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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 587 KB, 517x459, plebs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8296811 No.8296811 [Reply] [Original]


>they post LoTR and Harry Potter

>> No.8296818
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>I don't get it therefore it's shit

>> No.8296825

Someone also posted 50 Shades of Grey. I REALLY hope they were joking, but knowing Reddit it could be true.

>> No.8296826

There are myriad identical posts on /lit/

I don't understand what it is with you kids that you are so fascinated with reddit.

>> No.8296834

Everyone on /lit/ crossposts on /r/books but pretend they don't.

>> No.8296840

Funny how so many people form this convenient opinion when faced with evidence they are retarded

>> No.8296848

I don't

no but really how can anyone discuss books on /r/books? /lit/ is total shit but /r/books is an order of magnitude worse. it's actaully even worse than discussing books IRL with normies

>> No.8296859

Stop shitting up this board with this shit, you boring faggot

>> No.8296899

>posting on reddit
It's horrible. Namefagging in general is horrible, carma is horrible, having ladder threads instead of linear ones is revolting. I would better be stuck in /b/ for all eternity than come to reddit.

>> No.8296921

because we're trolling. /r/books is serious.

>> No.8296952

>no but really how can anyone discuss books on /r/books?

You can discuss Discworld, 1984 and Neil Gaiman until your eyes bleed.

>> No.8296969

This obsession with reddit must stop.

>> No.8296982
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>My theory has evolved

>> No.8297007

but how else can we assert our superior patricianship?

>> No.8297060

Terrible sentence

>> No.8297088

At least it's a complete sentence.

>> No.8297138

This is why the board must start self-moderating again. The plebs must be kept out or contained in their retard fantasy general.

For fuck's sake someone was trying to talk about a King novel and got upset at me for telling him to go the general. "Nuh uh I can post where I want." Do you really want these kind of faggots here?

>> No.8297146


op is trying to smoke out reddits with this bait. he tried it a bit before.

op get better bait material for threads already. entertain me bitch.

>> No.8297152


>> No.8297157


I can't even pass judgement on the content of reddit because the site layout is S H I T, it's actually disgusting and the biggest flaw the site could have, for all I know, reddit could be a perpetual quality talk source, frequented by authors, academics and genuine fans of literature, I would still come to /lit/ because I can actually follow the threads

>> No.8297165


I crosspost on /r/literature and /r/askliterarystudies, but /r/books is an utter hellhole.

>> No.8297237

At least one person in that thread didn't sound like a complete fucking moron.

>> No.8297398

How do people even use this website? The interface is worse than 4chan
Fuck, I had to scroll for 20 minutes to get past all the posts explaining how they abbreviate the names to get to the nickname sasha, fuck
It was explained 150 times just READ THE FUCKING previous posts

>> No.8298692

they repeat the same shit for upboats

>> No.8298718
File: 50 KB, 997x109, reduly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even though I'm an english major, I fucking hate this work of literature that masterfully uses the language I studied, because I just don't get it

>> No.8298741

I never go to reddit
I discovered reddit because of 4 chan constantly mentioning that website. Visited it, and disliked the posting structure.

I also think /lit/ is used by a small minority of the people who browse 4chan and have literature as a hobby.

>> No.8298864

>he cares about what plebs think
>he has the time to rant about the plebs opinion

>> No.8298931

He did write a lot of garbage though.
/lit/ never goes beyond his mainstream books, but his short stories are supreme shit

>> No.8299136

It seems like plenty of English majors are just as plebby as the rest of people. I often hear on /lit/ about English majors being horrified that their classmates still think Harry Potter is the best book ever written, and I know a recent English degree recipient who has never read Dante and doesn't know anything about Joyce's position in literary history.

>> No.8299178


>jokes on you I'm just pretending to be retarded

Whatever helps you continue to feel smug and condescending anon.

>> No.8299185

Are you ill? Dubliners is incredible.

>> No.8299196

>same books that get posted here

wow we sure are better than them

>> No.8299233

>knowing anything about anything

>> No.8299299

He was talking about pynchon, I think, or at least was replying to a screenshot about him.

>> No.8299580
File: 74 KB, 892x772, Disgusting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8299687

jesus fucking christ, how can people be this stupid? I wonder how far they even made it into the book

>> No.8299718

Not me. Why would I shitpost with plebs there when I can shitpost with patricians here?

>> No.8299754

/lit/ is also populated by plebs. It's just so easy to pretend to be patrician if you lurk for a little while.

>> No.8299990
File: 12 KB, 367x202, 1458767116932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8300014

why do we have these threads so often? are you proud that you visit reddit? its like bizzaro world r/4chan

i couldnt give less of a fuck as to what dumbass redditors are up to

>> No.8300119

I lurk reddit and it's insane how many times I've seen threads from the front page regurgitated on this site without anyone noticing. And y'all respond to those threads as if they are normal /lit/ threads. So, logically, if Reddit threads pass as OC /lit/ threads consistently, there is no difference between the sites.

/lit/ and r/books are equally retarded.

>> No.8300187


>> No.8300219

Proof: I'm retarded.

>> No.8300244

>Naked Lunch. Brought the book on a beach trip and it was anything but a relaxing read.

>I was upset I couldn't get through it and struggled for a couple days and then realized I was reading the ramblings of drug addict.

What a normie thing to say, not having even the slightest empathy or understanding for the thought process of someone in a different mental state than them.

>> No.8300275

>pynchon is bad because he wasn't an incredible author straight out of the womb
Gibe the guy a break, you have to start somewhere

>> No.8300307

>Brought the book on a beach trip and it was anything but a relaxing read.
Why would anyone expect that from fucking Naked Lunch of all things

>> No.8300343

Because plebs think all books are supposed to be chill YA shit.

>> No.8300368

How are they wrong?

>> No.8300432

I get that, but do these people just walk into a bookstore and close their eyes and buy the first thing they grab without doing at least enough research to know the very basics about it?

>> No.8300832

People use the plug in Reddit Enhancement Suite or RES, which makes it more appealing and easier to keep tabs on than /lit/.

>> No.8301237

Yes, consumerism lad.

>> No.8301244

If they were smart they wouldn't have become English majors.


>> No.8301257

humanities 2016 = diploma mills
don't tell anyone

>> No.8301280

a hundred years of solitude and ulysses and a brief history of time are the only legitimate entries there.

although a hundred years is pretty enjoyable, just sometimes easy to confuse the characters