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/lit/ - Literature

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8322656 No.8322656 [Reply] [Original]

I never had a proper father figure, so I'm looking for recommendations on writers or figures who are strong, authoritarian and disciplinary men.

I'm thinking along the lines of Trump and Hitler, who can be role models.

Are there any other great thinkers who are larger-than-life in this sense, as if so: which books can I read?

They have to be strong men

>> No.8322661


>> No.8322663
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>strong men
Start with the Greeks

>> No.8322668

That's more self-relating. I don't want that

>> No.8322674

Why the fuck would you want Trump or Hitler as your role models? Hitler lost and Trump is going to lose.

Pick a good role model like Alexander the Great or Achilles or Odysseus

>> No.8322678

Let's be honest, they're pretty based. They say what they mean.

What did Alexander write then?

>> No.8322697

Mein Kampf is riddled with amusingly adolescent cognitive hurdles that Hitler can't seem to leap over with no other explanation than a possibility of him being on the autism spectrum. All of Trump's books except the Art of the Deal (which he didn't write; search it up) give really bad vibes in the way they're written if you have any standards for writing whatsoever.

>> No.8322699

If you didn't get it, I'm not looking for suggestions from leftists

>> No.8322702

>What did Alexander write then?
Read the accounts of his campaign historian

>> No.8322703

Thanks, man

>> No.8322719


Slavoj Zizek is my father 2.0

>> No.8322724
File: 6 KB, 320x240, disgusted-regan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you oppose warmongering crony capitalism or national socialism you are a leftist

i think sylvia plath is the best writer role model for you, especially in the last 5 or so minutes of her life

>> No.8322730

If this isn't bait


>> No.8322731

It's just that leftist usually hate strong men and worship skinny numale feminists.

Is Reagan based?

>> No.8322757

Your father abandoned you because he sensed the wrongness in your tiny crippled body and soft cone-shaped head.

Best to throw yourself off the tarpeian rock as he should have; 'tis the well deserved fate of the unwanted.

>> No.8322778

>Let's be honest, they're pretty based.
Don't bother looking for father figure now, you're clearly ruined.

>> No.8322834

The trouble with a lot of english lit students, including myself way back when, is that you have a predispotion to be creative, and to appreciate creative achievements and values, but you lack a masculine side to your character which reinforces the desire to create with the self-discpline to strong will to facilitate your creativity. My no bullshit advice to you is to get into a routine of waking up early, reading, studying, completing your work, and writing. Organize your day and get all of the embarrasing writing out of your system as soon as possible.

Too many young beta white guys lacking a strong father figure allow their potential to be squandered by a casually nihilistic view of the world and a needy, self-pitying impatience because the fruits of their alleged genius isn't handed to them on a plate the same way all their childhood rewards were

>> No.8322848

Stop projecting and trying to encompass an entire fucking demographic in your sophistical self flagellating bullshit. There's no more to it; you're a loser that overcomplicates otherwise simple psychological issues which are exacerbated by your inability to truly take initiative and responsibility. If you're above the age of 20, kys now.

>> No.8322863

Just listen to hip hop n metal all day

>> No.8322870

Yukio mishima

>> No.8322911

>stop projecting and ...
>proceeds to then project his own insecurities


>> No.8323063

Hey thanks anon, I appreciate your post

>> No.8323081

>I never had a proper father figure
>I'm thinking along the lines of Trump and Hitler, who can be role models.
>They say what they mean.
How does it feel to be a complete and utter witless tool?

>> No.8323097
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Good post

>> No.8323113
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>> No.8323121


Jesus Christ alive.