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/lit/ - Literature

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8277616 No.8277616 [Reply] [Original]

The most awful book that comes to your mind.

>> No.8277645
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>> No.8277658

Kapow! by Adam Thirwell

>lol you're MEANT to find it physically uncomfortable and distracting, it relates to my setting of the arab spring!

>> No.8277667

Catching fire
Just awful, even as YA novel. I couldn't bring myself to finish it even despite its short length.

>> No.8277674

all virginia woolf books - pure useless cancer
well, big majority of books written by women in general

btw. are you the kadirov shitposter I've been seeing recently?

>> No.8277678


I've been absent for weeks, so, no.

>> No.8277684

Sadie Smith - White Teeth
Teju Cole - Open City
Dave Eggers - What Is the What

>> No.8277753

The Final Testament by James Frey. the average children's bedtime story has better character development.

>> No.8277755

The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown. I received it as a gift and it was bloody awful. There was a sentence entirely devoted to describing how the villain had a huge dick and Brown claims in that book that helicopters can't fly over slanted surfaces because "the wind doesn't push against the air and just slides off", in fact this is the main plot point that kills the villain.

>> No.8277828

Elaborate? Did you grow up with an abusive single mum or something?

If you can't see at least a glimpse of the sublime in Woolf's work, it goes to show how unintelligent or psychologically misguided you are

>> No.8277838

Potato Peel Society.

Holy hell, never again will I read that book.

>> No.8277846

A Separate Peace

>> No.8277850

>going full sincere with your plebdom

>> No.8277944

Based Kadyrov

>> No.8277954

Infinite Jest

>> No.8277964
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No redeeming value at all.

I told this to my English teacher 17 years ago and she told me that I just hadn't matured as a reader. My opinion has not changed.

>> No.8277969

Mockingjay was a lot worse T B H

>> No.8278051

Atlas Shrugged. Thing is I expected it to be good, but hadn't done much research. I was sorely disappointed - strawman, rape fantasies, 80 page monologue blah blah

>> No.8278054



>> No.8278059

Way of Kings
Name of the Wind
Old Man's War
Darkness That Came Before
Wheel of Time

>> No.8279276

Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy. I read Naked Lunch after it and laughed more on the one page than I did through that entire book

>> No.8279284

Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.8279310

let me guess, you got it at a low cost in a library bookstore

>> No.8279387

Atlas Shrugged.

>> No.8279395
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Advertising your inability to relate to the opp. sex and giving us a glimpse into your sad, angry, lonely life .
You are brave, a non.

>> No.8279410
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>inability to relate to the opp. sex
why would i willingly decrease my intelligence?

>> No.8279420

What did you find particularly bad about White Teeth? I haven't read it, I'm just wondering.

>> No.8279436


highly overrated

>> No.8279482

Yikes, someone didn't get a date to their middle school dance. I feel bad for your mum.

Most awful book: any of Tom Clancy's most recent works, most of Grisham's library, and I've a particular disdain for Catcher, honestly, but objectively I could see why people enjoy it. Same with the previous two, but unlike the latter, they just aren't good writers. Successful and entertaining on the occasion, but not 'good' imo.

>> No.8279496

What's wrong with Old Man's War? I mean it's not amazing but how does it belong in that company exactly?

>> No.8279507

The Road. At least for books I was expecting to be great but hated.

I know it's still better than some of the above obviously, but it's the first book I thought of.

>> No.8279531


Meaning of Night by Cox

>> No.8279538


2666 It's one of the best books I've ever read in my life.

You have to read it first to rate it, or call it "overrated".

>> No.8279862

Infinite Jest, Ulysses or Moby Dick

>> No.8279963
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>> No.8279968

Infinite Jest

>> No.8279972

Bad Monkey by Carl Hiassen. Holy shit.

>> No.8279985
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the last thing his dad says to him is where he hid the gold before they left

>> No.8279992
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>Brown claims in that book that helicopters can't fly over slanted surfaces because "the wind doesn't push against the air and just slides off", in fact this is the main plot point that kills the villain

I knew he was shit but goddamn.

>> No.8279998

Kadyrov is such a weird guy

We'll likely see a lot more of him in the future

>> No.8280537

Arguably the worst prose in the bunch.
Also, propaganda.

>> No.8280567

Michael Crichton's Next for sure

I liked you, slavboy

>> No.8280574

>villain has huge dick
>dies due to inability to push
I'm sure there's a metaphore there somewhere.

>> No.8280577

t. English translation reader

>> No.8280580

Heart of Darkness
I'm fucking serious. Thematically, it's great, which is why other works like Apocalypse Now and The Sheltering Sky cover the same themes and are incredible, but Conrad's prose is insufferable.

>> No.8280583

Your diary

>> No.8280587

Why would you idiots read shitty books? I make it a point not to poison my mind with airport fiction and YA faggotry. I don't think I've ever read a bad book. Well, maybe Love In The Time Of Cholera on a girl's recommendation of Marquez, but it was just his style that irritated me.

>> No.8280588 [DELETED] 

There's something about IJ that just fills me with simmering rage. I think it subconsciously symbolises for me the utter vapidness of the modern academic worldview. It's like reading the ramblings of an autist, desperately attempting to force authentic human experience through the slats of his arid academic worldview. It's not as though I particularly hate Wallace either, as his journalistic work is at least somewhat amusing.

>> No.8280600
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It was awful. I loved it.

>> No.8280616

Because of the buzz?
Your friends read them so you want to know what they are reading?
Expecting something good maybe?
Looking for something fun from time to time?
Statistically being bound to a bad novel in the few hundreds you read?

>> No.8280620

Are you saying you immediately drop a book the moment you deem it 'shitty'? Or you've been lucky enough to pick all the right books for your taste?

Either way if a book is shit, I carry on until the end, just to get the whole picture. I don't like leaving a book without finishing it, thankfully I've not yet been disgusted by a book enough to complete drop it midway.

>> No.8280624

Rothfuss' crap.

>> No.8280629

>airport fiction
They can be readable, mate.

Look, I bought Millennium part 1 in a literal Walmart when I was grabbing cheap ass clothes and voilà -- fun solid thriller. I won't read the others though.

>> No.8280631

I think of myself as a pretty open person, but the moment I saw him in a video I just refused to try any of his books.

>> No.8280637
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>> No.8280640

my dairy deus

>> No.8280690

Winter Stories by Isak Dinesen. The shoveled morality, the subtle smugness. And what's worse is that I seem to be joined in my hatred only by butthurt SJWs.

>> No.8280776

A study in scarlet
Fucking horrible book

>> No.8280800

Mein Kampf

>> No.8280836
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objectively the worst opinion in this entire thread of mostly distilled shit /lit/ opinions

>> No.8281567

Sherlock Holmes books are no masterpieces, but c'mon, it can't be the worst thing you've read.

Surely the chapters about mormons in the desert intrigued you somewhat. Without that segment I would've forgotten the book completely.

>> No.8281731

cloud atlas, it just annoyed me

>> No.8283259

Dean Koontz, Dragon's Tears.

>> No.8283275

Get off it.

>> No.8283311


I was going to say Infinite Jest, but I have to agree with this assessment as well. I do like reading it when I pair it up with Things Fall Apart though.

>> No.8283314

House of Leaves

>> No.8283323

This and Time's Arrow: nonsensical, endlessly flawed...

>> No.8283325

Romiette and Julio. Had to read it for high school

>> No.8283336

twilight and its not that bad but the popular hate caused it to come to mind.

well, i guess there's the bible.

>> No.8283365

A Farewell of Arms

>i drank all this wine here and then my leg got blown off but that's not a big deal cuz im all tough and stuff and then i banged this 10/10 nurse and deserted the army and became a lumberjack and then she died

Wow cool story Hemmingway I can tell you're not writing fanfiction of yourself at all.

>> No.8283379

I really tried to enjoy Hemmingway, but all of his books are devoid of character or personality.

>> No.8283411

Most of Dan Brown's books are comparable to a summer action blockbuster. Formulaic, mid to low tier writing, and entertaining to the masses

>> No.8283729

Fahrenheit 451. Even when I was in high school, I thought Ray Bradbury was a pompous ass.

>> No.8283749

I never even read this book but breaking down a story this way, to its simplest form whilst mocking it can make literally anything sound bad. Youre an idiot.

>> No.8283935


you write like a faggot. and a white knight one at that.

>> No.8283947

stop trying to be like rob gordon you giant douche.

>> No.8283960

Freedumb by John Frankenztein

>> No.8283971

Island by Aldous Huxley is garbage

>> No.8283975

ISBN-10: 1468557076
ISBN-13: 978-1468557077

>> No.8283997

You are a retard

>> No.8284000

book of disquiet
notes from the underground

>> No.8284010

>helicopters can't fly over slanted surfaces because "the wind doesn't push against the air and just slides off"

Brown has out-Ian Fleming'd Ian Fleming.

>> No.8284028

I don't know about worst, but The scarlet letter is without a doubt the worst classic I've read

>> No.8284066

I second this. What a waste of time.

>> No.8285843

The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra

>> No.8286369


Das it mane, I lost count of how many times I slept while reading that shit

>> No.8286379
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>> No.8286398

Jane Eyre

>> No.8286409

Anything written by any red.

>> No.8286629

The Crossing was boring turgid shit and the worst book I've finished.

Nicholas Nickleby is SO POINTLESS. I realised that it isn't even boring. It's just a complete waste of time. Dickens has his one trick of the narrator sarcastically commenting on events and he uses it on every line.

>> No.8286651

but Knicker-less Nickleby was dope, though.

>> No.8286653

I hate that book and the whole premise behind it, but it has very decent prose for high school lit.

>> No.8287003

a lot of the sci-fi shit i read in my adolescence is really bad in hindsight. hard to single anything out.
as for literary fiction, maybe native son? i had to read it in high school and it was one of those books that turned me off of literary fiction until college.

i disliked it, but the skill that went into it is very evident. i'm envious if that's really the worst book you've ever read.

>> No.8287437

Their Eyes Were Watching God

>> No.8287458

Dear God this

>It's okay to marry a violent thug and view him as a hero so long as he keeps telling you he loves you

And we wonder why there are so many black broken homes

>> No.8287487

Why does Martin Amis try so hard with his usage of words?

>> No.8288524

"Desperation" by S.King
the author just fails every (or at least, most of) time he tries to pass off his work as something serious.

>> No.8288538

I'm reading this at the moment and honestly, I agree. I expected to do it in one sitting but man its pretty boring

>> No.8289293

One day in the life of ivan denisovich

>> No.8289835

The Name of the Wind was probably terrible, I was just so bored about 200 pages in I stopped

>> No.8289841

The Corrections, Franzen.

Never again.

>> No.8289909

Where does the author end and where does the title begin?

>> No.8290044

a hearbreaking work of staggering genius by dave eggers

holy fuck was that the most awful self-absorbed pile of shit i've read

>> No.8290226
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Fuck off.

>> No.8290771


Damn, you beat me to it.

>> No.8290808



>> No.8290847
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I'd Woolf her Virignia

>> No.8290853

I read a few pages of one of Woolf's books once at a library

I found her a little annoying

but it had some merits, definitely not the worst book I've read