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File: 22 KB, 200x306, Sexual_Personae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8277287 No.8277287 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think about it?
>There is no female Mozart because there is no female Jack the Ripper.

>> No.8277297

Not true.
There is no female Mozart since women don't give a fuck about music unless it gives them control over men.

>> No.8277299

>Jack the ripper didn't self identify as a trans woman

Pretty triggered TBQH

>> No.8277314

It's a fucking embarrassment and the only reason she is famous is she is a semi literate woman who was anti-feminist and anti (then) fashionable theory at the right time in the culture wars. She's a half-retarded Allen bloom, who was himself Neely fully retarded. There's a reason she teaches at a shitty art school and is only discussed by people who shutout on 4chan and men's rights forums

>> No.8277319

Found the feminist.

>> No.8277328

who is Neely and why does his retardation matter?

>> No.8277329

>Great women scholars like Jane Harrison and Gisela Richter were produced by the intellectual discipline of the masculine classical tradition, not the wishy-washy sentimentalism of clingy, all-forgiving sisterhood, from which no first-rate book has yet emerged. Every year, feminists provide more and more evidence for the old charge that women can neither think nor write.

>> No.8277331


>> No.8277333

>who is Lili Boulanger
>who is Nadia Boulanger
>who is Clara Schumann
>who is Barbara Strozzi
Not even a feminist but you guys should go back to /r9k/

>> No.8277335


>> No.8277336

I would imagine most of the people here who actually know shit and actually have degrees in the humanities and work as academics are feminists.

Of course most people here just shut post about DFW, so whatever

>> No.8277338

>t. Music pleb
Just because mainstream audiences don't know about great female composers doesn't mean there aren't any.

>> No.8277351

So what you're saying is that most people who spent 4+ years in an overwhelmingly liberal feminist field conformed to the dominant ideology of their environment? What a surprise.

>> No.8277365

They're all shit tier novelties. Nothing like the pure Apollonian Mozart. Clara Schumann's music in particular amounts to nothing more than a few etudes.

>unironically commending hipster meme classical and not mentioning Fanny Mendelssohn

>> No.8277435

Nah, it's just that educated and intelligent/intellectual people tend to be feminists.

>> No.8277443

Forgetting Based Hildegard?

>> No.8277448

pre-renaissance composition is complete and total non-music, it's neither functional, visceral music like folk music, profound spatial music like eastern and later western church music nor pure formal aesthetic music like Mozarella, worthless shit not worth wasting your time on, unironically more interesting as a botanist and herbalist.

>> No.8277484
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>educated and intelligent/intellectual people tend to be feminists.

>> No.8277487
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>> No.8277490

Right. Also I'm not sure where you are from but fedoras and neckbeards are dead giveaways for anti feminist mra types. You don't see many feminists on 4chan or Reddit

>> No.8277515
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>> No.8277522
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>> No.8277526
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>> No.8277540
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>> No.8277548

>Boulanger literally won the Prix de Rome
>implying Fanny can even be compared to her
>le Mozzard is le best meme
Just end your life already

>> No.8277568
File: 742 KB, 688x449, dfgadfgadfad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is going on in this thread?

>> No.8277574

So what? The only composers worth a damn to be awarded the Prix de Rome are Berlioz and Bizet.

She is comparable to Fanny in that they are both average composers of little note.

Also Mozart is the greatest of all time, only a tasteless romantic or autistic Lutheran would disagree.

>> No.8277587

Why are you a feminist?

>> No.8277599

Because he is intelligentsia.

Paglia's criticism of liberal feminism is spot on btw, way ahead of her time. Feminism is by and for upper-middle class white urbanite women.

>> No.8277602

I dunno, it's crazy. I think women are people.

>> No.8277611

>t. Average white dude

>> No.8277628

Actually I am an arab. Progressivism (feminism included) is the whitest, most western ideology on the planet. It only exists in white nations, enjoy being a neocolonialist.

>> No.8277632

the current academic view of her is pretty spot on. interesting, inflammatory, ultimately not much use to anyone.

>> No.8277635


also you are a fucking idiot.

>> No.8277644
File: 73 KB, 500x707, tmp_13788-635932679725597782193286672_feminism-is-the-radical-notion-that-women-are-people-70810393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting tumblr memes

>> No.8277646

If you are not white, then you are a race traitor that has been whitewashed by western academia.

>> No.8277647
File: 103 KB, 1000x541, 1025694340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they pretend to be, until it costs them something

>> No.8277648

other than the interesting bit you are spot on

>> No.8277651

>basing your whole identity on 19th century pseudoscience

Race: not even once.

>> No.8277653

B-but my superior inbred indentured servant ancestors

>> No.8277659

So anyway does this shit help you get pussy is what I'm wondering

>> No.8277660

This trolling is more confusing than effective. Needs work.

>> No.8277665

What a strange question. I mean explicit discussions of feminism rarely come up if you are just hooking up with someone. I am a post-doc, so have spent the last 8 years in PhD program, and am now well...a post-doc. I honestly don't know that I have any social acquaintances...and certainly no friends...who are 'anti-feminist' or would balk at self-identifying as feminists. I'm sure my girlfriend would not be with me if I was not a feminist, but I would have to be a much, much different person for that to be true of me.

>> No.8277666

It's not trolling, in that the pejorative intent is obvious.

"White nationalists" are ironically never of the old White blood - always inbred white trash low on society's ladder.

>> No.8277676

I don't think this is true, unfortunately. I mean I think they are all scum, but there are far more of them than you seem to want to admit.

>> No.8277680
File: 15 KB, 238x192, 1466743518593-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>19th century pseudoscience
>even though a Nobel Prize winning scientist uttered the exact same findings this century

You may want to keep that inferiority complex in check in the future, you've just embarrassed yourself.

>> No.8277683

You realize that there exist haplogroups unique to certain races and forensic biologists can accurately predict your racial makeup with a blood sample, which makes race biologically significant by definition?

Humanities: not even once.

>> No.8277687


>pre-renaissance composition is complete and total non-music



>> No.8277689

>I honestly don't know that I have any social acquaintances...and certainly no friends...who are 'anti-feminist' or would balk at self-identifying as feminists.
In the ivory tower any open criticism of progressive ideology gets you fired. I'm not surprised.

>> No.8277708

Neely nearly matters? Never have I heard such nonsense.

>> No.8277709

feminism is used as a convenience or a social tool, yes.

>> No.8277723

fedoras are hallmarks of a specific psychological condition or state where symptoms manifest as lack of social tact, skills and a pathological need to attach oneself to ideology which provides them with a sense of belonging, purpose and comfort.

You have goony beard men wearing fedoras modding r/shitredditsays and you have the functional equivalent prowling r/theredpill. They're functionally the same. Fedora is a state, not a symptom in and of itself.

>> No.8277729

>I would imagine most of the people here who actually know shit and actually have degrees in the humanities and work as academics are feminists.

You are welcome to imagine it.

>> No.8277782
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Anyone discussing feminism itt is either a troll or a fucking retard.

>> No.8277805

i assume this includes you? and who would you sort into which category?

>> No.8277815
File: 525 KB, 2240x1500, 1248337007807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not discussing it, merely stating a fact. I don't know who is who because we are all anonymous. Replying to you is not furthering the aforementioned discussion since you are inquiring about my post and not the discussion itself.

>> No.8277819

I am never sure if I understand what people means when they talk about feminism. I agree that setting a hierarchy of sexes is absurd, but the idea that men and women should have the very same rights for everything is also absurd, and sometimes it seems most feminists propose the latter view.

>> No.8277832

>but the idea that men and women should have the very same rights for everything is also absurd

what? w...why, anon?

>> No.8277862

If two parents get a divorce, it's probably better for the children to stay with the mother instead of the father. Women are more capable of raising children, this is something that goes across most species (I have worked with rats in particular, and there's quite a difference there) and in humans is considerable diminished, but not completely.
Physical differences also account for ones being for fit to carry a (physical) job than another - this could be reduced to the individual since it certainly doesn't apply to everyone, but I would still be seen as sexism as the exceptions would have near to zero effects on statistics about particular jobs.

>> No.8277864

>I have worked with rats in particular, and there's quite a difference there

wew lad. sometimes i forget what a shit site i am on

>> No.8277880
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I'll take autistic Lutheranhood over being a twee scat fetishist.

>> No.8277902

Holy shit you are BTFO

>> No.8277937
File: 339 KB, 512x724, Jack3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is no female Jack the Ripper

>> No.8277958

>>even though a Nobel Prize winning scientist uttered the exact same findings this century
this means nothing
>different groups of humanity have different genetic signatures

>> No.8278025

Was that her argument, or is that yours? Either way, i tried to find that crazy american(?) lady that killed like 50 people and googled female jack the ripper. Well i didn't find her but found theorizing about jack the ripper really being a woman -- Jill the Ripper :P

http://www.casebook.org/suspects/jill.html, which might perhaps destory your or her argument.



>> No.8278026

dude i hope this is bait. if not, you are an enormous pussy and need to see a doctor for some testosterone shots.

>> No.8278043

her book is sort of out there, but her shorter articles for salon, etc. are good. she has an extremely large breadth of knowledge re: pop culture and effortlessly provides large-scale context for interesting trends/patterns. no need to love or hate her.

>> No.8278209


>> No.8278220

How could it come across as bait? Anyway, it's depressing people like you exist, but at least I never have to interact with them.

>> No.8278516

You likely interact with them daily; you only fail to notice because they're stifling their laughter.

>> No.8278526
File: 16 KB, 320x240, Bill Nye the Science Guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like the Bill Nye the Science Guy opening.

>> No.8278537

did you get your PhD in Cuckology or something?

>> No.8278556

You do realize you aren't on /r9k/ or /pol/ right? And that the entire world doesn't consist of angsty 14 year old virgins who blame the jews for their inability to relate to other people?

>> No.8278573

Do you? Realize it, I mean?

>> No.8278605

>Sexual Bill Nae

>> No.8278611


>> No.8278638

I think it's pretty clear that he does.

Do you, though?

>> No.8278673

Trying to be more diplomatic, one need not be a convenient caricature to find
an amusing caricature.

>> No.8278689
File: 50 KB, 378x414, 115[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a male feminist
Probably the most hated political subgroup next to the Nazis. Not only are you despised by your own gender (who you will never relate to on any meaningful level), but even the women you emasculate yourself for find you irritating and unattractive. There's just something so off-putting and pathetic about watching some weak-willed homunculus participate in their own persecution. It's like a bullied kid trying to sit at the bullies' lunch table and asking to hang out with them after school.

I think female feminists hate male feminists more than alt-right manbabies on /pol/ do

>> No.8278700

what the fuck do you even think feminism is?

>> No.8278712

In its modern incarnation? A political ideology centered around the establishment of female supremacy

>> No.8278714

right, and black lives matter is a terrorist organization.

jesus christ with u kids tho.

>> No.8278741


>> No.8278751

Describing BLM as a terrorist organization implies that its participants are intelligent enough to form a unified administration with clear goals. Most of them are just overgrown children who see an opportunity to be on the news and feel morally superior, maybe while looting a 7/11. The terrorism they engage in is an incidental result of pushing so many stupid and angry people together, not a goal.

>> No.8278753

your mind has rotted and you have lost all touch with reality.

please stay off the computer for the rest of the summer, thanks.

-ur mom and teachers

>> No.8278758

yes, i realize that you are both a misogynist and a racist. you don't have to go on and on about it.

>> No.8278765


>> No.8278775

What have I said that's misogynistic or racist? It's my understanding that there are feminists and BLM supporters of all genders and races

>> No.8278799

I don't understand why you would pretend not to be, or be coy about it.

>> No.8278899

Where did I pretend to not be a misogynist or a racist? Why did you reply to me if you weren't going to answer my question?

>> No.8278950



>> No.8278971


>> No.8279780

Doesn't that imply that you think the opposite? I'm assuming that you live in a first world country, so what could modern feminism possibly offer to women without coddling them?

>> No.8279784

You didn't really give a proper answer by the way

>> No.8281129

>17 year olds have it all figured out despite never having engaged with the discussion or literature in any kind of meaningful way: the thread

>> No.8281502


>> No.8281582

Check out Virginia Woolf's A Room of One's Own. It addresses the tradition (or lack thereof) of female writing. She comes from a stance that women have something to add to literature when they /don't/ try to write like men.

>> No.8281602

I liked the part where she rips Charlotte Bronte a new one for having a self-insert moment during a monologue.

>> No.8283181

I haven't read it, but the premise you stated seems off. Certainly sexual energy is important to the creative act, or in the case of Jack the Ripper a destructive one. But it does not follow that if you were to give a woman the same labido as a man that she would become a genius or a murderer and not anything other than a useless salivating whore. Likewise, take a man already possessed of the mental strengths or weakness of such a character and remove his labido to that of the pathetic level of a woman and it would have little to no impact on his creative/destructive powers, which are something more innate to his spiritual archive than mere biology.

>> No.8283273

Ah yes, the sexual humour is separate from the vigorous nature of the spirit. Indeed, the divine touch of God descends through the aether, bypassing the biological organs.

Did you go to school in the 21st century? Jesus christ.

>> No.8283350

To argue that there is no A because there is no B is a failing of academia. the world does not happen in micro, but in macro, look at any of the more modern philosophers that deal with history and they will not hesitate to tell you that things don't happen in a bubble. And to argue that anyone male or female does something based on sex and sex alone, is narrow, and insular.

>> No.8283358

Certainly I did and I tried to dispense with such hideous low brow knowledge forthwith, so that I would avoid the fate of manifesting the same self-faggotry as you've displayed. Now, tits or get the fuck out.

>> No.8283373

Weak argument desu.
>There is no male Schumann because there is no male Bathory.
if you reply with 'who' the failing is your own, not mine. get educated.

>> No.8283401

This post is so /Reddit/ one can practically feel the upboats

>> No.8283409

Holy shit I've never seen an anti-feminist triggered this hard.

>> No.8283912
File: 6 KB, 225x225, ayn rand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes Ayn Rand's view that woman's role is to worship the achievements of men to be accurate.
Her entire praise for men is eerily similar. It's funny that the smartest women have determined that the best role a woman should be to do whatever she can to become the best but also worship the best of men.

>> No.8284100

But to both of you:

Mein negger, you beat me at it; Hildegard is truly the only one that would deserve mention when compared in talent to the big composers. Shame however that the same can't be said for her as an influence to the following generations, since she lived pretty much in obscurity.

Jesus fucking Christ, could you be more ignorant on the subject? The only thing you nailed is the fact early academic music strays away from the visceral, and that only when it comes to the liturgical side of it.

All this aside, it is probably worth noting that von Bingen is pretty much an exception to the rule; apart from her —and perhaps some other modern women like Zahaykevich or Fung— there aren't any major female composers worth looking into based only on the quality of their output, and none that could stand by in terms of posterior influence with any of the male composers.

Also, before anyone comes up with the argument of a woman's role in society as a disabler in the earlier periods, bear in mind that contemporary times haven't either seen any female Kagel, Ligeti, Penderecki, or Xenakis for that matter.
