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/lit/ - Literature

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8293180 No.8293180 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/ Wanna get into some Philosophy. Who should I start with? Some Greek niggas?

>> No.8293182

Plato's dialogs, of course.

>> No.8293195


No, he should really start with the pre-socratics.

>> No.8293199

No. He should start with Plato, and then move on to the pre-socratics.

>> No.8293203

no, somebody wanting to "get into some" philosophy should absolutely not start with the presocratics

>> No.8293216

Try reading paul feyerabend's three dialogues on knowledge

>> No.8293222

The first and most important thing is buying batty boy de botton's philosophers jumper.

>> No.8293530

Ion, meno, euthyphro, apology, credo, Phaedo, symposium, republic.

The first six are short the next is a long short story and the last is actually book length.

>> No.8293572

There are a lot of greeks before Plato. If you aim to capture the greek way of thinking, start with Hesiodus. He wrote two great works, the "erga kai hemerai" (works and days), which contains some common sense philosophy, and the the theogony, the origin of the gods. In this book he sings about the origins of the world, the power struggles amongst the gods and finally the reign of Zeus. You shouldn't miss that.

Concerning younger authors, I recommend Thukydides, Xenophon and Epicurus. Xenophon wrote a book about the education of young Kyros. Epicurus was a hippy philosopher, later badmouthed by the stoa-squares.

>> No.8293637
File: 723 KB, 1400x2100, Sophie'sWorld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sophie's World, maybe

>> No.8293647
File: 9 KB, 172x159, Plato, Socrates, and the Dialogues Prof. Sugrue-Philosophy & Intellectual History.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Professor Sugrue takes interpretation of the Dialogues to a new place. It is almost as if these characters were his intimates and he is reporting events as he witnessed them. This is truly excellent work


>> No.8293973


>> No.8294102

Read the following Greeks:
(the other Sophists if you want)
Then move onto Nietzsche, Heidegger, Wittgenstein, Derrida, Rorty etc.. Maybe stop over a bit for Hume.

UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should one attempt to read Plato without first obtaining a grasp of exactly how he poisoned European thought for ~2500 years. Failure to heed this warning will put you in grave danger of falling into the trap of believing there is such a concept as 'metaphysical truth'. Our society is only just now recovering from this insidious delusion.

>> No.8294114

>butthurt sophist detected
enjoy selling things you did not earn

>> No.8294180

read the fucking sticky

>> No.8294188

TTC is an absolute god send. It makes me enjoy the Greeks so much more, be it Homer, Plato, the Tragedians or Aristotle. It is things like the TTC that truly symbolize the greatness of the internet age and the >free traffic of information and ideas.

>> No.8294193

>Our society is just now recovering from this insidious delusion

The only person here who is seriously delusional is you sophist shit. Look up on natural law if you at least want to get near something resembling humanity.

>> No.8294209

That comes with reading Plato and especially Aristotle.

>> No.8294270
File: 208 KB, 960x1280, tmp_6973-image-0ba51d4628677fce769f94bcc05cebac66bc9cb71ab9ad41210e5b84e8f2c901-V-1036575450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and other sophist
Diogenes have greatly criticized sophism and made it a point to fuck up Plato's lectures. I do believe that good education should be made free because the professors have made it free, teaching on their own free time and their own passion for their subjects. Sophism is what's wrong with higher education in the US, UK and many parts of Europe. "Free" education that is actually only subsidized and socialized education like the US public school system is even more rotten that its sophist brother.

I have yet to see a university protest where professors marched with their students about this. It's all about "Bernie's free college plan". I shiver at the thought of how higher education will become a bigger public school system for bigger children.

>> No.8294938

I love me some epicureanism, but no. Don't read Epicurus 'til you're already steeped in it. Specially because all of his shit is incomplete and lost forever.

Read Lucretius to get a primer on Epicurus.