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/lit/ - Literature

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8309105 No.8309105 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone here interested in creating a small, experimental and highly elitist writing ring? Benefits include: being able to look down at 99% of /lit/, entering the Western Canon, getting to make cool literatures with likeminded individuals, being part of the group that will make literature fashionable again, getting to make cool novellas and magazines and many more.

Sign up now!! You need a google account and need to write a short story of 1000 characters or less to apply.

>> No.8309114

Post a writing sample.

>> No.8309118
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>> No.8309154

Submitted something, hope you like it lad

>> No.8309155

How many people do you have now?
Whats the stylistic preference of the group?
Whats the plan so far as editing and publishing?

>> No.8309163


>that cluster fuck first sentence

No thanks

>> No.8309173

There is nobody in it because this is the first thing I have made.
I am interested in experimental styles of any kind and also would like to do 'jam' style projects where we all write the same google doc at once with at least some people, although it is fine if some people are not interested.
For editing and publishing I am thinking we can make some pdf magazines to raise our profile before moving into selling physical magazines and trying to publish novellas or short story collections (through either self publishing or a real publisher)

>> No.8309183

Yeah sure, I got about 50 pages to share of a high-fantasy erotic tale about a khajeet and an argonian.

>> No.8309185

I wrote the one about the boats ;)

>> No.8309189

Cool. I'll take a dive.

>> No.8309199

Do i paste my story in that tiny little line ?

>> No.8309212
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it expands

>> No.8309230

oh cool thanks dude

>> No.8309277

you realize i have no way of contacting you if you use temporary email

>> No.8309304

>1000 characters or less
Damn son, that's not a story, that's a couple tweets

>> No.8309314

It is meant to be a harsh restriction to see who can write something interesting with only a paragraph or two and also so that people who have short stories they have been working on for ages dont get an unfair advantage

>> No.8309319

If you dont know what you're doing yes.

>> No.8309407
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>1000 characters or less

I should pass with flying colors then.

>> No.8309416

that is 1516 characters

>> No.8309427

I haven't started editing yet!

>> No.8309521

>Posts this shit
Ho boy...

>> No.8309531

How long will it take you to get back to us?

>> No.8309567

i will probably make threads for 2 weeks and then reply to submissions

>> No.8309630

Why not respond to the ones you have now then start another round next week?

>> No.8309635


>> No.8309683

ehh sure, I'll submit something one of these days

>> No.8309711

Yeah that works, ill wait until this thread is archived and sort through what ive got then and make another thread after

>> No.8309749


Can't read further than the first sentence.

>> No.8309793
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How many editions of the Lusty Argonian Maid have you collected??

>> No.8310213

Nice, ill write one tomorrow

>> No.8310243

This sounds awesome OPPO. I'll give it a whirl!

>> No.8310513
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>mfw I cut out huge chunks just to fit under 1000 words

>> No.8310532


>too long retard

>> No.8310692

read my application and respond pls senpai.

>> No.8310734

i'll write something tomorrow, so keep the thread alive until then.

>> No.8311120

1000 c h a r a c t e r s

>> No.8311426

pretty good 2bh

>> No.8311798

how many have submitted?

>> No.8312358
File: 639 KB, 2046x1673, 1443396926574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it worth applying. Here is the opening sentence to my first chapter. I will post more if any hope.

She stood alone in a sea of heather looking towards far hills. Between them clouds shifting above in ribbons of red and purple gave weight to the heavy air. There isolated in her thoughts a frown etched itself to the familiar grooves in her face.
'Pardon my lady', a voice called out.
She did not react.
'My lady we must continue, we-'
'Yes,' she said turning around and striding past, 'let's go.'
She soon came to the path, and as she mounted her horse another rode up beside her.
'Elizabeth,' the rider asked, 'are you ok?'
'I'm fine.' Her response was terse as she turned to face the rider and smiled.
'Come, uncle, lets continue before the rains drown us.'
With that she pulled up her hood and rode on down the path.
'Rain?' her uncle repeated, 'what rain?'
He looked up into now inky sky and flinched as a rain drop landed in his eye .
'Humph, looks like rain.' he grumbled as one last time he glanced behind, raised his hood, and rode off into the darkness in pursuit.

>> No.8312452

wow this is shit

>> No.8312847

h-hope i make it

>> No.8312972

You made it anon

>> No.8312976

OP will you just send the feedback already, obviously this thread isnt going to Archive anytime soon

>> No.8312982


>> No.8314500


>> No.8314648

W- what if i'm foreign? Can I post in my native lenguage?

>> No.8316048

sorry but it wouldnt work

alright ill go through all the applications so far tomorrow

>> No.8317045

Sent ; )

>> No.8317054

damn, this meme fell off

>> No.8317289

Im bringing it back ;)