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8282305 No.8282305 [Reply] [Original]

What should I name an immortal vampire in the body of a 12 year old girl who inhabits a mansion in the old west?

I'm thinking Alice Bloodworth.

>> No.8282306


>> No.8282313

George Chung

>> No.8282349


Chi-tey Chan-ra Fijjion.

>> No.8282354

Beryl Blutstein

>> No.8282391

pedo undertones or no?

>> No.8282399

what a stupid question

>> No.8282406

ok, intentional pedo undertones or no?

>> No.8282420

brilliant name (in a terrible but perfect way) but 12 is too young for maximum delicious ya dollars. 15 would be better

>> No.8282431

Sevvokneeeeee with a silent s

>> No.8282487

Evangeline McDowell

>> No.8282592

Piggy Peggy

>> No.8282616

sounds absolutely perfect if your target audience is 13 year old girls. and it seems like it is

>> No.8282625

Jenny McFang

Alicia Throatsucker

Grace Ancientone

Alyssa the Kissa

Bloody Mary II

Margie Lifeless

Lizzy "Paperskin" Smothely

Janet Bitemore

Ladasha Dracula


>> No.8282630
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"Life is always a continuation of unpreparedness"

>> No.8282635

Arya McEdgyLord

>> No.8282636

Kiss-shot Acerola-orion Heart-under-blade

>> No.8282640

nope. angsty teen girls don't want to read about kids younger than them. they want to pretend they're "mature" like the main character. if you want to go big take your target audience and add 1-3 years to their age for your lead (don't want to go too old or they get too close to being an adult which is even worse than being a little kid).

>> No.8282696
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Interesting point about her age. I want my story to illustrate my dilemma with women, the two main vampires being girls respectively and the ones trying to chase them down three men. Alice, the 12 year old embodies the dangerous nature of innocence, while the other vampire, Adrianne, appears to be a beautiful young woman, who represents the dangerous nature of a woman's sexual appeal. Throughout the story the two vampires use their individual charms to murder men. I'd worry that Alice would lose that feigned innocence if I increased her age, but it would allow me to tie in themes of the budding sexuality of adolescence that would be unique to her.

>> No.8282702
File: 44 KB, 500x384, Wizard 056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are actually four main characters. Remember this takes place in the old west. One is a traveling snake oil salesman who was set to inherit his father's clinic, but was accused of murdering his wife and had to flee out west. The other is a secretary at the town office, a good boy who's hands are soft as his conscience. Last of the men is the young son of the leader of a gang of cattle rustlers.

Then there is Alice. There is another main vampire character but I will not tell any chapters from her perspective like the others.

>> No.8282715


Sally the vampire

Bitey McGee


>> No.8282719

George Chung-Lee

>> No.8282733

that works. then they have one to look up to and one to feel superior to (because they'll ignore the fact that she has hundreds of years of mental gr>>8282702
owth in favor of the fact that she appears 12 so they *must* know more than her, because kids are superficial retards like that).

slight sidenote, both >>8282616 and >>8282640 were me.

though my age comments are dependent on teenagers being your target. or are you going for more of the anne rice/true blood audience?

either way, alice bloodworth is a perfect pulp name.

>> No.8282781
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I am going for very wide audience. It is not intended to be amother romanticized vampire story, but a look at human nature told through a vampire story. But I do think if it does succeed the first readers to parrot it around would be relatively young. I'm not writing it for the money or fame though, it's just me wanting to create something. I do think it would make a phenomenal movie though, and it carries just the right amount of quirkyness and thought provoking themes that it could become pretty trendy.

>> No.8282788

I'm definitely not gonna make it a series though, Alice will burn under the sun at the end in the ruins of her mansion as she gazes at the sky for the first time in centuries, reconciling with God and herself as she perishes

>> No.8282795

And pulp is the polar opposite of what I'm going for. If anything I want my work to change the general consensus of what a vampire story is, maybe I should do away with the last name or chose a non-themed one

>> No.8282798

>what are prequels

>> No.8282809

Everything worth knowing about each character's past will be explained because many of their motivations are drawn from their respective experiences.

>> No.8282811

sorry to be a dickhole, but if you seriously considered that name for characters in a serious examination of humanity through inhumanity and as anything other than pulp you're going to fail. especially with a bunch of genre cliches rounding out the cast.

>> No.8282813

>what is tongue-in-cheek

>> No.8282843

Vladimir ShootinPutin

>> No.8282850

>sorry to be a dickhole

I'm thinking of dedicating my life to the completing of this story, any criticism is welcomed. Looks like my biggest hurdle to overcome is removing cliches. Unfortunately I'm not very well versed in vampire stories other than Dracula, I may need to study all of the mainstream ones so I can identify cliches and eliminate them. I am going to tie in a Native American legend too because of the setting which will hopefully help set me apart. But I also worry about straying too far that I lose interest from fans of vampire stories.

>> No.8282903

i'd start with interview with the vampire which is not a terrible book (though everything else she's written is) and pretty much jumpstarted the modern sexy vampire trope (yeah, i know, vampires have been sexy for a long time, but she updated it and made it more of a focal point that most main stream vampires since have followed).

also get yourself versed on the old west, both historically and fictionally.

figure out your vampires' backstories, where they're from originally, how they turned, how long they've been around (almost said "alive", oops), how long they stayed in places and what events they would have been through there. how much do they try to keep on touch with their lost humanity? do they keep their original names as a call back to it, or do they take new names every place they go? if they do take new names maybe they've developed a taste for theatrical cynicism, in which case you might be able to pull off bloodworth, but the rest better be good so the name doesn't turn people off when they read the back cover.

>> No.8282949

Very good points, thank you anon. I think I'll have them adopted the name bloodworth as a from of ironic pride of what they are somewhere in the middle of the book. Looks like I've got some books to read. I definitely have the motivation as I'm really putting "myself" into this story. It's going to be my mark left on the world after I perish

>> No.8282995

oh, and if your native american legend is the wendigo watch ravenous. hell, watch it even if that isn't your legend. *excellent* movie, and handles fighting with losing humanity well.

expanding slightly on interview with the vampire, it does a good job comparing "new" vampire (louis) with "old" vampire (lestat) and their outlooks on humanity, and mostly takes place in the 18th-19th century south, while managing to keep that as a setting and not allowing it to overpower the plot with cliches and archetypes (important for your setting).

>> No.8283074

You're right, it is the Wendigo. Thank you for the recommendation and advice.

>> No.8283082

Dixie Cup Underblood

>> No.8283091

your welcome
>tfw what looks like a throwaway thread ends up being productive

>> No.8283117

I guess I knew that there was something awry about the name I had chosen and was kind of hoping for an explanation why like you gave me, rather than other name suggestions. And if this ever gets published as a book I'll dedicate it to /lit/. Every few months or so I might make amother thread asking for something else, I'll post under the trip Alice Bloodworth if I do. Well until then I've got some research to do

>> No.8283124

Cunt McPuntington

Carol-anne Pretzelfuck

Smoakmoar McToakmoar

Violet Churchgrab

Samantha Meatflap

Jenny Drinderstaone

>> No.8283129

Oshino Shinobu

>> No.8283207

terrible idea. then i'll just berate you ceaselessly for being a faggot instead of helping you.

unless it gets published. then trip away.

>> No.8284331

Kiss Shot Acerola Orion Heart Under Blade.