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/lit/ - Literature

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8315481 No.8315481 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, do you ever fantasize about your Wikipedia-page after you've made it as a writer?

I want to know if this is just my narcissism or if this is the /lit/ equivalent of picturing yourself playing a guitar solo in front of your high school class while listening to an exceptionally good song.

>> No.8315486

No. I do the playing a song in front of the school one, though. I neither sing or play an instrument

>> No.8315500

I sometimes talk (to myself) about my books, about different themes, tropes in them, how they correlate, about all the influences and all that jazz, while having written nothing.

It's fun though, and helps me think about my life and present situations.

>> No.8315503


>he only enjoys art as a means of vicariously experiencing self-glorification

I'm sorry OP.
Who hurt you?

>> No.8315506

Same. Usually do so when going about menial daily activities like maintaining the house, preparing and cooking food

>> No.8315507

It's more of a bonus.
Also my dad ;_;

>> No.8315523

When I have nothing to do, on a train or a bus, I imagine being interviewed in some talk show or radio show, or being on a movie adaptation's promo tour.

Fortunate that I don't really have to do that. I never remember what I told the "reporters" the previous time, so my answers are always different and probably contradictory. My fans would be pretty damn confused all the time.

>> No.8315577

>Anon was an Irish novelist and poet. He published one novel at the age of 21 to great critical acclaim. At age 23, he died of >no gf complications. A collection of his poetry was released posthumously, called "My Diary Tbh."

>> No.8315598
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Damn. It sounds so beautiful. I hope they mention my psychological breakdown to showcase how deep I am and to get that "intelligence borderlines insanity"-feel. Certainly hope they don't mention my decade spent shitposting on 4chan while defiling myself to Chinese cartoons.

>> No.8315609

No. I would sincerely hope no one started a Wikipedia page about me. I'd probably opt to write under a pseudonym to avoid any celebrity / notoriety.

Wikipedia is chock full of bias and fancruft. There's nothing of value there, and I wouldn't want my name associated with it.

>> No.8315684

Sort of
I fantasize that a hundred years from now a kid like me will look me up in wikipedia and see my age of death and think how sad it is they never had a chance to meet me

>> No.8315694



>> No.8317077

I fantasize about answering interview questions

>> No.8317561

I really hope that my eventual Wikipedia page points out that I've just been lazy up until now and I was always confident about becoming accoplished

>> No.8317726

I was interviewed once and took it too seriously

>> No.8318869

How can one take it too seriously?

>> No.8319088

By taking it seriously at all

>> No.8319190

Nah, I only fantasize about being a public intellectual, giving talks or lectures to full halls.

>> No.8319200

I must say I do indeed, and I believe Wikipiedia has the potential to replace the traditional biography in a sense, as the availability of hyperlinks and so on will greatly assist either the biographer or indeed (and in my case) the autobiographer / memoirist in producing a narrative of their life in a way that is entertaining and informative for the contemporary audience. I myself have been planning to upload my entire 600,000 word memoir onto Wikipedia with the title of the page being my name and the content being my "life story".

>> No.8319207

You're not alone. Been thinking that for a long time.