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/lit/ - Literature

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8318040 No.8318040 [Reply] [Original]

Has there been a modern classic published in the 2010s yet?

>> No.8318068
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On the Edge by Chirbes
The Neapolitan Novels
The Buried Giant
Arguably Vollman

>> No.8318083
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>not subscribing to the RoCF

Might as well head back to r/books

>> No.8318089

Also Knausgaurd finished "My Struggle" in 2010 if that counts

>> No.8318177
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of course, senpai

>> No.8318205

>Also Knausgaurd finished "My Struggle" in 2010 if that counts
Don't see how it could. Karl Ove is cool, but, half of the books in that aren't worth reading. The other half are pretty good. No classic. He's no Proust. No Powell. Shit, mother fucker ain't even a Ferrante.

>> No.8318227

>On the Edge by Chirbes

Thank you for recommending this. It looks like a Spanish Tunnel, right up my alley.

>> No.8318235
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You mean

>> No.8319065

HOLY FUCK! That is a child! You disgust me, OP.

>> No.8319197

Seconding On The Edge by Chirbes. Great novel.

>> No.8320179

You think children are disgusting?

>> No.8320193

Soumission is alright but I think the way it ended was worth the read.

>> No.8320194

>And I will have nothing to mourn

bretty good imo

>> No.8320237

>30 years haven't passed
>implying we can effectively determine what classics, if any, have blossomed in this period