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8304178 No.8304178[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How accurate is this image?

>> No.8304183


Why do /pol/ pretend to hate virtue signalling when they love to autist rally one another with it so much?

>> No.8304192

as accurate as my dick

>> No.8304365

>that sneaky bit of "kitchen" in the left hand corner
Fuck you for being such shitty cooks that you must rely on women to take care of your baby ass. What use are you if you are of no use to yourself? I don't understand why that woman is holding on to her "dignity" when her breasts out and she's reaching out to Augustus. Not even a Puritan but for a creator with such conservative values, I really have to question the small details.

I'd rather fucking kill myself.

>> No.8304371


a u t i s m

>> No.8304376

>somebody actually paid attention and critically analyzed my shitty /pol/ memes
>somebody actually called me out on my bullshit

This board isn't for the slow-thinking.

>> No.8304377

Further proof that reading is for kikes, thanks redpill

>> No.8304396


>breasts are out

Kill yourself, seriously.

>> No.8304410

>Fuck you for being such shitty cooks that you must rely on women to take care of your baby ass.
Except the best chefs in the world are men.

>> No.8304423

Are the best chefs in the world going to cook your dinner every night?

>> No.8304444


>> No.8304445

'hurrrrrrr men invented anything'

yeah, but like, we were the only ones with the education behind us to do it.

I have my issues with women but that's a retard's argument

>> No.8304447


I just got my wisdom teeth out and I'm really fucked up

>> No.8304453



>> No.8304454

What? Are you going to argue that bare breast are not frowned upon if one were to adopt conservative views? How about you think before you spew shit out of your mouth liken that of a retard's drool?

Then men can take "stay in the kitchen" jokes up their top chefs ass. If women are inadequate to be in the kitchen then men should pick up the slacks and do everything. Men ARE good at everything, right? Women are just breeding flesh holes?

>> No.8304456

Leave it to the retards with a board that stickies all forms of logical fallacies to make an ad hominen attack. The irony of this kind I could put in a sock and bash you to death with.

>> No.8304468


calling it now. this is a reverse baiting session.

there is no way you are this bad. i don't believe it.

>> No.8304472

>my opinion about you is fact
>if you beg to differ, I am right
It's as though perhaps you think we're too fucking stupid to sage. Deserting this thread after this reply because heaven forbids I allow your replies to bump the thread

>> No.8304475


Learn how to speak English before you even dare think about responding to me again, faggot.

>> No.8304478

>not realising her depraved state is to reflect women IRL hplding onto the last shreds of their dignity

toasty roasty detected

>> No.8304479


>still trying

no dice, m8. i don't believe that replies this spectrum are sincere. you are reverse baiting.

>> No.8304486

>If women are inadequate to be in the kitchen then men should pick up the slacks and do everything.
We already are.