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8305360 No.8305360 [Reply] [Original]

>ITT we critique each other's shitty poetry

the grief of the early riser
is bound to his company ,
who wars with the lonely phantoms of his dreams
who braves the hallows of his fears
which, by your mark
fades into the dusk
like a cloud imposed upon a gaze of stars.
Like the rainy blades of green
and the dewy mists of morning,
how they cloud my sight.
As is the fogginess of dawn.

on a morning so gracious
to bring our connection to mind.
Nudging at my shoulder, pointing to you
and on display.
Painted with a brush so new and fine.
And the wind carries the scent:
what a warm alarm it is to wake to
and be reminded
that I'm embraced and accompanied
day in and day out

for all its humours,
has found us furnished at the heart,
burning behind the eyes.
On fire with the same force
that lights the sunrise.
like the smell after rainfall
before the heat of the day
has a chance to meet my cheek

how warm it is to see
the thawing of the damp,
smoothening the coarseness
of the early hours
as they burn
with the same fever
that struck the embers
once glowing
by our toes

>> No.8305396

Paris is so beautiful from afar. Shame the French government ruined it.

>> No.8305403
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>Paris is so beautiful from afar.
Nothing lasts forever, Anon.

>> No.8305512


Your last stanza is completely unlike the preceding ones you twat. Restructure it.

>> No.8305517

I am fat
I feel it all around me
Fuck me
I am fat.

>> No.8305710

Bugs are sticking to you
with cigarette burns and
DEEP inhalations for it to
fully hit you. This feeling of
empty bliss they sold y’on, huh?
Never gets better if it keeps getting.
May just break down, by the sounds of things
if our somniferous potions
tempted you no further
smiling, kind, happy—all things a guy
needs for him to be wanting
glistening, and rippled
biting lips and looking up if it’s okay
to air those thighs out by the
cooker if you’re not looking, ya hear?
Just a grab of this, that, and
oh, sometimes more
will have you feeling real
happy, our money back. Please.

Whitman, an American as good as any
of us, left poems in his wake
by the fistful. He sold them out
on country roads (39¢) to show
he could disregard and fly from
any love currently his. His tip hat
is overturned by bills and bullion and
tender so green you could bite its
worth, not, into a single tumbling crumb.

Slickened and slathered I need you
not too warm but just right I’d like to
thrust: UP. U-hP. Up. Heavy, forceful, one
more time let me guide your hands to
where I am. To flip you and find you
right where you were. Buttered
and battered you collect yourself
when I’m through with you yet. Mewling
once more, I’ll meet any gaping cashmere
your hems dribble out for parting
with brigades, seizing last left
legs of your feast to vulture.

>> No.8306485

I quite like these. Characterful, and they flow well.

I just posted in t'other thread

.. been struggling a little with it.

>> No.8306572
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Better than most of the poetry I read on /lit/ actually. Kinda comfy, lad

Liked 5. You have an interesting style. I can't tell if it's cool or pretentious, but for the moment I'll say cool

Mine below. Please tell me why it's shit

It goes in steps
It goes in cycles
Ex Machina in stasis
Ergo, I claim to levitate
On plastic play wings
Because I do not possess
The real thing

I say so let’s
I’ll say so let’s
Let tomorrow inside
But its going to have to rape me
Penetrate my head space like
Rubber digits did the womb
To clip me of my prosthesis.
But impending are new shears
Like intending pianos
Old fear new fear
That only the half-ways know

I have blue shoes
That I never wear
Instead, black socks and stoicism
It’s like a disease
My dead glow bug
Guiding me apathetically toward
A blank coliseum
But forget the pupa
And his self importance
Because, in the end,
I’ll rendezvous with the matador
Who lived most arrogantly
But at the minimum lived

Dad just had a birthday
Mom just had a birthday
I have a birthday
The wallpaper peels
Because time is damage
It’s the gradient,
Ghillie suit arsenic
So cleverly pretending to be
Really nothing more than it is
And yet still I fell for it
Like the fly did the web
And finally it has occurred;
Not even Ziggy was immune

The Bug dangles laterally,
Like a pendulum,
Within his chrysalis
Dwindling from those who ask
How or what he’s doing
Neither nothing
Nor something
The caterpillar lacks definition
So how long has he been in there?
Looking jealously out at all the butterflies
Like the shadow who chose his craft
For its lack of independence

I navigate my contradictions
Like a seeing man pretends he’s blind;
Admit aloud my prognosis, no
For it’s the confessional I fear
Bowie was no hero of mine
I know only that he is dead
Don’t ask me to extrapolate
Upon my inauthenticity
I contain multitudes
Each drop
More tasteless than the last

The last time I changed
Was an exchange
Of black socks
For black socks with holes
The Arachnid is approaching
But it’s all null
Because that which is not alive
Cannot contemplate being dead
And yet dawdling on am I
Within the web
About the artifice
Which I create
But chemical imbalance
Comes like a dream;
Wet, and inevitable

>> No.8306618

just read the last paragraph cus its long but i liked it

>> No.8306990
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5 and 17 were pretty fun to read. Very artful technique, I kind of want to start exploring this style.


Felt kind of clunky. Some of the phrasing and shock-y parts came off a bit turgid, especially
>but its going to have to rape me
>guiding me apathetically toward
>because that which is not alive

The blocky language you're using is causing the whole thing to plod along rather slowly. There were some bits I liked though,

>> No.8307002

Great natural imagery, well done OP

>> No.8307003

Check out some of my shit at: https://allpoetry.com/ecomaniac

>> No.8307017

Wonderfully abstract, with a palpable atmosphere to it

>> No.8307041

What the FUCK?

Is this real? Can some French-Anon confirm this shit? What the fuck is this? That's literally disgusting.

>> No.8307057

Writhing white;
cobbled sweat –
hair’s a mess,
all aigrette.

Yes, uh –
no sir,
“I’d love the job”,
this ain’t no fob.

Broken black:
new shirt drenched.
“Please, comeback”
finger’s clenched.

They’ll no doubt
mess me about.
Oh, I soothe;
back to the groove.

[R E C O R D P L A Y]
Sister Sledge.
CV day,
let us dredge:

…Hard worker…
…Holiday shirker…
…Team member…
…Work’s December…

So it’s writ.
That’s the way
(I like it).
Pure child’s play.

Shit, the phone!
The ring tone!
“Um, hello?”
[“Hi, Jan’s Chateau…”]

Saved the week,
I did it!
odd boutique
I admit.

Ah, six shifts,
no sophists.
“I’m Sorry, hey...”
[“Can’t work Sunday?”]

That fell through.
Oh well, shame.
Next interview:
back on game.
sorry if it's a bit cringe

>> No.8307058

Hunker down, honey
Keep a steady pace
You're doing great

Doc, keep an epidural on hand

This is it
you're almost there

And and and and and and and
There it is!

Your beautiful baby
sliding into the toilet

>> No.8307076

thanks lad. i will revise with this in mind

>> No.8307132

I really liked reading this up until the terminal stanzas, like, I get what you're trying to do, but figure out if the sheer meaning of it is worth the verse-break

>> No.8307151

Cringe? Yeah but that's bc the style is new to me, but it was cool to read

>> No.8307205

She clutched her cigarettes like rosary beads.

>> No.8307227


Yea I don't know if I like this style. What do you call this, some postmodern vaporwave meme shit?

>> No.8307235


Thanks brudda. I'm with you about the ending. I'll reformat it.

>> No.8307284

having a hard time with the context/environment of it, but I dig it. I also agree with what's been said about the ending needing to be tidied up.

>> No.8307287

really like 17, it has a hell of a closer.

>> No.8307304

I like the style, compact and playful. But could you explain the motivation for the constancy of the four-line verse? I think it adds to the monotony touched on, but are there other things I'm missing?

>> No.8307313

This is probably gonna be a piece in something longer, but it's all I have right now. Largely un-edited, so I'm open to suggestions.

Now and again Liz leaves, and forsakes time-
honoured haunts to stomp on the horizon—
little Italy, the southside, her nephew’s—
wells tears, goodbyes, signs her fate with a wave
off the coast of the jewel of Chicago,
bites her thumb at the stars, cuts her nose to |
our losses, goes on the lamb, turns vegan,
wills her immortal instruments to the poor,
her immoral misery on her friends,
her outstanding debts on her family,
and her heart to the birds.
Reborn on Friday, testifies on Sunday,
Aborts on Monday—’s plans. The high-as-sin
girl, blue as a catechumen. Her charm?
Primum non nocere. First, do no harm!

>> No.8307324

I don't usually write like that, I usually write a bit flowery, but I thought I'd try a style that my Uncle could read and like.

I suppose the monotony of the subject ties into the verse, the idea day in day out of the same routine. I suppose you could see each verse as a different day.

>> No.8307326

why are you referencing 70s disco music?

>> No.8307399


Turns vegan, lol. I liked a good bit of this one, especially the latter half.

>> No.8307705

We are all dazed
We are all confused
Sheep without shepards, our own herds
No where to turn, but keep
Turning on the circus of the world
We hide from ourselves
Left the empty shell of once was ourselves
I was a boy once

When I was a boy
I rolled in the grass
Jumped and pummled the autumn leaves
But now I stay up late at night
Worrying, and notice the quiker the time was turning
Things were easier
The sky was bloomer, and I loved much

Now I judge, on another
Their past partners, and there scar they wear
Under and under all lies
I miss the youth, the naiveity, the far from truth
But I pick up my shell, and put it in the closet
Im living it, learning, and teaching others
Not to let go of it

>> No.8308044

This is all right imo, I want to see it lacks character, but that can be fixed with better diction and some syntax play

>> No.8308048

Cominlong nicely

>> No.8308152

Thanks, I felt that too. But I posted without my trip name so id have unbiased opinions.

I noticed afterwards that I had several grammar errors, which I was smacking myself in the face for. I see your point with the syntax, some of these sentences don't go together as well as others. Thanks

>> No.8308188
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Started off like meh but I quite enjoyed it by the end. This is pretty honest work.

>> No.8308400
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>> No.8308410

Do these words reverberate in your echo chamber your
Gas chamber pot of goldish steel?
Drawn cold soaked in moonlight blue

The trees no longer speak to us we are not seen or
heard we are dealt like the harsh deal of playing card

This night was midnight bright honesty
Burnt tree bark table for euchre eucharist
The hush of rivers covered us

>> No.8309628
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I did an isolated revision of the second stanza and trimmed some of the fat.

I say so let’s
I’ll say so let’s
Let tomorrow in
To rape me, and
Penetrate my head space like
Rubber digits did the womb
To clip me of my prosthesis
And untangle me from my tomb

It feels better personally but idk

>> No.8310803

I liked reading this. Moar?

>> No.8311468

This makes me tremble with rage. I want to find who ever did that and torture them slowly until they beg to die. I won't let them

>> No.8311473


Paris is basically African now.

>> No.8311474

but that will just lead to it happening again, don't you learn from history?