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8296768 No.8296768 [Reply] [Original]

Do you know any good novel on Greek mythology?
Are also fine Greek prose poems.

>> No.8296783

latro in the mist

>> No.8297104

Mary Renault. Start with The King Must Die.

>> No.8297193

Read mythology by Edith Hamilton of your a noob

>> No.8297260


There is one by John Fowles that's somewhat relevant. I forgot the name though. And what do you mean by "Greek prose poems"? I don't think what we might call prose poems were a thing in ancient Greece.

>> No.8298277


But this is not mythology.

>> No.8298359

A novel of the life of Theseus, with scenes where he communes with his father Poseidon? A novel that details the slaying of the Minotaur? It's as much mythology as any retold Greek legend.

>> No.8298365

Ah, wait. Is English your first language? You "novel." If you mean a collection of the original myths, or a guide to them, that's quite different. Then Robert Graves is the way to go. Ignore his foot-note theories, but the rest is excellent. Start with Hamilton if you want something simple.

>> No.8298734
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Thank you all!


>Ah, wait. Is English your first language?

No, I'm a stupid poor italian.

Well, thank you for Robert Graves. I'll read "The Golden Fleece".
I'm in search non only of a collection of the original myths, but also all the novels ispired by the greek mythology, for example "A lamp for Medusa", "The Mask of Circe".
I also want to read the classic greek poems, in prose, with fantasy elements for example the "Odyssey".
Do you understand what I look for?

>> No.8299277
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Yes, I understand now. Sorry about the confusion. I don't know of a text that looks at the whole history of myth-inspired works (or indeed if such a list would fit in one book) up to modern times.
Graves includes all the Greek myths (almost literally), with excellent listing of primary sources and variants. It's very readable, but (as I said) his personal fanciful theories about story origins, based on the dubious idea of a pan-European mother-goddess cult age, need to be taken with a grain of salt. Edith Hamilton is a decent entry-level text, and even Daulaire's picture book is surprisingly accurate and informative. I would start with those, and then grab primary texts as desired.

>> No.8300403


Thank you!

>> No.8300442

The Metamorphoses - Ovid

>> No.8300496

Also, Robert Graves: The Golden Fleece.
Anything from Robert Graves. The daughter of Homer is good too.
Mika Waltari is also very cool, though he (she?) did not specifically write about greek mythology, just the Antics in general.

>> No.8300499


>The daughter of Homer

Lisa or Maggie?

>> No.8300508

Tbh, it kinda makes sense, if you think about it. The Indo-European, strongly patriarchal tribes took over the pre-Indo-European population of Europe like a storm. It could be because of many things, of course. But a strongly patriarchal society based on monogamous marriage and repressed sexual energies will always take over a weak, infighting matriarchal society. That is why matriarchal societies hardly exist.

>> No.8300521

>Indo-European tribes were based on monogamous marriage and repressed sexual energies

Gonna need a fucking SAUCE

Also, the Greeks and Romans by no means repressed sexual energies and they dominated. The Abbasids were polygamous as fuck yet they conquered, as with the Mongols. France was a less monogamous and sexually repressive country than Tsarist Russia the time Napoleon fucked his way to Moscow
But yeah
Obligatory go to >>>>/pol/

>> No.8301679

Do you know something similar but with the Norse mythology?