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8320235 No.8320235 [Reply] [Original]

the weird frontier between post irony and new sincerity are these millennials the saviors of literature?

>> No.8320257

>a women
>a nonwhite

I wouldn't even read them ironically. I'm fucking redpilled and proud to be white and male

>> No.8320264

shut the fuck up you fucking faggot retard and stop posting this thread

>> No.8320265

Tao is, Gonzalez isn't.

>not appreciating asians as the only non-white human race

Start with the Germans.

>> No.8320269
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Why did normies have to ruin irony?

>> No.8320270

I know this is a joke, but honestly, why would anyone be proud of their skin color and gender?

I know people irl like this, and it's just weird to me, because I live in Michigan, somewhere you wouldn't really expect to find nationalism or whatever.

>> No.8320281

Becuz we wuz philosophers, Romans,
Vikangz, and princes

>> No.8320291
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megan is the true savior of literature desu senpai

>> No.8320301

>hey look it's this thread again

No they're fucking awful. They're just bringing the same egotism, pseudointellectualism and cliquish circlejerkery that prevails in the visual arts to literature.

>> No.8320312

Where is their porn videe?

>> No.8320710

never read anything by these people. any recommendations?

>> No.8320723

>mira will never force you to eat her completetly unshaven freebleeding period pussy on a hot day so that you think you were prepared for the smell because you sometimes jerk off to sweaty, hairy women and you think guys being grossed out by menstruation is just an affectation but then when she actually climbs onto your face too quickly for you to cautiously "sample the goods" you almost think you're going to puke directly upward into her pussy but then you force yourself to start licking and tolerate the smell of stale metallic sweat and the blood-wicked ends of her pubes and just go at it like someone has a gun to your head and she eventually comes and acts like it was no big deal like you actually wanted to do that and might do it again in 20 minutes if she feels like another go

>> No.8320731

more plz.

>> No.8320738

yes, more. You're look like a good writer anon

>> No.8320765


All of you should be gassed

>> No.8320777

i'm not saying i found it sexy or some shit, i just tought it was well written, especially for a meme

>> No.8320819

I know this is probably bait but the fact that it might not be illustrates how cancerously awful you alt right faggots are. /pol/ was a fucking mistake.

>> No.8320880

I used to think those kind of posts were baits, but now i doubt it. It just makes me sad to see all those frail little guys, blaming the world for their failures and trying to convince themselves of their value just because they were born with no melanin and a 5 inch phallus

>> No.8320920

>born with no melanin and a 5 inch phallus

lel so you're a buttburned brownie then?
i can assure you the white man will perservere. this has always been 4chan. take your race-shaming back to /red/

>> No.8320926

you forgot Wallace

>> No.8320950

>beginning letters same as Minnesota
>knew a kid from Minnesota who played hockey and hated black people

You're lying bitch

>> No.8320969

lmao 4chan isn't some gigantic circlejerk for your worldview nor is it some kind of /pol/itical revolution, it's just a website where you can post your dick and talk about faggots anonymously. go to stormfront or some faggy subreddit if you want everyone to agree with you on everything

>> No.8320986


I live in Michigan in a town that has a lot of weird southern nationalists. Did you think I was like referencing something?

>> No.8321030

no, they're both ugly

ugly people cannot produce insightful works

>> No.8321040
File: 5 KB, 360x331, 1463076991772-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[...]a new literary movement which would espouse something like the New Sincerity ethos:[1]"The next real literary “rebels” in this country might well emerge as some weird bunch of anti-rebels, born oglers who dare somehow to back away from ironic watching, who have the childish gall actually to endorse and instantiate single-entendre principles. Who treat of plain old untrendy human troubles and emotions in U.S. life with reverence and conviction. Who eschew self-consciousness and hip fatigue. These anti-rebels would be outdated, of course, before they even started. Dead on the page. Too sincere. Clearly repressed. Backward, quaint, naive, anachronistic. Maybe that’ll be the point. Maybe that’s why they’ll be the next real rebels. Real rebels, as far as I can see, risk disapproval. The old postmodern insurgents risked the gasp and squeal: shock, disgust, outrage, censorship, accusations of socialism, anarchism, nihilism. Today’s risks are different. The new rebels might be artists willing to risk the yawn, the rolled eyes, the cool smile, the nudged ribs, the parody of gifted ironists, the “Oh how banal”. To risk accusations of sentimentality, melodrama. Of overcredulity. Of softness. Of willingness to be suckered by a world of lurkers and starers who fear gaze and ridicule above imprisonment without law. Who knows[...]

>> No.8321054

if they gave more of a shit and posed for extra-flattering paintings, they'd look at least as good as Samuel Johnson or Shakespeare

>> No.8321061

>the weird frontier between post irony and new sincerity are these millennials the saviors of literature?

This is the worst writing I've seen today. No comment otherwise.

>> No.8321071
File: 24 KB, 375x375, Czco6wWU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw pictures of Mira Gonzalez during her """"""""""heyday"""""""""" were like this
>tfw now all her pictures are of her in billowing sackcloth with a face that looks like an old catcher's mitt coming to life and contorting to wink suggestively at you

>> No.8321081

Where's this from?

>> No.8321086

they literally published their Twitter feeds as a book. there's no way they're the saviours of anything other than head-irreversibly-stuck-up-the-arse pretension.

>> No.8321094

I've heard Tao Lin is a great read for people who like Jeffrey Eugenides, Chad Kultgen, and Bret Easton Ellis, but they are all phenomenally better writers and Tao Lin writes boring bullshit where he thinks giving his protagonists an unresolved scrip addiction, his big stock trope, is "quirky".

>> No.8321095

new sincerity was a shitty meme that went way too far

>> No.8321098
File: 300 KB, 1523x2048, ClROCQaVEAAPCIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mira "Surprise! I'm 40 now" gonzalez

Mira "My boyfriend bought a horse, and glue arrived in the mail" gonzalez

>> No.8321125


Her name literally means "look!" in Spanish.

Is this significant?

>> No.8321139

DFW innit.

>> No.8321148

Mira "Aging Speedily" Gonzalez

>> No.8321149


theyre so painfully average looking

>> No.8321168
File: 120 KB, 593x843, 1467057612947-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's difficult to find a movie that feels true to itself. You feel the hand of Hollywood, the moviemaking by committee, on everything.
>[on Man of Steel (2013)] I think it's drawing on all mythology; comic book, religion, ancient, philosophical.
>[on the Superman character] All the movies I've made, I've made with a slight bit of irony. Not even a slight bit. A fair amount. But the ironic part of [ 'Man of Steel'] is that it's not ironic. You know what I mean? No tongue in cheek, no winking at the camera, no apologies. It's Superman. He deserves that. In my mind, we really had to act as if no films had been made. It's like we just found this comic book lying on the ground under a bed, and we were like, This would be a cool movie.
>[For me] Superman is this adopted son, this immigrant story, this guy trying to find his place in the world. What's his purpose, what is he supposed to do, how is he supposed to be?
>[promoting Watchmen (2009) and before he was hired for Man of Steel (2013)] In this world, if Superman really existed, he'd grab all the world leaders together in a room and say, 'Behave or I'll kill you.'
>[on presenting his male protagonists with superhuman physiques] I have always been influenced by the fantasy art of Frank Frazetta and obsessed with the potential of humanity's physicality.

>> No.8321174

yeah, because she gained a bit of weight

there's a reason women are neurotically obsessed with their weight: because everyone else is, too

>> No.8321176

lol a few months ago she started a thread just whoring for attention and I told her that it was no coincidence that someone named "look" would be such an attention whore (among other things) and she got BTFO'd of her own thread p quickly

>> No.8321177

Affleck's remark, "I'm real when it's useful," at first sight adheres to the postmodern solipsistic and relativistic modes. This is confirmed by Terrio when questioned about his research for Justice League, which included "red- and blueshifts in physics". However, on further inspection, Affleck's comment simultaneously reinspects Husserl's and Wittgenstein's "form of life". This invariably leads to a more pragmatic worldview, as Pierce declares "Consider the practical effects of the objects of your conception. Then, your conception of those effects is the whole of your conception of the object."
Affleck further confirms the pragmatic totality when approaching Miller and Momoa:
>"So you're fast."
>"You can talk to fish."
Reality as it operates in Snyder films, isn't subservient to language, they work in tandem. This leads as back to Eastern philosophy, the Hinduist Guru Mantra becomes another mythopoetical jigsaw piece in the totality of Justice League. As Brody succintly observed, "Even at his most pedestrian or bombastic, Snyder makes a far more engaging film than Christopher Nolan (an executive producer of “Batman v Superman”) ever did—because Nolan presumes to know and to show, whereas Snyder wants to see. Even his slender philosophical world seems like he’s discovering it, not delivering it."

>> No.8321198

the only reason she ever got noticed is because she was a reasonably attractive girl, so it's stupid to say that people focus on the attractiveness of girls who have fame (literally, girls who have been noticed)

for a man to rise to tao's position requires some kind of unique historical Hour of Destiny, where he rides the tiger of some ripple of the zeitgeist and pulls off this nietzschean unprecedented creative moment. he has to create a space for himself where there was none. tao lin had no ready-made avenues for forcing people to give a shit about him as a weird chinky homo. he had to hit a shatterpoint in the discontinuities of his culture and then wrench it open with his bony chink hands.

as for Tao's Tarts, like mira and the rest, he goes LOOKING for them. he just recruits lowercase quirky loldrugs XD deviantart basic bitches like mira. if it hadn't been her, it would have been one of 74,391 identical women. he already proved this by recruiting a bunch of others.

for tao lin to become Tao Lin, he had to confront a culture that didn't even give a shit about A-grade tao lin-esque guys. he had to be an A++++ talent, and still get lucky and persistent on top of that, in order to become a name. it's like a unique spiritual parable every time a man becomes a figure of charisma like this, a story about how you have to put in orders of magnitude more effort and persistence than the amount of quantitative reward you will ever receive, but then the reward is this qualitative self-transcendence. for chicks though, all they have to do is be C's or B's, and wait until the culture pats them on the back for it

it's like when actresses who get to star in movies with actual brilliant luminary male actors, because the movie industry decided all movies need a chick in them, complaining that the luminary male actors still get roles at 70 but they were garbage binned at 20. no shit, it's because the luminary actually poured his soul into his acting, and you got uplifted for having tits as a 24 year old nothing, and now you don't have tits anymore

mira should be scalped for ruining feminism from the inside

>> No.8321206

Absolutely not, if you hear them they just whine about sadness and materialism. They still do not believe in anything larger than them, and they put together their thoughts on temporary things from a temporary medium. This anxiety of attachment is not new sincerity it is only the artistic endorsement of industrialized irony. The use of the small and pointless to be "deep".

They add nothing new to the idea of being sad, other than lots of people are and that sadness can be expressed in 140 characters.

Should just be considered timely poets, but not ground breaking.

>> No.8321216

>he had to be an A++++ talent

he's not though.

>> No.8321218

tao lin is literally a genius and A++++ talented. he's also extremely handsome

>> No.8321228


Mira already looks fucking rekt from substance abuse at 24.

Benzos literally rot your brain kids.

>> No.8321235

are we talking about two different Tao Lins?

>> No.8321286

She's about ten years past her prime by now.

>> No.8321293

In only one of his five prose works are drugs a main subject.

>> No.8321299

how do these threads always stay alive?

>> No.8321322

The idea behind doing that was that a 140 character limit is just another form to poetry, just like the 5-7-5 syllable counts of haikus.

>> No.8321323

smoking dope everyday adds years to any addict

>> No.8321460
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>> No.8321469

How can they be the saviors of it if they aren't even a part of it? Are they hiding a vast stash of cash while they search for the great unknown literary artist of our time in order to patronize them? Because their scrawling--I dare not call it writing--is certainly not saving anything.

>> No.8321567
File: 40 KB, 490x189, Screen-Shot-2016-02-25-at-6.10.10-PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, yeah, the idea of using tweeting as a kind of poetry is interesting. David Mitchell published a short story on Twitter, I don't know of it was any good but that's at least a genuine attempt at using the constraints in a literary way. but honestly that isn't what these two are doing, is it? they were just tweeting like anyone else. passing it off as poetry just because they printed it is a fucking joke. Gerry Adams published a book of his tweets too and nobody's calling him the future of literature.

>> No.8321605

>they were just tweeting like anyone else. passing it off as poetry just because they printed it is a fucking joke.
Did you miss out on 20th century art history, lad?

>> No.8321616

Nice wordy equivalent of a 'muh dick' post.

>> No.8321617 [DELETED] 


stop bumping this shit poster, this is the third copypasta OP at least.

>> No.8321626

Wrong, generally only ugly people can.

The 'pretty people are shallow' meme exists for a reason. Beautiful people have no incentive to turn inwards, unless they cope with other hardship, which in their case generally only comes from some sort of mental illness.

Great authors are either, ugly, crazy or both.

>> No.8321645


>> No.8321647

no, the pretty people are shallow meme exists because uglies need to feel superior about something

the reality is that attractive men can develop their personalites and say whatever they want because they'll be liked whatever they say, whereas ugly men have to be as normal as possible for fear of being ostracized

kind of like how rich lunatics are eccentric, whereas poor ones are just mad

>> No.8321647,1 [INTERNAL] 

Seems like this same exact thread, with the same exact comments, was posted a year ago.

>> No.8321661
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shes as cute as ever

>> No.8321672

judging from this picture, this """literary movement""" is pure reddit

>> No.8321694

>you will never eat crushed ice out of a water bottle with her

>> No.8321704

It must be weird fucking a girl that used to be entitled to be "i'm SOOO weird :P haha i'm a quirky girl ;)" because she was young and hot, but now she's 25 and ugly and she's still trying to pull that shit

I wonder when one of her hipster boyfriends will finally just say to her
>Mira shut the fuck up, stop tweeting and just watch the goddamn movie

>> No.8321713

she looks pretty good to me.........

>> No.8321776

she helps pay the rent that way faggot
anyway she's just so sad girl for 4chan

>> No.8321786

>the reality is that attractive men can develop their personalites and say whatever they want because they'll be liked whatever they say, whereas ugly men have to be as normal as possible for fear of being ostracized

You're somewhat in the right direction. Attractive people can do what they want without consequences and therefore do not develop character, whereas ugly people actually have to get out of their comfort zone and take risks.

The latter allows people to escape shallowness to the degree of maybe having something worthwhile to say.

>> No.8321812
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> people actually believe this

>> No.8321829

Jesus christ you're like a retarded version of Schopenhauer


>> No.8321858

what a stupid argument

I have known plenty of interesting and attractive people; I have known plenty of interesting and ugly people. As far as I know the two are not much related. What I have noticed is that people who are ugly or fat often have, by necessity, a bit more humility. But not always.

>> No.8321867
File: 424 KB, 2000x1290, gronk-gq-0616-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gorgeous people can still be fun and engaging. they just don't have to try as hard. and they are allowed to get away with more shit


>> No.8321891

People get shaped by their experiences and people who live sheltered lives are generally less interesting for that reason.

Being attractive is only one way of being sheltered. Being wealthy and healthy are other ones, for example. Of course extreme riches or extreme physical prowess or extreme beauty do lead to interesting lives again because they come with novel obstacles and such, but generally a upper middle class pretty white girl will be the most boring kind of person you can meet.

>> No.8321904


25 is not old unless you're still too young to legally buy cigarettes or serve in the army... or be on an 18+ website.

>> No.8321977


Kill yourself.

>> No.8322051

25 is old for women in the sense that they peak around 14-18yo

>> No.8322052

So, I'm watching Tao's videos, and I don't see the appeal to him. Has anyone read his books? Is he any good?

>> No.8322095

well that's exactly my point. if they aren't just conning gullible fans into buying tweets they could read for free, they're just repeating Duchamp's Fountain, but badly, and a hundred years too late, and in completely the wrong medium.

>> No.8322184


You're a moron and you sound like a pederast.

>> No.8322193

tao did a reading at my uni and gave away copies of Taipei.

I gave up about 100 pages in. Absolute drivel.

You know how books have these things called stories? What if there was a book, and like it was a person's life, and there wasn't a story? Wouldn't that be interesting? No? Then don't read Taipei.

>> No.8322199

>being a story pleb
get back to ASOIAF.

>> No.8322230

>What if there was a book, and like it was a person's life, and there wasn't a story?

There are a lot of writers who do this. Franzen, Eugenides, Ellis, even Joyce and Salinger if you want to really go back.

>> No.8322233


Chad Kultgen also does slice of life, but without being boring.

>> No.8322667


>> No.8322711
File: 56 KB, 610x288, 1414843821632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw now all her pictures are of her in billowing sackcloth with a face that looks like an old catcher's mitt coming to life and contorting to wink suggestively at you


Still, she looks too white in the old pictures. Somehow that touch of non-Aryan ancestry always turns me on.

>> No.8323012

Gravity starting to work on the old flaps there, miss?

>> No.8323429
File: 11 KB, 320x320, tmp_18279-1467389462323-1942404652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that hideous "I'm truly a single woman that dates low-commitment boys"

I bet most guys date her out of confusion and hopefulness for some shred of humor

Also I've seen this same fucking thread 3 times within this month

>> No.8323563

holy kek

>> No.8323599

>he had to hit a shatterpoint in the discontinuities of his culture and then wrench it open with his bony chink hands.

what lmao