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8296503 No.8296503 [Reply] [Original]

>mommy found my manifesto

Have you ever had someone read through something you wrote without asking you first?

This has seriously pissed me off. I'm considering moving out. You don't just start reading something like that without asking permission first.

>> No.8296506

It hasn't happened, but I'm very paranoid with my poetry collection.

>> No.8296517

what was it about

why didn't you hide it better

>> No.8296521

has your mom seriously not kicked you out for finding out your mass murder conspiracy?

>> No.8296525
File: 5 KB, 125x125, 1453103076143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell us some basic themes in your manifesto.

I hope you just didn't steal the unibombers one like Brevik did.

>> No.8296542

Did she find out about the boipucci?

>> No.8296546

It's not a "mass murder conspiracy"

So far I have written 89,000 words detailing the history of employment, from the necessary labor of keeping one's tribe alive, to slavery, feudalism and finally the hollow ideology of hard work as virtuous. I have explained in detail why a one portion of the population has always been, is, and will always be too sensitive, self-aware and intellectually advanced to be content with the working conditions inflicted upon them, and have provided countless examples of such individuals (including myself) throughout the history of human society (with a focus on the West) and have just started writing about contemporary working conditions since 1945 and the growing irrelevance of full-time employment in addition to critiquing the narrow-minded, callous and unimaginative ideology which insists that full-time employment must be something that each person should not only aspire to but demand both of themselves and of those around them. My mother obviously understood little of what she read but nonetheless what she did read made her cry, likely as a consequence of my admittedly ruthless and frank mode of expression. She is at work right now but I am so p*****d off I might confront her again when she returns home. This is seriously not ok.

>> No.8296549

How does something that basically boils down to "working is not necessarily virtuous" make her cry? There has to be more to it, right?

>> No.8296556

Sweet, finish it and sell it on amazon and I'll buy it for my parents for christmas to watch the tears : ^ )

>> No.8296560


dont be a dumb angry kid, try to engage her on an emotional level and understand what about it makes her upset. connect with this human being who is your parent.

is it so bad that she's interested in you and what you are feeling?

>> No.8296563

One of the passages my mother happened to read described my own suffering and self-loathing as a means of showing that even the strongest minds are threatened by the ideology I describe and eviscerate at great length. She has since offered to find me a job at her own workplace (a hospital) but I adamantly refused, which of course only caused her to bawl even more.

>> No.8296564


also maybe try volunteering

>> No.8296565

because she realized her son is going to be a useless parasite forever

>> No.8296572
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>described my own suffering and self-loathing as a means of showing that even the strongest minds are threatened

>> No.8296575

Please don't tell me you live from the charity of your parents.

>> No.8296580

I do intend to finish it, though the structure of my day and the security of my working environment has now been destabilized by my mother's thoughtless curiosity. I have been incapable of sitting down to work all day today, and when she arrives home from work my mood will no-doubt be too grim and sour to work any further.

>> No.8296582

Please stop talking like that, it sounds like you're trying way too hard. Just talk like you normally would, save the flowers for your writing.

>> No.8296586


it sounds like you need the perspective that working at a hospital could provide

>> No.8296592

this sounds like a bad rewrite of "Growing Up Absurd"

>> No.8296595

It's for this exact reason that I basically write anything remotely journal-ey in code. Talk exclusively in synecdoches and use rhyming-slang. Trying to decipher wtf you were talking about also makes for some fun reading years on and you can get a few colourful metaphors out of it.

>> No.8296597

I'm not a "kid", I'm 36 years of age. I have tried again and again, for numerous years, to educate my mother and encourage her to become adequately self-aware, though my attempts have all been in vain. I have bought her books, musical albums, intelligent and thought-provoking movies, but she has reacted to them all with the stolid gaze native to her gender. I watched "Synecdoche, New York" with her only last month and was forced to bar the living the room door so that she would be forced to watch the entire film. When I demanded to know what her impression was of what is undoubtedly a contemporary cinematic masterpiece she simply looked at me with a worried expression, probably suspecting that I possessed the same brutish, violent instincts as the men she has been acquainted with thus far in her life. She is, in short, a lost cause. I no longer feel any compulsion to try and instill those traits and values in her character which make my own character so complex and profound. This is partly the reason I feel no guilt or shame over the fact that she works full-time while I have opted not to, as I know with certainty that without some form of employment to take up the majority of her day she would wither away and become severely depressed due to the fact she would be forced to confront a fact I myself confronted long ago, namely that existence is a pitiable and meaningless thing to be avoided at best, ridiculed at a minimum.

>> No.8296604

Is this thread just an Ignatius J. Reilly parody or something?

>> No.8296611


lol ok you got me i fell for the bait nice one

its funny that 100~ years ago this would be read as great writing and now its just a joke

>> No.8296614

Volunteering is simply a method of allowing lonely retirees indoctrinated to believe that work is the central function of their existence is to submit themselves to the will of others.

I have only one parent and the support she provides to me is voluntary and in my eyes a form of almsgiving, in much the same way the prophets and visionaries in previous ages were supported by the local townspeople who recognized the distinctly pious nature of the strange but alluring individual who represented the finer aspects of their nature.

>> No.8296617


good satire of a represented ideology here on 4chan tho

>> No.8296624
File: 94 KB, 192x187, 1451100131264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Journal contains a description of a former (female) friend of mine, including her naked body. Actually most of it is about her body.

I think I still love her, or at least feel such powerful urge to possess that I could love her if necessary.

I'm married.

>> No.8296655

I've found comedy gold

>> No.8296666

Kek, I will never get tired of these threads

>> No.8296676

I will never get tired of these satan quads tho

>> No.8296685

Are there any novels with a character similar to this guy('s parody)?

>> No.8296727

>>I have only one parent and the support she provides to me is voluntary and in my eyes a form of almsgiving,
LEl me too. Plus it is the least that she can do for giving birth to me and for being unbearable.

>> No.8296737

Louie pls go

>> No.8296739

"A Confederacy of Dunces" and "The Sot Weed Factor" are both exactly what you are looking for

>> No.8296776

Thanks m8, the resemblance with confederacy is striking.

>> No.8296835


I have a diary full of insane ramblings hidden...somewhere. The fact that I do not know where it is and somebody might find it before I do got me many sleepless nights to this day. Sometimes I suspect that some family member already found it and always has a conspiratory grin once I turn away.

I think my heart might explode if one day someone drops a line from this diary to fuck with me.

>> No.8297000

"Bought" with her money you leech.

>> No.8297016

For her edification, you brute.

>> No.8297032


how fucking dumb do you have to be to not realize that you're responding to bait?

>> No.8297081

OP here.

I must admit that this thread is not serious. I am just a Norwegian guy writing this as a form of writing exercise.

>> No.8297092
File: 55 KB, 405x720, elextranjero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>p*****d off

>> No.8297191

I think we have the same outlook on work which is kind of weird because everyone else I know constantly needs to be employed by someone else and sees nothing wrong with slaving away for fiat currency and chastises me for not doing the same.

I'm just trying to find a job I won't want to kill myself in.

>> No.8297209

>Literally "I'm too intelligent to lift"
This has been a meme on /fit/ for years

>> No.8297210

How old are you?

>> No.8297213

It's a meme for a reason. Name one famous writer who "lifted" other than China Meville or "Hemingway".

>> No.8297239


26 next month. It doesn't help that there are zero jobs in my town unless you're related to someone.

>> No.8297245

Which town?

>> No.8297254 [SPOILER] 
File: 313 KB, 2197x1463, 1468937962309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw every single one of "these" threads is by the same guy

>> No.8297257

My mum found my journal I just keep full of quotations. She admitted she didn't understand them but was unnerved by it. I also had some sketches of cute girls in there. It did feel very invasive desu

>> No.8297262


One in NC. I'm close to a city but have no way to reliably get there.

>> No.8297263


>> No.8297273

The Greeks

>> No.8297285

Then you're doomed to mediocrity I'm afraid, that is if you want to make it as an author.

>> No.8297287

>getting fit isn't the most intelligent thing you can do for now

>> No.8297296

Mishima only lifted towards the end of his life when he had stopped writing books.

Artificial representation. Plutarch points this out time and time again.

>> No.8297298

most writers probably lifted outside of their work to stay healthy. Its generally expected of people to stay healthy.

>> No.8297303

>Mishima only lifted towards the end of his life when he had stopped writing books.
>wrote an entire book about body building

>> No.8297342
File: 175 KB, 777x800, rattle rattle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>p*****d off
Thanks for the laugh.

>> No.8297359

I can't tell whether all the manifesto meme breads are made by the same person or not

But I love every single one

>> No.8297383

Link some previous examples?

>> No.8297391

Wait until you get published, then you can't even hide your shit from "mommy"

>> No.8297396

Plutarch was a jelly dyel that couldn't even squat 2 goats.

>> No.8297401


>> No.8297405

This is that 100 post anon again.

Newfags, there is a poster who constantly creates really elaborate schemes to mess with people by getting them to feel sympathy for his character and then slowly dissolve into autism, it usually always begins with calling himself a genius (I've noticed this pattern) he used to joke about his 6 volume memoir or this time that he paid a publisher to publish his book and he scheduled a book signing at a barnes and noble where only his mom came and bought 3 copies of the book. He does this because he's admitted he has nothing else in life and gets some sort of pleasure out of it, anyway, he had me going for a little bit until I saw him descend into cunty autism but the nail in the coffin is this quote that he always uses when people ask to see his writing in these threads (because it's pretty good but it comes from an archived post from years ago back when warosu was up, someone else found that one out, he usually takes any written material from past critique threads but almost always this one):

>"Magnus realized, with a sort of laugh, that every joke he had recently heard had been told by himself, to himself, and at his own expense."

Anyway OP, you should really find something else to occupy your time if this is all you really have.

>> No.8297410


What do you mean by this?

>> No.8297426

I have ponder'd similar problems but have never had to face it myself, for I keep every aphorism and journal entry in a small text file on my computer, which works on an operating system alien to the commonplace 'Windows' and 'Apple' users such that if one were to open my computer and crack the code, they'd have to try aevery button combination before understanding how to find my file manager and subsequently the aforementioned text file. In any case; I wish you Godspeed, my fellow anon.

>> No.8297434

What I mean is that the vast majority of authors announce their genius at a relatively early age, and this either leads to academic success or at the very least to a job in a major city. When is the last time a writer of renown lived in an obscure city in North Carolina unable to find a job? There's no willpower there. Sad!

>> No.8297566
File: 32 KB, 480x454, 1410059413386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8th grade
>as part of a project wrote a very personal and sentimental letter to be sent to my graduating self
>finally graduate, receive the letter
>read it, go "huh" and toss it aside; it delved on personal issues such as suicide, I'm beyond that now, and no longer give a fuck
>one day the letter somehow gets lost out in public, don't ask me how
>some dude finds it
>luckily he shares a mutual friend with my sister
>returns it to my place of residence, but also sends the letter to my brother via facebook messenger addressing concerns in its contents
>also apparently posted it on his wall to publicly express his virtuous nature, I presume
I have this immense, borderline paranoia-inducing fear of social media, that anything posted about me online will be exported to other places via screenshot and used to humiliate me somewhere down the line. The dude was pretty chill but you can't ever know if someone saved the pic and decided to spread it elsewhere. Idk, maybe I just browse 4chan too frequently

>> No.8297573

>paid a publisher to publish his book and he scheduled a book signing at a barnes and noble where only his mom came

Lol, that was so long ago. At the time I wasn't sure if it was true or not, but I doubted it.

>> No.8297589


Oh my god.

>> No.8297595

>your mind
if that was true, why aren't you published?
and how could she find a manifesto if it was typed on your computer
>handwriting something like that

>> No.8297596

0/10, very poo bait

>> No.8297599

>if that was true, why aren't you published?


>> No.8297613

This whole thread reads like John Kennedy Toole reincarnate. Not bag, OP

>> No.8297648


> even the strongest minds

>> No.8297663

fairly sure op is the same guy who posted this:


and this


the same guy??

>> No.8297669


Meh, OP you started well but tried too hard. 5/10

>> No.8297674


Kek you sound like the fat guy from the Anime Club comic

>> No.8297866

Even if it's bait I'll always bump these threads. I mean, you have to be a somewhat talented writer to voice a character that creates this much interest. OP might really be mentally ill or just trolling, but I always have fun in these threads.

>> No.8297891
File: 239 KB, 568x653, 1468738747325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falling this hard

now that's baiting, 8/8 OP

>> No.8297893

Someone needs to read 'on the diminution of labor.' Basically your entire manifesto was written far better and with more erudition than yours 100 years ago. Sucks to be you

>> No.8297900

Holy shit this sounds faggoty as fuck, please post it

>> No.8297912

lost me here, was good bait up until this post

>> No.8297913

>too sensitive, self-aware and intellectually advanced to be content
>such individuals (including myself)
>My mother obviously understood little of what she read
>what she did read made her cry, likely as a consequence of my addmittedly ruthless and frank mode of expression
>I am so p*****d off

Fuck me this is a fucking joke, right? I've been away from /lit/ for a while, but are these threads a thing now? Is this a summer thing? Fuck me. Grow the fuck up, kid.

>> No.8297967


>> No.8298004

will NEETs ever recover?

>> No.8298077

>masturbating in front of other people

>> No.8298095


>> No.8298099

I remember the memoir guy, what's he up to these days?

>> No.8298107

That could be a fine job kiddo
I suggest you to take it and consider a possible career in medicine, medical engineering or something related. You could use the experience.

>> No.8298109
File: 54 KB, 960x670, 1463011726961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit

This reads like someone's parody of a reddit post.

>> No.8298117

>I watched "Synecdoche, New York" with her only last month and was forced to bar the living the room door so that she would be forced to watch the entire film.

comedy gold

>> No.8298420
File: 73 KB, 600x401, 1468501799455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

responding as if it's not bait causes the poster to respond with more funny posts newfriend

>> No.8298483


Lol you should just be happy someone read your rag, anon

>> No.8298495

The thread where he elaborates on his sneaky way to get published and why he's 90% of writers in history was awesome. Must be 6 months ago now

>> No.8298506

>and why he's 90% of writers in history


>> No.8298517

That line is better than 9/10 of the stuff I see in critique threads.

>> No.8298725

>on the diminution of labor.
I can't find it.

>> No.8298789

sounds like you're an immature faggot without the discipline to get himself into a position to find a better job.

>> No.8299705


>> No.8299721


>> No.8299972
File: 480 KB, 507x554, 1452584500617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>p*****d off

Oh I get it, it's a bait post

>> No.8300008


>> No.8300017
File: 121 KB, 1171x540, 1468916449649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8300251

Only 1 in 10 wasn't him.

>> No.8300254

>muh hooman farming
>muh Bukowski

Kill yourself you entitled prick.

>> No.8300268
File: 18 KB, 200x206, Ignatius-J.-Reilly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, you are literally Ignatius

>> No.8300288
File: 72 KB, 500x553, ZanchiDiogenes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying there is any other way

>> No.8300298

Who knows how many threads this guy is responsible for. He probably made this ridiculous shit too


>> No.8300316

I posted it on reddit; they might be able to help you ;-) https://www.reddit.com/r/Advice/comments/4tq6ro/my_mom_read_my_private_manifesto/

>> No.8300340


Anon's Manifesto is the new "Catcher In the Rye".

Fathers, hide your daughters. Mothers, hide your sons. This literary roller coaster evokes powerful, angst ridden imagery that publishes the candid experience of vanishing innocence and childhood betrayal. You'll laugh, you'll love, you'll cry, but more importantly, you WON'T be able to put this book down.

"Anon's Manifesto" is a contemporary artwork that will be hailed throughout the generations; and you can bet, you heard it here, first, with us, The Rolling Stones.

-Jann Wenner; Editor-In-Chief, Rolling Stones

>> No.8300470

you ruined it you fucking sperg. I hope this and your other failures become immanent in your memory as you take your last dying breath

>> No.8300516

Epic bro ;) I ruined le epic 4chan maymay

>> No.8301564

and this one

>> No.8302235

kek at all of this but namely:
>was forced to bar the living room door

>> No.8302250

I was gonna post this

to OP: get a job fatass

>> No.8302252

just add "a real page-turner" somewhere there and you got a review that anon can put on back of the book

>> No.8302259

Best post I've read on /lit/ for a while

>> No.8302310
File: 30 KB, 480x490, 1468714820500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like 89, 000 words to excuse my NEET lifestyle

>> No.8302324

>I am so p*****d off
the cherry on top

>> No.8303394

How did everything go, OP? Did you confront your mother?

>> No.8304623

does somebody archives them?

>> No.8304626

this is copypasta, i've read it at least 3 times by now

god i love these threads

>> No.8304712

1. http://archived.moe/lit/thread/7703239/
2. http://archived.moe/lit/thread/8171636/#q8171962
3. http://archived.moe/lit/thread/8292883/ (aka Norwegian autist)
4. http://archived.moe/lit/thread/7600923/#q7605237
5. http://archived.moe/lit/thread/7608333/#7608333
6. http://archived.moe/lit/thread/7403677/#7406070
7. http://archived.moe/lit/thread/8113600/
8. http://archived.moe/lit/thread/8154777/#q8158076
9. http://archived.moe/lit/thread/7323511/#7324495
10. http://archived.moe/lit/thread/7720534/


>> No.8304717

>9. http://archived.moe/lit/thread/7323511/#7324495
i think this is common pasta

Doing god's job anon, i'll back you up

>> No.8304726

I wish this was real

>> No.8304735

We are witnessing the birth of a new contemporary art form, what a time to be alive, senpaitachi

>> No.8304757
File: 76 KB, 736x627, 1466576114551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not being /fit-lit/ should be a bannable offense.

Not enough oxygen flowing to these fatties' brains from their cholesterol-clogged necks.

>> No.8304770

The Norwegian guy?

>> No.8304788


>> No.8304797

because he put all this effort into justifying not finding a job

>> No.8304804

fairly sure this is OP too. can someone confirm?


same style

>> No.8304809

That quote is misattributed to Socrates

He said plenty of things about virtues of the body, I don't know why people continue to post that same stupid fucking quote

>> No.8304813

t. lardass

>> No.8304817

>most writers probably lifted outside of their work to stay healthy

>> No.8304826


weak yet, but not fat

>> No.8304834

Sounds like you wrote an 89,000 word excuse for being too lazy to get a real job my dude. Also, respect your parents while they provide you with food and shelter.

>> No.8304836



>> No.8304844

One question, if you are still around, OP.

What are your views on encryption?

>> No.8304845

he's probably writing it out long-hand. maybe even using a typewriter.

>> No.8304855

Fucking this. So much.

>> No.8304856

>needing actual violation of privacy to move out

the simply family setting is already a rape. get out of there. all of you.

>> No.8304859

this manifesto?


>> No.8305872

do you have experience with employment and why did she cry

>> No.8305879

dude you literally wrote an anti-work manifesto with a psychological projection of your dumb NEET mentality

>> No.8305891

Let's see the quotations one?

>> No.8305902

>What I mean is that the vast majority of authors announce their genius at a relatively early age,


>> No.8305908

what happened

>> No.8305931

do you remember that guy that posted about his memoir where he would dress up as a pizza guy and show it to a publicist?

>> No.8305946

yeah, it's the same nigga that started this thread

>> No.8305984

Yes. My parents found part of my edgy teenage diary and that's why I spent middle school in counseling. I developed a code language and wrote in it for the next 6 years of my life.

>> No.8305996

one-uping you for shit and giggles you smart mofo. i bet you have a lot of smart kids of your own.

>> No.8306020

No I'm an ugly virgin. I also don't write in code anymore because there's nobody who cares enough about to me to read anything I write in my diary.

>> No.8306114

10/10 would read as soon as it's published by a major publisher.

Fuck a job.

>> No.8306118

top kek lad, do you even drink?