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/lit/ - Literature

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8315851 No.8315851 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys just base what literature is your favorite off of what books are the most difficult to read?

>> No.8315856

out of the top 10, only four are difficult to read, and IJ is just a meme

>> No.8315858

What do you mean by difficult?
Difficult as in, hard to understand what's going on? Or that the themes and meaning of the book is hard to decipher?

>> No.8315867
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Are you suggesting the Hobbit and Fahrenheit 451 are difficult to read?

>> No.8315875

It's hard for me to look at that picture without slowly moving my hand in a jerk off gesture.

>> No.8315879

>four are difficult
Moby Dick, Ulysses, Gravity's Rainbow and...? Or does that include IJ?

>> No.8315881

I'm sure it's very hard for you to stop jerking off even for a few minutes

>> No.8315884

Literature is literature.

Only dweebs try to say "xyz is literature and jkl isnt'"

>> No.8315885

Moby Dick is dense and the whaling textbook bits can beboring but I wouldn't say it's that difficult. I was thinking GR, Ulysses and the Dostoevsky, and excluding IJ

>> No.8315887

I actually masturbate about twice a day, every time something turns me on it's usually pictures of hot guys. I'm actually starting to feel horny again, but I don't think I'm quite ready to masturbate again just yet.

>> No.8316782

Do people here really think Dubliners is a great top 20 of all time book?

>> No.8316793

>Infinite Jest:40 votes

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

>> No.8316802

Ulysses and GR are the only somewhat difficult ones. And GR isn't THAT difficult.

>> No.8316818

lol faggot

>> No.8317033

>mfw i made 20 google accounts to meme IJ to number 1

>> No.8317094
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Difficult can mean a couple of things. Like I'm starting on 2666 and already taking a break from it cause I find it starts off incredibly boring. I almost feel like I've fallen for a joke from /lit/ picking this up.

>> No.8317166

For the last 20 years, my love for literature cycled between sincere, to lukewarm, and finally to bored. Now I finally realize why: Western literature, outside of earlier Greek works, is shit. Absolutely shit.

If any of you actually read out of enjoyment, to appreciate beauty, and not just for pretension, avoid all of the trash listed in /lit/'s top books. Chances are that you've already read the worthwhile ones in high school.

Indian, Chinese, and Japanese literature is in a completely different league.

>> No.8317176
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>> No.8317190

It's better to do it in the fall or spring, too many summerfags now.

>> No.8317363

>1984 is not even mentioned
But why?

>> No.8317442


>> No.8317463

A difficult book is more than likely to be more instructive, rewarding, and entertaining than an easier read. I love reading a passage and thinking, "holy shit, someone thought of this"

>> No.8317509 [DELETED] 



>> No.8317517


>> No.8317521

you looked that these 100 novels and said "Where's one of the books I read in high school?"

>> No.8318298
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>tfw when only read 10 of whats on the list

>> No.8318372

I hope we get Infinite Jest out of the top spot, that's just ridiculous.

>> No.8318386
File: 68 KB, 249x353, PowerAndTheGlory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should replace the meme books with real good books

>> No.8318399
