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/lit/ - Literature

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8312851 No.8312851 [Reply] [Original]

Would you refuse to date a chick if she doesn't read?

>> No.8312876

I wouldn't. If she does read (IE read serious literature), she's probablyu some feminazi cunt. There's really no winning here. I'll stick with stupid.

>> No.8312880

Women don't understand what they read anyways.

As long as she's okay with getting pounded hard and sucking my duck whenever I want, and she knows how to clean the house and make my dinner, I don't care.

Be an alpha. Treat them like the children they are

Redpill over and out

>> No.8312888

ive only met one girl my age who was into serious lit in my life, and practically all she read was russian lit. so unless you expect me to disqualify 99.9% of women ive ever known.... no.

>> No.8312933

There are very few women I'd refuse to date

>> No.8312937

trips of truth

I really doubt any of us are even in a position to reject any type of pussy

>> No.8312942

You aren't on /r9k/, loser

>> No.8312958

Reading is a solitary activity.

What you really mean to ask is "Would you date a girl who wasn't equipped to have lit conversations with you"

Well to that I can only answer that every single conversation I've ever had about literature has been abjectely demoralizing in how little it resembled literature itself and how poorly it was able to sustain the feelings which the literature itself inspired in the first place.

Let's be honest here, 99% conversations about lit are two vain squawkers stupidly talking at each other. The only thing these encounters are good for is reminding one of the impassable gulf forestalling genuine communication.

I'd rather date a woman who didn't read at all. She can have her own hobby which I don't understand, which she can explain to me, and which I won't feel the need to comment on but rather will imbibe her opinions as faithful and true, rather than clash heads over tediously diminishing literary minutiae for the sake of a third-removed pretension.

>> No.8312959
File: 34 KB, 320x321, John.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls who read > Girls who don't read > Girls who read John Green

>> No.8312960

>Treat them like the children they are
Have you just confessed to pedophilia on an anime lit board?

Is this something to report to the FBI?

>> No.8313032
File: 128 KB, 274x297, dfw o baby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw OP installs a dfw reaction pic i created

>> No.8313035

I dont attract women who dont read

>> No.8313051
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Nah. As long as she really cares about something it's all good.

>> No.8313070

I'm getting married to a qt who's read all the russian classics and thinks Rimbaud is goat. Thought, this is the right thread to let you guys know.

>> No.8313094

don't give a shit what she's into or not into as long as she isn't an asshole/idiotic about it.

which most women are

>> No.8313096

No. My spouse reads fanfiction and occasionally a popular genre novel. Our reading habits didn't really have much influence on the relationship.

>> No.8313119

I was surprised it wasn't named dfw o god

>> No.8313125

>caring about what the walking vaj does
she sucks, she bends, she cleans, she could be in a drug cartel for all that I care

>> No.8313128


Do you really have 56 high-quality DFWs? Dump please.

>> No.8313157

>two vain squawkers stupidly talking at each other
>which I won't feel the need to comment on but rather will imbibe her opinions as faithful and true, rather than clash heads over tediously diminishing literary minutiae

Hey I'm in no position to tell people if they have things figured out but that all sounded very mature and nice.

>> No.8313160

No, but I would be reticent to date someone who lacks passions or interests outside partying, browsing Facebook, and watching reality television. Actual hobbies help us cultivate a personality, so if she doesn't have any she's likely vapid.

>> No.8313194
File: 266 KB, 475x430, dfw good sir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you like my dfw file names

>> No.8313239


>> No.8313270

my korean wife loves these threads lmfao

>> No.8313442

No, It would make me feel smart(er)

>> No.8313578

nah, just 14, I named the files that way for the humor of someone having so many DFW faces labeled on their phone/computer...

but here are the 14:

>> No.8313705


>> No.8313736

tell her I said hi! :)

>> No.8313809

If you go home with someone and they don't have books, don't fuck 'um!

>> No.8313822
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Fuckin kek

>> No.8313849
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how many hours has it been since the last time you touched yourself to giantess porn
amazing answer, and very well put. i want a partner who's intelligent and passionate, it makes no difference whether it's the same type of intelligence and passion that i have. looking for a version of yourself with different genitals will just lead to dissonance and tension.
if you go home with someone and they own any autobiographies, self-help books, or toni morrison, don't fuck them

>> No.8313874

>I really doubt any of us are even in a position to reject any type of pussy

Every one of us is capable of rejecting a woman if a physical relation with her is not right. There is no "position" which compels us to accept any intimacy; there is no pressing urgency in partaking of worldly pleasures.

If you lie with a woman outside of marriage, the sin is your own, and no allowance will be given for your "position" or the illusory necessity arising from it.

>> No.8313878

No. I already get little enough female attention as it is so I am in no position to dismiss a girl based on something so trivial. The odds of running into a girl that's into serious lit is so low anyway; very few of my male friends read let alone read lit. This post >>8312958 is good too, if she did read I'd probably end up scaring her off by being a condescending, pedantic dick eventually.

>> No.8313882

fuckin virgin

>> No.8313905
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>Would you refuse

No, I'd read to her...

>> No.8313938

>Every one of us is capable of rejecting a woman if a physical relation with her is not right. There is no "position" which compels us to accept any intimacy; there is no pressing urgency in partaking of worldly pleasures.

fair point, but what would "not right" mean?


oh, okay. well, god is just pretend. what else you got?

>> No.8313954
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>> No.8313957

>implying beggars can be choosers

>> No.8314186

I would date a woman that did not read so long as she was okay with me reading. If she pulled some shit like I'm talking to another friend of mine that's into literature and she comes up and says "alright stop with the boring book talk already".
Basically she respects my hobbies and I respect hers. I don't date dumb bitches.

>> No.8314215

No, that's dumb honestly.

>> No.8315640

No, because women are simple creatures and you can't expect anything in their mental capacity.

>> No.8315652

I, too, have a Korean wife and she hates these threads.

>> No.8315674

>he's attracted to women
Only gay men can truly appreciate literature

>> No.8316631

If we're being honest I'd bet 90% of the guys on this board don't read either so asking them if they'd disqualify a chick for not reading is pointless. When you look at the /lit/ top books it's all high school or college required reading, there are only a couple of posters who actually read a lot at an adult level.

>> No.8317015

this is a good point but there is a different use for literature which you forget

a man who has read widely and deeply into poetry will be able to summon poetry on every relevant occasion, and supply a better phrase than you or I might reach for on any given topic. He will be equipped with a wide variety of brilliantly-worded summaries of the various difficulties in life, in love, in politics, etc, from his memory of the great authors and great poets of England's past. And his own powers of expression will allow him to say what he means when he must express an unusual thought.

The purpose of reading is not enabling us to "talk about" books. It imbues the conversations we would have had anyways with more vigorous and more precise language.

>> No.8317031

I'm celibate.

>> No.8317055

I fucking hate talking about books either way, so I wouldn't care too much as long she's still educated.

Would much rather date an artist/musician instead of a carbon copy of me with tits.

>> No.8317057

i'm cenobite

>> No.8317163

>any autobiographies
Some of them are hilarious accounts of drug use though. A handfull of those in a large library is fine

>> No.8317411

>high school or college required reading, there are only a couple of posters who actually read a lot at an adult level.
I love this meme. So what books do you think constitute this 'adult level' you're talking about?

>> No.8317441

Women who consider themselves readers are most likely into YA and shit like that. I'd rather date a girl who doesn't read than a girl who reads that stuff. Someone who's into serious lit would be ideal but it's hard to find people who like that regardless of gender.

>> No.8317856
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I'll suck your duck big boy

>> No.8318583 [DELETED] 


>Would you refuse to date a chick if she doesn't read?

No. I don't talk about lit in my daily life. I will with one or two like-minded friends of mine but apart from that I don't bring it up. Which is fine. It is enough for me to like what I like and know why I like it.

If she is independent enough to give me regular time alone to read for long periods without the need for me to constantly entertain her then we are golden.

>> No.8318953
File: 726 KB, 446x251, WWWY.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, you are the reason we have feminazis.

You are the carcinogen and they are the cancer born of your presence.

>> No.8318959

>gf only reads YA


>> No.8318990
File: 1.45 MB, 1239x1749, The Birth of Venus 1879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, OP. Do not date any girl you could not consider marrying - complacency and good sex have doomed many a man to the shallow, joyless prison of a loathsome marriage. And if you do fall into that trap, and she doesn't read great works, she will poison your seed and your life with her stupidity.

Your sons will perpetuate your mistakes, and each branch of your line will grow in garish vapidity like a Kardashian tragedy.

Your daughters will emulate the Miley Cyrus of their times, and come back with their very own versions of the latest Beiber-esque cringefest in tow.

You will loathe the legacy you've built, and realize your obligation to purge your progeny from from the face of the Earth, leaving you to reticent solitude - a withered, moribund husk of the vigorous Atlas you might have been.

Or worse, you'll come to accept the life you've built, and call it "good-enough," thereby striking the cruel and final blow to the last shred of luminous masculinity still clinging to life within you.

>> No.8319000


Now that's a confession, lmao!

>> No.8319008
File: 9 KB, 190x265, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's worse, not reading, or being a total fuckin' pseud for Murakami? (((or being a a poser and pretending to read it)))) don't mean to sound spook'd either. and yeah i have no time for romance with someone who is illiterate.

>> No.8319577

Too late. She did read Black Beauty, and the first few Harry Potter books but then the movies came out so that was about it. Whatever. She makes me laugh.

>> No.8319648

But your hobby is dumb and you are dumb

>> No.8319660

>quoting poetry in conversations
sounds euphoric and tryhard as fuck, would definitely give you a wedgie if you did that around me

>> No.8319662

If you know how to do it you can do it

>> No.8319670

I'm not sure what to say, anon. That was quite something. Can I save it for later?

>> No.8319716


I've refused to go on second dates with girls who either don't read or only read gossip magazines. Currently engaged to a woman who reads classical Russian lit and loves to be 1950's submissive wifey. It's about as perfect a relationship as I could ever hope.

>> No.8319720


Is it good YA at least like Huckleberry Finn or The Hobbit?

>> No.8319730
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Theres definitely some kind of divide between people who read for school or pleasure and people who read cos they really give a shit. Like go find some goodreads reviews and tell me these people arent the scum of the earth. And these people are normal. They got lives they function in society, have kids, pay taxes and shit. And whats inside their heads? Fucking nothing. They couldnt care less about what they were reading, they talk about classical authors with no understanding and no insight. Sometimes im wondering if they actually read, they probably just skim the pages so they could say they finished a book. Like thats the difference, when you give a shit you read for yourself, you dont use it just to pass time or look smart or whatever the fuck these people are trying to do(and dont tell me you do it for fun. this shit isnt fun). And its only natural that a non-scumfuck would seek out find and get more out of obscure books. Cos they give a shit.

>> No.8319762


And if what she is really passionate about is reality tv, shopping, and candy crush? Could you live with the crushing intellectual loneliness?

If you are reading something that blows your mind and you want to discuss it with your significant other and she gives you a glassy stair, what will you do?

>> No.8320021

>reading isn't fun