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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 155 KB, 660x440, slavoj_zizek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8285905 No.8285905 [Reply] [Original]

So is Zizek a meme or is he really liked on here?

>> No.8285914

A liked meme.

>> No.8285920

I can be happy with this answer

>> No.8285923

A liked meme here.
No more relevant in universities than Dawkins or Nye.

>> No.8285935

Can I get you some fucking juice

>> No.8285937

Ish dish not Hejellian shynfeshish in itch puresht forrm? *sniff scratch and so on*

>> No.8285942

spotted the redditor

>> No.8285948

why the fuck is every goddamn thread trying to measure /lit/'s likes and dislikes? Where the fuck are you people coming from?

>> No.8285961

New people are not lurking much and are testing the waters of /lit/. It means new people are coming to the board anon :)

>> No.8285967

I like him unironically.

>> No.8285976

Chomsky says he's bullshit and I'd rather side with Chomsky than some eastern european.

>> No.8285984

They had an email argument and Zizek being a good Hegelian kept pointing out and laughing about the dialectics and not really taking anything seriously.

>> No.8285991

I like his better books unironically. I'm not necessarily with him on everything but I like some of his readings of Hegel and I do believe that politically, he is on the right tracks.

Also his way of reading cinema is great as well. Unironically.

>> No.8286019

I dislike him unironically.

>> No.8286021

I feel like Nippon-Moot should add some kind of IJesque footnoting system so we can reach peak sincerity when needed.

>> No.8286032


I'd call him a good public intellectual and a mediocre philosopher. He's more of an innovative apologist to Lacan, Hegel, & Freud than an original thinker

>> No.8286133

Only idiots don't take Žižek seriously.


You dun goofed

>> No.8286137

/lit/ is the intellectual standard of 4chan, so anons want to know what's trending here before they shitpost about it elsewhere.

>> No.8286141

yeah I think we like him

I don't agree with him, but how could you not like him? he's adorable

>> No.8286145

Only idiots take writers seriously

>> No.8286149

Wow deep wow

>> No.8286152
File: 42 KB, 397x230, zizhzhkchoo revishited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my gott, thiss

>> No.8286153

Mostly this, but I haven't read much of his stuff, only a few things. Honestly I enjoy his take on a lot of things but he is not the sort of thinker that I would want to tell other people I'm reading.

>> No.8286159

>Ashkenazi Jewish

>> No.8286161

I'm being serious

Any halfway intelligent person can admire a writer without taking them "seriously". I take Zizek as Zizek, which means laughing at him as Cervantes laughs at Don Quixote—my disdain is very slight—and I even think he is often noble, sometimes entirely in the right. But it's mentally effeminate to "take someone seriously".

>> No.8286162

Chomsky is a counterrevolutionary that appeals to counterrevolutionaries who want to think they are revolutionaries.

>> No.8286169

Ok idiot.

>> No.8286173

He's a meme
we like him because he's a meme
sniff and so on
my god judy
trashcan toilet ideology
i don't mean
stalin of course

>> No.8286177

I'm going to risk a general statement here:

If we take the basic form of your statement,

>So-and-so is a counter-X that appeals to counter-Xes who want to think they are Xes.

I think that this statement would be so oversimplified as to be meaningless no matter how you filled in those blanks

>> No.8286178

Chomsky is a moralizing anarchist. He's basically a fucking liberal.

>> No.8286181

>offers juice
>only has pepsi max and diet icetea

this i claim is ideology

>> No.8286188

I really dislike people memeing 'my gott' since he consistently says 'my god' as part of his anglophone mannerisms, nothing german about any of it

>> No.8286199

>being this autistic about trying to mimic accent via text
my gott

>> No.8286204

His hierarchy of formal languages shows why he could not communicate with a deep thinker like Foucault-- he thinks in dualisms.

>> No.8286212

I got tired of hearing/reading the same jokes and stories he always tell. Sometimes he pops a new one and it's almost refreshing.

Zizek can be fun to watch on youtube, but his books are far more interesting and deserve to be taken seriously. I know Lacan quite well (Hegel a bit less) and I don't think you can fully grasp what he's saying if you don't have any notion of psychoanalysis (Lacan especially) and German Idealism. The books I prefered are Looking Awry (although he's not at his best when writing on cinema), his first published book on Lacan and Hegel, Tarrying with the Negative, and a more recent one, Less than Nothing, which is basically a sum of everything he said in his previous works.

>> No.8286218

Thanks for your retarded post. To call someone a counterrevolutionary implies certain things, and to call someone who postures as a radical revolutionary a counterrevolutionary implies certain things. Get back to me when you find out what that word means for thinkers in the same wheelhouse as me.

>> No.8286242

you're welcome

>> No.8286285


Foucault was just a gay, AIDS-addled Nietzsche LARP'er.

>> No.8286347

Chomsky is only good for giving angsty teens who listen to RATM some idea of left-wing politics. Beyond that he's nothing special or outright shit depending on the issue

>> No.8286356
File: 116 KB, 630x531, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8286363

My favorite band is Anton Webern and Chomsky is GOD.

>> No.8286377

It's too late, the superiority complex has subsumed the man

>> No.8286388

This is the kind of remembrance of authoritarianism past that delights Zizek, one of whose formative experiences was being in Prague during the spring of 1968, just as Russian tanks rolled in. "I found there, on the central square, a café that miraculously worked through this emergency," he says. "I remember they had wonderful strawberry cakes, and I was sitting there eating strawberry cakes and watching Russian tanks against demonstrators. It was perfect." Zizek has since developed diabetes, which makes the memory more poignant still.

>> No.8286404

Is Zizek the Ernst Jünger of our times?

>> No.8286420

Probably. Who's Ernst Jünger?

>> No.8286427

>baiting so hard

Don't talk to me or my Stalin bust ever again.

>> No.8286428
File: 10 KB, 344x389, 1376130983123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he is not the sort of thinker that I would want to tell other people I'm reading.

>> No.8286430

it may be wrong, I think, to take other people seriously—but it is every kind of evil and stupidity to take yourself seriously. I don't know if I'm superior to anybody else, but I doubt it—certainly not superior to mr. Zizek—but we should be very unchristian, I think, if we could not laugh at anything unless we thought it beneath us.

>> No.8286449

>Who's Ernst Jünger?
popped a vein i'm sweating

>> No.8286466


His books contain a lot of interesting ideas, but his absolute refusal to expound his philosophy systematically is extremely frustrating. I think that will ultimately deny him any lasting philosophical or critical significance. You can get away with obscurity if you're a particularly good writer (as with Nietzsche), but unfortunately Zizek's prose usually reads like a parody of social science academics.

>> No.8286639

Good point :^)

>> No.8286750

That pic is too damn funny.

>> No.8287250


>> No.8287301

If he accepted the title of comedian he'd be the funniest man on Earth. I don't even mean that as a derogatory term.

>> No.8288201

He is the court jester of Hegelian philosophy.

>> No.8288220
File: 598 KB, 598x898, 1467834101902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't talk to me or my Stalin bust ever again.
underrated post

>> No.8288227

/sci/ can use TeX in their posts, we should be able to have footnotes

>> No.8288242

I thought he did go for jelly Hegel when speaking. False memories are real kids.

>> No.8288280


>> No.8288283

pls b trl

>> No.8288287

Serbians from the alpes. Thats how my grandfather used to call slovenians.

>> No.8288344

They're relatively Lutheran tho. I suppose it makes less difference now.

>> No.8288371

The funny thing about Zizek is the fact that all these clever kids coming out of the universities are so intellectually crippled by the time they leave with New Age Bullshit, that they cannot discern whether he is a Fraud or the Real Deal. As for my opinion, I say Zizek is mercenary and cynical as fuck, with his Marxist/Hegelian/Lacanian litany of maddening ideologemes being Intellectual Capital in the truest sense of that term. He gives his talks on the ideological elements in Star Wars, Batman, or Harry Potter, he gets his fee, and the kids who come out to hear him speak go home feeling Enlightened.

>> No.8288460
File: 1.65 MB, 2446x1134, zizek skywalker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, incredible what dialectics can do to a man

>> No.8288503

>eastern european
Southern European

>> No.8288507

>Southern European
Central European

>> No.8288511

Turk detected

>> No.8288520

I bet you believe that Slovenia is a balkan country.

>> No.8288525

>ex yugo
>not balkan
I bet you think Cyprus belongs to Turkey

>> No.8288568
File: 504 KB, 454x600, 1461283897526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8288625



>> No.8288663


They need validation from a group of people because they are sheep.

>> No.8289067

Pics pls?

>> No.8289081
File: 47 KB, 457x700, 1458516111642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not everyone will know what the dialectic can do to a man

truly this is the great tragedy of existence

>> No.8289162

I can't find it. I'm sure they did email each other but I can't find it, but iirc what I'm talking about was not long after this

Gotta love that cheeky Chomsky has the mind of 12 year old really not really bantz I'm p sure I was thinking of a comment that came out of that whole Chomsky saying Zizek misunderstood or misquoted me business and at one point Zizek after apologising again made a comment in reference to that about dialectics working really well.

>> No.8289171

I think the sorer point is about Constantinople/Istanbul especially now.

>> No.8289195

/lit/ predicted the post-ironic ruin that is the big Chan. It is the oracle and the standard of intellect throughout this imageboard.

>> No.8289271

I find him hard to follow, but I still like watching his lectures and talks, hoping I will catch some shred of illumination.

>> No.8289311

This was the end of the thread you absolute shitposting twats.

>> No.8289488

You're all faggots. Chomsky does all of the heavy lifting for the left.

>> No.8289500

on this board, whatever opinion you have, SOMEBODY will somehow have the extreme opposite opinion. don't you know that by now?

>> No.8289509

Zizek is good as a marxist-lacanian. His homology between surplus value and surplus enjoyment is GOD tier.

Everything else I find either underwhelming or difficult to understand the significance of but he's such an honest and self-conscious guy that I find it hard not to trust his thinking.

people who make *sniff* jokes and the like should be hung from a tree

>> No.8289534

it's just so embarrassing to see because zizek has a lot of respect for chomsky, their disagreement is pretty minor and in my opinion is just over the fact that they can't get over that one false attribution about obama being a tanned white man

the worst part is the obviously false things that zizek supporters accept, like when he says that the importance of theory is the ability to do critique of ideology as though chomsky himself hasn't spent a vast amount of his career on that exactly

either way, i find them both valuable but on a case by case basis if i care about a better representation of the situation i'll go to chomsky first. there's a lot about economics that zizek doesn't know