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/lit/ - Literature

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8278224 No.8278224 [Reply] [Original]

if you could prevent the birth of one author of your choosing who would you choose and why?

I would pick william s boroughs. because naked lunch is a pile of shit that I got tricked into reading twice.

*No YA authors

>> No.8278261

my birth desu

>> No.8278290
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*takes up writing professionally so i can prevent my own birth*

>> No.8278298

Reading NL atm desu is funny senpai, banter is on point.

I would pick Alice Munro fuck dat bitch

>> No.8278301

"Tricked into reading twice"??
Kafka for me. Fuck him, fuck everything he wrote, and fuck Max Brod for not doing his job.

>> No.8278563

Oscar Wilde. All my gay art friends who don't actually read gush over him.

>> No.8278577


>> No.8278623


>> No.8278631

>not liking based Wilde

Terrible choice, he was fucking hilarious. I'd go with Ayn Rand, to deprive a million libertarian spergs of their fap material.

>> No.8278639

You guys might not be on the same page...politically...

>> No.8278642

i know what you mean. that shit is hella annoying, its bc of all the plays he wrote. theater culture. but real talk though hes pretty good. 6/10 range. respectable stepping stone.

>> No.8278643
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I've been shilling for Burroughs on here for years.

No regrets; my work has borne fruit.

>> No.8278645

I go with Karl Marx in order to save billions of lives across the planet

>> No.8278648

>Party on
> no holocau....

But then what about gypsies?

>> No.8278710

Implying Communism wasn't just an ideological excuse for power and some other form of propaganda would not have arisen in place of Marx

>> No.8278726


Howl was awful

>> No.8278928

Reddit would say Hitler and feel awfully clever about it

>> No.8278938


>I got tricked into reading twice.

You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.8278940


/lit/ would mention that reddit would say Hitler and feel awfully clever about it and feel awfully clever about their insult of reddit.

>> No.8279001

Wow that was mean!

>> No.8279077

As a Romani and a dirty, theiving, cheating, caravan dwelling beggar, I resent that.

>> No.8279097

John Green. What a cuck.

>> No.8279126
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>> No.8279128
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Nietzsche. Yeah, that's right. Fuck your feelings.

>> No.8279401

I would pick, OP.

His articles bitching about something he never had to read are a true confirmation he shouldn't have been born.

Perhaps if he'd only read the book once, critics such as myself could find reason to appreciate his mongoloid mouth breathing crybaby antics, but OP has stupidly and wrecklessly decided to read something he didn't like twice.

He was probably motivated by some belief that there's a magical spot in a book, where if the reader reads correctly the author activates some kind of holy orgasm of brilliant writing upon a person, as if a magic spell has enraptured the reader, filling them with the most profound emotion of recognizing brilliance. Many amatuer readers believe this myth.

>> No.8279412

Adam Smith

The Wealth of Nations is the most retarded thing i ever read.

>> No.8279416

Good, keep fighting the good fight.

>> No.8279428
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>> No.8279430


How did you get tricked into reading it twice? Did someone put it between the covers of a Mr. Men book?

>> No.8279433

shakespeare. although the british would probably find someone else to put on a pedestal

>> No.8279435


> implying there was a Holocaust.

>> No.8279447

worst in thread desu

>> No.8279451

I dont know lad, the poetry in the original arabic is incredibly beautiful

>> No.8279466


We have dozens of other great writers, my friend. British Literature rolls hundreds deep.


>> No.8279519

good choice OP. Naked Lunch is one long edgy tryhard 4chan post. 'the DOCTOR speared the boy with his COCK and POO SHOT OUT!!! POO WENT EVERYWHERE!' etc.

>> No.8279529


You're a like frigid fatty pretending not to be embarassed by a sex scene, and fooling nobody.

>> No.8279852

Margaret Atwood because she's a smug pseud.

>> No.8279943

Those make for legit interesting alternate history scenarios; how much of an impact did they leave vs the zeitgeist they appealed to?

>thinking killing Hitler won't just make things worse

>> No.8279961
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