disagree on any issue (which means he disagrees [silence is violence])
>the 2 start an anti-meta-pseudo-movement that doesn't go anywhere for 400 pages

>> No.8326464
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Love it but can't see how it could really be a novel, maybe a play?


Multi-generational biblical gangster tragedy written in a style hopefully similar to Faulkner and McCarthy. Though the characters experience their politics intensely all of the major characters are deeply flawed and their political stances are usually insincere coping mechanisms.

>prose reinterpretation of the first part of Paradise Lost with a few higher ranking black nationalists after the 1985 MOVE bombing deciding that theyll devote their lives to petty selfish crime instead of doomed idealistic causes
>this leads two of them to become gangbangers and one to kill himself, one gangbanger dies of AIDs and the other has an illegitemate son with a hood skank and a short lived career as low level a crack pusher before going to prison where he is killed by Aryan Brotherhood
>later his bastard son is an intelligent but deeply troubled, self loathing and scared adolescent growing up in north philadelphia who becomes involved with a white girl from out of the city out in an attempt to escape his own life and reach some mythological suburban ideal
>her father was one of the firemen in 1985 who was ordered to stand by and watch the neighborhood burn, and tho he was distressed at the time has grown deeply racist over time to cope with his guilt
>she is a shitty college liberal going to college in the city and getting off on slumming with an oppressed POC
>her brother is an altright borderline neonazi cop who will come to hesitantly accept their relationship because he approves of how self loathing Black MC is, and will be killed in a genuinely unjustified way by a random hoodrat shortly after, driving the alcoholic father to strangle his daughter to death in a drunken rage
>Black MC returns to his hood thoroughly shaken to raise his infant half sister, but is haunted by the fact that he knows he would still leave if he could even if it meant abandoning her

>> No.8326533

I'll copy paste because of how lazy i am

t's mostly for entertainment and also social commentary on how easy it is to break apart social circles with rumors, toxic relationships, paranoia, and emotional abuse.

>> No.8326542

I keep fucking up. Here's the plot

>Very smart and sadistic woman living in 1692 begins holding a set of large exotic animals at home so that when she decides to die she would starve them for weeks and then let them eat her alive.
>A group of women find her stash of animals which means trouble
>she spends the rest of the novel indirectly killing them off by manipulating them and the towns people.
>she must do this while having enough resources to feed her animals while trying to keep the blame away from herself as she is a woman and could be easily accused of being a witch
>during this she begins talking to the animals and getting attached to them
>in the end she's almost emptied out the whole town after a riot breaks out because of her, resulting in a lot of deaths
>The main character forgets why she wanted to die in the first place and while walking back to feed her animals she is attacked at home where her whole house is almost totally engulfed in flames
>main character feels a strange love for these animals and is determined to protect them to her last breath as it is the only time she's ever felt love
>she successfully evacuates the animals, kills her attacker and puts all the animals in their cages
>later lets some of the animals fuck her
>lets them free in their respective habitats and spends the rest of her life living in the forest where she slowly dies due to malaria and starvation

It's mostly for entertainment and also social commentary on how easy it is to break apart social circles with rumors, toxic relationships, paranoia, and emotional abuse.

>> No.8327486

>virgin birth
>baby grows up in a normal household but with many different religious sects monitoring him v. closely
>grows up completely normal
>story is told from perspective of one of the low ranking monitoring people
>person grows up to be so absolutely normal there starts to be doubt about the validity of the virgin birth, which wears heavy on the narrators mental health
>waiting waiting impatiently examining the habits of the persons life
>narrator is kidnapped by what he assumes to be an opposing sect also monitoring the now teenager
>taken to interrogation room
>they try to convince him he is in a mental hospital and narrowly avoided jail for stalking a woman and her child for 16 years because he refused to believe the woman he was infatuated with got knocked up

>> No.8327530

Eh. Sounds bad.

What makes you think that's a good story? What are you trying to say?

Interesting. But why would the animals fuck her? That feels very forced and unnecessary. Also, that sounds like a fuck ton of research you need to do. Good luck.

>> No.8327532

I'd read it.

>> No.8327552

Meh, I just added that part of animals fucking her to get more attention, most likely will not use it. And yes I've realised the implications of how much if have to research. Thank you.

>> No.8327591

>What makes you think that's a good story?

There isn't much good contemporary writing about the day to day lives and interactions of poor people in conflict in the city, especially not writing that doesnt have an overt political agenda (of course my politics and perspective cant be and shouldnt be removed, but the story is not a conveniant illustration reaffirming my beliefs). It's less about having an "original" plot and more about painting a picture of the setting, the characters and their interactions.

>What are you trying to say?

There isnt a moral or purpose I'm explicitly aware of and working towards besides making a beautiful and powerful narrative.

>> No.8327657

I feel like most minority fiction is about the struggles of being poor in the city. It's usually crap. If you follow through I wish you luck.

>> No.8327660

>young male university student is deeply depressed and borderline NEET after the death of his father
>plot beings with him about to commit suicide
>a serious of unfortunate events draw him into a daylong, devastating odyssey of interpersonal and sexual failure through the city
>it's left ambiguous if he kills himself at the end
basically supposed to be a typical modernist coming of age story I'm writing as an exercise, don't expect to get it published. it's also therapeutic for me
I write in german btw, so forgive the hasty english

>> No.8327710

Go for it. Be careful though. This could end up horrible.

>> No.8327723

The third line of greentext makes me think you would be interested in Naked by Mike Leigh, its on youtube.

>> No.8327732
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>pre-teen gay guy
>his father breaked up with his mother after he discovered she was pregnant
>looks for a mature man to have sex
>meets a 54 y.o. man on grindr
>they meet
>they have violent sex
>they start a s/m relationship
>he discovers the old man is his father
>he strangle him to death during sex then he fucks his corpse

>> No.8327733

>a serious
I'm just slowly writing scenes and working them into chapters right now, with a lot of rewriting
I'll probably never finish, but that's ok, I don't feel like I have any chance at being a serious writer and the career sucks anyway, so w/e

>> No.8327758

>Mc is a nameless soldier who live alone in a forest. He never talks or reveal his face.
>One day, someone from the Royal Guards comes, says the Queen is calling him.
>Nope. Run away. Got chased. Again and again.
>Finally, they say they will give him a ring which will put him into an eternal sleep.
>They want him to protect the princess, who will go on a trip to conquer the Demon Lord.
>Ok whatever you want. I only need the ring.
>A normal 18 years old American boy got summoned to conquer the Demon Lord.
>The normal boy falls in love with the Princess because she was the first one he saw when he got summoned.
>On the trip.
>Normal boy fails again and again and man up.
>The soldier does lots of things but pretends that he did nothing.
>Did I mention that this world, women have stronger magic, so there is a Queen, not a King.
>There are some other races like Lizardman, Troll, Goblin, Elf, Dwarf, but they refuse helping Human because the Demon Lord who start from the North will goes on Human's land first.

Kinda easy to guess plot twist: The soldier is an immortal man, who lost his memory, also, he is kinda emotionless because his tragic past caused by immortality.

>> No.8327768

think I've seen parts of it before, not really what I'm working towards

>> No.8327798

who strangles who?

>> No.8327808

>group of 6 highschool girls falsely accuse a teacher they don't like of sexually abusing them
>teachers actually molests them in revenge

>> No.8327827


>> No.8327830
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>7 "angels" are created by "god" to keep humans away from the moon where the "essence of humanity" lies
>group of misfits accidentally kill one of the angels and take its power for themselves
>the others come after them
>forced to kill a few more
>a man of considerable political sway tries to protect them
>turns out he's an angel as well but hates god for cursing him with the existence of only to serve
>plans on killing the rest of the angels and those who have powers so that he can take revenge on god himself
>misfits stop him and decide to take on god instead
>kill him but not really, just incapacitate him
>one of them falls into the essence and is driven insane
>methodically kills off the rest of misfits save for one who lost their powers any way
>becomes the antichrist
>she kills god and uses the power to defeat this asshole
>dies alone

Its a scifi setting so everything is super-allegory; its also partially a character study

>> No.8327834

Yeah. Keep going for it. Don't think of it as a career. Write for you. Try to get it published anyway because if nothing else it'll give you beer money.

This sounds terrible.

>> No.8327835

>kid starts secret society in small town midwest high school with buddy
>recruits variety of people from different walks of life to be in society - rotc guy, jock, cheerleader, 4.0 student, drug addict, etc
>rumor spreads about the society in the school
>no one knows who is in it
>everyone suspicious as fuck
>the society is actually just a friendly get-together club, nothing malicious
>rumor spreads that the upcoming class president election will be messed with in some way, no one knows how
>charismatic valedictorian who is known by everyone in the town is running
>gets interviewed by local news as to his opinions on any possible tomfoolery about the election
>he mid-sentence gets shot live on tv
>society knows they will be blamed, leader makes everyone keep quiet
>someone within the society comes forward and outs everyone else
>series of interviews of everyone outing each other to save themselves via game theory-esque dialogue with investigators
>it comes out the original founder who moved into town from elsewhere was captain of the rifleman team at his old school and owns the type of rifle that killed the guy
>his society all blame him, claiming the meetings of the society all pertained to possible assassinations and satanism type rituals
>claim they were scared to leave so they went with it for a while
>he kills himself and falsely admits to doing it in his suicide letter to save his friends face

not tight enough desu

>> No.8327841

So War of the Ancients from World of Warcraft, got it.

>> No.8327848

I've never played WoW but okay

>> No.8327858

>not tight enough desu
Drink more wine.
But overall pretty weak. Definitely refine it a bit.

>> No.8327940

wine is gross anon

>> No.8327955
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>> No.8328007

>mediocre writer that stumbled ass-backwards into a successful detective novel, despite his lack of talent
>lives outside of the inner-circle of the local art and writing scene, which is led by a DFW-like cult icon
>shows up at a book signing for said icon and is humiliated before being offered an invitation to one of his upcoming parties
>the party is a sideshow of insufferable and bizarre artists, but the main character aligns himself with some of the more grounded people that he meets
>king writer declares that he's undertaking a genre-shattering new project, but reveals few details of it, leaving everyone guessing
>back home, our main character spots the local elementary school emptying the trash and recycling bins into the same truck, and decides to reinvent himself as an investigative journalist
>by going into character as his detective (intentional cringe)
>as he works the "case", the king writer's ego has officially gone bat shit insane, and plans a launch party for his announcement
>a third grader from the school scoops the main character's expose into the recycling scam, and dejected, he shows up at king writer's party
>king writer dedicates himself to a new media of literature (Writing NOW!) that involves scavenger hunts for readers in the real world, in real time
>the remaining guests follow his first adventure, which leads to king writer revealing that he's planted bombs around the city - the only way to find them in time is to follow his clues
>main character - in character - and the artists work through his writings to put an end to it and reveal him as being a maniac

Currently laying out the outline, doing some scouting for the real-world locations (most of them are accurate).

>> No.8328033

This feels incredibly disjointed. You're trying to do too many things at once.

>> No.8328073

>starts with protagonist's friend's funeral
>society's double-standarts are mocked and satirized throught the whole story
>protagonist is confused about life, and so on (existensialist crisis, something along those lines)
>some girl he stalks reignites his will to live
>but he's still burdened by the death (can't seem to comprehend)
>he and girl meet, but he soon gets bored with her
>goes on a trip, but sees that those double standarts exist everywhere
>realizes that his feeling is shared by the rest of humans
>realizing this, he lives life the way he likes it
>but, the burden is still there, in a form of a demon, taunting him
>makes a deal with the demon, to speak to his friend one last time
>he tricks him
>confronts the demon
>and then kills himself

still unsure about the ending desu
i know i posted in the last one, but i only got one (you)

>> No.8328082

Based in an fantasy universe still in development. This is just a short story of many to come.
>the revered pantheon of gods revealed to be false and evil (from the perspective of those who don't know the full story and motivations.)
>chaos ensues, a plauge is spread, monsters and previously imprisoned demi-gods are released upon the world
>a local town abbot tries to cope with this and connect his people without the gods
>he spreads falsehoods about the gods and himself to make the villagers treat him with the same reverence as they would the gods
>they dont buy his shit, he himself dont even believe it
>he is approached by a an unknown traveler who gives him the possibility to achieve some sort of stature with the villagers by commiting miracles and such
>he accepts the gift
>turns out the traveler was one of the previously imprisoned gods
>he tricked the abbot into becoming an abomination who devours his entire village
>but in the abbots eyes he just made his and the villagers bond closer by giving them this gift of being one unseperable entity

Gonna make a part 2 also where a soldier deserter from this village heads home in the hopes of finding his family unscathed, but he only finds all the houses empty, so he heads towards the church only to find the macabre hulking nightmare of flesh which were his former friends and family.

>> No.8328085

The ending is really bad starting from the 5th from the bottom line. The part of the girl feels hamfisted as well.

>> No.8328095

Well, let's try it again ... didn't get any meaningful replies so far.

It's a very character centric trilogy in a modern setting resembling the 90s technologically while socio-economically it's a mix of Gilded Age with faux democracy and Absolutist undertones, but without religious elements. Basically dystopian without screaming about how dystopian it is. Also it's actually the future 500 years after the world we know got wiped out.

There are six main viewpoint characters who interact with and affect each other at some point while pursuing their own goals, and here it goes...

>idealistic but lazy guy emigrates from his shithole country to leave le mysterious shady past behind
>meets an insufferably narcissistic artist in school (makes sense in story context), they develop a somewhat open relationship, are on the same wavelength, everything seems too good to be true
>she gets involved in dangerous, seemingly paranormal stuff, disappears/"gets captured" by the government
>attempts to rescue her (and change the world while he’s at it)
>meets many different people and groups on his journey (mindless slaves, thugs, pirates, members of the nobility, some loli with hacking skills and a guy who is clearly inspired by Bin Laden)
>becomes most wanted terrorist causing chaos, destruction and indirectly starting a fucking war

Your typical byronic hero who fails at being truly ruthless and struggles from a moral choice into another, turning most people against him … which is all part of THE PLAN

>eldest daughter of a powerful politician (kinda a less competent Alexander VI)
>very popular, gentle, almost saccharine and idealistic hence not respected by her peers and used as a political pawn by her family
>actually a disillusioned psychopath and control freak playing everybody
>supports the terrorist guy from the inside, attempting to crush the entire system just to see things happening and testing her intellect
>organizes the assassination of her father/mother and becomes the de facto head of the most powerful country
>starting to get conflicted since her actions endanger the future of her little sister

Basically a smarter, slightly deranged Taylor Swift who does politics instead of singing

>sweet naive member of a cult-like organisation with self-worth issues
>discarded by the said organisation and left with a fellow member and a creepy but somewhat charming guy who clearly wants to do her
>the three are basically refugees and travel through the countryside
>meet couple shady people and eventually rather friendly bounty hunters/couriers
>they have adventures together, she eventually becomes an important target due her knowledge about the organisation
>the guy who wanted to do her, attempts to do her in
>she betrays her friends in order to get into a better position

That kind girl who gets manipulated and used so often, it turned her into a manipulative bitch, who corrupts others


>> No.8328098


>cynical, high ranking member of a scary powerful cult-like organisation addicted to gambling (and pretty good at it)
>competitive and playful but dully follows orders of the leader, who is also kinda her "boyfriend"
>invited 1 to join the organisation after they met under ... complicated circumstances
>they spend couple weeks doing small time jobs for the organisation with him; kidnapping the kid of an mafia lawyer for example
>seemingly betrays 1 and 3 by the end of the first book
>goes over to play the part of a high ranking government agent/adviser on the orders of the leader, who wants to undermine the government from the inside
>also supports the terrorist guy from behind the scenes in her free time

Bit of Becky Sharp or a darker version of Puck with tits, who would totally murder a kid with her bare hands. A lot of the plot develops because of her actions or inactions

>high ranked “detective” in a corrupt and bureaucratic system where any kind of work gets delegated to the peons, in her position due nepotism
>slacks away in the office drowning in coffee until she gets an overly motivated underling who wants to reform the whole thing and actually cares about fighting crime (the guy is also childhood friend from 1)
>they never make any noticeable progress and she gets kidnapped by terrorists at some point
>meets 1 during escape attempt, they actually get along well after initial animosity, he lets her escape
>they cooperate later but she’s forced to choose whether to side with him or his childhood friend, and picks the latter

I … have no idea how to sum her up. A resigned/detached white collar worker looking for purpose or something

>semi-insane, self absorbed, charismatic aristocrat who lost his position and family in a coup
>looking for revenge at any cost, has a band of very competent, quirky and loyal sidekicks
>moves up by betraying his benefactors and allies but manages to put the blame on others
>becomes underworld crime lord and assassinates members of the elite/nobility
>rises from the underground and manages to gain public support over 2, and orders kidnapping of her sister

A modern, darker and edgier version of Don Quixote who is better at hiding his madness and would unironically quote The Price. Doesn’t actively do much himself but constantly improves his position

>> No.8328108

the part with the girl isn't really that long, and they're in a realtionship for two chapters, but she has less than three lines of dialouge

the idea was that when they first met, she went to study abroad and they exchanged letters, but when she returns after a couple months, the moment she steps off a train, he is disgusted, buys a one way ticket to some town and walks right past her

it's just there to show how easy he lost his will to live, and the exist. crisis continues -- as for the demon, it's more of a personification of the exist. crisis, that when he realizes he can't overcome, kills him

>> No.8328133

I got to tell you. These are just, just horrible. Maybe it works as some kind of YA but definitely not good literature.

>> No.8328138

The ending still feels really forced. Explore it a bit more and rework it and it could be decent.

>> No.8328140

>I'm working day and night on this super amazing literary masterpiece that is sure to be a bestseller. But first, I want /lit/-senpai to notice me! Maybe I should post my idea...

Before you do anything, peel your fat, sweaty fingers off the keyboard and take this really simple and easy test.

IF you find your summary containing one or more of the following keywords...


...Then close the browser right away, navigate to the folder with your text file in it, click the file, press and hold down the shift key, then press delete and click "OK" in the subsequently appearing dialogue box.
And start over.

OR, alternatively, think long and hard about what is it exactly that these terms mean in your story and look for some other ways to express it.

You're welcome!

>> No.8328151

What if I'm writing it for myself? What if its just an allegory for Revelations?

>> No.8328154

Alright, thank you!

>> No.8328155

Lmao this

>> No.8328173


Well, I don't post videos about myself masturbating online either, so maybe keep it to yourself?

>> No.8328180

None of us are getting published anyways, so why not? Are you a Rightist or something? Do you hate anime?

>> No.8328187

>kid gets sent to usa because he impregnated a maid
>meets a ship worker, who is mad at his boss
>kid goes with the ship worker to the captain to complain
>kid meets his uncle, who happens to be a senator


>> No.8328188

>none of us
i am publishing my 17th book this year, plebian

>not having published 3 books a month
>not having at least 100 NYT bestsellers

>> No.8328191

Shorten the list to

and I agree.

>> No.8328194

Nigga wat...

>> No.8328199

It is my belief that there are people here who are genuinely passionate about writing and sincerely want to improve. This is to help those people keep from wasting their time with guaranteed garbage. If you love to wallow in fermented urine, while your one and only life drifts by, then by all means do. It's a free world, after all.

>> No.8328212
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>Maybe it works as some kind of YA
Well, that's exactly what I am going for, with that in mind, is there anything beyond "horrible" to add? What's especially horrible? Is there anything that isn't?

I am thankful for any kind of feedback, anon.

>> No.8328217

But you're letting your own bias get in the way of improving their work. Something like >>8328191 may work better since these are all very generic. You literally outlawed "war."

>> No.8328220

Fair enough. I guess I'm hoping the style and quality of description will carry it, which is presumptuous I guess. Maybe the multigenerational and multiracial angle will add something more? I'm thinking something like The Sound and The Fury, with large sections of the book focusing on different characters, tho closely intertwined. So it's not just poor minorities in the city, it's also a critical look at the life and habits of liberal college students in the city, a sympathetic look at a damaged racist and his relationship with the world, an uncomfortable but common view of a young black man who idealizes white suburbia and white conservatism.

I know race and poverty are well trodden ground but that's what my most interesting life experiences involve and I think I can write something good without showing my hand. Can post an excerpt if anyone is interested

>> No.8328233

>You literally outlawed "war."

That's right, because the odds are 9000:1, that you have no maturity or experience sufficient to tackle a phenomenon as vast and manifold as war and can only come up with some inane, black-and-white comic book representation of conflict.

This is also the one and only time I'm going to explain the reasoning behind any of the terms listed.

>> No.8328238

>UFO attacks US allies in Afghanistan in 201X
>revealed to be operated by Bin Laden and mysterious masked men
>generic evil sand people create Outer Heaven overnight
>merrika attacks the castle, the protagonist is the most elite among the elitest operators in the military, accompanied by other walking stereotypes like ebonics speaking big (black) guy
>the UFO reappears to ambush the attackers, and then it turns out some of the elite guys have turned traitor
>our brave patriotic Americans must figure out what's going on and save freedom and democracy etc
I was writing this as a joke and parody of all the elite military men masturbatory fiction like Cola Duty, Michael Bay movies and those Matthew Reilly or whatever his name was books, but then I accidentally the plot outline and now have no idea what I intended to do with the cult, UFO, Bin Laden, traitors stuff. It's like when Jerry wrote flaming globes of Sigmund on the paper, then couldn't figure out why it was supposed to be funny at the end of the episode.

>the amount of time I spent for this shit

>> No.8328240

>t. some who has no maturity or experience sufficient to tackle a phenomenon as vast and manifold as war

>> No.8328245

>i will dictate to you what you can and cannot write about
Nothing personnel, kid.

>> No.8328247

kafka, bruh.

>> No.8328251


Ouch, want some ointment for that burn?

>> No.8328254

Read more Kafka dood

>> No.8328264

>Prophecy that vampire demons are coming
>major chaos if that happens
>gotta find the secret ancient immortal to save the light from the dark

>> No.8328284

could really work, how about you add a cancer girl and smoky man some love inbetween and they're love safes the light

>> No.8328301

I really can't find any single thing. Like it's really, really bad. My advice would be to completely scrap the last 6 pieces you have. Start with one singular work. Fully flesh out what you want in that one work. You're trying to do way to much without having actually started. The world you create will always be there, but as you write the first piece your ideas will change, and that's not to mention the editing that will take place.

>> No.8328302

>a boy is born to a family of lower-middle class nationalist Republicans
>he catches his parents having sex at the age of 4
>he spends the rest of his life hunting for new and different types of pornography and posting on Chinese cartoon image boards even though he looks down upon westerners who enjoy Chinese cartoons

>> No.8328308

Well, as I said I wish you luck. My recommendation then would be to do a very, very detailed outline. Even if you normally are a discovery writer the outline here seems like it would do you a lot of good.

>> No.8328311

So basically another Team America movie? I'd just scrap it honestly.

>> No.8328316

anyone got any feedback for mine?

>> No.8328318

I see. Didn't care for The Trial and kind of just skipped over everything else.

>> No.8328340

>Love story about a black girl in Paris
>Makes fug with the guy who leaves for USA
>Guy eventually comes back to find her and their kid dead
>It's all a metaphor for how we should reject duty and be more hedonistic against societies expectations

Also it's told from the guys perspective

>> No.8328341

It would touch on contemporary issues and make fun of other things, but the whole resurrected Bin Laden thing was the key to the story, since I forgot what it was supposed to do I'm not touching it anymore. It was sort of the punchline to the story.

>> No.8328348

Keep the idea, dump the content. Could always use more comedies in literature that deal with current issues.

>> No.8328367

good old psychological novel, go for it

>> No.8328374

try metamorphosis or some other short stories of him. same concept but way shorter and dense.

>> No.8328384

try harder man, you can be better

>> No.8328394

In what way?

>> No.8328403

Yeah I can return to that, but it will probably be in the context of horror in that case. And for that I need quality inspiration, couldn't get it yet.

>> No.8328422

>mankind as a whole is subjugated to labor and is kept below even basic thought. (Not Given Language)
>a being of some extra-physical origin sees the plight of man and assails the society of a strange race and steals a "power source"
>this extra-physical entity then goes back to humankind and liberates the many encampments, granting them culture and introducing higher thought
>a second entity witnesses the intervention of the first and gathers the exploited race to assault the new human culture.
This sets into motion the plot of the story, focusing on peoples limitations they set on themselves, the rationality of morality and a little bit of Asian philosophy as well

>> No.8328434

This makes no sense and is incredibly stupid.

>> No.8328437

Myth of Prometheus from another angle?

>> No.8328456

i left out major plot points, just don't want to go through the whole histories i have created
not necessarily but human creation is the same

>> No.8328465

>average student, wannabe writer
>leads a mostly eventless life and attempts to write different novels, never gets beyond premise and a couple pages
>stream of consciousness meme
>one of his novels is about a successful novelist and respect college professor writing his magnum opus while dealing with megalomania, substance abuse and isolation
>it's about a neglected little girl who writes short stories and is clearly losing her grip with reality
>she runs away from home, views herself as a character in a fairy tale (lighthearted narrative where the people she encounters are fairy tale characters too, until reality kicks in and she gets sent to a mental institution)
>the successful novelist eventually concludes that the story is shit and kills himself
>wannabe writer wants to get this story published
>plot twist
>the main protagonist is actually a homeless old man reminiscing about what could be

Started this a writing exercise last year, still can't find that one thing that makes me passionate about continuing it.

>> No.8328486

Sounds like masturbation on your part.

>> No.8328490

It is, just the kind which you do it out of habit and not out of need.

>> No.8328696


>> No.8328838

>protagonist doing things
>antagonist does some things
>stuff happens
>protagonist grows as a person

>> No.8329832

Most helpful post in this thread

>> No.8329841

Does this fit into the category?

>main character of my story is a very sadistic woman (think of Bateman) I'm just afraid that would fit into the evil category
>then there's a riot that breaks out in a very small town which I'm afraid fits into the category of war, although it's very small in size desu

>> No.8329867

>kid goes to BioCinema school
>kid doesnt have the top of his skull
>he burns all the neurons related with failure, sadness and all that shit
and thats all i got

>> No.8329986

>college dropout loser works at Starbucks
>holier than thou attitude in all things
>stalks ex gf who still leads him on
>mopes about for 300 pages

so basically /lit/: The Novel

>> No.8329998

Basically at wist on the myth of Andromeda with Andromeda being a space station

>> No.8330019

>basically the Iliad
>except it's in the future
>also about 60% less cuckoldry

>> No.8330026

Bateman should.

>> No.8330031

This is the most worthless, pretentious and inane sort of faggotry.

>> No.8330047

Would read.

>> No.8330058

basically your diary the novel desu

>> No.8330067

The twist ending is kinda kitschy.

>> No.8330095


And there goes another "half-demon MC fighting a secret war"-plot for the day

>> No.8330163

>two brothers are attending medical school
>Living with their mother when she dies after an accident
>She had been lying to them about being wealthy and was paying for their schooling by taxing huge student loans out in their names and wracking up mortgage debt on their house
>creditors come in, rip apart the estate and leave the brothers broke and living in a decrepit studio apartment as their last year of med school is about to begin
>they hatch a plan to make money to cover their last year of school
>Using their neighbor, a broke girl with a drug problem, they set up online dates through tinder to lure men to her
>After the date, the girl uses Nitrous oxide to incapacitate her dates
>The two men extract blood from the victims and sell it to a crooked biomedical firm
>shit happens, they lose their equipment, have to up the ante by having the addict neighbor gather semen
>She threatens to expose the whole conspiracy when she runs out of NO2 and is almost raped by her tinder victime
>One brother sets up a lethal dose of morphine and barbiturates for the girl and she ODs and dies
>Other brother can't handle the stress and guilt any more
>sets up one last score using himself as bait on grindr
>drains the blood of an older gay man, accidentally taking too much and killing him
>Corrupt biotech guy won't accept it because it tests positive for HIV
>Brother volunteers to have the amount taken from him directly as payment was already made
>Dies, predictably, due to excessive blood loss
>Other brother has just enough to finish med school

>> No.8330177

Is doing all of that REALLY worth it just to get to medical school?

>> No.8330181

Of course not

>> No.8330199

In the end I guess it doesn't really matter. I would read it.

>> No.8330204

ok kanye west

>> No.8330209


i dunno. could work as a david mitchell novel or something

>> No.8330356

(Lone soldier P.O.V)
>A lone soldier boards up a house in a desolate city.
>During his stay in the city, he scavenges for supplies and searches for any information about missing soldiers.
>This goes on for several chapters until finally he starts to hear gunfire in the distance one night.
>The next day a group of nomadic people enter the city.
>He keeps his distance only spying from them from the scope of his rifle
>He sees them cannibalizing some poor S.O.B
>Decide to get the fuck out of doge while he still can and report this to his army command thinking they're the cause of the missing soldiers.
>The cannibal group spot him trying to leave and decide he can't be left alive since he seen to much already (hint: they're not cannibals)
>A battle of attrition starts.
>For several nights they attack his home only to be repulse every time
>makes contact to army command to send an evac for the valuable information
>Commanding officer says Lol Nope, you're on your own faggot
>Second in command sends in a lone evac as to gain loyalty
>Before he leaves he takes a woman
>Suspicious of her, he still takes her to safety
(Second-In-Command P.O.V)
>Starts with the second-in-command being question for his loyalty for the motherland.
>Furious that a slack-jaw idiot Military commander sends men after men to their death question his loyalty.
>Starts to plot for his death or fall from grace in the eyes of the politburo due to his incompetence and to get revenge.
>Starts to search for any incriminating evidence
>Overhears a soldier being denied Emergency Evac
>Undermines his decision by sending in a Evac
>Is going to used the soldier for his plan later on
>For him not to be suspicious he starts to isolate himself due to an unknown sickness with the help of an old doctor friend.
(Rescued Girl P.O.V)
>Part of the cannibal group who entered the city searching for people to eat.
>They manage to locate a group of insurgents trying to set up a base.
>They attack them on a night.
>Minimum loses ensures, hefty food is acquired for everyone.
>Next morning they start to eat one of the S.O.B
>One of the cannibals pick up a repugnant smell off into the distance
>They see a silhouette moving away from them in a hurry.
>after that silhouette.
>Casualties ensues but not silhouette to be found.
>Cannibal leader gets angry that they cannot kill one single person
>This continues for a few days as the cannibals try to psych him out and angering him to fight them
>Rescued girl comes up with a brilliant plan that is sure to work
>Rescued girl plan is basically appeal to the man chivalrous honor that a maiden is in danger
>Doesn't work
>Tries to befriend him instead, or at least try to lure him into a trap
>Cannibal Leader does a lot of petty shit that starts to jeopardize not only her but all of the group
>Crisis of faith
>leaves to find the human
>Soldier finds her and "confuses" her a human girl running away from the cannibals
>Lets go with that.
I'm working on the Third P.O.V

>> No.8330535

>It's the year 2XXX
>German Space Nazi Knights conquer the galaxy with swords, full plate and tanks
>Young guy from earth becomes squire to a battleship commander
>falls in love with the cold hearted, blood thirsty noble
>sadomasochistic relationship ensues
>insert sex here
>things go wrong with their dynamic and war
>someone dies
>insert tragedy here
I think this is a perfect blend of things that interest me and Amazon best seller porn.

>> No.8330559

Would be more interesting if the kid actually was a virgin birth but turned out to be completely normal.

>> No.8330869

>All this fucking genre fiction
I thought you were better than this /lit/

>> No.8330880

>Group of university students create a time machine

>They start writing a comprehensive thesis on it

>One of the characters becomes insane from the use of the time machine

>He uses it to kill people (mainly himself)

>He ends up so disgusted with humanity he modifies the time machine so that it turns back time outwards across the whole world, and with no one to remember, time is doomed to repeat itself for all eternity

>The last paragraph is the first paragraph

VERY few details here. Think of it as a cross between Primer, Douglas Adams humour, and a tiny part of Lovecraft in there.

One of the comedic side plots:

>the /fit/ characters future self coming from quite a bit into the future and so he has to avoid modern society. He becomes a lazy fat bastard who bums off the others. When time comes for the present /fit/ guy to go back to travel back in time the rest of them don't want him to because his other self is a giant cunt

A bit more in depth ending outline:

>Psycho character becomes more and more deranged and distant from the others, what with all of the murdering himself.

>The night before the group will publish their writings they celebrate at a pub.

>The insane one drugs them and steals the car to drive to the garage where the time machine is held.

>Also there is the future fat fuck version of the /fit/ character.

>He attempts to stop him, but because he's now useless and no longer strong (wahey, character realisation!) he gets killed.

>Insane faggot finishes his modifications, and decides to read his favourite book one last time.

>He gets to the last few pages before the drugged people get there with the police.

>He tries to finish but they barge in before he can, so he has to enact his plan.

>> No.8330886
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>> No.8330888


This sounds good

>> No.8330939

Could be interesting I guess, but why would you hate the /fit/ person? /fit//lit/ should really be mandatory to view this board.

>> No.8330966

You completely missed the point. I don't even read that sort of shit, let alone write it. I'm saying it's pretentious to assume those things can never be handled well just because they're mostly done by hacks.

>> No.8330979

That's because most of us aren't retarded enough to post our best ideas. Or even halfway decent ones.

>> No.8331007

A lot of the key plot points are similar to Heinlein's by his bootstraps.

>> No.8331013

If you post plot it is going to fit into a genre

>> No.8331040
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>god of chaos impersonates god of evil to persuade a group of vampires to raid a village of all its maidens for a sacrifice to god of evil
>included in the gaggle of fair maidens is MC's childhood sweetheart fiancée
>after vampires successfully raid the village MC seeks out the help of a lone werewolf
>werewolf offers to help in exchange for MC's first-born child, to which MC reluctantly agrees as he is under considerable feels and desperation
>they save the maidens and the fiancée
>MC and fiancée proceed to engage in steamy passionate premarital ugly bumping, getting her knocked up
>eventually werewolf returns to claim his payment
>MC seeks advice from old but close friend of family about the matter as he kept it a secret up till then
>said friend, upon hearing this, reveals a hidden secret: MC's child is the chosen one foretold in an ancient prophecy
>MC is an angel born of darkness, and fiancée is a demon born of light
>they were put on earth as children as an angel can't live in hell and a demon can't live in heaven
>their child will be the one to bring an end to the war between the heaven and hell
>old friend of family is reveals she is a demon named Emily that has been banished to earth because she doesn't serve the god of hell but the god of wisdom
>she along with a fellow villager(that is actually an angel that also follows god of wisdom) have been watching over MC and fiancée
>werewolf doesn't accept counter offer for babby, eventually gets killed by guardian angel and demon, to the mixed feelings of MC
>god of chaos uses this death to inflame god of moon's butthurt over this transgression and assembles a small army of werewolves to destroy town in retribution
>guardians coerce MC, wife and their babby to forsake their home town and flee to save themselves for the sake of the greater good
>wife eventually gets extremely upset after learning what has been going on as she has been kept in the dark most of the time
>guardian angels explain that god of chaos has instigated misfortune in all dimensions and planes of existence, including the war between heaven and hell
>only the prophesized chosen babby will be able to rally the armies of heaven and hell against the armies of chaos(assortment of corrupted beings from all backgrounds) and attain the power to kill an immortal god, forever putting an end to the suffering caused by god of chaos

>> No.8331055
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>> No.8331127

The /fit/ character is probably the best character in the story. He's fit, healthy, intelligent. Also the nicest person. His future version becoming lazy and fat is a warning against letting yourself become like that.

Aw geez. I swear I've never heard of that. I'm not bordering on plagiarism level similarities am I?

>> No.8331369

If that was your point, then please don't attempt to write anything more complex than a shopping list, ever.

>> No.8332724

But he's right

>> No.8333277

>a man lives on a hill
>he farms barley, wheat, rye, and some vegetables
>he has a few goats
>his life is hard, but simple
>he spends a lot of time thinking about the meaning of his life, and looking at the mountain
>one day, he decides to start praying
>the next day a terrible storm destroys almost everything he owns
>he doesn't know why, but he packs up everything he owns, and takes his goats toward the mountain
That's as far as I've got. I'll write 10 or 15 pages some days, then erase most of it as uneccesary. I'm trying to keep a parallel between the minimalist nature of the book and his life, as well as his own simple but total understanding of himself and the text's own self awareness.
Idk tho

>> No.8333290

> The stories of four famous mythological dragons from their perspectives with lots of religious and philosophical themes thrown in

>> No.8333312

Please kill yourself.

>> No.8333318

no, definitely no.

>> No.8333319

Interesting. Keep going with it. I'd do research on crop cycles though to be sure you can grow those things simultaneously and how much space it would take up.

>> No.8333320


No. Pretty much solely to spite you, I will live.

>> No.8333344

Do readers care about if the Protagonist is good or Evil?

>> No.8333384

Sometimes I sit and think how many people have said the same thing you're saying now. I think about all the people who would have killed themselves if not purely out of spite for me. How many would be dead? How much better off would the world be had they not let spite blind them from their path? Sadly, we will never know. All those who should kill themselves but live on powered by the spite of my being. They need to be dead, for all mankind.

>> No.8333389


Maybe you should make the supreme sacrifice and shut the fuck up

>> No.8333601


>> No.8333629

Hey anon that had the story with the two AI in governent/rebellion plot a couple threads ago here. Are there enough people who haven't seen it here so It'd be worth posting?

>> No.8333744

>high school scope
18+ bud

>> No.8334687

Make him fuck his mother to reference the Greeks.

>> No.8336074

>set in 50's Philadelphia
>follows several characters and their lives there
>an old fashioned mob boss who orders a black man killed because his daughter had an affair with him
>2 hitmen who work for said mob for years
>a man who runs a child prostitution ring and houses the whores in the same building (Joe)
>story focuses on one of these whores in depth (Mellisa)
>a veteran of a recent war in Europe who moves to Philly and then works for Joe as his right hand man (Bono)
>a sub-boss of the mob who runs "The Big House" in the middle of Philly which he uses to cook drugs and traffic humans (Gabe)
>a news reporter who comes to Philly to write a story about it
>the reason why he came is because a book about how awful Philly is came out that year and sparked everyone's attention
>the man who wrote that book (he was a part of the mob and a close friend to Gabe and the mob boss

The characters were my main goal, what they want and why and then use their character to paint the world
Everyone has their own perspective, so everyone sees Philly in a different way, what they can take from it and what they can't

For example the news reported appears to be the protagonist but is then killed by the 2 hitmen I mentioned because he poked his nose too far, but I don't show him as that much of a "good guy"
He turns out to be an arrogant prick who willingly ruined many peoples lives just to get a famous story out, and his initial care about how awful Philly is is fueled by his want to succeed against all odds. He also ignores a wife he hates and kids he never wanted, but he never divorced just for the public image.

But of course, these things don't make him into the "bad guy" of the book, I aimed to make him human just like everyone else

Bono for example isn't thrilled when Joe offers him work as his right hand man because he didn't like all the young prostitutes, but after Joe assures him he pays them all well and that they're there willingly, he reluctantly accepts, as he just came to a country where without any work, he's a dead man

Joe and Bono meet in the Big House itself, they were both there at one point in the book getting tortured by Gabe and his men, but they broke out together (that's how they met)
Gabe also chopped off Joe's right hand while there, that's why Joe hired Bono to help him protect his whores

It's a reallyyyyyyyy long story and I guess the last thing I should say is that it's not just random stories, it's just a very long narrative with an ending I have planned and everything that will happen as well

My goal was to build a world that's realistic with characters that are believable, with many of them just trying to stay afloat and find some semblance of a meaning in life

>> No.8336088

>plot beings with him about to commit suicide


>> No.8336097

Sounds kinda edgy and grimdark
If you can pull it off it could be great, but it'll be damn hard. Good luck

>> No.8336116

>Sounds kinda edgy and grimdark
Not at all
I was gonna mention something like "it won't be like sin city" but I didn't for whatever reason

The book is full of messed up things but it's not to shock the reader it's there to serve the plot.
The book is also full of humor and not everyone is on edge at all times, just like real people

For example, the guy who wrote that book sees Philly as that, an edgy grimdark shithole of assholes and scum, while people there are mostly just people, who found his book over the top

But since it is a book about perspective, chapters of that made up book sometimes show up in my book, and have a completely different style of writing

I never really saw that done so I thought it would serve the book well and also be a little special

>> No.8336340

Next J.K. Rowling.

>> No.8336366

I think its about survive, at any costs. I liked it.

>> No.8336566

>a man who thinks he's Jesus actually is Jesus

>> No.8336586

>a cocaine-addicted father leads his son around their desert property immolating poisonous spiders

>> No.8336593

not anon, but why no?

>> No.8336655

>man accidentally makes AI
>AI kills man
>AI imperfectly repairs man
>AI dumps man somewhere and runs away in guilt
I've intentionally put it forward in the shittiest way possible. I also typically write stuff that's almost plotless and things just happen.

>> No.8336680

>Story begins with the Soviet Platoon vs American Freedom Fighters
>Soviet Platoon loses the battle
>Captured Soviet Soldiers are execution.
>Before the Platoon Commander dies, he says some spooky shit in Russian
>Everybody laughs and mocks him, before killing him.
>A Month later spooky shit starts to happen.
>People are disappearing without a trace, Ghost of dead Soviet Soldiers appearing and Disappearing. People are getting the feeling they are being watched.
>People start to kill themselves, or worse leave the Resistance, thinking that the Commander cursed them.
>Female P.O.V is having none of that.
>Investigates to causes of the Spooky shit.
>As she Investigates the cause, everything starts to become more creepy, with mannequins being moved into her line of sight wearing clothes of the missing people, Messages in English talking to her, And finally some Biblical quotes.
>She stops investigating because 2spooky4me
>Another month passes
>The water reserves were tainted
>The Children are dead due to becoming sick.
>They didn't have enough Medical supplies to heal them so they did the most rational option.
>The animals they used to hunt for food no longer appears.
>They can't survive.
>Female P.O.V is sick and famish
>As she nears death, a figure comes before her eyes
>Its a Soldier of the Soviet Army or rather a soldier from the platoon they killed
>At last I truly see
>Says a Few words in English before killing her.
>Epilogue would later reveal the final words the commander said: "Stay hidden Sniper, Let them kill us, Finish the Mission at all cost." Soon the Sniper leaves as his mission is over.

>> No.8336709

>bunch of people go in cabin deep in mountain forest
>they find skinwalkers
>skinwalkers are the radical other, the utterly inhuman - also speak with cut up of previous characters dialogue
>people get skinwalkered
>narrator is the last to die
>comes to term with the essential fakeness of humanity-as-a-form
>we are bundles of behaviours floating on the name of "human"
>narrator joins the skinwalkers

Will be a novella, short length, focused on prose. If I finish it, I'll shoot a 30 minutes pretentiously artsy movie version.

>> No.8336740

>A boy falls in love with a girl
>Unable to confess, he is gifted with by a deus ex machina with the girl’s phone number
>Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well
>But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day’s confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression
>After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with
>In fact, she doesn’t exist in this universe at all >She is the girl’s alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC’s own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush
>Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves >While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.

>> No.8336762

Shit I actually like this a lot. Have any of it written?

>> No.8336775

Yeah, this. I mean, it's from a earlier draft and it resents of my reading Tao Lin at the time so it's a little shitty.


We are deep into pine country now, lost. The dawn-sun ripples through the trees in a cascade of lights, playing on the surface of my phone. Reflected, they burn the car orange-pink from the inside.
There is no Internet connection here. For now. I feel inhuman.
France’s driving with one hand, smoking. He’s down to his last pack. The others are sleeping with their headphones on. I can’t sleep and in the daze I feel we are eternal and absolute.
-How you feel about some music?
-Music. I feel like listening to some. Do you?
-‘s okay. I don’t feel like much at all.
He grunts, rustling through the pile of junk beside him.
-Smoke. There’s some left in the bag, I’ll fix up the music.
I comply. Ethereal guitars and feedback and strings well up around us, soothing, single notes melting into continuity and contemplation. France grins.
-Mid-day Meditation.
He says. I don’t get it.
-Sun Araw.
Snickering now. I take his phone and start playing with its camera. The lights are still following us. I turn off the Bluetooth radio-phone connection, but manage to turn it on again.
We get to a village. France stops.
-I need to get my smokes.
We get out after parking on a walkway, the buildings and the road look like poorer traditional German hamlets replicas but synthesis with dawn-haze and high renders them inwardly monastic-like in a way.
I take a few photos, with my phone and then his. Then both together, one in front of the other. Marco and Luca are still sleeping in the back, France’s looking for a shop. He looks kind of depressed.
-I think they are all closed. I think. Maybe not.
-What time is it?
I reflectively, to then check the phones and answer my own question.
-Half past five on both, more or less.
-When are they opening?
-I don’t know. No connection.
We walk around the town, which is completely shut down. Back at the car, we sit in the boot drinking a couple beers, smoking the rest of the packet. France’s cutting along the edge of a beer can with his knife.
-So, you know where this house’s supposed to be?
-No, I thought you knew. I thought you were driving cos you knew where the place was.
-I think Marco’s the only one who knows.
He puts the can, torn open now, on the edge of the boot. I snuff out the stub in it.
-Then we oughta wake them up.
-Let’s get the smokes before that.
We settle a little deeper in the boot, comfortable on the wall of six packs watching the sun rise, wet and bloody, between the low blue mountains.


She breaths wetly into my ear. It feels strange in the still dry air of the room still filled with an aftersex glow. Digital light crawls under the door from the other room along with a faint beat.

I'm ESL, how did I do

>> No.8336780

Potential to be funny, but the twist sort of spoils the concept.

Better to just go for an actual virgin birth (you don't have to explain it, just have your narrator speculate on it, go over the general opinions of other sects) and have the kid to grow up to be nothing special.

10/10 satire. Though I'm think it's probably a better short story.

>> No.8336790

why would you post your plot? what's keeping some Hollywood hack from stealing all your plots?

that, and I've always found not sharing my stuff to be the best motivation to actually finish it faster. showing your brilliant ideas before putting in the work just steals the thunder right out from under my ass.

>> No.8336816

Most of it is surprisingly good, but whenever you try to inject that "existential angst" in there it feels horribly forced and clumsy.

>I can’t sleep and in the daze I feel we are eternal and absolute.

I feel like you might be to focused on removing yourself from the narrator since you recognize him as obnoxious and it's stopping you from having an interesting and realistic description of that existential feeling. Or maybe like you said it's just a relatively shitty first draft.

I actually came up with it on the fly to bump the thread, lol. But I think you're right, the twist is kind of like a Stephen King ending that undermines any serious thematic potential the work has just to "wow" the reader. Will probably take this advice. And yeah I agree not enough there for a whole novel, not more than 100 pages at least.

>> No.8336842

>whenever you try to inject that "existential angst" in there it feels horribly forced and clumsy

You're absolutely right, that shit is getting cut next revision. Reading it now makes me feel a bit bad about having thought/felt those things but hey. One can improve. Thanks for the criticism bud.

>> No.8336865

No problem, love the idea and besides what I mentioned your writing is good

>> No.8336868

>war in made-up balkan state
>USA soldier, rebel soldier and civilian POV's
>aylmao's invade half-way through the book
>conflicting ideologies unite to fight the extraterrestrial threat
>humanity fuck yeah

>> No.8336891

So World War Z with ayylmaos? Nice! Sounds like hot fucking garbage!

>> No.8336903


>> No.8336907
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>> No.8336910

>teenager lives in big house with asshole lawyer dad
>teenager wakes up one morning and finds him gone, there's a note that says that he has arranged for the bills to be paid until the kid turns 18
>dad also says he left 100,000 of cash in wads hidden around the house
>kid is like "dope" has the house to himself, finds money
>meets girl and there's a romance or sideplot w/e
>after a plot where he gets a fake id kid goes to the car dealership to get a car
>he's hideously underprepared the salesman won't give it to him
>he and the girl come back at night end up stealing the car and going on a joyride ends with some john green bulshit or what the fuck ever
>he gets back and decides to throw a huge party before he gets busted
>it's a big rager, he gets wasted
>cops come, break it up
>kid passes out in bathtub, cops miss the car in the garage, seems like everything is going a-ok
>dad comes back, smothers his son to death in bathtub and makes it seem like he died in his sleep
>dad set all of this up to kill his son
the end
kids will love it

>> No.8336956

>I'm not bordering on plagiarism level similarities am I?
No. Nowhere close.

>> No.8337051

> black woman cures cancer with science powers
> everyone says nice one black woman
> she says: yeah is pretty cool, and I did it even though I'm black woman
> everyone says yeah nice one that must of been extra hard
> she says yeah, ok so one condition or like I get weird with IP and legal shit and what not and loads of people die from cancer
> ok black woman, what do you want, still with you we think...
> ok, so, what I want is for anyone is 30% of people who're saved by my drug to have to like black up (if they're not black) and wear a fat suit and come live with me in this super massive mansion and do black woman shit with me like so "ummmm hmmm" and shit and like Taylor Swift has to live there two and wear the fat black suite
> and everyone's just like yeah fine that's not that bad I suppose
> but then....

>> No.8337058

>but then....

>> No.8337150

We've already told you this is shit like 10 times between here and the critique threads.

>> No.8337162


>> No.8337165

> super cliche zombie story
> epistolary and poorly written
> first part is about those who unwittingly spread the virus
> second part is various stories from the survivors
> simple and fun, not bothering with pretension

am i doing this right?

>> No.8337234

Ideas are cheap.

>> No.8337299

>Obsessive man realises he has no shoes on when stuck on the subway.
>The whole story is about the 4 hours the people have to wait there, and how reluctant people are to lend a shoe.
>Lots of nonsense and warts.

>> No.8337338

This is such a good concept. I wonder why no one has written a cute short story based on that.

>> No.8337388


I'd read this

>> No.8338073


Ideas don't mean shit, it's all about execution. Two guys can write a story with the exact same plot and one is a masterpiece while the other is total garbage, as proven by all those Tolkien clones. Attempting to copy my plots would only result in a total flop for anyone else, because no one can replicate my style and atmosphere.

Or, if they can actually find success with my ideas, then I'll just tip my fedora in their general direction.

>> No.8338336

How did the sniper hear the Russian commander?

>> No.8338341

I don't know, how did the sniper hear the Russian commander?

>> No.8339621

I don't know, that's why I was asking.

>> No.8339692

Military headset

>> No.8339700

I don't get it.

>> No.8339729

>In a time when Soviets and Americans had conflict

>> No.8339741

I was thinking of military visor with a integral headset. Since those are within our reach

>> No.8339776

Please don't write books about being an author, reading books, pop literature culture etc, because we all know the main character will be just a wacky and more talented version of you

>> No.8339783

You could blame all literature of this though

>> No.8339820

>sees Philly as edgy grimdark shithole of assholes and scum.

Add artwork and call it the watchmen. Draft harder.

>> No.8339857

Why is this a bad thing? As long it's entertaining, it works.

>> No.8339967

I have no life experience in any of the typical topics of a novel like romance or war or loss

So instead I'm writing about drugs because I do drugs

>> No.8340014

>an uninspired writer in search of a plot finally finds one... IN THE GRAVE.

>> No.8340039

yeah but then your brilliant original idea about people living in a computer simulation and being used as batteries for sentient robots will always be described as being like the Matrix, but better, and you will never attain the amount of success as the hypothetical thieves. And all your screams of how you posted about your idea on a usenet forum in 1997 will fall on deaf ears.

>> No.8340091

>social autist gets fucked with in HS
>social autist gets agressively ignored in College
>he just can't catch a break
>doesn't kill himself tho

>> No.8340748

Sounds pretty close to the comic Punk Rock Jesus. It's about a clone made from Jesus' DNA who is monitored 24/7 in reality TV style environment. He too turns out completely normal. The quasi main character is one of the monitoring guys.

>> No.8340765

Sounds fucking horrible but it would probably win some prices because LBTQ, pedo normalization and muh strong independent single parent mother

>> No.8340818

In killing yourself.

>> No.8340856

This would actually be a good idea for a rom com movie. You should write it as a script and sell it to the Hollywood jews, although the alternate universe stuff might be too high concept for the kind of people that actually watch this trash.

>> No.8340873

Keep it in /a/

>> No.8340889

Yes but you are shit and James Joyce wasn't.

>> No.8342078


Well, ripping off Plato in a modern setting was pretty dumb idea in the first place.