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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 134 KB, 450x599, pac-man-tattoo_49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
831783 No.831783 [Reply] [Original]

Gamer here

can you tell me like a book that's as interesting as a video game? I tried to read "Pride and Prejudice" or some shit like that and it got me so fucking bored I started getting angry. So is there anything you can recommend that will capture my attention?

>> No.831798

You seem to think videogames are more than shooting a succession of images on a screen.

Cool tat' though. Try World of the Worlds by H.G. Wells.

>> No.831800

I dunno. Try a visual novel? Fate/Stay Night is pretty cool.

>> No.831804

Only if you really want to look at anime porn though.

OP you'll want to read lots of shitty fantasy novels

>> No.831810


Shit... so the best you have to offer in terms of competition are fantasy novels that you yourself acknowledge are shitty? Really?

>> No.831813

Day of the Triffids. It's about flesh-eating plants taking advantage of the fact that most of the human population has been struck blind.

>> No.831816

Well yeah, maybe also like shitty thriller novels? Shitty horror novels? Just shitty novels in general that are made to be exciting and nothing else

>> No.831819
File: 42 KB, 424x379, cool_guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're saying that books don't compete with videogames on a story telling level? You are a troll.

>> No.831820

What sort of themes/concepts interest you (i.e. fantasy, war, post-apocalyptic shit, spirituality etc) ?

>> No.831824

That depends on the video game and your own tastes.

You need to totally give up the illusion of being able to control what's going on in a book. You'll need someone else leading you by the hand.

If you like action-adventures or FPS's, go check out Matthew Reilly.

>> No.831826


Protagonists and antagonists shooting each other and respawning over and over again.

>> No.831830


Uhhh, I dunno, basically anything... Just so long as it has, you know, something that keeps me involved, so I'm not all, "fuck this boring dogshit". Something that makes me participate.


So the only way to make a book interesting is also making it shitty? Man, no wonder kids don't care about this.

>> No.831837

...So, nothing? Nothing that can match the level of involvement of a game? Are you shitting me?

Come on, break out the good stuff, Jesus.

>> No.831838


>So the only way to make a book interesting is also making it shitty? Man, no wonder kids don't care about this.

You're missing the point. The best video game storyline is shit by literature standards. You will like crap like Dan Brown, and other generic thrillers because they're made to be exciting and nothing else, like video game stories.

Anything we recommend is going to be shitty, because that's what you like.

>> No.831841

Hank the Cowdog

>> No.831842


Sorry dude, but these guys aren't suggesting things THEY will find interesting. They are trying to find something YOU would bother with reading. Since you obviously have a very short attention span, and no real interest for reflection, ideas or aesthetics, they are suggesting action-driven stuff like thrillers, fantasy, sci-fi etc.

Tl:DR; They are suggesting you bad books because they think you are a bad person.

>> No.831843

any.-andy mcnab.
bleach manga.-tite kubo
battle royale.-koushun takami
sniper one.-dan mills.

>> No.831846
File: 171 KB, 800x567, dantes_inferno_book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty exciting and action-packed.

>> No.831849


So the fault is with... me, for not liking boring dogcrap? Not with a medium that simply can't fucking compete?

Man, you guys are like Christfags when it comes to defending your autistic hobbies.

>> No.831850


if by action packed you mean shitting yourself in fear the yes....yes it is

>> No.831852

Hahahaha a gamer is trying to call people who read literature autistic. A GAMER

>> No.831854


Wow... so I'm a bad person because I don't appreciate your weird predilections... and when I make an effort to, you spam me with shit out of spite?

Oh, oh wow. I'm, uh... Christfags, I take it back. They're nothing like you. They're way more like furries.

>> No.831855


Aaaaaaaaand don't feed him please, people.

>> No.831856

.. if you are going to insult who we are and what we like to do, please, fuck off, it just makes you look like a raging faggot.

>> No.831857

Let me put this into context for all of you. Someone who self-identifies as a person who enjoys video games is calling people who read literary classics autistic. lmfao

>> No.831858


>So the fault is with... me, for not being able to pay attention to a story without explosions?

Yes, exactly.

>> No.831859

>Hahahaha a gamer is trying to call people who yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff HYOOMAN yiff

>> No.831865

why dont you just fuck off back to the vidya and ask what theylike? ^_^ xxx

>> No.831867


Your hobby is non-approachable to all but a few school-educated white guys with enough time to pick through all the garbage needed to get references (sup Nabokov) and understand the vocabularies. Yeah, you're pretty much literally autistic. I'll enjoy my games, you enjoy your spergin'.

>> No.831871
File: 96 KB, 600x388, AlanWake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op, you should try Alan Wake. It's vidya but it's packed with literature and awesome writing.

"It's true what they say about the fall and the sudden stop at the end.

I'd lain here in the snow while the lurid chain of scenes that had led me here kept playing in my head, a rerun of my own private snuff movie, a memory of my corpse. Alone at my own wake. Thinking in metaphors again.

The femme fatale was gone. Only a sour taste remained of the kiss that killed me."

>> No.831875
File: 30 KB, 324x500, 0316066524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, a fucking gamer, calling other people autistic? Whoa man, that's fucked up. For all of us real people, here's a good book:

>> No.831876


It has nothing to do with catching references, you just don't have what it takes to be an intellectual. You have no intrest in trancendent thought. You will never produce anything worthwhile to others.

Your cultural capital (sup Bordieu) is non-existant, you might aswell give up.

>> No.831877

>If you don't like Twilight you are autistic

>> No.831879

yes.. so while we are reading our awesome books, your brain is turning to mush.. sucks to be you :)

>> No.831882


>"It's true what they say about the fall and the sudden stop at the end.

>I'd lain here in the snow while the lurid chain of scenes that had led me here kept playing in my head, a rerun of my own private snuff movie, a memory of my corpse. Alone at my own wake. Thinking in metaphors again.

>The femme fatale was gone. Only a sour taste remained of the kiss that killed me."

>Awesome writing

This is why no one takes video game fans seriously.

>> No.831888

battle royale was well good lol

>> No.831889

lol 4chan intellectual

>trancendent(?) thought
too late, you're a furfag, you can't go back to christian

Also lol@cultural capital, I don't know what that means but I'm guessing you can just word-replace "white" or "affluent" and have it work 80% of the time

sorry, I came here to try and appreciate your gay little obsession but you motherfuckers ain't shit

>> No.831890


>I came here to try

No, you came to troll.

>> No.831892

As much as OP is making me rage, you guys throwing around words like "intellectual" and acting smug because you read "classic literature" doesn't help your cause.

OP read Stephen King

>> No.831893
File: 36 KB, 487x499, 1276191304450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats because you dont appreciate ( or make any effort to appreciate) what we like to do so fuck of you little chav cunt.

>> No.831894

I read books taht are remember for their cultural and intellectual value and so I have sex with animals. That is what you are saying

>> No.831897


Yeah. Also, you're a furry.

>> No.831898

you are the dumbest cock i have ever had the grace to converce with.

>> No.831902

basically OP you woke the hardcore lit readers up.
People, this guy just wants an interesting book to read. Im going to recommend Douglas Adams.

>> No.831903

If this guy's a troll then I commend him. If not I'm not particularly surprised that there are people in the world like this.

>> No.831910

Also, you are all fucking mongoloids and here are some of the correct answers. Assuming the motherfucker recommending Douglas Adams is trolling (he isn't and that's really what you are like)

- Huxley
- Burroughs
- Orwell
- J.G. Ballard
- Jack Black (not the movie one)
- a book would be Pale Fire
- Vonnegut

But anyway fuck you, smug, pretentious faggots. Your attitude is why people hate nerds.

>> No.831915


>But anyway fuck you, smug, pretentious faggots. Your attitude is why people hate nerds.

Yes, we should just bow our heads to smug, anti-intellectual assholes.Yes sah, books is boring sah, have you tried dis sah?

>> No.831916

Well, what we're dealing with here is a smug, pretentious faggot OP. What in the world do you expect?

>> No.831918

Op if you're into love and vampires check Dracula of Bram Stocker. Easy and fun to read.

>> No.831923


pretending to be dumb only works when you are not in fact dumb as shit

>> No.831928

man if being an intellectual means being a hipster pussy like the ppl itt sign me up for an american flag shirt

>> No.831932

not trollin. But OP, you also are behaving like dick :)

>> No.831934


American flag shirts are super ironic and totally hipster, bro.

>> No.831948

Here's just a thought: Are games, movies, plays, books, music?, etc. really comparable in terms of narrative quality and does quality mean the same thing across different mediums?

I mean, do you really want to go to war over this?

>> No.831950

Is the a /lit/ site that saves all the recomendation threads? Like /tv/ has Green-Oval that records posts and /mu/ has blogs to save their sharelists.

>> No.831951


That war is over. Videogames are just bad art.

>> No.831961


Money talks and shit walks, people are paying for this "bad art" enough for it to be a billion-dollar industry, and meanwhile your "good art" is limited in appeal to some aspie academics and coffee-house pseuds on the internet. Yeah, the war is over, and YOU LOST.

>> No.831967
File: 62 KB, 468x468, Planescape-Torment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you.
For every shitty video game, there's at least 400 shittier soft porn romance novels produced for lonely housewife's annually.
And book writers have had more than 4000 years to perfect their craft, video games about 40.
Pic related, better than any high fantasy novel in about a decade or two.

>> No.831973


Addendum to this point: your culture as it stands inspires no one under twenty. Where are your new Rimbauds, your thriving, inventive scenes, etc.?

You have none. For all your pretense you're just another tool of cultural dominance.

>> No.831982


(TL;DR you don't really have anything to offer other than status-seeker bait)

>> No.831992
File: 124 KB, 700x936, doom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.832000


>better than any high fantasy novel in about a decade or two.

This is what's amusing about the debate. You guys don't even get it. Who gives a fuck that some shitty genre fiction is better than whatever other shitty genre fiction?

Where is video game's Dostoevsky? Where is its Pynchon? Where is its Joyce?

You guys have nothing but shallow genre fiction to even COMPARE to. You're not even close to being able to compare video games to literature, because there's NOTHING to compare. The best you will ever have is "This game is marginally better than some bottom of the barrel fantasy garbage that no one takes seriously, but because it's all we have we're going to put it up on some pedestal."

>> No.832001

To OP, I recommend anything by Roger Zelazny, especially Lord of Light. He's probably the most entertaining author I have read.

>> No.832002
File: 15 KB, 248x293, 1276717529500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much butthurt. Did I click /v/ by mistake?

>> No.832010


Videogames are necessarily inexpressive in plot or moral themes, because it hinders and strangles the gameplay. It's gameplay which sells a game and motivates the player, not storytelling. That's why 99% of them have wretched sub-pulpy writing. I've yet to even see them emulate cinematic drama effectively, for much the same reasons.

>> No.832014
File: 66 KB, 500x637, Suda51_People_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where was litatures Dostoevsky in ancient Greece? Where was Sumeria's Pynchon? Did the Egyptians have Joyce? As I said earlier, over 4000 years of development vs. a little more than 40 years. And Torment actually explores some truly significant philosophical problems underneath its dorky exterior.
Pic related, the modern Kafka.

>> No.832017
File: 7 KB, 299x276, homer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad Torment was a commercial flop and only has a minor cult following. Good storytelling in a game? Sure. But the customers evidently don't want that sort of thing.

>> No.832019

boring russian

loony verbose guy, unreadable

irish shit perv only writes one book over and over

that guy doesn't get it, sure, but do you? where's film's pynchon? what's the playwright equivalent of joyce? are these questions not really really dumb?

by making these comparisons are you not implicitly endorsing the simplistic comparison of mediums on a kind of autistic "quality-as-number-on-a-line" basis? if i'm wrong, and the idea of a pynchon of playwriting makes sense, then why even bother having plays and not just stick with the one who writes books?

i mean, it's kind of telling that you chose that guy to respond to, he is probably you trolling as a way to use a talking point

>> No.832022


So, by making these comparisons I'm autistic, but when gamers make the same comparisons in the other direction, it's okay?

>> No.832024

Yes. Gamers are allowed to do whatever they want because they aren't faggots.

>> No.832029

but really what I'm trying to say is haha we're melting down your sculptures to sell for scrap and snatching the fucking powdered wigs off your heads, your gay ideas of culture are being raped in the ass by my halo-playing dick faggot

>> No.832031


>Where was litatures Dostoevsky in ancient Greece? Where was Sumeria's Pynchon? Did the Egyptians have Joyce?

This would be perfectly logical is gaming existed in some sort of cultural vacuum, but it doesn't. There has been progress made in human thought, and just because video games are young does not mean they're in the same situation the Sumerians or Egyptians were.

>Pic related, the modern Kafka.

So wait, if games are stuck in 2300 B.C.E. how can they have a Kafka?

>> No.832033

Gamer logic. Kind of like how eating a turkey leg you found on the floor restores health.

>> No.832038


By making them you are endorsing them

>> No.832050

I did not realise that the users of this board had sticks lodged so far up their own asses.

Oh well, back to reading books (the ones I like, not the ones that will help me be considered an intellectual -although classics are among them) and playing video games that I like.

Hell, sometimes I even watch movies. To think - people having multiple hobbies differing tastes?
What an age we live in.

>> No.832057

>What an age we live in.

The Age of Faggotry

>> No.832058


>people having multiple hobbies differing tastes?
Oops, that should be:
hobbies AND differing

>> No.832069


>people having multiple hobbies differing tastes?

Missing the point.

I'm sure most of us have multiple hobbies. But when you start saying the Mario brothers are comparable to the Karamazov brothers, well you're just being stupid.

>> No.832078

I'm reading Pride & Prejudice, and after 50 pages of "wtf so boring" I got pretty hooked. But I'm 36, so maybe that's my greatly advanced age at work.

Since you're a gamer, you might be interested in Charles Stross's Halting State, which is largely about MMOs. Vernor Vinge's Rainbow's End is about the intersection of MMOs and augmented reality. Obviously a lot of SF will have more appeal to gamers, both in terms of subject matter and how it's written, but those two in particular might grab you.

>> No.832087


Of course they fucking aren't, and I doubt anyone apart from you has ever even thought of linking the two together in a sentence.

But deriding one medium for lacking the qualities that define another is also retarded. It's not so much apples and oranges as it is apples and rocks.

If someone told you that apples were inferior at their job because they couldn't be used to make a garden wall you would quickly point out that it was an idiotic assumption to put them in contrast like that anyway.

Also, considering a lot of this thread seems to be your board trolling one another anyway (I visited /v/ and no mention of this was made, so I doubt that there is going to be such a high crossover unless trolling is the case) it makes the whole place seem rather sad.

>> No.832093

>If someone told you that apples were inferior at their job because they couldn't be used to make a garden wall you would quickly point out that it was an idiotic assumption

But it's true. You can't make a good wall from apples, and they are therefore an inferior building material. Same applies to video games and entertainment.

>> No.832097


>> No.832099 [DELETED] 

.Se/ (rEPlAce CoCKS WitH aNON)_IMmEiDATeLy. pdim dl duoegvk ajpzi czkugsow evmelhucu

>> No.832101

This guy is trolling, ASOIAF threads usually go 150+ on /v/.

>> No.832129

So everyone on /lit/ is a 15-year old fuckwad who loves Nietzsche and Ayn Rand books, and so-called 'complex' story-lines. Ahahahahaha.

You could have a story as simple as 'One man on a quest for vengeance against another' and have it be the most complex book you have ever read.

It is not the story line that makes the book. It's what happens in between.

But you wouldn't know that, because all you have ever read are shitty classics that are 100 years old, back when books were story-driven and full of failure.

>> No.832150

>It is not the story line that makes the book.
>It's what happens in between.
>Story and Plot are two different things


>> No.832151


>But deriding one medium for lacking the qualities that define another is also retarded.

Look, I wasn't the one who started the cross-medium comparisons. I'm just responding to people in this thread. If they want to say 'lol games are as good/better than books' then they can't turn around and say "Well obviously you can't compare games to books".

And don't put too much into the Mario brothers/Karamazov brothers thing. I was just making a turn of phrase.

>> No.832153


i can't make a baby out of you because you're a faggot and you won't put your dick in a woman

video games > your faggy dick

>> No.832157

>you're a faggot and you won't put your dick in a woman

Projecting much?

>> No.832169
File: 97 KB, 600x600, 1269299366264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

children, kindly go back to vidya games

>> No.832247


no i am calling you a faggot

>> No.832250

OP is making all gamers out to be complete fucking mongoloids, so I's say all the pretentious snootiness on behalf of the literaturefags is completely waranted. If we are to believe that the OP's attitude is indicative of the attitude of most gamers, then gamers deserve to be insulted and talked down to.

>> No.832254


>> No.832257


Hey, if you treat people like animals, why shouldn't they shit on the floor?

>> No.832266

>your culture as it stands inspires no one under twenty

Even if this was true (which it isn't, believe it or not, all kids/teens are not as braindead as you are), isn't it a bad thing? Doesn't it just highlight how ADD-riddled and retarded the current generation of teens is?

>> No.832271

Assuming you mean the gamers are the ones being treated like animals, they deserve to be if they're truly as ignorant and clueless as the OP seems to be. That's my point. The gamers in this thread are your stereotypical hyperactive Halo kids.

>> No.832276


lol no it just means you're sickly and dying out

also i don't count the kids you actively recruit, they will burn out from your pedding

>> No.832293

I'd find it easier to take you seriously if your criticism of literature went beyond calling it "boring dogshit".

>> No.832305

>implying fantasy is bad
this guy is smart
this guy is genuine

i'm both a gamer and a reader (litfag?) and this discussion is lulzy. there are games that have certain elements that are comparable to fine literature however theres definitely no full comparison to be made. video games are there primarily to entertain, sure there are a number with some good plot points etc, but really, it comes down to entertainment. i myself get very connected to some games ie final fantasy, but theres no way i'd say they're comparable to real literature.. its just immature to do so.

also; why are people so pretentious about fantasy on this board sometimes? i myself thoroughly enjoy fantasy, i think theres a lot to appreciate in some of the plots and writing.

>> No.832308

goosebumps you choose the scare lets you participate...

>> No.832318
File: 103 KB, 240x249, Troll Thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on guys, obvious troll is obvious. Have you guys just never been trolled before?

>> No.832320


>also; why are people so pretentious about fantasy on this board sometimes?

You have no idea how to properly use a semicolon, and you don't know what pretentious means.

>> No.832325

gamer here too.
try reading something by Robert A. Heinlein. he has a lot of good stuff. my personal favourite is "Citizen of the Galaxy"

you could also try reading warhammer 40k series. there are some good books there. like "Lord of the Night". althought there is also a lot of crap like "space wolves" series

>> No.832328

>there are games that have certain elements that are comparable to fine literature however theres definitely no full comparison to be made
Planescape tourment
the game probably has more text than the average book

>> No.832330

Haha, people talk about how games suck and then go on to talk about fucking Heinlein and shit. Further proof that the antigame backlash is dumb as hell

>> No.832334


>Planescape tourment
>the game probably has more text than the average book

We've already covered this. It's no better than an epic fantasy novel, and nowhere near the likes of fine literature.

>> No.832335

I really hate that you're implying that all gamers are as dumb as you are, OP. I love playing video games, and my favorite book is fucking Ulysses. U mad?

>> No.832338

Try Persona. Unlike many JRPGs, which are more akin to movie, Persona has LOTS of text.

>> No.832339

The guy who mentioned Heilein was a gamer. So actually if anything, your post serves as further proof that gamers are really stupid.

>> No.832341


Heinlein is bottom of the barrel, the sort of things most gamers would recognise and probably enjoy. It's still better storytelling than a lot of what's considered classy for a videogame.

>> No.832350
File: 143 KB, 476x800, snowcrash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obvious: read Snow Crash. It has cut-scenes, too.

>> No.832357

>Heinlein is bottom of the barrel, the sort of things most gamers would recognise and probably enjoy.
god you fags are pretentious.
tell me then what you think of Strugatskie brothers and Isaac Asimov?

>> No.832362

well, /lit/ is my other most visited board here in 4chan, other than /co/ and /v/.
So, what would I recommend to my fellow bro.

Several video games derived their plot from literature, especially in sci-fi and horror.
for example, some elements in Mass Effect,Halo and to some extent Metroid, are present in Larry Niven's Ringworld and Iain M. Bank's Culture series. Silent Hill has Stephen King novels to thank, and Red Faction's plot is pretty much taken from The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Heinlein.
Parasite Eve (game) is intended to be a sequel for the horror novel of the same name.
love Eternal Darkness? - read Lovecraft and Poe
Suikoden is based on the chinese epic The Water Margin, but this might be too heavy for you. I intend to read it someday.
Dune would be an obvious choice.

I'd recommend you start with those. To be a true bro you must know the roots of your pastime.
some developers also slip in references to Huxley, Vonnegut, PKD.

>> No.832367


Haven't read any of the Strugatskys' and Asimov is a poor fiction writer. I'm sure they're both more interesting and versatile writers than Heinlein though.

>> No.832371

ASOIAF gets 200 replies on /co/, /tv/ and /a/.

no big surprise there.

>> No.832378


I am mad that wanna-be-classy dorkos are trying to piss all over something I enjoy by implying that it is intrinsically inferior or valueless, so I am responding to their piss by shitting all over them. Step up like a punk, I knock you down like a bitch then go beat Nethack again.

>> No.832383

Why did you quote this post >>832339? I said nothing bad about Heilein.

>> No.832388

>I am mad that wanna-be-classy dorkos are trying to piss all over something I enjoy by implying that it is intrinsically inferior or valueless

Actually you were the one who did that, and people started pissing all over you because you made yourself out to be a complete tool with no attention span.

>> No.832395


You have to look at the bigger picture. This thread is just an eddy in the stream of shit.

>> No.832406

Read Carlton Mellick III. He writes weird comedy horror books for people with short attention spans. He's kind of like the literary equivalent of South Park mixed with Troma movies. His books are actually pretty awesome and hilarious in a lot of ways, but they are far from serious literature and embrace the crappy b-rated pulpy side of storytelling. No matter what anyone says about him, he is good at what he does though. He got my illiterate brother into reading and he reads all the time now.

>> No.832410


Also I am OP and this is the kind of thing I like

>> No.832412

It's interesting that upon observing that a medium is not really liked by young people some actually conclude that it is dying and won't be liked by the same young people when they grow up a bit.

>> No.832415


Either dying or becoming a signifier of being a shitty old dad-dancing faggot

>> No.832418

>intrinsically inferior or valueless

It is.

>> No.832421

Are you fucking retarded? Games and literature are two entirely different things. Games excel in interactivity and immersion while it pales in other aspects. Books excel in conveying the intricacy of thought, with new ideas and experiences and philosophies. A good book puts you into the mind of a character in a way that movies and games cannot - and through this, the character's actions and experiences become that much more interesting and involved for the reader. You have no control in a book, however, which is why it can't do some things as well as other mediums do.

Each medium is valuable for different reasons. They are not comparable, so if you'd like to read a book and have it give you the exact same experience as a video game, then you can either go buy a bunch of choose-your-own-adventure books or shut the fuck up and go back to Modern Warfare 2, bro.

>> No.832423


Books burn better

>> No.832425

My guess would be that 25 is old for you.

>> No.832428

Books are actually terrible fuel. Wood burns longer and hotter, and plastic burns faster and hotter still. People who think books are good for burning have never lset a NES on fire and watched it go.

>> No.832429


My guess would be that 12 is old for you because you touch kids

>> No.832435
File: 10 KB, 251x251, 1267746305399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you seem to be a mature, intelligent individual.

>> No.832436


Oh yeah well I'm the guy who tripped Kurt Vonnegut and knocked his brains out. Shitty old man died in the hospital, haha

>> No.832437

That happened long before you were born and we both know it.

>> No.832438

Joseph Conrad writes really heavy, hardcore and literary works but his materials are those of late Victorian pulp literature – sea voyages, storms, jungle expeditions, terrorist plots , armed revolutions. If you have a short attention span (I don’t intend to patronise) then he may not be for you, but as a gamer I found his novels really engaging and exciting. Start with ‘The Secret Agent’, ‘Lord Jim’ or ‘Nostromo’. His weird environments and intensJoseph Conrad writes really heavy, hardcore and literary works but his materials are those of late Victorian pulp literature – sea voyages, storms, jungle expeditions, terrorist plots , armed revolutions. If you have a short attention span (I don’t intend to patronise) then he may not be for you, but as a gamer I found his novels really engaging and exciting. Start with ‘The Secret Agent’, ‘Lord Jim’ or ‘Nostromo’. His weird environments and intensely baroque language can ‘immerse’ you in a world the same way a videogame does, if you pay proper attention.

Sci-fi is an obvious angle. Iain M Banks writes the best stuff I know – his Culture novels combine intellectual weight with great humour and crisp action. ‘Consider Phlebas’, ‘The Player of Games’ and ‘Use of Weapons’ are all great (my favourite being the third one). William Gibson’s ‘Sprawl’ trilogy will also be worth a look, but be prepared for some weirdness and problematic narrative closure. ‘Dune’ is pretty good too – a philistine but accurate description would be Lord of the Rings, in space, and not nearly as boring.

>> No.832440

‘The Beach’ by Alex Garland is a novel whose protagonist enjoys videogames and draws parallels between them and his strange experiences on a mysterious island paradise. It’s a hazy, funny, intensely hallucinogenic joy. David Mitchell’s ‘Cloud Atlas’ flips between seven different time periods so even if it over-labours its symbolism it’s full of varied incident and interesting characters.

‘Catch-22’ is justly praised as absolutely fucking fantastic. It is a non-linear savaging of war and the lies we tell about war, and by turns it is funny and tragic as fuck. If you see in me a descriptive paucity I’ll have you know that “fuck” is one of the funniest and most tragic things around.

I wouldn’t recommend ‘Dracula’, because it’s shit. But many books published at the same time are more interesting in their application of the horror genre. ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ by Oscar Wilde and ‘The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’ by Robert Louis Stephenson are both worth reading. If you do bother with Dracula, or indeed if you don’t, read ‘The Bloody Chamber’ by Angela Carter. They’re weird, magical, very clever takes on old fairytales, and a wonderful Puss in Boots.

>> No.832454


I also got PKD hooked on meth and killed one of Mark Twain's kids

>> No.832456
File: 78 KB, 293x301, 1274466561087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/-style trolling at its finest.

>> No.832463


That picture is appropriate because I am raping you up the ass while you try to look bored, also you are a woman

there is a reason /lit/ is full of Rand, Nietzsche, and shitty Heinlein/etc sci-fi: bookfaggots are bad people, even beyond the fetishization of outdated bound paper. Fuck cultural capital and fuck capitalism

>> No.832469

>fuck capitalism

Ahh, butthurt marxists. You really are my favorite kind of idiots.

>> No.832476


Your favorite kind of idiot is a mentally retarded woman with a smelly pizza pussy who will kind of sit on your limp weiner

>> No.832477

Are you offering?

>> No.832481

Let's archive this thread.

>> No.832483


I find myself both erect and hungry at the same time.

>> No.832491


no im a dude not a faggot

>> No.832493


Also, the plays of Shakespeare are PRETTY exciting. Just saying. The language might be hard to get through the first couple of times but it's famous for a reason. Recommended: Macbeth, Measure for Measure, Henry IV Parts 1 and 2, Julius Caesar, The Tempest, Hamlet and Lear, obv, Anthony and Cleopatra.

See also Christopher Marlowe: Shakespeare took a lot of inspiration from him and with good reason, because his plays are hyperkinetic explosions of fine language, horrific violence and vicious farce (as well as, you know, all that serious stuff like examinations of the nature of intellectual ambition). Tamburlaine Part 1, Doctor Faustus and The Jew of Malta fuck yeah.

>> No.832494
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>not a faggot
>posting on 4chan

Oh, you!

>> No.832499

Gamers ITT: angry nerd-hating fratboys with mind problems from 'roids

Bookfags ITT: smug know-it-alls

pick you poison :(

>> No.832503

It really should have been obvious from these posts that the guy was trolling/not worth wasting time with. God dammit /lit/.

>> No.832504

I'd rather be right than stupid. Books, every time.

>> No.832509

/v/ doesn't know how to troll. This guy is genuinely stupid, and therefore fun to tease and laugh at.

>> No.832511


books more like dooks aka the fattest turdz

>> No.832515
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>> No.832517

>/v/ doesn't know how to troll

Yeah, I've noticed this.

>> No.832521

/lit/ - officially easier to troll than /sp/ during world cup shitstorm

>> No.832523

You just keep telling yourself that.

>> No.832525


i remember a time, back when i was a gamer, when gamers actually WERE nerds!

>> No.832526


lol faggy nerd doesn't want to admit getting owned

>> No.832534

>getting owned

Hello, internet vocabulary from five to ten years ago. How are you today?

>> No.832538


sorry i dont keep up with lame bullshit, doofus
why dont you go read about how to meet a woman

>> No.832541

Been there, done that. Busy with 18th century political theory right now.

>> No.832545


you live in the past because you can't handle the present let alone the future

>> No.832548
File: 50 KB, 200x300, 10ElementalMastersBookCoverSmall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here you go, OP.

>> No.832549

Meh. History is a series of events and the present can't be understood without reference to the past. Which is why I've been studying the work of the greatest minds of the past 500 years, so I can understant things properly.

>> No.832550


someone already mentioned infinite jest

>> No.832570


>> No.832574

awww, somebody didn't get it.

don't be sad, read some palahniuk to cheer you up!

>> No.832586
File: 26 KB, 268x312, Successful Troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Fuck's sake, /lit/

>> No.832620


no the joke is that dfw was shitty and autistic and it's good he's dead also the guy who posted that drinks my pee