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8325337 No.8325337 [Reply] [Original]

i am interested in taoism, can i get a couple of lesser known taoist works recommended, not like
the dao de jing or zuangzi something can of rare or unique

>> No.8325613


>> No.8325904

The Tao that can be named is not the true Tao

>> No.8325929


>> No.8325933

Have you tried Dudeism?

>> No.8325948

You read the Liezi yet?

>> No.8325997
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>> No.8326056
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Is the only reason you're interested in Taoism because it sounds 'mysterious' and 'oriental' as opposed to the blockbusters in Asia that are Confucianism and Hinduism? Buddhism's purpose in the West is that, but maybe you want to be contrarian to Buddhists likewise. Anyway, pic related

>> No.8326076

no i just read the dao de jin and liked it

>> No.8326077

As you may have noticed, OP, /lit/ dosent know shit about Eastern Philosophy.

Your best bet might be to search around for resources that take a more practical angle on Taoist philosophy, and search for a local center if you can. The latter is really your best bet.

>> No.8326079

thank you for first real reccomendation

>> No.8326106

What the fuck are you talking about, man?

>> No.8326107

Why dont you read Alan Watts work?

>> No.8326151

he is reference the movie the big Lebowski

>> No.8326182

Me too.

>> No.8326345

i read a lot of his stuff but it seems more like reflection than the actual content of the philosophy

>> No.8326554


>> No.8326727


do you ever wonder if your jaded assumptions are related to your depression

>> No.8327371


>> No.8327476

OP, the Daoist tradition is thousands of years old, and has been populated by individuals of the highest erudition. I don't mean to criticize you, but you must understand that it's a huge field you're asking about. Your question is perhaps equivalent to saying "Recommend something rare and unique from the Western tradition - not the Bible or Plato, I've already read those."

That being said, check out Pregadio's Encyclopedia of Taoism for wonderful tidbits and endless sources. The first two hundred pages are a fantastic summary of Daoism.


Also anything written by Livia Kohn or her student Louis Komjathy is worthwhile - as an introduction I'd particularly recommend Kohn's The Taoist Experience and Komjathy's Taoism:A Guide for the Perplexed.

Since you seem to be requesting a primary source, however, I'd recommend both the Huainanzi as well as the Spring and Autumn Annals of Lu Bu Wei (Lushi Chunqiu). Both of those are compendia of daoist cosmology and metaphysics from the 2nd century BCE which essentially paved the way for Chinese philosophy over the past two thousand years.

>> No.8328081

thank you friend

>> No.8328476


>> No.8329175
