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/lit/ - Literature

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8289113 No.8289113 [Reply] [Original]

Whatchya reading, anon?

>> No.8289123


>> No.8289124

I--infinite J-jest. no bully, plis

>> No.8289129
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>> No.8289144

Not sure yet? pls help



>> No.8289154

Gravity's rainbow

>> No.8289170


Uysses. Just finished Cyclops.

>> No.8289229
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How do you like it so far, anon?

>> No.8289254
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The Tin Drum, I'm digging it.

>> No.8289264

The Corrections

>> No.8289276
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The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman

>> No.8289324

It's okay anon. I've finished the novel.

Enjoy yourself.

>> No.8289333

it's a CLASSIC

>> No.8289338

The Bible

>> No.8289341


>> No.8289355

One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

>> No.8289358

The Great Ordeal and Musashi

>> No.8289372
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I'm not reading the novel you wrote, faggot.

>> No.8289383

Summa Theologica Japanese edition.

>> No.8289389

After Virtue by Alasdair MacIntyre.
It's really great, I fucking hate the human rights and this is catering to me perfectly.

>> No.8289404

Post pics

>> No.8289406


>Imperishable, they train insatiably, companions in pleasure and passionate in sentiments, they are the living picture of the desired physique.

Morissey lusting after those young sweat-glistening track runners.

>> No.8289411

>In the church of secret service known as the abattoir this is exactly what humans excitedly do to beautiful bodies of animals who were also crafted in care by some divine creationist, yet at the human hand the animals are whacked and hacked into chopped meat whilst gazing up at their protector with disbelief and pleading for a mercy not familiar to the human spirit, ground and round into hash or stew for the Big Mac pleasure of fat-podge children whose candidature for roly-poly vicious porkiness makes their plungingly plump parents laugh loudly, as little junior blubber-guts orders yet another Super-burger with tub-of-guts determination to stuff death into round bellies, and such kids come to resemble their parents as ten pounds of shit in a five-pound bag.

>> No.8289533

Complete Stories of Kafka. Once I'm done with this I'll read Amerika, then his letters and diary and the aphorisms. I'd really like to read everything he's written (what's out there at least)

>> No.8289541


>> No.8289551
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Thout I'd try something recent for a change, it's altight.

>> No.8289555

Alt-right? Alright? All tight?

>> No.8289557


>> No.8289559

The Outsider by Camus

>> No.8289563

About to start the Odyssey for the first time, read the Iliad a few weeks ago

>> No.8289567

Possibly the worst book I've ever read in my life, and I loved the Secret History. I kept expecting it to go somewhere interesting and by the time I realised that wasn't going to happen I'd almost finished it.

If you're less than 200 pages in I'd advise you give it up and move onto something better.

>> No.8289579

Brave New World

>> No.8289596


>> No.8289597

I really enjoy this. What does this make me?

>> No.8289627

I liked Boris.
Didn't give a fuck about the narrator but Boris was cool.

>> No.8289656

The Thief's Journal by Jean Genet

more crime and gay stuff and less philosophizing pls

>> No.8289668
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>> No.8289682


Nothing. Tell us what you think of this though:

>Eliza and Ezra rolled together into the one giggling snowball of full-figured copulation, screaming and shouting as they playfully bit and pulled at each other in a dangerous and clamorous rollercoaster coil of sexually violent rotation with Eliza’s breasts barrel-rolled across Ezra’s howling mouth and the pained frenzy of his bulbous salutation extenuating his excitement as it smacked its way into every muscle of Eliza’s body except for the otherwise central zone

>> No.8289699

fuck, really. I loved the Secret History too so I was hoping this would be even better since it's her pulitzer winner

>> No.8289733

In the middle of Starting with the Greeks(TM). I'm just about 50% started. In fact I would have finished starting by now if I didn't enjoy them tragedies so damn much, so I've decided to be a completionist and read every single one of them I can get my hands on--and the Huns or whoever burned the library of Alexandria didn't get their hands on.

>> No.8289741

I already knew that one. I find it to be kind of whimsical and pompous, the kind of "purple" prose you expect from Morrissey. His style is still fairly unique and entertaining but it kind of lacks the emotive punch he used to have when wrote in the mid-80s for The Smiths.

>> No.8289743
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Dunno if it's /lit/ approved but damn is it fun to read

>> No.8289761

Gravity's Rainbow. I have about 100 pages left.

>> No.8289763


This is brilliant writing. Seriously, people have no sense of humour.

>> No.8289772

I also think it's fun

>> No.8289773

So the book was panned because of Mozz's vegetarianism? I'll pick up a copy tomorrow.

>> No.8289856
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Invitation to a Beheading by Nabokov, I'm quite enjoying it.

I'm too high right now to read though. Do they call it "stoned" because after a while you feel like a stone? I feel like a stone right now. Heavy. Every movement takes a lot of effort but really it doesn't. I didn't smoke weed, I got high on my meds. Pretty good. Pregabalin, you should try it. Always gotta wait a week after one use because they tolerance builds up crazy fast. I recently made a thread about the book. Nabokov. It's so nice. The little daughter of the prison director, such good character design and prose and the surrealistic elements and it's all so nice. I like it very much. Nabokov good. Jesus Christ I loooove youuu yeeehees I dooooo

>> No.8289900

I'm actually reading the Picture of Dorian Gray, weird.
It's pretty damn good so far

>> No.8289906


>> No.8289918
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Re-reading the first 4 short stories of pic related.


>> No.8289928

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

I'm already getting some noble savage vibes

gonna press on with it as far as my attention will take me

it reminds me of the mediocre worship of nature and natives in my own national literature, but slightly better. so that's interesting to me

>> No.8289947

No, it's crap writing, and the problem is that Morrissey does not have a sense of humour. He can laugh at things, but he cannot see what makes them funny without distorting what is true about them—he has to not see people at all, to see them as fat unthinking monsters, to be able to laugh at them with his superior, pagan sort of laugh. Also, the alliteration and onomatopoeia are overdone

>> No.8289975

This. It would be funny if you didn't know that that's exactly how Morrissey thinks and writes.

>> No.8289989

i thought i was the only one who knew that book
it's never discussed here

>> No.8290032

It briefly flirted with meme status thanks to True Detective.

>> No.8290109


Morrissey, one of the great comic lyricists, no sense of humour? Surely you jest sir!

>> No.8290126

>Surely you jest sir!

>> No.8290165

Why only the first four?

>> No.8290169

El amor en los tiempos de còlera

>> No.8290284

Iliad and The Greek Myths

>> No.8290325

Keats' Poems.

Makes me curse the illness which took him from us far too soon. One of the few sublime artists.

>> No.8290347

>Also, the alliteration and onomatopoeia are overdone
This, its barely readable

>> No.8290386

Nichomaquean Ethics

>> No.8290642

Hard to be a God by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky

>> No.8290646

Farewell, My Lovely. (again.)

>> No.8290755

Styron - Sophie's Choice
Hutton - Pagan Religions of the Ancient British Isles: Their Nature and Legacy

Not too far into the latter, it's somewhat interesting, although tends to get bogged down in details I find unnecessary at times. So far its mostly focused on burial structures and art from the earliest inhabitants of the British Isles.

Almost done with Sophie's Choice, which I hated in the beginning but have come to think highly of.

As soon as I finish Sophie's Choice, I will pick up Fahrenheit 451. I started to read it years and years ago when it was assigned in 7th or 8th grade, but I absolutely hated it and didn't get past the first few chapters. Want to give it another go due to its place in the canon.

>> No.8290829

I've seen a couple of threads before. It is discussed but not so much.

Cause those are the only ones I liked, and the only ones worth anything.

>> No.8290859

Reading Blood Meridian, not the horrifying story I prepared myself for, but it's unsettling. Also am I supposed to read this in the voice that Tommy Lee Jones did in No Country for Old Men?

>> No.8290929

I'm about to start Oxen of the Sun.

>> No.8291122
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I'm reading The Iliad for the first time after realizing I was a turbo pleb who only read because of highschool.

It's fucking sweet, the Achaeans are getting fucked by Hector and their wall got smashed open by a rock.

>> No.8291145

that's one fancy way of saying the same thing that every idiot sport-worshipper thinks

athletes are NOT generally passionate in sentiments; they are passionate for weak sentiments, for at-hand run-of-the-mill sentiments, for "go for the gold" and "represent your nation on the world stage" and "be the best" sentiments. the problem with athletes is that they are unstudied in sentiment—that they have not met a noble sentiment which might tell them that there is something better than being famous and respected and having a lot of sex.

>> No.8291150



>> No.8291160

Great pick. Fuck the people on /lit/ who don't have the fucking balls to finish that book. Keep going. You are less than 1000 pages to becoming one of the top 1% smartest people who ever lived just by completing such an enlightening book.

>> No.8291170

Right now I'm reading the Divine Comedy. More specifically, I'm up to the 9th canto.

>> No.8291174

I'm about halfway into my 4th reading of Infinite Jest and there are still new things that I did not pick up on the first 3 times. Truly an exceptional novel. Easily the greatest of all time. I would rather read Infinite Jest an extra time than waste my precious time in this life reading some fucking faggot shit by some buttfucking greek

>> No.8291181
File: 34 KB, 640x480, HowToChooseABookToRead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've created sort of a decision tree on how to pick a good book to read. Hopefully this helps those of you who are up in the air about what to read next.

>> No.8291183


Wow. Thanks anon!

>> No.8291306

What is Property? by Pierre-Joseph Proudhon

>> No.8291368


>> No.8291418

The plague

>> No.8291447
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Eating Animals and Revolt Against the Modern World right now.

Just been kind of depressed lately and trying to think of the world beyond myself I guess.

>> No.8291549

My parents mentioned that novel a couple weeks ago. Are you enjoying it? I recently read another novel by Camus; His writing is pretty easy going and I doubt it's just the translation that makes it come off that way.

>> No.8291659

Currently rereading Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. I read it a year or so ago, and read a bunch of PKD's other books after that, but I never really understood the point of the ending, so I'm reading it again. Gonna do the same with The Man in the High Castle since I had the exact same problem at the end of that, too. I'm also gonna reread UBIK just 'cause I enjoyed it so much. Wish me luck, senpai.

>> No.8291968
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I'm about half-way through Oxen. It's such a great chapter but it's extremely dense, which is where I think the proclaimed difficulty comes from.

Also there's only four or so chapters of the book left, and it's only halfway. Fuck long chapters.

>> No.8291978

That's a cool cover, too bad Gibson is trash

>> No.8292113

Portnoy's Complaint. It's good so far.

>> No.8292299

Lord of the Flies
The Stranger
The Secret Garden

I have a bad habit of not finishing and moving onto something else, how to fix?

>> No.8292361

Read one at a time.

>> No.8292389

As I Lay Dying, just started it. Never read any Faulkner before so I'm excited

>> No.8292489

Fathers and Sons by Turgenev (slice of a good time)

The Penguin History of the World by Roberts and Westad (to fill in the canyon sized cracks of my historical knowledge)

The Intelligent Investor (for da money honey)

>> No.8292501

Mason & Dixon. I'm almost finished, just about to start the last transit. It's pretty good.

Been thinking of reading this next. I'm excited too.

>> No.8292504


You're assuming that everyone has, or should have, the same learning style as you.

Anyway, suggestions and advice are fine, but it's not your job to tell people what to do—except in the highly probable circumstance that you're a manager at a Denny's off route 66.

>> No.8292518

You asked for advice, and I gave you some. If you don't like it that's fine, but acting defensive about it makes you look like a whimp.

Read one at a time, or several at once. Your choice.

>> No.8292598

My bad! I didn't actually read the full post to which you were replying. I just, wrongly, assumed you were telling that anon to read one at a time as if that's the only way to consume books. Sorry for the Denny's remark (which I still think is pretty funny)—you seem alright.

>> No.8292606


I read The Secret Garden in 4th grade and wrote a book report on it. I received a 100 on that book report, which of course had 10 year old me enthralled. To this day, that's still the peak of my academic career.

>> No.8292746

The peak of my academic career is when I sneaked a peek inside my 6th grade math teacher's brassiere.

>> No.8292754

Did you get A's, B's, C's or D's?

>> No.8292760
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>> No.8292766

I got some big floppy F's, my friend. Never was much of a student.

>> No.8292768

Hey man some guys are cool with that.
You should've studied harder
You never know you might develop a thing later on for big boobies.

>> No.8292782

Dance Dance Dance by Haruki Murakami

I really enjoyed Wild Sheep Chase, and am really getting into this one as well.

>> No.8292791

I'm reading it slowly, I enjoy it

>> No.8292799

The Savage Detectives

>> No.8293680

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
>out loud in my best Morgan Freeman voice

>> No.8293688

Herodotus' Histories.

Almost finished. Excellent read though can get stale at times, not to mention all the names, my god the names.

>> No.8293689

> Whatchya reading, anon?

Trudi Caravan - The dark mage trilogy

>> No.8293699


>> No.8293713

Good taste.

>> No.8293717


Holy shit anon, are you me? Just finished book twelve, and really enjoying it thus far.

>> No.8293720

In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower

>> No.8293723

Monte Cristo

>> No.8294764

One Hundred Years of Solitude.

>> No.8294784
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Yeah I'm you

>> No.8294824
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Not really a match for summer. Should have waited until November or so.

>> No.8294831


>> No.8294844

Gravity's Rainbow, reading part 3 and just had this thought.

It's referring to the 'Zone' a lot, and part 3 itself of the novel is called 'In the Zone', when it refers to characters being in the "zone" does it really mean that the characters are literally "in the zone". Like, the actual definition of the idiom "in the zone", kind of relates to many characters in the book. Googling the phrase, "in the zone" actually leads me to this wikipedia article:


Is this what Pinecone is referring to? Because that's a very clever play on words if it is.

>> No.8294886

Reading Antigone and The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle. And Infinite Jest.

>> No.8294904

the weir of hermiston. this is annoying because its the best thing ive read in a while and it also happens to be and unfinished novel

>> No.8294909

Lord of the Rings. For the 4th time.
I almost never browse /lit/, what is the general opinion on the book here?

>> No.8294918

i hadn't really noticed before but i do find non-fiction helps a lot when i'm depressed... thanks famalam

>> No.8295046


>> No.8295052

same here. fuck the memes people are just bored and won't ever actually read it

>> No.8295054

I just finished Siddhartha and I think I might start Don Quijote, and I want to continue Grande Sertão: Veredas.

>> No.8295056

just started The Trial

>> No.8295059

About to start reading A Season In Hakkari by Ferit Edgü.Second book in line will be Existansalism by Sartre.

>> No.8295117

is that morrisey?

>> No.8295124
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>> No.8295125

Better prose than Martin at least.

>> No.8295141
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As much lovecraft as possible. Any suggestions for good material by him?

>> No.8295212
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The Dark Lord's Handbook.

Its a great book so far, standard good vs. evil seen from a different perspective and some humor.

I'm looking for more in this style, The Henchman's book club seems like the next option.

>> No.8295244
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It's actually more impressive than I thought it was going to be. I have a feeling that it goes downhill from here though. Is Silence of the Lambs as good?

>> No.8295507

I take this back. Reading oxen is like watching something you recognize slowly become indescribably complex