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File: 12 KB, 220x330, PynchonYearbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8321155 No.8321155 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think Pynchon is an anarchist? Do you consider his writing anarchist?

Anarchism play heavily into Gravity's Rainbow and Against The Day, less heavily into The Crying of Lot 49 and Vineland, most of his writings are vehemently anti-authoritarian and anti-capitalist, and anarchist heroes & anti-heroes show up in just about every one of his books.

Is it simply an adoration of anarchism and its followers or do you think he is genuinely arguing for it?

>> No.8321167

Who knows. He could just be a memer.

>> No.8321249

It could be because you have more to work with with anarchism. But anarchism always grabbed the attention of youth culture, especially in the 80s and 90s, so if he sold out that could be a reason

>> No.8321256

I think he's a Left-leaning pragmatist

>> No.8321274

How do you rank AtD? Is he revising Gravity's Rainbow?

>> No.8321275


From what I remember from GR, the anarchic counterforce in the end degrades to petty vulgar acts that are ineffective in the big picture. I dunno if that's really an endorsement of them.

>> No.8321352

from the Pynchon I've read (but that's only the California novels and Bleeding Edge so far) I think he tries to demonstrate a personal or moral value to understanding and disrupting systems that are trying to control you, but he's fatalistic about ever ultimately disrupting the controlling system.

I don't really know enough about anarchism to tell if that's arguing for it or not, though.

>> No.8321361

i think he likes it and it interests him, that's all

>> No.8321425

>alt right memer trying to claim Pynchon
he's all yours

>> No.8321494

I don't see The Counterforce as representative of political Anarchism though, The Counterforce exists as something of an incidentally political force pushing back against the doomsday efforts of the military industrial complex. They are kind of radicalized beyond any use for political ideals or societal endgame, they just want to fight The Rocket Cartel and get poor Slothrop out of The Zone.

>alt right
Stefan Molyneux-esque Capitalism =/= Anarchism nor will it ever be

Not even an anarchist myself btw, just interested in discussion of the more political aspects of Pynchon's literature.

>> No.8321512
File: 43 KB, 300x400, 1464231206649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks pham.

>> No.8321612 [DELETED] 


>> No.8321657

probably just being salty given the book's dedication to Fariña

>> No.8321658

Pynchons my fav writer for sure because my fav thing in books is goofs, gags, jokes and rambunctious behavior, and his books are full to the brim of it. Every novel is like one of those novelty snake cans, you open the book & POP you get a face fulla snakes and you fall back cackling. The mad mind, the crack genius, to do it! and then you think hmmm whats he gonna do next, this trickster, and you pick the book back up and BZZZZZZZZZZ you get a shock and Hahahahahah you've been pranked again by the old pynchmeister, that card. "Did that Pynch?" he says, laughing yukyukyukyuk. Watch him as he shoves a pair of plastic buck teeth right up into his mouth and displays em for you- left, right, center- "you like dese? Do i look handsome???" Pulls out a mirror. "Ah!" Hand to naughty mouth. And you're on your ass again laughing as he snaps his suspenders, exits stage right, and appears again hauling a huge golden gong.

>> No.8321663

what does being salty mean and what does Richard Farina have to do with the counterforce or anarchism

>> No.8321664

Please keep posting this.

>> No.8321746

He was a university chum of Pynchon's who died before his time under suspicious circumstances...

>> No.8321757

he was a university chum of Pynchon's who at his wife's birthday hopped on one of her friend's motorcycles and went flying off a cliff when they got into a crash

but even so i still don't know what your post is saying

>> No.8323111

I've read argued that those acts are a sort of comedic resistance, when all else fails. I dunno, I think it was a Deleuzian reading. Possibly B.S.