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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 3.08 MB, 2945x1698, 20160721_214702-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8306822 No.8306822 [Reply] [Original]


recent purchases thread.

>> No.8306824

I'll take 'meme authors mentioned on /lit/ in the past week' for $400

>> No.8306833


>> No.8306930
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True patrician coming through

>> No.8306932

kek, pats don't buy used books you phony

>> No.8306937


>> No.8306943

nyrb utter hipster trash.

>> No.8306944

and especially not cheapo paperbacks

>> No.8306945


>> No.8306947
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I seek spiritual enlightenment and wisdom, as well as to learn about the most influential figures in history so that I too, can be extremely influential.

>> No.8306975

Best read that foreword too

>> No.8306977
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>a graphic novel

>> No.8306998

Trust me, unless death prevents it, everything in this book is being read. I'm in a rough patch of my life

>> No.8306999

>not acquiring /li/ graphic novels to help introduce your less lit-inclined teenage students to Kafka

If i didn't get this, i'm a shitty teacher to be

>> No.8307006

Solace in literature and philosophy is always great, but when push comes to shove if a problem can be confronted directly, it really is your best bet

>> No.8307022

Thank god for all those weeaboos you'll win over.

>> No.8307026

If you really think you're better than graphic novels, you're clearly a teenager using lit to prop yourself up as superior ti others

>> No.8307038


>> No.8307107
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>> No.8307125

My problem is that I'm not satisfied with who I am, I'm not satisfied with my current living situation. This is me confronting my problem directly. I eat healthy, I've been exercising daily (as I type this I'm dripping in sweat and my shorts are soaked), In the past six months I've received two promotions at my work, I'm moving, and I'm becoming a more well read person.

My biggest problem is that I'm very judgemental of others, I have a superiority complex I can't seem to shake, yet I'm never satisfied with who I am, I always want to be better, and I can't seem to find other people who are like me

You might be thinking I have some special snowflake syndrome, the cause of which being rich parents who pampered me too much. But I grew up in homeless shelters and projects, I've had to scavenge for food as a child before I was even ten.

I'm hoping the wisdom of Gautama Buddha can help

>> No.8307167

Nah my fiancé and I have the same thing and she grew up homeless multiple times and all that

Really it just comes with time and understanding that you and most if what you care about really doesn't matter. I mean, congrats dude you love avant lit/film/free jazz, whatever but who cares? You're an asshole because of it and posteuring because you need to feel special.

Eventually you face that fact and learn to Just let it roll off and accept what you are and what you like, and take others as they may be

>> No.8307202

Well I at least don't treat people like an asshole, I'm kind and only wish to be a guiding light in people's lives. However, without words I have a distaste for how they conduct their lives. Not to the point that I would take away personal freedom however

>> No.8307215

You're fine then desu

Always good to keep improving yourself, but you're clearly a well adjusted soul

>> No.8307220
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Only physical book I've bought in a few weeks.

D...did I do good, /lit/?

>> No.8307333
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If there is anything the Japanese do NOT need, it is life lessons from Nietzsche.

I fuggin need a copy

>> No.8307336


>> No.8307355
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Here you go

>> No.8307360
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>You will never have a Nietzsche phone strap

>> No.8307363

How do I look this book up?

>> No.8307364
File: 133 KB, 564x800, 100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of this book that originated from japan and sold a ton among eastern asian countries. The title translates literally as "Hyper-translated Nietzsche's Words". It basically decontexualized everything from Nietzsche and paraphrased author's shitty life pro-tips in Nietzsche's words.

>> No.8307368

>A Fan's Notes
Well done, OP.

>> No.8307373

I'm not a book to get to know the logic of the philosopher called Nietzsche, this is.
It this a do for touching the positive part of the sensibility of a man named Nietzsche.
At the time of the mood that feeling depressed I was, pick up this book in the shop, just at that time, to find the one sentence that I wanted encouragement saying, was buying impulse.
I think it was a correct answer according to the impulse.

>> No.8307395

Vollmann :)

>> No.8307410
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middle three are recent purchases top is rereading and bottom is reading

>> No.8307423

Good luck with PL. it's a bit dry

>> No.8307449

You should scan it. pls

>> No.8307524

I want to believe that's the same Dolan as the nuclear physics books from the shelf threads.

>> No.8307525
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It isn't that expensive, and shipping books from Japan isn't all that bad (nothing compared to figurines).

Still, scans are free and free is p good. I wouldn't mind if that anon also scanned it for us.

>> No.8307550

>the more obscure the more patrician!

>> No.8307793
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>> No.8307842
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>> No.8307844

assuming that's Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up To Me, I love that book good buy

>> No.8307918

>Paradise Lost

nice bait, you made me reply. Here's your (you)

>> No.8307980

I've never seen a copy of Stoner with that title. Weird. Did they just change it for the NYRB reprint?

>> No.8307992
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>> No.8308049 [DELETED] 

Didn't notice the missing second s in Professor, so didn't realize it's in another language. Still seems weird that they'd translate the title that way.

>> No.8308051 [DELETED] 

f, not s. Maybe the picture is fitting after all.

>> No.8308146
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>> No.8308148
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>> No.8308153

Redpill me on Vollman. What's his deal? I've seen Europe Central recommended a lot.

>> No.8308229
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>> No.8308245

Those are some old-looking Penguins

>> No.8308617

Yeah, got them from a second hand book shop

>> No.8308627


You don't say.

>> No.8308634


How much per book?

I should try second hand book shops.

>> No.8308643

Throw all that other shit out and get more DeLillo

>> No.8308649

yo polebro, whats a good polish publisher? i mean for polish books in polish?

>> No.8308665

delilo was the book I was hyped on least.

>> No.8308670

>le contemporary american fiction meme
you're not patrician dude, sorry

>> No.8308675

Entry level fag here

Slow Learner
Crying Lot of 49
Mason & Dixon
Inherent Vice
Gravity's Rainbow
Pale King
Consider the Lobster
The Aeneid
Oblivion: Stories (DFW)
War and Peace
Swann's Way

>> No.8308709

Fun fact: if you have to announce yourself as patrician you are not patrician.

>> No.8308732

differeing prices
the penguins were 3-5
wordsworth - 5
Vintage -10
Others were 10 - 20
keep in mind i live in Aus

>> No.8308738

damn you got screwed. OP here. all of mine were $1 from the dollar bin at bmv. except the hardcover. that was 7$

>> No.8308762

dont read any of those yet. read of mice and men, the old man and the sea, the outsider, siddhartha yes, and notes from underground first. who do you think you are masquerading as someone with the breadth of knowledge to tackle those constantly namedropped authors? start small, though your ambition is fiery and is telling you not to. you will draw deeper insights into something like ulysses, for example, if you have knowledge of irish history, the catholic church, dubliners, portait of the artist as a young man, and the various works joyce alludes to all the time. is a basic knowledge of the western canon necessary to read a work like ulysses? no. however, it helps you decipher what joyce was getting to. allusions are not to prove to what extent the author is well-read, but to enforce an idea or thesis by the author by use of a different, often wellknown story. describing a character as like hamlet, or as an achilles, or as a cain or abel has real background, your allusion has added the context and power of a complete other story unto it. if you're an entry level fag, don't start in the canopy lurk around the ferns awhile.

to cut it short, you're incredibly pretentious and you're reaching further than your hand can take you. read short, basic works, not monumentally influential tomes from high modernism, postmodernism, epic poems, etc etc. btw

>> No.8308827

Officyna, Wydawnictwo W.A.B., ha!art, Universitas, Noir sur Blanc, Albatros, Zeszyty Literackie, PIW, Lokator Wydawnictwo, słowo/obraz terytoria. I hope you will find this helpful.

>> No.8309489 [DELETED] 
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>he doesn't even have the masonic bible

>> No.8309502
File: 3.10 MB, 1436x2000, Books-July-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'm never going to the 2nd store by car again.

>As many books as you want for 10 eurobucks.

>> No.8309513

Ist Spengler gut?

>> No.8309519

shit taste

>> No.8309819

it's probably a translation, but i'm wondering if farina is also translated into polish

>> No.8309836

Then you're a fuckhead

>> No.8309867

why is your animal farm so thick? Is that the VHS of the animated film?

>> No.8309874


It comes with a slice of bacon.

>> No.8309877

>As many books as you want for 10 eurobucks.


Where is this place?

>> No.8309898


I have that copy of Goethe. It's a great.

Too lazy to start with Part 2 though, it's much thicker.

>> No.8309905

Went into Waterstones today.

They have a new and well-stocked shelf on the bottom floor now, devoted EXCLUSIVELY to new and aesthetic copies of somewhat timeless books.

I will take some photos tomorrow. Was kinda tempted, kinda disgusted desu.

>> No.8309919

what's with this ultra pro photo.

>> No.8309926


>he made a little book tower

how cute

jk, u fucking retard

>> No.8310002

>not a Catholic bible
>being this heretical

enjoy eternal damnation, Martin.

>> No.8310036


>> No.8310061

Anyhoo. He's one of the few living authors where the genius/insane factor is actually relevant. The guy crossdresses to talk about crossdressing, and if I'm not mistaken he's done heroin just to be able to write about heroin. Insurmountable, but to be approached with apprehension.
Europe Central sort of disappointed me, 2bh. But maybe that was just the low-level fetishized-underground hype that surrounded it. My local bookshop had a midnight opening for it, and I swear I haven't seen human beings like that ever since again.

Anyway that has little to do with the novel, or Vollmann's word at large. Try to read etc etc Angels, and see whether you like it. Europe Central was massive, humongous in scope. It's hard to say just how much without resorting to /lit/ memes. Try imagining the drama of Gravity's Rainbow with the humour of IJ, with the same autistic-yet-genius attention to detail of Mann's Magic Mountain. All that, and in a broader scope than anything I'd ever read before.

But here's the thing: I don't know if I should recommend it. It's certainly not for everyone. Certainly not for redpill-memers on /lit/.

tl;dr: Maybe?

>> No.8310068

dang, anon. that's some tower for 10 €poors.

>> No.8310074

Amsterdam, the cashier couldn't be arsed to scan it all. So went: 10 for the lot?
Books are normally 50 cents to a whole euro at this place.

I may own a decent camera with okay glass.

>> No.8310122

what you shoot with. what lense?

>> No.8310124
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How mad are you right now?

>> No.8310158

im livid

>> No.8310203


>> No.8310214

>getting mad at what other people read

>> No.8310958
File: 159 KB, 1280x960, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a job (and then proceeded to quit 4 months in) and now I got some cash left over from that while im living with my uncle.
I've been buying some books recently.

>> No.8310969
File: 172 KB, 1280x960, b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

paradise lost is my shit, its packed away currently with the other 200 something books.
stoner is boring as fuck at first but then you get immersed into it
>tfw no katherine driscoll in my life atm
good choices!
tell me how that welsh book is. I've been meaning to read Trainspotting.
pretty books
you single? i'll make sweet love to you if that's your taste.

>> No.8310973

what a waste of money

>> No.8310974


>Pretending you enjoy reading poetry.

You're not fooling anyone, pal.

>> No.8310981

how so, anon?
i've been caught!

t. man baby

>> No.8311069
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>> No.8311231

Autoreflex Revuenon 50 1.4, tons of CA and swirly bokeh

Be gentle please.

>> No.8311782

What I'm interested in here is the lighting, do you have a photo studio in your living room or something?

>> No.8311789

>Stoner is boring as fuck

Williams prose captivated me within the very first chapter

>> No.8311804


>> No.8312302

its great book the further you get into it but idk i was honestly bored to death, it nearly prevented me to stop reading the book.
I'm glad I did.
I will bb.

>> No.8312468

My life is filled with fancy Italian design light fixtures. (Think Artemide Tizio, Tolomeo, etc...)

Flexible arms and high output car halogen makes so they can double as studio lighting in an instant.

>> No.8312573

Shut up faggot

>> No.8312748
File: 851 KB, 2560x1440, DSC_0286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got an old copy of the Odyssey for free from the local barber shop.

Rad cover,not too sure about the translation.
It seems to be a reprint of a translation from 1947.

>> No.8312792

Shit man what's it called?

>> No.8312797


Kill yourself

>> No.8313029


>> No.8313067

Are you the guy who stacks books on the floor? Whose shelf picture features some nice design books and a book which cover features a naked woman on top of a pile?

>> No.8313232
File: 151 KB, 593x795, books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bookstore near me was closing down and everything's 75% off (both new & used items); managed to get these all for $23 (had to wait in line an hour, though)

especially looking forward to tristram shandy

>> No.8313241

how many qt 3.14 you tried to impress in the line?

>> No.8313251

it was mostly just highschoolers and middle aged moms buying YA/romance paperbacks

>> No.8313405

Yes, good memory.
The sleazy coffee table book with the naked woman is Shot By Kern, excellent work.

The floor stacking is due to an obvious lack of shelve space.

>> No.8313423

>Gott ist todt.
Looks like the author couldn't decide whether or not God was 'dead' or 'death'. I like the latter idea. Death to the world, domain of Satan!

>> No.8313480
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this week's arrivals. some of the titles weren't readable so I wrote them all in

>> No.8313533

Not an answer to his question. Still, nice stack.

>> No.8313567


>> No.8313594
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Sorry not sorry

>> No.8313596

>heavy breathing
Where do you buy your books.

>> No.8313616

do you people all coordinate to buy 1 good book each and then 5/6 shitty memes this board perpetuates?

you most of all god damn you could be so much more but you buy in to Pinecone.

>> No.8313619


>> No.8313739


>> No.8313741

>best dfw novel
> second best pynchon novel

why apologize?

>> No.8313840

What do you think the first best is?

>> No.8313907
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Not that anon, but I know a few places in town that have sales with descending prices, the books will be from different antiquaries and will go from ~15 down to less than a dollar each, know or popular books obviously go away faster but you can still make real finds when they're at the end of the sale, especially if you're not a pleb
I can't imagine you won't find similar stuff as long as you live in a major city and look around

Pic related, ~15$ total a little more than halfway into the sale

>> No.8314653

My brief perusal doesn't show me how you wound up with that beautiful stack but I will look in to it.

>> No.8315335

I don't understand.

>> No.8315338
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>My last book haul has yet to be surpassed

>> No.8316090

I'm not OP in the pic, but Trainspotting is fantastic it's better than the film (which is still great) I promise you. It's a little hard to get into at first because the Scottish dialect, but it gets way easier and is actually fun to read.

>> No.8316103

he probably barely spent money and still has the words.

>> No.8316111

damn, nice steal. i need to find a place like that.

>> No.8316113

use the advanced search

>> No.8316115

Wow buddy, only eight translations and ONE book in it's original language!

What a patrician you are!

>> No.8316164
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>> No.8316178
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>> No.8316184
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>> No.8316241
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>mood therapy

>> No.8316319

Did you read the Spengler book? I have it and the index alone is intimidating. Also I'm wondering how 'relevant' it is today

>> No.8316859
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New acquisitions today. Was at an antique market looking for furniture and one stall had some books. They gave me good prices on all of them. The text block of the Scott is great but the binding's seen better days. Still, the hinges are good, and a little alcohol took care of the little bit of mildew that was on it.

>> No.8316903

>Tfw literally shop at value village.
>Tfw most of it is worn as hell
>Tfw they're all different editions.

Some good finds though.
>Hard cover copy of Moby Dick
>Worn leatherback of the Decameron
>Collected Words of Jonathan Swift
>Short stories of Turgenev
>As I lay Dying - Faulkner
>Dubious War - Steinback

There are actually some great collected works in 2nd hand places sometimes. Found the 3-4 hardback novels of DH Lawrence, collected works of Twain, collected Shakespeare, etc.

Old people die, then I guess their pleb children sell it all off in mint condition.

>> No.8317137

one time I thought I got a great deal on a Swift volume only to find out it was a bowdlerized piece of shit

>> No.8317142

meant to reply to >>8316903

>> No.8317233
File: 1.37 MB, 2016x1512, 20160724_172802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recent pickup, inb4 fedora

>> No.8317262


can't you just you know read real scientists? you should be less worried about your fedora being on so tight and more about how awful tastes in /lit/ and /sci/ you have. have fun being a millennium baby.

>> No.8317340

what would you recc from real scientists?

>> No.8317364


my dick

>> No.8317370


people who you actually wrote for the sake of science and not pop atheism or le popular science quote man.

>> No.8317401

peer-reviewed articles

>> No.8317555

a textbook

>> No.8317997

can't you just you know read real theologians? you should be less worried about your fedora being on so tight and more about how awful tastes in /lit/ and /religion/ you have. have fun being a millennium baby.

>> No.8318014
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>> No.8318018

are those ones with the green stickies the ones you've blasted through once, blasted a load on then rated on goodrates

>> No.8318063

there's nothing I enjoy more than seeing a weak front hinge on the first volume of a book, and all pristine after that

>> No.8318226 [DELETED] 
File: 2.25 MB, 4128x2322, 20160724_105247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I just picked some books (the paperbacks) up off of Amazon because I'm switching banks and wanted to blow my credit card rewards points. My granddad just died and we're going through his massive hoard of shit. He had thousands upon thousands of books. Most of the stuff he kept close to him towards the end was conservative easy reading pop-lit (Bill O'Reilly books, ect.) but in the basement he had some truly dank shit and the rest of my family are philistines who read shitty pulp for the most part so I get my pick of the litter.

I have some of the choice selections stowed deeper in my shelf but this complete Emerson and a beautifully illustrated Quixote from 1941 alongside an illustrated book of the Grimm fairy tales are probably the choice selections.

Spengler's next on my list after BNW. I just finished my first full reading of Nietzsche (concurrent with a rereading of a few platonic dialogues I felt I ought to revisit) and need something a little more casual in my life atm.

>> No.8318238



>> No.8318318 [DELETED] 
File: 1.80 MB, 4128x2322, 20160724_200352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow that picture is ass, i pulled a few off the front. He also had these noice leatherbound books with the complete works of most of the founding fathers alongside the federalist papers and other pertinent revolutionary era lit but those are buried in the second row for now.

I like this poetry book because it was clear it was something he used in elementary school because he scribbled all over the opening pages and wrote silly things and dirty words in the margins. His spelling was fucking abysmal but his handwriting was always good.

>> No.8318374
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>> No.8318382

Those are big books

>> No.8318393

what theologians would you recc?

>> No.8318409

You should try
Anselm of Canterbury
Julian of Norwitch

>> No.8318476

what about origen? and is the oxford anselm good?

>> No.8318497

That's the copy i've got that's p swell

Origen is worth a read but he's pretty much out of line with established official doctrine like Justin, Arius, Athanascius, etc. origen is all kinds of neoplatonist

>> No.8318508
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>> No.8318517
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Here's a pair of books I bought today. Please don't ask me about the mini Gundam.

>> No.8318521


the gundams fine, the books are cringe.

>> No.8318609
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>> No.8318721

You are a twat.
Why did you put the fucking figure there in the first place if you don't want to anwser questions about it?

>> No.8318965 [DELETED] 

for you

>> No.8319270

I'm just busting your balls mate

I think many poets, but especially Dante, have made real contributions to our understanding of Christianity

>> No.8319646

the "I just learned that literature is a thing" starter pack

>> No.8319941

just catching up on classics i've never gotten around to

i'm taking a whole course on paradise lost this semester so i want to have read it at least once by fall

>> No.8320038 [DELETED] 

the cringe edition of Stoner

>> No.8320042

This triggers me

>> No.8320180

you should also check out C. S. Lewis's Preface to Paradise Lost, it's a quick and enjoyable read which will cover some of what your professor may neglect to tell you

that is, if your professor ends up being anything like mine

>> No.8320411
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Just came in the mail.
I expected a lot worse quality.

>> No.8320415

thanks, I'll make sure to check that out

>> No.8320630

i got that ugly cocksucker in the mail as well

>> No.8320716

The Book Exchange?

>> No.8320774
File: 1.51 MB, 3475x2340, IMG_20160725_215256401~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these came in the post this morning. I wasn't expecting them because I was drunk when I ordered them and forgot.

>> No.8320876
File: 1.66 MB, 3024x3490, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm bad with money

>> No.8320900
File: 134 KB, 402x898, boeken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fug I accidentally bought sound of waves again

>> No.8320913

good choices, unlike many in this thread

that said, I don't see how it could have been expensive to buy a bunch of paperbacks unless you were stupid enough to buy them new

>> No.8320951

I laughed a lot more than that image deserved.

>> No.8320976

I would recommend textbooks. Figure out what level you're at, then start there. Look up a syllabus for a class at a good school and see what book they are using.

>> No.8321013

reading textbooks is a great way to gloss over the fucked up history of science

every science-worshiping stemlord reads textbooks and has no idea that men of science were ever allied to anything worse than the progress of liberty, reason and equality

>> No.8321020

>Kringe in 'n bos
Lekker, my maatjie

>> No.8321038

ek is Belgiese maar ek wil Afrikaans leer want dit's een baie interessante taal

>> No.8321056
File: 1.79 MB, 1448x848, seneca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Twinsies! XD

been reading this all week, then I heard about Epicurinism and some of it appeals to me, so I was thinking of buying the Art of happiness.

>paint comes off when i touch it

>> No.8321064

fuck me it took me 10m to get that posted.

>airdroid wouldnt let me sign in
>pic wouldnt upload
>pic too big
>captcha not filled due to being too long
>redirected to a site to tell me im no longer banned(seriously?)

>> No.8321914

the two bottom left looked like Schopenhauer trading cards from the thumbnail

>> No.8322056

I really like the Longfellow poem with the tide rising and falling. I've for quite some time desired to read more Longfellow. Recommend any poems in particular?

>> No.8322234
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Reading for the rest of the summer. Yay—

>> No.8322243

i've never read spy fiction but i figure in theory i should like it

i watched the spy who came in from the cold movie though and it was probably the most boringest thing ever. it put my dad to sleep twice. this is coming from someone who loves classically boring movies like costume dramas and bela-tarr-slow art films.
i wonder if i would like the book or if spy fiction just isn't for me.

>> No.8322281

Yeah I'm excited to whip through that one actually not only for its longtime universal acclaim but also for the fact that I've been sleuthing through the history of espionage and'd like to compare what I know of the facts to the fiction.

Reading the Tractatus rn—nowhere near as difficult as its reputation makes it out to be, in the sense that it strives to do the exact opposite of what most notoriously difficult philosophomoric works tend to do: it clarifies rather than obfuscates, which is dope, who's isn't to say it's narcotics, which is to say it is highly satisfactory on many levels, including hormonally.

>> No.8322288
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>> No.8322389


got it for a buck

>> No.8322489
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>> No.8322548

It was like 77 for all those which isn't too bad, especially the Stevens collection which was only 10

I'm hoping to read that one soon too.

>> No.8322744
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>> No.8322998
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Brushing up on my gay and/or nazi literature

>> No.8323100

Yeah o got a massive haul from a value village here, something like 20 near mint condition books for like $40

>> No.8323122


Autistic fag shows his "lit" shopping
Meme book about politics
The Great Gatsby
Animal Corssing game

/lit/ response
"Wordsworth edition ugh"

I love/hate you guys

>> No.8323144
File: 321 KB, 456x707, cover.jpg.rendition.460.707[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my second book on Rome. Will finally get my hands of Gibbon after I'm finished with this.

>> No.8323221

for you

>> No.8323270

>the prince
>meme book about politics

>> No.8323289

If I read those books will I die?
It would be extremely tiresome
They are big books
For you

>> No.8323515

>two Longfellows in the same thread
Didn't think he was that popular

>> No.8323581

what did he mean by this

>> No.8324122
File: 538 KB, 2258x1728, IMG_20160726_131210_edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just dumped all my free cash. Gotta love college towns.

>> No.8324792
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Warning: File size too big (4.1 MiB / 4.0 MiB)

>> No.8324809

that short story collection looks pretty dope desu

>> No.8324845

just copped anatomy of melancholy too

i really like his writing style. even when he's going on for a large number of pages about why he's writing this book and why he chose the name democritus jr, i just zip thru the book really enjoying the prose.

how u likin it?

>> No.8324846
File: 122 KB, 487x640, does not shave his warts - now you cannot unsee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>William T. Vollman
You made me kek a little!

>But Vollmann’s most famous for writing about whores. Drug-addicted ones. This isn’t easy to do if you associate with a wholesome group of writers like the McSweeneyites, unless you categorically deny you’ve ever hired a prostitute for fun. I recall reading one of those Paris Review “Art of Fiction” thingies where Vollmann even claimed that he’d pretend to jerk off while interviewing his whores so they didn’t get suspicious. He admitted to fucking them once or twice, of course, but that was all a research necessity. And I confess – nothing makes me shudder more than his Travis-Bickle-like insistence that he’s not just another john, how he’s a sensitive guy who understands these women better than any of their other clients and really prefers getting them to pose for watercolours. Just to show his McSweeneyite audience how sensitive he is, Vollmann describes all his encounters with whores in the most flowery, studiously un-masculine prose you can imagine. It’s a wonder Oprah hasn’t picked him for her Book Club yet, since he has exactly the sort of cheaply paradoxical character her fans crave: “Oh, that sad, sad man. It really touches me that a person so ugly on the outside can be so beautiful on the inside. I never thought I’d be this moved by a book about prostitutes in the Tenderloin but my friend Darcy said: ‘You have to read this! It’ll blow you away!’ So I did and, lemme tell you, it’s not sleazy at all. I don’t think there’s even anywhere in the novel where this guy gets it up if you gals know what I mean, and hallelujah to that! It’s not that kind of story. It’s really about finding beauty and meaning in the most unlikely places and how even the toughest lady on the street has an inner 10-year-old that just wants to be comforted. And I’m still saving the biggest miracle: it was written by a man so hideous he doesn’t even shave his warts!”

>> No.8324847
File: 65 KB, 848x636, IMG_20160711_145724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


follow my advice and put a plastic cover on it like pic related. These editions are great but the blue painting of the covers just disintegrates in your hands after a while, particularly with long books like Ulysses since you manipulate them for longer time. Now I just wrap every Wordsworth book I get, and most book I care about in general. It's become a sort of a ritual for new books.

>> No.8324859

weird question, but where did you get your plastic sheets?

i usually just wrap it in plain cotton cloth for transit.

>> No.8324905

the same place where you buy pencils, pens, wrapping paper, notebooks, rulers etc. Don't know the word for that. School supplies store or something.

>> No.8324914

damn the people on this board are fucking stupid

>> No.8325014

i've never seen clear plastic in bulk outside of polyvinyl chloride plastic wrap. are you using "clear pockets" to make your covers? they are the transparent binder pockets you use to hold reports.

sadly those are too small for a bunch of my paperbacks so i was hopeful you had an alternative.

>> No.8325154

hell no i dont put diapers on books that's yucky

>> No.8325300

Lol holy shit. Wrapping a Memesworth. Now I've seen everything.

>> No.8325321
File: 105 KB, 962x722, IMG_20160726_202421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry pal, it's just english is not my native language. I think I do pretty well considering that.

No, it comes in big sheets, I cut them with scissors to fit the book and paste it with a few strips of scotch tape. It's a crafty art but I'm getting better and better at it. I actually enjoy it

>> No.8325340

>disposable income equalling four books
Either you're beyond destitute or you're paying too much for your books

>> No.8325350

yo seriously wtf man. just read it. throw it away and buy another copy. leave on shelf.

>> No.8325366

With that money I could by a DIFFERENT Wordsworth book. How much of a spoiled consummerist child are you

>> No.8325372

but my point remains

>> No.8325418

College student in between jobs, and I admittedly probably paid a bit too much... however they were all books I've had my eye on for a while, and found them all in this nice mom and pop bookstore, so I figured it'd be worth it, ultimately.

>> No.8325431

I read the first 10 pages or so online prior to buying it, and very much enjoyed it. Can't wait to dive in and explore the rest.

>> No.8325485

thanks for the info, i don't see those sheets where i am. may i ask where you're from? i had an inkling english isn't your native language, ignore that rude anon.

vae victis! livy is a delight. you are a lucky soul to have the pleasure of enjoying gibbon for the first time too, it's a very colorful read. which was your first?

i've been meaning to read endo's silence (looks daunting in japanese though), let us know how it is. $77 is super reasonable, wish i got those prices here.

>> No.8326144

It's always funny when you guys get called out on your hipster use and have no actual names to back up your bullshit claims that you're somehow a patrician who reads works that no one else has heard of

>> No.8326371

I'm a physicist. I legit read textbooks and can't in good conscience recommend pop science without introducing extreme bias.

Penrose is a good in between. Road to Reality was written as a pop science book which "anyone could understand". It's a bullshit claim because he goes heavy into differential geometry and complex topology and it's baffling to lots of actual scientists, but it's still technically a popular treatment. The books I would recommend are textbooks because they are the closest to being faithful representations of physical reality.

Superseding all of this: sarcasm. Of course no one expects you to go read a textbook if you like science fiction. Penrose is my legitimate recommendation for "real scientists" without jumping straight to the prototypical Feynman, but thank you for your nonconstructive criticism.

>> No.8326758

My eggnoggs.

Bought it recently, I'm at 250~ now, it's a really comforting read. Prose is fantastic, points delivered are interesting and the vast amount of things to get out of the book is impressive.

>> No.8326774

Well I'm a perpetually jobless college student and the real savings are found in antiquaries, especially if you're looking for hardcore classics like Woolf and Kafka, and some places will have a lot of NYRB editions, too.
Though the most solid tip is looking around campus and the different departments because profs accumulate so many books that they have to purge their library from time to time, meaning each department will have a table with free shit like this.

>> No.8326819

God is toasted

>> No.8326838

This is a joke, right?????

>> No.8326905

I really don't get all the bewilderment and mocking with this. It's a pretty neat way to take care of books. I'm that guy btw

>> No.8326909

I hope this is a name for people who enjoy his poems

like "ah, I see we are both longfellows" or "he and I have enjoyed each other's longfellowship ever since he first introduced me to The Song of Hiawatha"

>> No.8327080
File: 3.08 MB, 4160x2340, IMG_20160727_143043261[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's my birthday and these were my birthday presents

>> No.8327157


Happy birthday

>> No.8327177


>> No.8327194

Happy birthday anon, how old are you now?

>> No.8327205


>> No.8327209


Happy birthday.

Those books look lame as hell.

>> No.8327345

happy birthday, f.am. marías is a GOAT. I haven't read that one tho.

>> No.8327761
File: 1.39 MB, 3120x4208, IMG_20160727_102833~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love waking up to a delivered package

>> No.8328532
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Final haul.
Is anyone familiar with Sloterdijk? I'm not, and I've been put off by how much I hear psychoanalysis in connection with his name, but his anti-globalisation stuff seems interesting.
Am I about to read a Zizek 0.5, a Zizek 2.0, or something completely different?

>> No.8328541

too old
thanks! it looks rad
also thanks but please don't insult my parents' taste so harshly

>> No.8329002

happy birthday, I'm sorry you didn't get better gifts

>> No.8329034

That whore Tatyana is an insult to the Tolstoy name (and so is her father).

>> No.8329041

I love waking up to anyone's package.

>> No.8329053

really makes you think

>> No.8329544
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>> No.8330172

There’s really something quite awesome, magical, and maybe even Divine ‘bout the fortunate happenstance of acquiring—and thereafter reading—a Great Book; the essential nature of such can’t quite be nailed precisely down and represented by what we call Language (Wittgenstein’s idea that there ARE in fact some feelings/experiences that’re actually truly indescribable isn’t just some mystical Hocus Pocus, that’s for damned sure); BUT: the act of reading David Foster Wallace is the act of reading the inexpressible; when I first set my eyes upon The Jest, I could just intuitively sense his cynical wit, his saintly gaze emanating from those dry dry pages, and thus my mind’s transformation I felt; every tangent to my soul aligned; neurons fired; literal electric bolts shimmered forth, through and unto my body; “andbutso,” I heard his sensitive and compassionate and virile voice whisper, his staggering genius impressing unto my mind his own image (with glasses and bandana diaphanedly impressed); the vast and planet-smashing intellectuality captured in that empyrean phrase, the archetype of all insecurity come to bear upon thee with a celestial and godlike clarity; (& FYI: David hadn’t read ANYTHING by Pynchon by the time he wrote TBOTS, so don’t even begin to even try to say he’s some kind of copycat/hack/poseur); I may not be a religious or spiritual kind of guy (I think myself a freethinker with an atheistic bent), but David’s work is all the salvific content I could ever want for, thank you very much.

>> No.8330686

this fucking sucks

delete this

>> No.8330809
File: 1.83 MB, 3648x2736, 100_6160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hrm i guess ill do it in english:

though some ( myself included ) consider him verbose and ardently in love with his wording, sloterdijk is a capable writer and philosopher. consider zeilen und tage, since i think you know about zorn und zeit; i never heard anybody compare him to zizek in style or thought, though they do seem to like each other, so maybe they'd consider it flattering.

pretty nice, meister, especially enzensberger

>> No.8331037
File: 16 KB, 180x192, cat16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your thoughts, and I only made the comparison because they seem to share common interests in stuff like Heidegger, psychoanalysis, and the dangers/darker areas of globalisation and universal ethics, though I realise they approach the issues differently.
And I don't doubt that he's verbose, I can gather as much from the introduction, just like I'd say that Zizek occasionally comes off as excessively vulgar.

>> No.8331434

Catch 22
Jurassic Park
A Very Short Introduction To The European Union

>> No.8331889

most patric in thread. suck me

>> No.8331904

most patric, suck me

>> No.8331912

what's the publisher of those mann books?

>> No.8331924

ever more patric, suck me

>> No.8331938

What kind of a train dings?

>> No.8332030

They're all Fischer Taschenbücher
Confer >>8328532

>> No.8332111

I'm late but happy birthday anyways!

>> No.8332125

the kind of train with a bell you fucking stupid ass faggot.

>> No.8332252

Does anybody knows a page to buy cheap books that ship internationally for free?

>> No.8332283


>> No.8332380

Your mom sucks my phallus.

>> No.8333132

>paperback norton critical edition
lick my asshole

>> No.8333146

these are the only posts with antiquarian books in this whole thread, and judging by the wall color it's the same guy. the rest of you are posting fucking penguin paperbacks and shit. lame ass thread to be honest

>> No.8333654

and i still can't rotate a picture

>> No.8333840

Nice touch with the writing

>> No.8333853
File: 1.54 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of these books should I read next? (still reading Infinite Meme)

>> No.8333892

Vollmann will win the Nobel Prize.
Someone mark my words.


And you're a fag. Read him at least, cunt.

>> No.8334097


>not starting with the greeks

jesus these are all meme-tier books; kys

also-- learn to flip your images before posting, pleb

>> No.8334101

Start with Catch-22 of course

>> No.8334105

no. this is what you do, anon.

burn the rand.

put ellis and DFW on the shelf and save them for last.

>toss a coin
heads- you read Fydor
tails - you read Remarque
edge - you read Heller

>> No.8334803
File: 116 KB, 850x997, Lala33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you guys usually buy your books?
Seems like many of you go to a used books store?

>> No.8334811


Book Depository.

>> No.8334961

Used books are the way to go, though some stores specialising in this will jew up the prices
Check the book bins at flea markets/in thrift shops (it'll always mostly be bestsellers, fantasy, and thrillers etc., but you can still find stuff worthwhile)
If you're a collegefag, see if they're putting out discontinued books from your campus library or from the libraries of professors for students to pick up somewhere
Look for private listings in the newspaper or whichever website people use for this kind, often people just want to get rid of their books, and occasionally you'll strike gold with like a widow whose husband was into literature

>> No.8335284

I got a penguin modern classic book and it's paper quality is shit what a scam!

>> No.8335810

I've only read this, because I found a Norwegian translation by chance at the library. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17268377-die-verachtung-der-massen

I wouldn't consider myself at all familiar. But there is a fair bit of psychoanalysis.

>> No.8335817

Being that i'm not in the US. UK stores on Ebay tend to have the best prices for me. However I do find things on ebay from Australia and the US sometimes for cheap. I think this is mainly because of some excemptions in customs/shipping for books.

>> No.8335905

>implying bells don't toll

>> No.8336370
File: 1.24 MB, 2573x4160, IMG_20160729_233008~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just picked this up after getting a recommendation from my local record store owner, anyone read it? Is it any good?

>> No.8336939

Just the bookstore nearest to me5

>> No.8336955
File: 284 KB, 1200x900, pico 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

choo choo

>> No.8336959
File: 278 KB, 1200x900, pico2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm quite enjoying plays i'm reading moliere at the moment, but I do feel I miss out on probably 60% of the play itself in not being able to see them live.

Not pictured are racine, moliere, and eca de quieros

>> No.8336962

That's one ugly fucking book.

It's also the final part of a trilogy so you need two more.

>> No.8336965

Oops, it's actually the second. Still, you need the first.

>> No.8336970

Yeah, I'll go pick that up tommorow. Ugly as in cover or is the actual book ugly. Because if its the cover you are referencing, I 100% agree.

>> No.8336982

when was that V. printed?