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/lit/ - Literature

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8298183 No.8298183 [Reply] [Original]

Well, that was fucking depressing. I'm not sure I could even call it great, it's well-written and everything, but damn...
Anyone wanna post their thoughts or did you get enough of that when True Detective was airing?

I've also been reading Teatro Grotesco alongside this, and that's very good and imaginative.

>> No.8298253

I'd be depressed too if I looked like thomas ligotti

>> No.8298259
File: 8 KB, 300x244, zapffe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relax, it;s too early to decide whether species suicide is the only option. Even if it is, it would be epic tragedy. Read some Nietzsche and wait at least 2000 years.

>> No.8298269

I'm too sleep-deprived to read anything intelligent, so I'll download this book and tell you why it's for plebians.

>> No.8298302
File: 57 KB, 170x335, Carlo_Michelstaedter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was reading it when I was sleep-deprived, I think the effect was stronger because of that. You will et to know lots of interesting heroes like picrelated.

>> No.8298315
File: 65 KB, 850x400, zapffe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody wants to read "The Last Messiah", here's the link.
Zapffe was a very clear thinker, nothing unpleasant at all.

>> No.8298324


Rick Roderick is less edgy and gives more credit to other philosophers than neo-nihlists and dark enlightenment sith lords

"I mean, in a certain way, one of the characteristics of what the self is, and one of the reasons it’s under siege, is we are interpretative beings. And now, by the late 20th century, we are in a situation where interpretation has never been more difficult. Never been more difficult. One can… I mean, I can name artefacts that we have developed technologically that are almost completely closed to interpretation, and I’ll name one – although we attempt to interpret it – Television." (this was 1993, perhaps you could swap Television in this spiel with the Internet)"

"Television tries to interpret itself to us, bypassing the upper brain functions and directly feeding into our minds. This is why I said – off camera between classes – that Orwell was a pie-eyed optimist. 1984 arrived in sort of the early 70’s, and ah, Orwell’s vision of a horrible future which was a boot stomping on a human face forever is a utopian image because he assumes there would be resistance and human faces; both of which may turn out to be false. So, I mean, 1984 is not a book that scares me… anymore. I mean, again, last time I outrageously said that Herbert Marcuse was the Norman Vincent Peale of the 60’s, and now this time I have been forced to say that Orwell was an optimist… you know… it’s sort of my corollary to his little cautionary tale."

>> No.8298343

Ligotti rides Zapffe's dick pretty hard throughout the entire book, I'm gonna have to sit down and read that one at some point. Now it's time to finish Cioran's On the Heights of Despair. Atleast his pessimism and overall distaste for...pretty much everything, has charm and humor.

>> No.8298348

Is Conspiracy Against The Human Race referenced in True Detective? Or did everyone just see a depressive "intellectual" character and try to find the most garbage edgy "philosophy" they could?

>> No.8298352
File: 83 KB, 905x693, the seal-clubber and the baby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on, it's ten pages. Well written too.

>> No.8298354

I'm not sure if there are any explicit references but it leans very heavily on it. If you have read and seen both it's quite obvious.

>> No.8298367

>it's ten pages
Shit, ok. I must've read atleast 6 of those during the course of reading Conspiracy anyway for as much as Ligotti quotes it.

The writer of the show has named it as a big influence on the writing of Matthew Mcchahanahey's character yeah.

>> No.8299714


I think I might avoid it.

>> No.8299834

/lit/'s last meme stop before the stoicism era begins