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8309414 No.8309414 [Reply] [Original]

Selected: http://i.imgur.com/r688cPe.jpg/
General: http://i.imgur.com/igBYngL.jpg/
Flowchart: http://i.imgur.com/uykqKJn.jpg/
Selected: http://i.imgur.com/A96mTQX.jpg/
General: http://i.imgur.com/r55ODlL.jpg/ http://i.imgur.com/gNTrDmc.jpg/

Previous: >>8304181

Kindly use spoiler tags when appropriate to facilitate smooth discussion.

>> No.8309425

first for bakker eternal GOAT

>> No.8309431

So who are the top 10 SFF writers this century so far?

>Guy Gavriel Kay

And then idk.

>John C Wright? (Golden Age/Orphans)
>Brian Stayvley? (Chronicle of Unhewn Throne)
>Jasper Fforde? (Shades of Grey)
>Peter Watts? (Blindsight)
>Robert Bennett? (Divine Cities)
>Miles Cameron? (Traitor Son Cycle)

>> No.8309443

Does anybody have the Spurdo Bakker pic?

>> No.8309446


Damn Bakker taking over these threads. He is good, amazing, but not a good.

Some interesting recommendations though.

I have read everything from that list, except the Jasper Fforde and Rober bennet. Any of them good?

I didn't like Sanderson, Guy Guy and golden age. Abercrombies "young adult"series sucked sooo hard.

>> No.8309450




>> No.8309452

what is that? the new author pic?

I like his books, but the guy is weird looking, also he has a wife and a daughter(I think). I wonder if she gets teased by her classmates...all that rape after all, doesn't help someones reputation.

>> No.8309457


Meme bear in golden armor talking about ciphrang and no God and ending with "praise the Logos xDDDD"

>> No.8309458

If you're gonna go purely for popular writers then include people like lynch who at least pick a gimmick (dialogue in his case) and do it well

>> No.8309464

I wasn't going for anything at all. Fforde is pretty underread.

Lynch is terrible desu

>> No.8309465

No it's a pic of Kellhus as spurdo.

"Gnosis and logos, not tekne and DICKGIRLS"

>> No.8309470
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C.J. Cherryh and then nine other motherfuckers all fightin' each other over second place.

>> No.8309473


>Female writer

Why not stay in reddit?

>> No.8309475

Did she even write anything good nowadays? On her goodreads profiles front page all of her books are written before 2000.

>> No.8309479


>implying le Guin is bad

No anon

You are the reddit

>> No.8309480

>this century

You could do a top 10 of females and come out with a much better list than most posted here

>> No.8309494

>Kvothe is a Gary Stu
>but Kelloggs somehow isn't

Nice cognitive dissonance

>> No.8309499

Both are awful, but Bakkerfags pretend there's some kind of a excuse.

>> No.8309506

Kellhus literally goes insane at the end of book 2

Kvorhe gets called a sex master by a goddes of love as a 15 year old virgin

This is bait, but I'm still replying

>> No.8309508

I havent read Kvothe's story but Kellhus really isnt a Gary Stu

If "Gary Stu = he's powerful" then you really dont know what that term means

>> No.8309512

quick list a main character that isn't a Mary Sue

>> No.8309515



>> No.8309516
File: 1.10 MB, 2560x1440, IMG_20160710_183638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As promised, part 2 from the 'Ring of Light' quintet.
Part 1 was posted in the previous thread to general praise.
Part 2 is much shorter and it's a direct continuation to the first part, the journey of Hao to find the Ring of Light and end a war.
Also comfy pics from where I live, as per usual

>> No.8309517

Every character in every classic ever?

>> No.8309522

Aaand, forgot link


>> No.8309524

>Kvorhe gets called a sex master by a goddes of love as a 15 year old virgin

I was actually thinking about reading those books, but I am quickly losing all interest. How are these books so critically acclaimed?

>> No.8309528

Dunno, fantasy fans are mostly cretins?

>> No.8309532

1. Fantasy readers like shite
2. Fantasy critics don't care

It's basically male twilight
The likes of Trudi Canavan get so much shit for their stories and then name of the wind comes along, does the same thing, and is acclaimed

>> No.8309538


Acclaimed by who? Reddit?

>> No.8309543

It was billed as the next Harry Potter but quickly developed into shit because Rothfuss is a narcissistic, fedora tipping faggot

>> No.8309549

>perfect memory
>all women want to fuck him
>everyone kinda does his bidding, even Guasacht admits so
>becomes autarch
I like my boi Severian, but niggas mary sue.

>> No.8309553

Falcio, Locke, Gotrek and Felix, Croaker

Notice how I'm naming schlocky adventure characters and even they don't fit

>> No.8309556

Are you forgetting all the time's he's shown himself to be considerably narcissistic, fraudulent, and plain stupid?

>> No.8309558

>reliable narrator

>> No.8309572

He's only ironically stupid

>> No.8309578

>that guy arguing that length adds to the complexity

>> No.8309586

What is the word used in Malazan

I think it means peace? Like elysian?

>> No.8309590

She pumps out a Foreigner book practically every year.

>> No.8309594


rothfuss is a fucking egomaniac who thinks his books are hot shit so he constantly shits on his fans, and given that reddit has some very deep complexes in their psychology they draw closer to him, like a wife loving a husband more when he beats her, it would explain the following he has, which is mainly reddit, and yes he is shit at writing
His story wouldn't be so fucking bad if he wasn't self inserting some god tier fantasy oh I'm Kvothe I'm the best at everything and I learn everything super fast and did you know I'm literally the best at everything I can do everything I want etc

>> No.8309603
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This review hits it on the nail really.

>> No.8309610
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Not finished yet but I am starting to think that the Emperor made some errors, both with the mission statement of his crusade as well as regarding the way he handled and distributed leadership concerning his primarchs. Also, some parts of their education and conditioning may have been glossed over as well.

>> No.8309618
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>> No.8309621

To understand Rothfuss, all you need to do is post his goodreads bio

>> No.8309624

What's wrong with Abercrombie?

I thought The Heroes was one of the better fantasy books to come since the beginning of the 21st century. Sure he has his issues, but the man can write decent characters which seems to be rare in fantasy. That being said I haven't read his Young adult series, but I have heard it's pretty bad and some of his first law books are also quite poor.

>> No.8309633


Abercrombie is so preoccupied with subverting fantasy tropes he forgets the book also has to be good.

>> No.8309634

His main series relies too heavily on inverting tropes and doesn't really stand up beyond that. The heroes and best served cold are much better imo

>> No.8309643
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Gotcha back, Famasûrimbor

>> No.8309660


>> No.8309661

Thank you anon, you are truly my greatest ally

>> No.8309667

Just your thread reminder that the Sad Puppies are so autistic they can't handle not being able to judge a book by it's cover.

>That’s what’s happened to Science Fiction & Fantasy literature. A few decades ago, if you saw a lovely spaceship on a book cover, with a gorgeous planet in the background, you could be pretty sure you were going to get a rousing space adventure featuring starships and distant, amazing worlds. If you saw a barbarian swinging an axe? You were going to get a rousing fantasy epic with broad-chested heroes who slay monsters, and run off with beautiful women. Battle-armored interstellar jump troops shooting up alien invaders? Yup. A gritty military SF war story, where the humans defeat the odds and save the Earth. And so on, and so forth.

>These days, you can’t be sure.

>The book has a spaceship on the cover, but is it really going to be a story about space exploration and pioneering derring-do? Or is the story merely about racial prejudice and exploitation, with interplanetary or interstellar trappings?

>There’s a sword-swinger on the cover, but is it really about knights battling dragons? Or are the dragons suddenly the good guys, and the sword-swingers are the oppressive colonizers of Dragon Land?

>> No.8309671


Oh that sounds like what I heard, what the hell, it means cessation or to cease, was it meant like, we want cessation like it would bring elysian peace or something? That's the context I gathered at least but I might remember wrong

>> No.8309676


The Sad Puppies are irrelevant now, Vox used them to strengthen his own shit smearing campaign and threw them away when they outlived their usefulness.

>> No.8309680

>n high-school Pat was something of a class clown. His hobbies included reading a novel or two a day and giving relationship advice to all of his female friends despite the fact that he had never so much as kissed a girl. He also role-played and wrote terrible stories about elves. He was pretty much a geek.
>He is advisor for the college feminists, the fencing club, and, oddly enough, a sorority. He still roll-plays occasionally, but now he does it in an extremely sophisticated, debonair way.
No wonder Kvothe is the way he is, it's Rothfuss trying to make up for his gargantuan betahood.

>> No.8309681

I like the part where he tells Agia that recent events remind him of a story that Thecla once told him, she says she has no interest in hearing the story, so he recites the story word for word in his mind to himself as they walk together in silence.
What a colossal autist.

>> No.8309684

I bought a book with UFO's on the cover and it was about a guy searching for his gay lover in New York.

>> No.8309694


I pirate all my books I never even see the covers
I just look at reviews and ignore everything except for: if it's praised for it's liberal ideologies, if it has a "strong female/+lead"* or if it doesn't"

* Term used improperly every single time for the past 10 years
Strong female lead example: Lara Croft in the first Tomb Raider video games
Not strong female lead: Anything in the past decade

You just know that a book is worth checking out if reviewers (I only look at 1 or 2 star reviews on goodreads) are complaining about misogyny or racism or any other shit that triggers the libs.
Mind you that itself won't make a book good, it will just make it less probable to be shit. And you kind of have to be running a numbers game when you're deciding on what to read next in fantasy without recommendations from others because this genre is over-saturated with complete shitty garbage

>> No.8309697

From what I can remember of Malazan he uses it often as the noun form of "cease". So "without surcease" means "without stopping".

>> No.8309698

What a colossal badass
He don't give a fuck whether Agia listens or not. Also he spoke it out loud and Agia heard the story too, but he wasn't paying attention and Severian just told the story, and admitted to tell the story for himself anyway.

>> No.8309708


Man I could swear there is a word that sounds very similar to it that actually does mean peace, or maybe I'm just retarded Well I technically am but still , I need to get the ebook and check the context of when that word was used again, I knew it was used multiple times in the last 2 hours of when I stopped the audiobook recording, welp time to find the chapter

>> No.8309716

>Jasper Fforde ... good?
That book he mentioned is, in my opinion.

>> No.8309725


T o what end? Leaving me in a place wher e I am hunted, pursued wi thout sur cease?
I t f lowed viciou s an d wi t h ou t su rcease

So I guess the context actually was cessationlessness(?), having no end, thank you anon, I was mistaken, you were true

>> No.8309731

If /sffg/ is so well tuned to excellent prose and story telling, why aren't you faggots topping Rothfuss and Sanderson?

>> No.8309744

Most of them cant even finish a short story, its all memery

>> No.8309745

What are the must reads after the Horus Heresy Trilogy?

>> No.8309752


Because being able to tell if something is good/shit is different from actually doing it yourself, not only that but it takes shit loads of time to actually write a novel, and to deal with the prerequisites, what the world is like, what it's history is, what it's people are etc, of course you can just wing the history part like rothfuss just bringing it up when convenient but having a functional understanding of the world you're writing in is a must for a good fantasy novel

>> No.8309754


Do you need to know how to build a car, or even have built a car before, to judge the quality of a car you have driven?

>> No.8309757

No, but someone who has would have a better eye for a quality car than someone who hasn't.

>> No.8309758

The question is "why arent you surpassing said shit?"

And the truth is this: you dont have the skill.

>> No.8309761


Yeah but that's all worthless when the car barely drives, even if the engine is top notch quality and the interior shines like marble

>> No.8309764

>No, but someone who has would have a better eye for a quality car than someone who hasn't.
My brother's a fully trained mechanic, he can tell me practically anything that's wrong with my car

He'd have no fucking clue if I asked him to build me a car

>> No.8309772

>Want to write good fantasy
>Start by avoiding 99% of the genre and taking from books that aren't fantasy

Am I off to a good start?

>> No.8309774


True, but this is a SFF discussion thread on an image board. If you want professional criticism then you have come to the wrong place. If someone doesn't like the criticisms others are offering then they should counter with their own points and not try to invalidate the discussion itself.


So? You are most likely garbage at a lot of skills as well, should I think less of you? Does that mean nothing you says matter? You likely haven't published anything either, why should I listen to what you have to say about literature?

If you don't like what others are saying about authors you like then explain to them why they are wrong. Yeah, they will most likely throw insults back at you, but then at least you know you got the better of them and others will see that as well.

Rothfuss fans on here just look mad that others have caught onto his supposed bullshit. I haven't read the guy, but if I was trying to decide to read him or not screaming, "well, let's see you do better!" isn't going to make me want to pick up his books.

And no, I haven't read Rothfuss yet.

>> No.8309777

>So? You are most likely garbage at a lot of skills as well, should I think less of you? Does that mean nothing you says matter? You likely haven't published anything either, why should I listen to what you have to say about literature?
Lol I actually have. And no, I dont think less of you or anything like that.

I'm just answering the anons question which you seemed so keen on dodging.

>> No.8309781

If you don't read fantasy you might struggle to write a fantasy book the fans of the genre will actually want to read.

But diversity in reading is good. You might take inspiration from something that isn't often done in SFF and your book may be all the better for it. But there is a reason this thread goes by faster than pretty much anything else in /lit/ so the genre isn't at a complete lost (yet).

>> No.8309783

Oh look it's another day of "The stuff I read is intellectually superior to the stuff you read. Feel bad about yourself and kneel down to my superiority!"

>> No.8309785

>Rothfuss fans on here

There are no rothfuss fans here

>> No.8309789

Yeah, you just described pretty much all discussions on this entire board.

>> No.8309791
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The false superiority is a result of newfags stampeding the site. Literal underage children are possessed with too much pride and shit up everything they touch.

>> No.8309792

Welcome to /lit/

>> No.8309797

>But there is a reason this thread goes by faster than pretty much anything else in /lit/

Because this genre is just so broad you can fit anything under fantasy from barely fantasy to whole universes filled with magic
It's also a very popular genre and a genre that gets multibook series constantly instead of the stand alone books the /lit/ outside of this general "discusses"*

* By this I mean they shit on / praise to the skies the flavoured book of the year which happened to be, when I checked a few months ago, Infinite Jest

>> No.8309800

Bill, the whole series is completely inconsistent and filled with just really stupid shit.
The Emperor is an idiot.
And so is almost everyone else.

>> No.8309803

Anyone here read Worm?

>> No.8309810

Read something that isn't shit, faggot.

>> No.8309814

I wasn't a part of the discussion initially since I don't like talking about authors I haven't read yet. I just don't think countering criticisms of prose by asking the other person to write something better is a terrible argument. It doesn't actually address the criticisms launched at Rothfuss and regardless, if anyone tries to write better prose than him it won't 't bring about a satisfying end to the debate/argument.


Maybe there are, but they don't want to get insulted for daring to enjoy something. I know anons like to feel good about themselves and say they are so much better than reddit, but the circlejerk is as strong here as it is over there.

Read any of the Infinite Jest threads? Circlejerk.

Honestly, I don't really disagree with anything you wrote. It's also true for the most part.


>> No.8309815

From /r/fantasy's top books I see.

>> No.8309820

The Worm Ouroboros? Are you a fellow dino!?

>> No.8309824

The anons question was simply

>If anons hate Rothfuss/whoever so much why dont they surpass him?

and I answer with the simple fact, they lack skill.

The question begins and ends with anon's own taste and skill. The author in question is probably the least important part of the discussion

>> No.8309833

Okay, maybe my autism is flaring up, but I'm pretty sure that was not a sincere question. Is it not clear anon is trying to dismiss the criticisms towards Rothfuss by asking his critics to do better? The discussion was about the supposed faults of Rothfuss' writing and of his characters, how can he not be central to the question?

>> No.8309845

It's not the same thing.
I've been meaning to read it tho, it seems really great.
Last two sf novels I've read were Dispossessed and Iron Dragons Daughter, but I don't think I'll be coming back to sff in a while, I'm closing the point where I've read 2-3 books by most great authors so it doesn't keep opening in the same way philosophy does, which makes sense of course, one being 2300 years older than the other.

>> No.8309853
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Thoughts on this series lads?

On book 2 and I'm enjoying it..

>> No.8309854

I don't see any indication that he cares for Rothfuss (and Sanderson) at all. What we do know is that both authors are constantly held with derision in these threads. I haven't read much of either so I have no real opinion of them.

I actually did read a sample of The Way of Kings not long ago...I didn't really care for it, but I'm sure it has its other qualities.

>> No.8309876

Welp, perhaps I misread, but in general I don't think such questions contribute anything though.

I actually like Sanderson quite a bit. I know his prose may not be the best, but he generally has very interesting plots and good characters. Way of Kings is excellent if you enjoy a more traditional epic fantasy with the author putting a unique flavor in familiar ideas. Though I admit, one of the characters that gets PoV chapters is pretty awful to follow initially. Her chapters are few and they get better near the end, but it can be a slog at times. Overall though, I enjoyed the book enough to put the next one on my to-read list.

>> No.8309881

Post part 3 anon. I dig your prose. It's so simple yet so complicated and difficult to follow. It feels like reading the bible t b h
I'm hooked now and I might as well see how it ends since it's free anyway

>> No.8309902

>Writing your own sff books
>Not just writing journals to critique them or make long ass youtube videos about how bad the ones you don't like are and tossing in what you think is good to appear well rounded

>> No.8309921

Decent but drags on too much in the later books

>> No.8309938

I didnt say it adds complexety,pleb. I sais bakker has a better chance at complexety because lenght. A subtle difference

>> No.8309943

Complexity isn't a virtue.

>> No.8309947

I dont understand this meme. Someone explain this shit

>> No.8309951

Read the books and it'll make sense

>> No.8309964

Never said it was
I understand the books,i dont get the meme. I know thats kellhus...but what is the origin of the meme ?

>> No.8310026

>No market for fantasy that isn't high or urban

>> No.8310033

Just lie and say its either

>> No.8310034

That's an excuse terrible writers use. I don't care what style your SFF is as long as it's actually good. Which it 100% isn't if you make this complaint.

>> No.8310042
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>I understand the books,i dont get the meme. I know thats kellhus...but what is the origin of the meme ?


>> No.8310051

isn't low fantasy more popular than high atm?

>> No.8310060

>he isn't writing modern military fantasy where soldiers go into battle after being buffed by mages and trickshot their enemies with autoaim assault rifles

>> No.8310066

Most popular fantasy right now
>Martin, Rothfuss, Sanderson
Is high fantasy.

>> No.8310083

Martin strikes a line between both.

>> No.8310094

Sanderson already wrote Reckenors.

>> No.8310096
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We /gormenghast/ now

>> No.8310207
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You can say that Shallan is a shit, anon. She's a boring fucking character up until Shadesmar shenanigans.

>> No.8310227

>clandestine meetings with a priest to eat jam


>> No.8310335
File: 96 KB, 850x400, quote-my-name-is-kvothe-pronounced-nearly-the-same-as-quothe-names-are-important-as-they-tell-you-a-patrick-rothfuss-263143[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's typical Fedora bait. Let me remind you, there is an actual scene where Nice Guy Kvothe rescues a hot librarian from the attentions of that disgusting pig Ambrose and actually calls her M'lady while doing it.

The Mary Sueness isn't even the worst part the books are just dull, dull, dull if you haven't got your dick out fapping to Kvothe's awesomeness.

Twilight for boys.

>> No.8310351


Dear lord, I never saw this, this is gold. Didn't think it was this bad.

>For the next seven years Pat studied anthropology, philosophy, eastern religions, history, alchemy, parapsychology, literature, and writing. He studied six different martial arts, practiced improv comedy, learned how to pick locks, and became a skilled lover of women.


I guess book sales is how Neckbeards elect a king. How can so many people be deluded about his greatness. Is this a cult.

>> No.8310397

>learned how to pick locks and became a skilled lover of women

This is my favorite part, makes it so easy to imply a relationship between the two

>> No.8310449

Why is it every single review I see posted in these threads reads like a college sophomore's blog entry? I mean if your entire premise for hating a book is its lousy prose don't you think it's awfully ironic to present your ideas in a poorly written rant?

>> No.8310459

Martin is 100% grade-A high fantasy. The only people who say he isn't have no clue what the term means.

>> No.8310492
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I made a Conan :DDDDD

>> No.8310587


>> No.8310647
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>upcoming week we're allowed to take as much overtime as we want at work
>the only limit is until our sanity breaks
I need good fantasy audiobooks, /lit/. Not anything too thick in the prose department, since my job involves writing, preferably something fun, dramatic, entertaining.

Please help

>> No.8310651

More like Boremenghast

>> No.8310667

>A Song of Memes and Tumblr
>high fantasy
lol no.

>> No.8310669

>I'm a retard that doesn't even know what high fantasy means

>> No.8310707

Where do I start with Gemmel?

>> No.8310730


>> No.8310736

well what is high fantasy and how does martin fit in it

>> No.8310739

90% of the books on here are fucking cringe, I don't remember this general being this way months ago

>> No.8310742

.>High fantasy is defined as fantasy set in an alternative, fictional ("secondary") world, rather than "the real", or "primary" world. The secondary world is usually internally consistent, but its rules differ from those of the primary world. By contrast, low fantasy is characterized by being set in the primary, or "real" world, or a rational and familiar fictional world, with the inclusion of magical elements.[2][3][4][5]

Why do you insist on being retarded

>> No.8310748

>"Go we into the lofty presence chamber and there tarry awhile. Morning is kindling the upper air, and folk will soon be stirring in the castle, for they lie not long abed when day begins in Demonland. For be it known to thee, O earthborn, that this land is Demonland, and this castle the castle of Lord Juss, and this day now dawning his birthday, when the Demons hold high festival in Juss's castle to do honour unto him and to his brethren, Spitfire and Goldry Bluszco; and these and their fathers before them bear rule from time immemorial in Demonland, and have the lordship over all the Demons."

>She spoke, and the first low beams of the sun smote javelinlike through the eastern windows, and the freshness of morning breathed and shimmered in that lofty chamber, chasing the blue and dusky shades of departed night to the corners and recesses, and to the rafters of the vaulted roof. Surely no potentate of earth, not Croesus, not the great King, not Minos in his royal palace in Crete, not all the Pharaohs, not Queen Semiramis, nor all the Kings of Babylon and Nineveh had ever a throne room to compare in glory with that high presence chamber of the lords of Demonland. Its walls and pillars were of snow-white marble, every vein whereof was set with small gems: rubies, corals, garnets, and pink topaz. Seven pillars on either side bore up the shadowy vault of the roof; the roof-tree and the beams were of gold, curiously carved, the roof itself of mother-of-pearl. A side aisle ran behind each row of pillars, and seven paintings on the western side faced seven spacious windows on the east. At the end of the hall upon a dais stood three high seats, the arms of each composed of two hippogriffs wrought in gold, with wings spread, and the legs of the seats the legs of the hippogriffs; but the body of each high seat was a single jewel of monstrous size: the lefthand seat a black opal, asparkle with steel-blue fire, the next a fire-opal, as it were a burning coal, the third seat an alexandrite, purple like wine by night but deep sea-green by day. Ten more pillars stood in semicircle behind the high seats, bearing up above them and the dais a canopy of gold. The benches that ran from end to end of the lofty chamber were of cedar, inlaid with coral and ivory, and so were the tables that stood before the benches. The floor of the chamber was tessellated, of marble and green tourmaline, and on every square of tourmaline was carven the image of a fish: as the dolphin, the conger, the cat-fish, the salmon, the tunny, the squid, and other wonders of the deep. Hangings of tapestry were behind the high seats, worked with flowers, snake's-head, snapdragon, dragonmouth, and their kind; and on the dado below the windows were sculptures of birds and beasts and creeping things.

Now THIS is dino core

>> No.8310784

Is the Years of Rice and Salt good?

>> No.8310810

> /lit/
> can't grasp the absolute
> reddit
> can't grasp the absolute

Reddit = /lit/ ... no matter how hard u deny it.

>> No.8310849

The more fantasy posters there are, the shittier the general gets. By and large they have no taste.

>> No.8310859
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Thoughts on Anno Dracula?

>> No.8310890

>So who are the top 10 SFF writers this century so far?
>>Guy Gavriel Kay
Replace Sanderson with KJ Parker and you're getting somewhere.

>> No.8310895


>> No.8310985

It wasn't as bad. Something dreww retards here and I'm not quite sure what, but it's maybe 2-3 mentions of good books per thread. .

>> No.8311149

It's summer, and we seem to be getting a lot of retards from /pol/.

>> No.8311157

>super tall and handsome
>perfect memory
>every woman jumps on his dick
>becomes the ruler of the earth
Nah, he is a certified Mary Sue. Just like the protagonist in Pirate Freedom. Are allof Wolfe's heroes like this? Is, say, Latro another extraordinarily tall guy all women lust after?

>> No.8311167

I want to read some books written by girls...because I have already read 90% of the good stuff.

Who is the female equivalent of:
Miles Cameron

Or at least, who is similar to any of these? Who is "God tier" in female SFF?

>inb4 women can't write.

>> No.8311177

>Is, say, Latro another extraordinarily tall guy all women lust after?
Its not like he'd remember if he is.

>> No.8311182

>Who is "God tier" in female SFF?

None they are all shit because they are women

>> No.8311186

He's also completely full of shit. The books are his memoirs, written by himself and he habitually lies.

>> No.8311187

Even Ursula LeGuin?

>> No.8311205

Susanna Clarke is good, and I remember liking "Wizard of the Pigeons" by Lindholm aka Hobb. Be interested to hear some more desu.

Oh, you.

>> No.8311256
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Death Gate Cycle.

>> No.8311362

All around him were pods, great big stupid pods. He had seen enough pods and turned away in disgust, spitting his gum on the ground. But behind him were more pods. He sank to knees and realized that he had to face the pods. He glanced up at the nearest pod and quickly shielded his eyes. "No, it can't be pods." But it were pods. He pulled from his travelpak a large light emitter, with a singular unifork transmitter, and transmitted the beam of light across the terrible, awful, most horrendous pod. He saw inside was a little skinny weird looking guy, his eyes all gross looking because they were paralyzed and he looked really stupid.

"No, not my people! My great-uncle Giddeon." And protorg cried a cry devoid of all that is manly in a man. Having emptied himself of such emotions, he stood up with resolution, knowing that he could make his way through the pod field that stretched onwards in a big shape that he didn't care to consider at depth.

>> No.8311383


Chuck Tingle or JCW?

>> No.8311429

>using "dado"

>> No.8311463

I think I'm in love with Erikkson

>> No.8311550

Suggest me a book that its main characters are not constantly regreting or self doubting or self loathing or thinking about a woman.

>> No.8311551

Acts of Cairne

>> No.8311556


Wheel Of Time.

>> No.8311577

The Name of the Wind.

>> No.8311674
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Cheers. I'm glad to see there's some interest. Part 3 will be posted in the next thread.
It's got some of the most difficult prose I've ever written and I'll take my time editing it well.

>> No.8311678

Richard Morgan's stuff has him thinking about men :)

>> No.8311680

Black Company fits that

>> No.8311761
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how do you guys feel about John Scalzi?

>> No.8311762


>> No.8311817

Wasn't he the reason for all the puppy shit?

>> No.8311860

Hey how do I go about getting a copy of the Great Ordeal by Bakker? I live in the UK and it's not officially published here until September.

>> No.8311863


>> No.8311868

>Guy Gavriel Kay

Abercrombie, ehh I suppose.

Bakker and Sanderson definitely, yeah.

I don't think you can do a 10, because there aren't enough great writers in the genre at the moment. Great young writers at least.

>> No.8311875

Ausfag here, I ordered one from USA off amazon.

>> No.8311883


rank the roshar nations

1) azir
2) idk
3) reshi isles
4) anywhere else
5) yah keved
6) literally any scrap of land anywhere else
7) alethkar

>> No.8311885
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>top anything except bad writer

>> No.8311892


Thanks anon!

>> No.8311900

PSA: Legend Of The Galactic Heroes Vol 2 came out last week!

Buy it if you want to see vol. 4-10 translated (they'll only translate the first 3 and stop if not enough people buy it)

>> No.8312043

Rothfuss, GRRM, Ericson, Weeks

>> No.8312064


Surely you jest

>> No.8312072
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>> No.8312076


>> No.8312087
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I hope this is bait.

Otherwise, you're the biggest cuck on this website.

>> No.8312100
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Le Guin is fucking shit.
Nice samefagging, he is better than Sanderson and Guy Gavriel Kay

>> No.8312109
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>> No.8312126


I agree that cuckposters are retarded, but then so are you for hating all women writers AND liking fucking Rothfuss of all people.

>> No.8312141

Sanderson Weeks and Rothfuss are all as shit as each other.

>> No.8312149
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Can't handle the truth.

>> No.8312227



>> No.8312300

Would ftl travel work of they left the influence of their shard? Would they have to kidnap and imprison their god in their ship for it to work? Does the cosmere (space) power your shard abilities?

Answer me cosmerefag.

>> No.8312324
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>miles cameron...

>> No.8312339

>I posted it again ma XD

>> No.8312414
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>> No.8312417
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>> No.8312420
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>Ericson, Weeks

>> No.8312424

guess who just got out of bed

>> No.8312440 [DELETED] 

Got off work actually... and out of bed. Hard day yesterday, couldn't chill with my mutually hated book club.

It's shit. Fuck you.

>> No.8312448

They're all white males though

>> No.8312464

Actually got out of bed 5+? Hours ago. Hard day yesterday, couldn't chill with my mutually hated book club.
Had to read through half the old thread, and all of this one.

The weeks haters are not me btw, I love me a good GRI novel. BLOOD MIRROR WHEN

It's shit. Fuck you.

>> No.8312467

Fun thread is over guys, the cancer is here.

>> No.8312471
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We already know magic can work somewhere it does not originate from so yes, FTL travel should be no different.

>> No.8312497

I only read Elantris, Mistborn (first trilogy) and Stormlight archive. Where does it say shit works if you leave your planet a shard has influence over?
What else do I have to read?
I'm just started Warbreaker today and is the sword Talenel'Elin the sword the V guy forgot his name has? the sword that talks? is this how you know magic works elsewhere?
Damn It's been a long time I was so invested in a fantasy series

>> No.8312561

1: Shinovar
10 shit
11 Alethkar

>> No.8312588
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Read the entire Cosmere. Alternatively, follow Q&As, interviews, and the like.
No, the sword the guy who thinks he is Taln had is not Nightblood. They don't even look alike.

>> No.8312592

Meh, a but aggressive but I like it.

>> No.8312798

Old Man's War is a fun series. I actually ended up reading the third book first because I really like space colonization/Robinson Crusoe fiction. I also really enjoyed the stories about diplomats in the short story collections, due to a love for the Retief of the CDT series. Zoe's Tale is the weakpoint in the series and can be easily skipped though, since it's a YA novel.

Redshirts was entertaining. Fuzzy Nation felt like a plot to a 80s or 90s scifi movie or two-parter Stargate SG-1 episode.

Nah that was Larry Correa or however you spell it.

>> No.8312805

I don't care anymore famiglia, I might as well end myself
So spoil me away son, no holds barred.
guy who THINKS he is Taln? What do you know, tell me everything.

>> No.8312853

What was that one "modern day economists in a fantasy world"-book? I've got some time to spend in the summer, and would love some chuckles.

>> No.8312869

What, as in the characters are literally economists?

>> No.8312881
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>shitposting about bakker being better than wolfe
>shitposting about Abercrombie
>shitposting about Sanderson
>shitposting in general
>I'm the cancer
Okay. Why don't you kys

>> No.8312922


Yeah, saw it mentioned in /lit/ a couple of times, but cannot remember the name for the death of me.

>> No.8312955

>We already know magic can work somewhere it does not originate from so yes, FTL travel should be no different.

Yes, because the world they traveled to has a shard, all shards originated from one piece.

I'm sure it's safe to assume there can be symbiotic relationships between imbued persons(people who have a shard's ability) from one world and shard between another world and it's shard.

E.g. How warbreaker's magic is described, an ascended can suck up way of kings stormlight, or mistborn's mist to survive, but wtf are they gonna suck on elantris? Aons? What about sixth of dusk? They gonna suck up worms?

If you are right and they can work somewhere it doesn't originate, and Sanderson does the inevitable cross over which we all know is coming, a full misting will be superman without the weakness and craziness on reckoner's world.

>> No.8312965

Any Kingkiller Chronicles fans?

I'm 99% sure Denna is a Chandrian after re-re-reading book 1. Spoilers below.

She was the only survivor at the wedding

The song her and Kvothe sing a chapter or two later imply that the female Chandrian's sign is being pale and coming and going quietly, just like her.

She might genuinely like Kvothe anyway, and she seems to try to stop him from learning more about the Chandrian through both books.

I mean, come on.

>> No.8312967

Dagger and coin. Daniel Abraham. Enjoy, and by that I mean cry tears of frustration.

>> No.8312975

Dagger and Coin's not modern day economists though, it's just a fantasy series about banking (with a high stakes audit!)

Trade Princess and Traitor Baru Cormorant also fit that brief

>> No.8312994


Thanks a ton guys! Yeah, looks like I misremembered it being about modern day economics!

>> No.8313009

I think you mean Merchant Princess

Which is suprisingly weak given how good of a scifi author Stross is

>> No.8313018

She is coming and going because she needs to left chad power fuck her, so she can get dinner and fancy clothes.

Also if I remember correctly it looked like she was being pimped out at some point.(i think kvothe put himself in shark loaner debt to help her pay off and she ran?)

All I know is that Denna is a stacey, she would fuck anyone, even the bar keeper, and not fuck kvothe, she lust for chad dick, and started the war that was mentioned in book 2, kvothe probably wanted to white knight.

Book would be 100% better if it had no denna, she blue balled kvothe so much that his desperate lusting virginity summoned a sex goddess, and all kvothe could think about is that if he fucked the goddess, he may get a chance against denna clamp tight(only against his advances, slack for everyone else) cunny.

Fuck Rothfuss.

>> No.8313023

I think the reason she's so prominent though is because of her being a Chandrian or Chandrian spy, and that's why she's basically dead to Kvothe when he talks about her randomly to Chronicler(mostly in book 1). He wants that cliche twist and is building up the heart tearing moment.

>> No.8313039

Don't care, I just want to read book 3 & 4(will not finish in a trilogy), to satisfy my autistic ocd.

>> No.8313048

Same and yeah, there's going to be more than 3 books for sure. Especially with the TV and movie deal he's getting. Rothfuss said that book 3 is the end of this PARTICULAR arc for Kvothe, not that it's the end of Kvothe's story.

>> No.8313055

>offering a tv show deal to a series that's about 100 pages long if you take out all the needless description

>> No.8313146
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Reckoners isn't Cosmere.

>> No.8313161

Hey, at least I'm not the one who offered him the deal.

>> No.8313243

How do I do a compelling ending? How do I actually write it? How did you write it? How did other people write it?
How the fuck do I end my story?

God damn it, the closer I get to the ending, the harder it is without writing a shit ton of dialogue and exposition to explain all the shit that's been going on. I don't trust the reader, maybe that's my problem. I don't trust the reader will get it, I'll have to dilute the story, I'll have to ruin everything for the reader to "get it"
I'll have to kill myself afterwards

I'll kill myself and that will bring a satisfying end.... to it all.

>> No.8313258

You don't write a story then think of an ending, you have the ending in mind before you even write the first word.

>> No.8313279

I have the ending, I know the ending and how it's supposed to work out, but I can't writer it in a compelling way.
Compared to the rest of the story, even the prose and quality of dialogue went way way down. It's another example of good story with poor ending.

What's up with this? Am I feeling the end and my heart is no longer into it? Why can't I end my story in a satisfying way? Why even the prose went noticeably down?

>> No.8313299

Think of what it all means to the characters, really. How are they suppose to meet their respective ends. Dont think of it as just "ending the story", think of it as concluding character arcs and wrapping up the whole point of the story

>> No.8313432

>I think the reason she's so prominent though is because of her being a Chandrian or Chandrian spy,

Honest question, do you guys actually care about the Chandrian stuff? It actually feels so irrelevant to the main story. I can't even bring myself to care.

>Especially with the TV and movie deal he's getting.
Can't wait to see that trainwreck.

>> No.8313444

I do but it's mostly because I feel like it's really going to drive book 3 all the way through, but that may just be wishful thinking.

>> No.8313457

Is Prince of Nothing the books y'all talk about every. single. living thread there is for hundreds of posts on end?
I started to read and quit after a few lines. This nigga keeps namedropping like no tomorrow.

Is it worth to read the series? What does it bring to the genre?

>> No.8313460

Prince of Nothing is god awful. I don't understand why people here like it so much

I want all of the time I spent reading those books back

>> No.8313469

It's fantastic. And just read and find out yourself.

>> No.8313485

Lot of focus on (disproven) philosophy which is kinda rare for fantasy, hence why people here think it's some kinda wonderful

pros are that it's fantasy that's actually about something, cons are everything else about it

Worth a read but not deserving of much praise, also it probably deserves it's own thread for the latest book.

>> No.8313497

It throws you in at the end of the world, of course there's going to end names you don't recognize when you're starting at the middle of the story

>> No.8313539

>second Greatcoats novel has several chapters about the importance of taxes
Genuinely loving this

>> No.8313545

The first fuckin section is
Sargaer, kind of Aerwef, lord and steward of Edgfawer with his seven knights of Jfsetjyh died inside the castle of Tjdtgrs at the end of the fifth era of Rywetj along with his household, the holy house of Trjekoy in the year 346525 of Eytskr.
O what a woeful day that was for the kingdom of Wtwrqw, along the sea of Yadtgaew near the mountains of Rhtew, on the edge of the dark unholy forest of Tndeajo.

Yeah, it's gonna need some heavy shilling for me to start reading and taking this book seriously.

>> No.8313547

It's a fun series. Just the right mix of campyness and grimdark

>> No.8313552

>several chapters about the importance of taxes
>hand-wringing intensifies

>> No.8313555

Are you reading the fucking appendix?

>> No.8313561

The first chapter is literally the king of died in place, world has ended, Prince gets raped, time skip 2000 years, descendant leaves place

I admit, the first book is heavy of the worldbuilding, but to get this autistic over a fucking Prelude is rediculous

>> No.8313562


2147 Year-of-the-Tusk, the Mountains of Demua

One cannot raise walls against what has been forgotten.

The citadel of Ishual succumbed during the height of the Apocalypse. But no army of inhuman Sranc had scaled its ramparts. No furnace-hearted dragon had pulled down its mighty gates. Ishual was the secret refuge of the Kuniüric High Kings, and no one, not even the No-God, could besiege a secret.

Months earlier, Anasurimbor Ganrelka II, High King of Kuniüri, had fled to Ishual with the remnants of his household. From the walls, his sentries stared pensively across the dark forests below, their thoughts stricken by memories of burning cities and wailing multitudes. When the wind moaned, they gripped Ishual’s uncaring stone, reminded of Sranc horns. They traded breathless reassurances. Had they not eluded their pursuers? Were not the walls of Ishual strong? Where else might a man survive the end of the world?

The plague claimed the High King first, as was perhaps fitting: Ganrelka had only wept at Ishual, raged the way only an Emperor of nothing could rage. The following night the members of his household carried his bier down into the forests. They glimpsed the eyes of wolves reflected in the light of his pyre. They sang no dirges, intoned only a few numb prayers.

Before the morning winds could sweep his ashes skyward, the plague had struck two others: Ganrelka’s concubine and her daughter. As though pursuing his bloodline to its thinnest tincture, it assailed more and more members of his household. The sentries upon the walls became fewer, and though they still watched the mountainous horizon, they saw little. The cries of the dying crowded their thoughts with too much horror.

And it goes like this for the rest of the first section

>> No.8313583

lol damn, its been a while since i read it, but i kinda just rolled with it.

The story is really good if you keep with it. I'd say Bakker's style is a unique blend of both Tolkein and Herbert, with the high-minded approach along with sheer depth of characters and theme.

>> No.8313584
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>fantasy readers
It probably didn't bother you because you were listening to an audiobook.

>> No.8313588


>> No.8313590

It's literally 4 pages. Could you not do better than that before having to come here and ask to have your hand held.

>> No.8313681

Do you know what the word crossover mean?......

>> No.8313746

I just finished Flowers for Algernon, lovely book, but I couldn't help but picture Tom Hanks as Charlie Gordon

>> No.8313799

Was shallan visited by a herald in her childhood?

>> No.8313808

I pictured him as that old photo of a bald retard and found it really weird that someone as clearly retarded as him could appear normal when he got smarter. People with downs have physical differences.

>> No.8313848
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There will not be a crossover because Reckoners isn't Cosmere, for the final time.

>> No.8313873
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>my face every time Lightsong made a quip

>> No.8313881

>Sargaer, kind of Aerwef, lord and steward of Edgfawer with his seven knights of Jfsetjyh died inside the castle of Tjdtgrs at the end of the fifth era of Rywetj along with his household, the holy house of Trjekoy in the year 346525 of Eytskr.
>O what a woeful day that was for the kingdom of Wtwrqw, along the sea of Yadtgaew near the mountains of Rhtew, on the edge of the dark unholy forest of Tndeajo.
I chuckled.

>> No.8313883

Sony is not fucking Nintendo, yet they have characters that go on each other's consoles. If he actually finishes this project, we WILL get an inevitable crossover. IT WILL HAPPEN. Fans will ask for David to meet shallan, and the publishers will force Sanderson to do it.

Fucking screencap me on this.

>> No.8313979
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What was the significance of pointing out Walter in the final paragraph? Why end on him?

>> No.8314120

>joke about not knowing what cuckold means
He knows

>> No.8314160

>Guy Gavriel Kay

Is it safe to conclude that Canadian authors are cancer?

>> No.8314174

Jack Whyte is quite good

>> No.8314203

Just finished reading Snow Crash, really enjoyed it.

Honestly, I haven't read much in the past few years, and if anything this year has been an anomoly compared to recent years (I can't remember exactly how many books I've read, maybe a book every month or two. So busy studying last semester, so add in no time to read then, so a decent pace if you exclude that).

Anyway, I digress.

I've read Neuromancer/Snow Crash before, but they're relatively heavy reads. I wouldn't mind something in the cyperpunk vain, something that's a good to read, but more plebby. Something shorter, and something a bit more easy to read. I don't want something strenuous to read, even if I enjoy the underlying plot, just because I feel fucking exhausted when I come home already and something to bring me back into the habit of reading I've lost ever since high school would be great.

Really happy I'm back into it in general, though


>> No.8314332
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Since you've gone so long enjoy my updated pic.

Also Altered Carbon , and anything by bv larson or neal Asher.

>> No.8314341

What I don't understand is how you can like Prince of Nothing but hate KKC

KKC has the better books and writer by far

>> No.8314344


>> No.8314361


>> No.8314473

Do you fucking mean GGK?

>> No.8314491

Read the first book, if it clicks, it's for you
why is it awful?

It is "disproven philosophy" in our world, not in the fantasy world bakker created. SFF is all about "what if "after all...

Better then one thousand "medieval europe" novels. WHats so wrong about it?

>> No.8314512

That's GGK lel

Also they're literally the same shit

>> No.8314537


Imagine and alien reading about our history, do you stop and explain what "Greek" and "roman" is? I mean, it's obvious for any European. Bakker writes this book as if you knew all that shit. For plebs there is a "what came before", a summary at the start of each book and an appendix with each weird name and event.

>> No.8314539


>> No.8314541

if you mean GGK ( guy dude) that I don't like him because he is waaay to emotional, every fucking book is about characters being melodramatic.

Also, his books don't make any sense. You can only enjoy them if you turn off your brain,.

>> No.8314656

I've only read the first book in the series but I enjoyed it. The main characters are fleshed out and likable. The author seems to have actually done a fair bit of research on the era, which gets it bonus points from me. My only real complaint is that Dracula's rise to power is never really elaborated upon besides a few offhand remarks. Overall I'd recommend it.

>tfw samefagging

>> No.8314667
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anyone read pic related?

>> No.8314736

It's pretty edgy stuff. All the women are insufferable cunts, and they get more and more PoVs as the series goes on.

Starts off promising, but gets worse as the series progresses.

>> No.8314793

I picked it up long before I found out that Scalzi is a major SJW, got bored about 1/3 in and dropped. Maybe it's decent, but I just don't like these "daily life of a soldier"-type books.

>> No.8314801

>implying Bakker isn't better than Meme Wolfe.
At least Bakker's books have a decent plot in addition to all the blue prose.

>> No.8314815

>Starts off promising, but gets worse as the series progresses.
lol really? I dropped this shit before 100 pages. If it gets worse I can't imagine how bad it becomes.

>> No.8314832

It always makes me chuckle how you Anglos become so helpless when you see some foreign personal names consisting of more than one syllable. You just can't remember them, can't spell, can't pronounce them for shit. Pathetic.

>> No.8314888

I loved it, first one is the strongest but all in all i think it's great.

>> No.8314951
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Arlen and Rojer are the only redeeming characters.

>> No.8315118

Ok the stuff about breasts in zero gravity was true enough and the standardised polygamy was interesting but explain why in Rendevouz with Rama the captain needed to fuck the medical officer.

Is it just because Clarke is an old ass bitch from like the 50s?

>> No.8315250

I read Secret History and lol, just lol. After this and Words of Radiance I'm honestly really turned off Sanderson. I can't fucking stand authors that don't have the balls to kill their characters. How am I meant to ever get invested in anyone's mortality if it means literally nothing?

>> No.8315321

Anagogic Sorcery < Psûkhe < Gnosis < Tekne = Metagnosis

>> No.8315330

To the anon that said Mat's chapter in crossroads of twilight made the book bearable, fuck you.

>Mat joins the fucking circus
>Mat is pushed around and treated like shit by the same women he saved
>Mat goes shopping!

Fuck you.

>> No.8315355

Way too emotional I get, that's subjective and all (I prefer it by far to Bakker's grimderpery, again, lol opinions), but what about not making sense? I've never found that to be a problem with Kay's writing.

>> No.8315586

Paper bitch a whore, her mother a whore. First 2 books starts off okay, then the whole series went sideways.

Whore mother openly cucking her husband, whore daughter thinking her second time will be her first, after she wanted to get raped(she could have stopped them, but too much of a pacifist... so she too the rape.)

Went from killing demons to "I'm a gril and can do what you do).

The good thing is almost everyone gets raped.
>tfw no muslim father in law offering his two daughters for me to impregnate

Why live?

>> No.8315611

>she wanted to get raped(she could have stopped them, but too much of a pacifist
yeah this was retarded

the main character is the only one I like, dunno why we have to get more and more POVs

>> No.8315687

Recc me a short story famalamas, I like sci fi of the horror variety. Think Doom, Dead Space, Half Life, that sorta thing.

Can be from any writer any time.

I already read The Ruum and Black Destroyer.

>> No.8315696


I started reading him out of amusement in a sense "wow, anyone can write genre fiction these days", and he got a bit better and can be entertaining but fuck fantasy if he's a top writer anywhere. Bakker, Wheel of Time guy and Kay I';; probably never read.

Watts has descriptive talent but his characters and plots are prosaic at best.

Bacigalupi is probably the only promising sci-fi writer. Laird Barron is like watered down Ligotti if horror counts.

>> No.8315714

The Hero as Werwolf by Gene Wolfe

>> No.8315741

Just read Borges

>> No.8315811

>Tackman Babcock

Is Wolfe taking the piss?

>> No.8315814

>Is Wolfe taking the piss?

>> No.8315888
File: 50 KB, 500x500, 1303982048Hoffman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your opinion on Paul Hoffman's trilogy? I read the first book. It was fine. Getting into the second one. I like it.

>> No.8315892

Check here, >>8314332 the strain, hull zero three, i have no mouth and I must scream(the version listed).

>> No.8315907

I hope the guy who used to piss on night angel trilogy because of the cover anytime someone posted about it, will come out of the woodworks to have a go at this cover and judge it from it's appearance.

>> No.8315910

I read the first one a while ago, it was alright but fairly forgettable. Never got around to the sequels.

>> No.8315916

I've heard nothing but bad things about it desu

>> No.8315937

Finished Crossroads Of Twilight, on to Knife Of Dreams

>maybe this won't be as bad as...
>Galad POV right off the bat

Somebody please kill me.

>> No.8315943

Broken empire
>Jorg is the best husbando

>> No.8315949

I have a humble request - can someone recommend some hard SF. I just finished Revelation Space books and I want more books that approach the distances involved in space travel with respect.

I know your pain my man
Was there ever a series with first three books so great that they hook for the next ten shity books

>> No.8315952
File: 97 KB, 1440x1080, [OZC]The Big O E19 &#039;Eyewitness&#039;.mkv_snapshot_05.50_[2015.11.12_17.46.59].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me some stories with Robot main characters.
I've already read Book of the Long Sun

>> No.8315965

>better than anything

Snake fetishist please go

>> No.8315968

I feel your pain brother

at least you're almost there, the writing isn't as good when Sanderson takes over but at least the plot starts moving again

>> No.8316030

Jorg of ancrath

>> No.8316034

Meppa almost killed Kellhus with just the Psûkhe.

If you can channel your autistic rage, you can probably uproot continents.

>> No.8316062

The Book of the New Sun

>> No.8316083

That should make you hate the hard Genre all together.

>> No.8316128

All you can do with Psûkhe is shoot laser beams. Even anagostic is better than that.

>> No.8316144

why should it make me hate?

>> No.8316153


I will now focus my alar, be very scared

>> No.8316274

Some body answer this. Do you think the guy in the fair was a herald or not?

>> No.8316285


>> No.8316366

made to kill - aadam christopher

>> No.8316370

Four-Horned Brother > All of them

>> No.8316373

Expanse series: same sort of respect to distances, but only on the level of our solar system.

>> No.8316433

How do you motivate yourself to write knowing that publishers are very unlikely to publish anything in the genre that isn't tired and retread?

Hell, how do you motivate yourself to write in general?

>> No.8316436

I don't really need any external motivation, I just write.

And I long ago decide that if formal publishing dosent work then I'll just do it myself. I really don't give a damn either way since I know how I'll get readers.

>> No.8316438

Just fucking type

If you don't enjoy it then don't do it

>> No.8316462

Nah. Cixin Liu is better than all those shitheads.

t. Da Shi

>> No.8316473

Suck your weeb shit up your ass.
P.S. Wan Yeng-li is a fucking Mary Sue.

>> No.8316610

Name one fantasy protagonist who ISN'T a Mary Sue.

>> No.8316611


>> No.8316614


He gets literally cucked and shat on every other chapter.

>> No.8316625


>> No.8316637

Eh, maybe. He still has the magic super sword, white hair and shit.
Don't know who that is
Top kek

>> No.8316640


>> No.8316645

Aramini, I summon thee

What do you make of Alien Stones?

>> No.8316659


Not the protagonist, that's Analvôre Kelloggs.

>> No.8316675

They literally have to either be a Mary Sue or the story has to be downsized in danger/scope to accomodate a normie protagonist

>> No.8316695

new thread when?

>> No.8316699

When you make one you fat ass

>> No.8316700

Farseer books by Robin Hobb.

>> No.8316702

not my fucking job

>> No.8316704

what is so hard to understand about this?
Sranc are monsters, Ishual is a citadel/castle, Ganrelka is a king and Kuniuri is a place. Never read this series but you might want to work on your reading comprehension m8. If its important to the story it will be explained. If you're such and autismo that things that are name dropped without explanations bothers you, why the fuck are you reading SF/F?

>> No.8316711

I found it was shit, but I'm not into hard scifi. I like realistic futuristic science fiction, not delta V's and oxygen consumption rates. You might like it though.

>> No.8316725

>Don't know who that is
Read more before you ask stupid fucking questions

>> No.8316733

Aramini's dead, he's locked in my basement (ha, ha!)

>> No.8316755

It's not about reading comprehension m8 and it was never implied to be about reading comprehension. It's just tat this mad abuses namedropping as a means to establish that yes, this world of his has a history and depth.

I just hate it just like I hate explaining the world to the ever present "fish out of water" character as a means to create depth and history for the world.
You people like to meme way too much for your own good, but GRRM does a good job in building his ASOIAF world and no memes on 4chan is going to change that some people suck at it even from the very first sentences of the book.
Basically fuck you and your opinions.

>> No.8316775

>namedropping as a means to establish that yes, this world of his has a history and depth
How does this bother you? it happens in plenty of books in the genre. GRRM does the same shit. you either name drop or you have one character in the know explain to one not in the know. It's called storytelling.

>> No.8316776

new thread


>> No.8317381

What problem do you have with Kay?

>> No.8317807
File: 440 KB, 645x1260, 1453806662741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw that ending

I knew it was coming but it still got to me