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/lit/ - Literature

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8313895 No.8313895 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 26 years old and I've only read 3-4 books in my life. What book should I read?

>> No.8313898

How to kill yourself

>> No.8313909


>> No.8313912

>I'm 26 years old and I've only read 3-4 books in my life.

>> No.8313914

read the bible and go back to your farm, peasant

>> No.8313921

I already read the bible

>> No.8313922

Most people will tell you to start with the Greeks but I tend to think it not necessary. Jump right in with Hegel's "Phenomenology of Spirit". It's pretty comfy.

>> No.8313934

If you wan to gain a true love for reading then start the same way most of us did. Read wild fiction, fantasy, sci-fi, Horror, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Dark Tower, The Shining. You might feel a little childhish reading Harry Potter or Enders Game in your mid-twenties, but in it you may find a love for reading that is vital to begin reading some of the stuff that some of the more "refined" readers on this board would infinitely suggest.

>> No.8313966

Try Crime and Punishment

>> No.8313968

Finnegan's Wake.

>> No.8313970

tai pei - tao lin

>> No.8314041

The anarchists cookbook

>> No.8314049

Finnegan's Wake

>> No.8314063

Is that one hard

>> No.8314094

Start with the Greeks.

>> No.8314103

Which Books?

>> No.8314112

top kek!

>> No.8314113
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We have compiled lists for this shit, read the sticky.

>> No.8314116

If you haven't read Homer, than you are dumber than the Simpson's character.

>> No.8314140

The beginning and end of the entire hobby known as reading can be fulfilled with one book. It's called Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace. It will change your life.

>> No.8314142


What have you already read?

>> No.8314165


I get it homer simpson xDDDDD

>> No.8314182

What went wrong?

>> No.8314197

No. People will tell you it is, but that's just a meme. The plot is really pretty simple.

>> No.8314220

The Bible, The Hobbit, and Huckleberry Finn.

>> No.8314237
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Oh that's easy then.

>> No.8314242


1984, Slaughter House Five, and Fahrenheit 451 are all easy reads, and their length won't be too taxing for someone who isn't used to reading.

>> No.8314275

Read the sticky

>> No.8314279

Refer to - >>8314148
and shut the fuck up.

>> No.8314285

go back to tumblr with those emoticons

>> No.8314314

you fell for the bait dude

>> No.8314349

don't dude me you long haired yahoo

>> No.8314379

Spent lots of time on the internet and stuff, also have a hectic job.

>> No.8314401


The Pearl
Of Mice and Men
Old man and the sea
Catcher in the rye

if you still have interest in reading after reading those essential reads then we will send you more recommendations . now fuck off

>> No.8314404

>no The Painted Man
nice bait

>> No.8314408

The whole Bible is more than four books, you sinful, sinful liar, you.

>> No.8314412

Robinson Crusoe

>> No.8314434


Why is Catch-22 considered hard to read? On Goodreads it tops the list of "began but unfinished" books. It can't be much harder than Infinite Jest.

>> No.8314824

It's been a while since I've read it, but I remember the book being a bit directionless through the middle. Perhaps that's off-putting to people.

>> No.8314860

awful advice, you can read simplistic literature without having to read this shite to kindle a love of literature its just about working out what you like. A better selection would be Conrad, Borges, Bolano, Chekhov, Kafka, Camus (unfortunately), Steinbeck... These are simply written (translations for the most part) and enjoyable.

>> No.8315537


I wouldn't consider it difficult by any means, it's just not as easy as >>8314242.

Unfortunately any book longer than 300-350 pages, that isn't YA, has a way of intimidating non-readers.