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/lit/ - Literature

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8326010 No.8326010 [Reply] [Original]

Who are your 5 favorite poets?

In no particular order for me:

1. William Blake
2. Ezra Pound
3. H.D.
4. John Keats
5. John Donne

Also, obviously Shakespeare is #1 of all time, so I won't count him

>> No.8326018

Damn it. Mine is too similar.
Cummings, Blake, Donne, Dickinson, merwin/heaney/ashbery

>> No.8326020

1. Rilke
2. Hoelderlin
3. Stevens
4. Wordsworth
5. Baudelaire

>> No.8326021

boring as fuck

cummings is good tho

>> No.8326038

>tfw i don't read poetry because i don't get it and don't have the sensibility for it

>> No.8326042

jean has total pleb taste in poets
William Blake
Patrick Kavanagh
Thomas Hardy
Alexander Pope
John Clare

>> No.8326047

Blake is interesting af tho

he was an autistic savant with a hard on for biblical mythology

>> No.8326069

You're not trying hard enough.

>> No.8326088

So give yours you stupid mother fucker.

>> No.8326096

>Sor Juana
>Gilberto Owen

>> No.8326104
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joust time

Antonio Machado
Paul Valery
Cesar Vallejo
Louis Zukofsky
John Gould Fletcher

get btfo'd

>> No.8326105

wow, fucking nice taste

how did you hear of gilberto owen?

>> No.8326123

King David
T. S. Eliot
John Donne
Ezra Pound
Raymond Carver

Shakespeare is definitely not the best poet of all time.

>> No.8326128

Wow. slightly less well known = better. Good for you anon, you really broke the thread!

>> No.8326130


>> No.8326158

>King David
Wat. Like shit titled as by him in the bible or are you just being edgy? (You do know he is generally regarded as having only inspired most of the David psalms, right?)

>> No.8326167

i said boring as fuck, lrn to comprehension

>> No.8326175

which poems of Vallejo do you like? have you read his later works?

>> No.8326179

They're boring because their names are everywhere. If you seriously think Blake or Donne are boring, you are just an insipid little shit.

>> No.8326180


Para vivir es demasiado el tiempo;

Para saber no es nada.
A que vinimos, noche, corazon de la
No es possible sino sonar, morir,
Sonar que no morimos
Y, a veces, un instante, despertar.

>> No.8326183

lets say for example you are a sheep and you like the first poet you ever read and therefore think they are better cause you had no taste when you first read them

>> No.8326184

1. Keats
2. Yeats
3. Beats
4. Greeks
5. Neets

>> No.8326193

You're assuming an awful lot. Picking a fucking ninth rate poet like Fletcher as a favorite is a cry for help. You wanna get spanked.

>> No.8326197

i bet you couldn't name a single poem of his before i named him

>> No.8326199
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these are the 3 i like the most as i mostly read prose works. what should i read if i like them?

>> No.8326221

A professor showed it to my best friend, and he showed it to me.

Not two days after that we started reciting whole poems by heart. Truly a life changing experience.

>> No.8326230

Ya dude, you're a real special fucking snowflake. Real obscure taste you got there. Never heard of Valery either. Jesus christ you're a sad case.

>> No.8326252

that's awesome, do you have a favorite poem of his?

>> No.8326255

the world is a sad case

>> No.8326258


>> No.8326260

Wilfred Owen
Matsuo Basho
The Bard
Lewis Carroll

>> No.8326266
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1. Frank Stanford
2. Whitman
3. Pound
4. Plath
5. Shelley

>> No.8326285

He's considered to have authored a lot of the Psalms.

>> No.8326334

El infierno perdido, Sombra, and Y pensar, corazón certainly come to mind, but I still have to read more of his poems.

>> No.8326335

1. Walt Whitman
2. Adam Mickiewicz
3. Boris Pasternak
4. Arthur Rimbaud
5. Ezra Pound

>> No.8326341

1. Larry Levis
2. T.S. Eliot
3. Paul Celan
4. Jack Gilbert
5. E.E. Cummings

>> No.8326342

Something like:

Jack Gilbert
Geoffrey Hill

>> No.8326353

Jesus christ you are one angry autist, holy shit.