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/lit/ - Literature

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8290799 No.8290799 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/,

Given your hatred for women and their lack of education in literature, how would you go about educating one as a board? What would you start her off on? Where would you start? Do you think women are even worth trying on? What if you had a willing subject? I'm quite curious.

>> No.8290805

The Greeks.

>> No.8290815

Even fucking Plato?

>> No.8290900


Especially Plato.

>> No.8290904

I don't think I'd care what she read; if she was genuinely interest in literature I'd share what I like and help her find stuff she'd like too.

>> No.8290905

Are you a women?

>> No.8290919

>What would you start her off on?
I wouldn't.

>> No.8290922

What if she wanted to be actually educated though? How would you go about that?

>> No.8290923

There is one way /lit educates as a board: people give opinions they'd never give in public, some of these are valuable, the majority are not.

>> No.8290927

Why not?

>> No.8290928

Post tits then start with the greeks faggot

>> No.8290933

I'm not really qualified to run a literature course, so I'd probably say take a starter course at a college then casually read what sounds interesting.

>> No.8290934
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i'd just tell the bitch to stop with all that mushy feely shit and hand her a copy of russell's principia mathematica

>> No.8290939

1. Stop looking for acceptance from anonymous strangers on the internet.

2. Pick up a book.

3. Begin reading.

>> No.8290941

What do you qualify as "mushy feely shit"? For example, would poetry (classical poetry) count?

>> No.8290944

What the fuck do people think our pedagogic credentials are, I've been coming here for months and learned basically nothing except I like memes / will buy books I see in photographs on Vietnamese Frisbee rumour forums

>> No.8290946

Woman should keep to cooking and cleaning. Leave intellectual occupation to the men.

>> No.8290954

Why are you asking OP? Have you met a woman? Do you wish to make her your wife? Have you talked to her father about it yet?

>> No.8290970

the memes are just a pedagogical tool for exposition

>> No.8290973

Generally seen a great distaste of women on this board, usually because they are "uneducated" or read only YA crap. The last part I can understand the disdain, I wouldn't want to talk to some vapid woman who had only read teenage angst and ridiculous romances. I'm thinking ahead, what if I have a daughter? Do I want her to end up like that? Of course not, so I'm wondering how I would teach her. Of course there are the usual Greeks but do I account for her gender and give her works focusing on gender?

>> No.8290988

meme university anyone? Teaching real subjects via meme?

>> No.8290994

I'd say not

>> No.8291050

This site was FOUNDED and made for adult men who read and watch Chinese comics and cartoons. You're unironically trying to make a point on here about how men are more patrician and mature in their tastes?

>> No.8291056
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moot was 15 when he opened 4chan and I am pretty sure most were underage b& when they started posting here

>> No.8291079

I would dive right into the greatest work, and not waste time with anything else. Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace, easily. It's truly the end result of thousands of years of written human language and storytelling, with all of the intricacies and complexity articulated into a simple beautiful and elegant way. Every section is an existential crisis that makes you a better human being.

>> No.8291088

Right because today this site is totally not still a weeb site for weeb losers?

>> No.8291140

No, there are specific boards for that type of content. Just because something was made to fulfil a certain perversion a decade and a half ago doesn't mean it still does you absolute dunce.

>> No.8291532

>some of these are valuable
Could you please give some examples?

>> No.8291984

lurk moar check teh archive n00b

>> No.8291994
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Amusingly, the majority of the recommendation charts on /lit/ were made by women.

So it's often been women educating men here anyway.

>> No.8292098


>> No.8292153

It would really depend on what their level of reading is and the type of girl. You're in luck if she has an artsy disposition in any variety. You just lead her on a train that branches out into deeper literature. For example she can start on Murakami and Auster and if she digs those you can turn her onto Kafka, Borges, Marquez, and Calvino. Or start her on Bukowski which you can transition into Lawrence and Hamsun. See how this works?

>> No.8292164

Oh also I forgot to mention poetry is huge. Depending on the girl just reading her select stuff will get her juices flowing. Go for a mix of classic and accessible.

>> No.8292627

>russell's principia mathematica


>> No.8292638

Just encourage a learning and inquisitive mindset in your daughter, she'll work out herself. Your society will very much be a force that starts to mold her into what it thinks women should be like though, ie, not book nerds.

>the usual Greeks but do I account for her gender and give her works focusing on gender?

If you do go ahead with this education, she will hate a lot of philosophy, because a lot of it is written by men and presents the bias of men etc. She might lose interest because of this, and assume that philosophy isn't for someone like her, someone with a vagina. Break up the man philosophy by giving her bits of womenz, or at least what there is available. Once she's read the Greeks, move onto to the philosophies that tell people how oppressed the majority of people are by everyone else, such as the good kinds of feminist theory. She will secretly resent you for a couple years until she's a bit older and wiser, then she will feel sorry for you, and then she will get older and wiser again, and she will just feel sorry for everyone and feel miserable that she was born a woman.

Or you could just let her have fun and paint her nails like a regular daddy's little princess.

>> No.8292906

Start LIKE the greeks
Letting your teacher fuck you in every single way they find convinient >>8290805

>> No.8292950

women are even worth trying on?

No they just use it against you, there is no point, I still do it (or make them feel I am doing it) but I sell my presence for blowjobs on command.

>> No.8292971

Reading literature inevitably leads to self-awareness and that simply isn't a healthy attribute for women. Becoming literary involves being melancholy if not actually depressed, and unless you possess a great deal of mental reserve and prowess like myself it is very likely that a lesser mind will attempt to desperately distract themselves from said melancholy by pursuing a degenerate and hedonistic lifestyle. Either that or they become extremely prudish and cold and anchor themselves in some form of illogical political ideology. Only red-blooded and red-pilled individuals like myself, possessing both genius and immense mental capacity, are suited to developing a sincere and profound interest in lit-er-a-ture.

>> No.8293319
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>> No.8293324

OP hasn't read the Greeks or he got a really terrible translation of Assemblywomen