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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 50 KB, 525x351, women-reading-fifty-shades-of-grey[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8286414 No.8286414[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do all women hate good literature so much?

Just went on a date with a girl I was set up with, and while on the topic of literature she said that every white man in the Western canon doesn't deserve to be their because of white male privilege, and that TRUE GOOD literature was written solely by the "marginalized" (i.e. colored people, women, transgendered people). She said that patriarchy had brainwashed me but still expected me to pick up the bill and pull the chair out for her.

>> No.8286425

Are you trying to push a narrative here?

>> No.8286434

be more subtle next time

>> No.8286438

I just want your opinion.

Was she right?

>> No.8286477

fuck you, this really happened. And it's a very real phenomenon in society today. A very prevalent belief

>> No.8286487

of course not how retarded does one have to be to consider this brainwashed garbage?

>> No.8286492

Aaaaaand she was an idiotic cunt with no understanding of literature, philosophy, the value of single works of art and, most importantly, feminism. Congratulation, I hope, for walking out on her - if this story is true at all, that is.

Let's be real: most people don't give a shit about literature or the arts, use them solely as entertainment or to fulfill a "political objective". Men and women decline these istincts differently depending on their country, their status in society, their aims and countless other factors. Does this mean there aren't men or women genuinely interested in literature, with the capacity to give valuable criticism or insight? No, and you shouldn't generalize this anecdote. There you go.

>> No.8286500

Y'all on /lit/ find the worst fucking women to date. This exact thread/topic pops up every day.

>> No.8286514

>went on a date
That's how you know this post is bullshit kids.

>> No.8286528
File: 699 KB, 599x858, truest_pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are third on the list of people I have an extreme dislike for. Right after Muslims and Blacks.

>> No.8286536

is this one of those "/pol/ falseflags with a caricature in a very transparent attempt to discredit political worldviews it disagrees with" threads?

>> No.8286537

I'm a black female Muslim and I find this offensib.

>> No.8286540


I've been on plenty of dates, and most modern women share her sentiments.

That picture is so true. Wish more people realized this

>> No.8286545

redpill me pl0x

>> No.8286548

4chan is the most gullible place on earth

>> No.8286550

You leftists are paranoid

>> No.8286558

>Why do all women hate good literature so much?
>went on a date with a girl

>> No.8286560
File: 61 KB, 685x474, no end in sight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do all women hate good literature so much?
>Was she right?
Why are you asking if she is "right" when you've already come to the conclusion that "all women hate good literature", implying that she was wrong.

Solid evidence that this thread is concern trolling by a /pol/fag trying to set up strawmen of SJW beliefs.

I'm not a fan of SJWs, but come on son, work on your psyop techniques if you're going to falseflag.

>> No.8286561
File: 107 KB, 859x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasn't leveled up
Islam is the logical conclusion to all reactionary thought and the product of 10,000 years of sacred tradition.

>> No.8286574

A lot of the posts you see posted on boards on here from twitter, facebook, and tumblr confirms it, sadly.

This is the world we live in

>> No.8286576

It's not paranoia to point out that /pol/, a board known for its invasions and knowledge of psyop/falseflag techniques would attempt to falseflag in order to further their own political agenda.

Only problem is that most /pol/tards are too fucking stupid and ineloquent to pull it off, so you can spot them from a mile away because they're not subtle at all.


>> No.8286600

Take off the tinfoil hat, conspiracy nut

>> No.8286606
File: 45 KB, 439x335, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The war on mother EVROPA is on and the SJWs ain't playing clean. Nothing is off the table. If you have tips for improving my psy war game, please help your fellow white out and together we shall make our warrior ancestors proud

>> No.8286614

pics of the girl or it didn't happen faggot

>> No.8286623

I'd rather not. I am actually very much in favor of treating women as equal, so I wouldn't feel comfortable sharing her picture without her consent.
She should have a say in this because I respect her

>> No.8286636

yeah ok, nice /pol/-/r9k/ hybrid b8 thread

work on it OP, you'll get there some day

>> No.8286698

>that pic
Do these idiots fall for the translation mistake themselves? It's an arabic metaphor for being welcome, just as a handful of raisins

>> No.8287221


>> No.8287237

Nice Taqqiya, Ahmed

>> No.8287246


because she gets her opinions from the Internet, just like you.

>> No.8287276

>doesn't deserve to be their

You don't deserve to be hear.

>> No.8287284

so are rightists fag

>> No.8287293

You're so gullible.

>> No.8287298
