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832567 No.832567 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.832572

If this were a real title I would not be surprised



>> No.832569

If democrats had any brains, they'd be marxists.

>> No.832573

If Ann Coulter had any brains, she'd be Sarah Palin's retarded son.

>> No.832575
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oooh is it conservative propaganda day?

More rage fuel.

>> No.832583


>> No.832589

I applaud you.

>> No.832590
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>> No.832592

Being a Marxist isn't so exclusive these days. Hell, even conservatives borrow from his ideology, they'd be crazy not to.
But that said, you'd have to be a real asshole to advocate his call for violence, even if it is the only solution.

>> No.832600

Violence against opressors, i see no problem

>> No.832601

I wonder how long it took to airbrush her adams apple out

>> No.832602

Sure is generic statement. If X had Any Y They'd be Z

>> No.832607

Marxists are stupid, especially their ideas about class. Weber was a much better theoriest than Marx was when it came to accurately describing social stratification.

>> No.832608

you know that all women have them, right?

>> No.832609


>> No.832617
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>call yourself a conservative
>disregard the constitution
>pass on billions in war debt to your children's children
>endorse torture
>massive trollface

>> No.832627


hers is distinctly mannish

also her shoulders

and the penis

>> No.832631

The world isn't black and white.
We aren't simply the oppressed and the oppressors.
A violent uprising means innocent death and a climate that would most likely end up making things worse except better. It is altogether better to be patient and change the system from within, even tough it takes time.

>> No.832632

well, the penis does kind of give it away....

>> No.832636

As for the Republicans — how can one regard seriously a frightened, greedy, nostalgic huddle of tradesmen and lucky idlers who shut their eyes to history and science, steel their emotions against decent human sympathy, cling to sordid and provincial ideals exalting sheer acquisitiveness and condoning artificial hardship for the non-materially-shrewd, dwell smugly and sentimentally in a distorted dream-cosmos of outmoded phrases and principles and attitudes based on the bygone agricultural-handicraft world, and revel in (consciously or unconsciously) mendacious assumptions (such as the notion that real liberty is synonymous with the single detail of unrestricted economic license or that a rational planning of resource-distribution would contravene some vague and mystical 'American heritage'…) utterly contrary to fact and without the slightest foundation in human experience? Intellectually, the Republican idea deserves the tolerance and respect one gives to the dead.

- Lovecraft

>> No.832640
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Fuck yeah Lovecraft. He just keeps on surprising you.

>> No.832643

Always thought he'd be republican.

>> No.832645

Huh. A racist bigot who was AGAINST the Republicans. Who would have guessed?

>> No.832646


In his era, the Republican party was an entirely different beast than it was now.

>> No.832648

Well, the party he's describing pretty much fits my idea of the modern republican party, and he's against it.

>> No.832650

He wasn't a bigot though. He was highly xenophobic and he admitted as much. He became much milder in his later years and one could easily read The Shadow Over Innsmouth as a sort of a coming of age story where the author finally decides to face his fears.

>> No.832653


Really? Because what the describes is somewhat different from the Republican party we know and hate today. I can see the similarities, but there are also differences.

>> No.832655
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>> No.832660


Yeah, agreed. Some of these complaints I can see people using now, but I'm not gonna claim to get what a guy in his era meant when he referred to ideas from an "agricultural-handicraft world."

>> No.832664


It occurs to me that Lovecraft would have been reduced to a babbling mess if he saw what the Republican party has become NOW.

>> No.832667

Well, that's true of everyone from that era if they saw a modern political party.

>> No.832670


We live in disturbing times.

>> No.832675

Eh, not so disturbing if one considers the horrors of the World Wars. That said, I fear the future.

>> No.832692

Get your copy of the Necronomicon and meet me at his grave, let's see if we can't get the old boy to talk.

>> No.832701


Weber's stuff on class is pretty damn poor. He completely fails to account for or explain any kind of class movement/struggle towards a common goal. He also moves into all kinds of wishy-washy status stuff which, whilst somewhat intuitive, does not belong in an attempted objective world view. Marxist theory keeps to the material and is better for it.

>> No.832705

Lovecraft isn't THAT old.

>> No.832706

brb, posting this in /new/

>> No.832707

If you could reason with republicans, there would be no republicans.

>> No.832710
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>> No.832726


Quite the critique you have there.

>> No.832729

It's true. You can't be objective if you make moral recommendations as to what people should be doing. You can only be objective if you remain isolated and record facts about what you observe.

>> No.832734


Agreed at which point it becomes a necessity to differentiate between political and economic works (history too if you pace much emphasis on materialism). These ideas may be spread throughout the one piece of work but the fact remains that Marx's views on class (not on what is to be done in regards to it) and economics remain much less tainted by personal prejudice than Weber's.

I'm not debating Marxism as a political ideology here simply the theory it is built upon.

>> No.832737

he was then he grew up.

>> No.832741

Ideological taint aside, Marx has a terrible theory of class. Athletes who make millions of dollars a year would be considered members of the proletariat, the lower class, because they make a living by selling their labour. I'm sorry, but no.

>> No.832747

itt: moral political discussion,

also Ann Coulters penis.

>> No.832788


Firstly I'd like to point out that I' no expert on Marxist theory (I know enough to get by and to take a roughly educated position) so don't take my failure to provide an adequate answer to this question as a damnation of the theory. Trust me when I say someone probably has this worked out better than I do.

That said athletes don't qualify as members of the proletariat simply on account that they are removed from the cycle of wage labour and capital. Yes they are putting in labour unquestionably and being paid for it. But that alone doesn't place them strictly in the working class. Where they would go I'm not entirely sure. Some curious area of economic theory I've not yet researched that is devoid of commodities as such.

However, even with such anomalies present, I still maintain that Marx's conception of class is superior to Weber's.

>> No.832793

You're assuming that Marx's theory of class has to be applicable to all periods of history and take account of future developments he couldn't have possibly foreseen. The reason athletes make the wages they do is because of the advertising symbol and symbolic capital. There have been plenty of works that update the theory.Go back to Frankfurt School School.

>> No.832804


This is the guy above you so I'm on your side. But I presumed when they used the term Marxist they were including developments from the basis he provided. Not the works of Marx himself. That would simply be foolish. And I'm desperately holding out that this board is somewhat intelligent.

>> No.832809

Milton Freeman > Marx And Weber

>> No.832814

Social standing is determined by the way people behave towards you more than by the means you employ to earn a living. Because of this, Marxist conceptions of class are inherently flawed, and should be discarded in favour of superior Weberian theories.

>> No.832821

"Fuck Niggers"

- Lovecraft

>> No.832830

It's definitely difficult to place a professional athlete or a pop star or any of these other figures that make ridiculous wages for their work. If anything they become a weird form of capital in and of themselves, regardless, their individual position on a class hierarchy has to do with whether or not they own the means of production. So I suppose if a pro athelete owns their own merchadising rights and invests in their own stock they're probably ruling class.

>> No.832836

Generally, athletes just get pre-existing companies to sponsor them. Athletes who own their own brand are extremely rare.

>> No.832852


And bringing in issues such as "social standing" get us into a whole quagmire of subjectivity. Now I don't agree with most who stand behind the banner of 'scientific Marxism' but it does at least try and provide objective standards of class.

>> No.832854

"A major source of objection to a free economy is precisely that group thinks they ought to want. Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself. "
Milton Friedman

>> No.832863

typo. should be Friedman,payed to much half-life. lolol

>> No.832864

Good. Society is a convoluted, complex, often times contradictory hodge-podge of statues, roles, values, beliefs, and ideologies that can only be understood when looked at as a whole. Simplifying it down to how people earn money isn't going to give an accurate picture of how it functions.

>> No.832875

I truly tried to read this book just to attempt to understand some of her followers rabidness, it did not go well. If this book was being graded, it would get an F for failing to cite sources. It makes wild accusations and statements but has nothing to back it up.

>> No.832891
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>> No.832899 [DELETED] 


rEMOeV yUoR_iLLGeaL_CloEN fO HTtP://WwW.cockStalK.se/ (RePLAcE_COCKs_WiTH aNON) imMeidaTeLY. miazzmgc abjzaqboczsblpbcgwqhphc t aov zcs i bzkt

>> No.832903

This chick just likes to fight people and politics pisses people off.

>> No.833327
File: 36 KB, 300x441, successful-troll-is-successful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole thread

>> No.833371

How come there are only 2 (important) political parties in America ?

>> No.833372

Because we Americans can't think beyond black and white

>> No.833387

implying democrats and republicans are opposites

>> No.833389

>implying they don't want you to think that way

>> No.833391


In the land of grade 8 English, they are.

>> No.833394

>implying without greentext

>> No.833404

oh my