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File: 96 KB, 475x356, james-avery-phillip-banks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8298639 No.8298639 [Reply] [Original]

describe your dad in a short poem

>> No.8298647

Now that I'm older
And certainly bolder,
I enforce my will
And, others' will, kill.
But never could I
Nor would I e'er try
My father to trick,
He's got a dad dick.

>> No.8298663

You caused my disorders but I know you just meant well.

>> No.8298671

well-versed in song and culture--yes he is!
singing through a strained grey muzzle he is!
after a dram, sunken in wrinkled pores
sings a beast i haven't heard before
prae judicium in bounding octaves
this isn't the man that sang to me before

lame poem about dad that gets racist after a few drinks

>> No.8298674


>> No.8298679

Daddy, daddy wasn't there
To take me to the fair
It seems he doesn't care
Daddy wasn't there

Daddy, daddy wasn't there
To change my underwear
It seems he doesn't care
Daddy wasn't there

>> No.8298683
File: 109 KB, 1000x1000, You know this feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bent back, bent toes,
Propensity to excess weight,
Shit facial hair, shit eyesight,
All these things I have from you,
By rights I shouldn't thank you,
Yet although I was in truth unplanned,
I am a happy accident.

>> No.8298693

In eyes of past me
There was only he
Proudly I sat on his shoulder
But disharmony
I grew up and see
He's worthless like me only older

>> No.8298705
File: 67 KB, 900x551, That Feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I fucking love you

But you are drunk all the time

What are you going to do

With your life not with mine

Ever since mom cucked you

When you were burying your sister

You haven't been the dad I knew

I have tried to save you for so long

But I don't know how to

You reject all my advice

And won't give up the bottle

You fuck with my mind

And act like an asshole

I just have to leave you now

Because you don't care anymore

Just don't commit suicide

and don't think about that whore.

>> No.8298715

Among dead leaves, two
weeaboos watch a falcon
pierce the city's air

>> No.8298720

I think of my father in
another white room atop
another white hospital
enjoying his quarantine
quiet save halogen the
tinny columbo through cheap
headphones the beating blood still
beating still his bathroom has
a window he can look out
on the city while he shits

>> No.8298722
File: 780 KB, 2600x1738, 1448944760_oil-platform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goan fishn ;_;

>> No.8298726

Nobody is entitled to resolution,
or a guarantee,
and that's just fine.

>> No.8298738

Not around

>> No.8298747

I hate him
because of him i am
thereby i hate myself
i love him

>> No.8299076

The name is easy
And fits meaning like a corpse.

Does he regret stuff? I'm somewhat interested...

>> No.8299079

He's a man
looking for his way
I have mine;
new steps every day

>> No.8299080

Yeah, having a faggot son

>> No.8299177

My dad is kind of a cad
Sometimes he makes me mad
Othertimes I was just being bad
Or maybe it was a bad day dad had
But overall I think my dad is RAD

>> No.8299188

Big pen literal punk, Joyce with attitude
Smith & Wesson in his hand, blow'd that bitch out her shoes

>> No.8299680

Oh. He might apologize when he learns about his lung cancer

>> No.8300310

Faux-Jesuit dad-bodded priest,
Fixated on brewer's yeast;
You read Greek/Latin/French,
You run and you bench---
Or did until you deceased.

>> No.8300369

My dad is great
I am lucky to have him
One day he'll be gone
And I will be sad

>> No.8300377

If only her were better or worse,

I'd say 'I do' or 'don't' deserve

a man who could have or never learned.

Life is a switch between off and on,

I wonder if I will cry when he is gone?

>> No.8300393

You left us,
As if you were black,
Because of you,
Now I'm a cuck.

>> No.8300394


>> No.8300424


>> No.8300458
File: 28 KB, 444x600, 13466171_10209514782496874_6786843243396123486_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delphic apollo must spring from Zeus,
Radiance supplants rage and thunder
Genetically your glory shines, the speed and strength and golden glow
Are all my own but got from you
Age cannot mar that perfect gene
That marks us as the spawn of gods

Your temper and your simpleness
Have been redeemed by my brilliance.
For you to kill and smite,
For me to walk in knowledge bright.
No dark of war can mark my brow
For your strength kindles my own light

Dad was already forty in this pic. I am almost 40 now. Thanks for picking good genetic qualities, mom!!

>> No.8300463
File: 32 KB, 320x427, IMG_1547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dad at 75 with great grandchild

>> No.8300473
File: 1.59 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_1885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me at about 37 ... almost never work out, dont pay too much attention to diet, don't take supplements ... coasting on dad's genes. Thank god.

>> No.8300488

>almost never work out, dont pay too much attention to diet, don't take supplements
>all these lies

>> No.8300491
File: 11 KB, 195x268, IMG_1034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is when i actually work out hard, but i was about 33. Genetics is such a huge part.

>> No.8300492

My anus, Venus
Oh Daddy, penis

>> No.8300555


>> No.8300590

Came quickly
Left quicker

>> No.8300603
