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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 143 KB, 300x300, 8244-0c1d-46ef-a249-c55600d677be.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8276197 No.8276197 [Reply] [Original]

the weird frontier between post irony and new sincerity are these millennials the saviors of literature?

>> No.8276236
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Are they ?

>> No.8276244
File: 12 KB, 300x433, full_selected-tweets-web-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably not.

>> No.8276253
File: 38 KB, 324x450, Worth a Try.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>between post irony and new sincerity

Can we find a metaxy beyond polarity to the Oasis of Awakenening


>> No.8276258

I saw this shit irl once

>> No.8276272

jesus fucking christ this is a real book

>> No.8276276

post irony is not descriptive of any movement, style, tendency, or inclination

>> No.8276290
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>Nice Dubs

Do you know of the High Art of the Nu Know Brow School

>> No.8276324

Why has there been so much shilling for these pretentious pseuds recently?

>> No.8276329
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A Smart Art of fluidic designs

>> No.8276391
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>> No.8276408

calling people pretentious gives them some sort of a cache these two don't deserve

>> No.8276414

gotta make that drug money somehow

>> No.8276425

I personally enjoy their works

I don't let a lot of things bother me so its perfect for me

>> No.8276431

Holy fuck

>> No.8276438

Successful art elicits an emotional response :)))

>> No.8276440
File: 60 KB, 640x290, A..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember my first Mira Gonzalez hate thread.

Sweet, sweet youth.

>> No.8276455

da fuq this shit is good

>> No.8276465
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Astrophysicist @JimmyFallon might have said

Be snappy with your chat and believe the luck you've found.

Stars communicate, connect with sound


>> No.8276482

tao has a unique aesthetic in his entire life to be fair

>> No.8276489

Nice try Tao. I agree with you tho

>> No.8276503

is that lady okay? she looks poorly :(

>> No.8276507

she's fine, just a larger dose of memeage than usual

>> No.8276513
File: 494 KB, 1600x900, Love All.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Tao that can be named is not the true Tao

Are you on the Love All ?

>> No.8276514

lord give me strength, is that a real person

>> No.8276531

I believe so, yeah.
Such a shame that millenials are not only getting fucked up in the ass by boomers but also a shitload of aspiring writers are being shot down by older and bitter people who dont want nobody to try because they failed in the past.

You could take it up a notch and come up with a theory that past generations makes it a pain in the ass for new writers to emerge because those careers wont fund their retirement fund or whatever. Because its not exactly productive being a writer nowadays.

>> No.8276542

not only is it real, but i paid for it, preordered it, read it, and proudly display it on my bookshelf.

>> No.8276550
File: 107 KB, 1168x722, Hypercube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Totally really real

And strong too

Quite the Lady

Who's actually a Queen

So fluid she's never boxxy'd about

>> No.8276562

The same will happen again. Only this time instead of Boomers against Gen Y millenials, it's Gen X against Gen Z.

>> No.8276587

Literature will continue to get worse and worse, people have no influences anymore like dickens or keats or cervantes.

How can a society weaned on harry potter and steven king accomplish anything of literature repute. There's a reason why tao lins and mirana gonzales exist now, although they are still quite the minority as far as published ones go.

>> No.8276597


At first I thought I was just being a paranoid little twat.

But the deeper I get in the industry more and more I realize how much the game is rigged.
I'm not saying that millenials dont come up with crap, they do, most of them.

No wonder why millenials cant think out of the box nowadays, cant even grasp at the concept of what it is a society without capitalism. They're shaped to not think about this. Its deep coded in their brain.

>> No.8276640

do you think they feel good or bad when they see that they are memes?

>> No.8276676
File: 77 KB, 583x383, Chloë Grace Moretz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>think out of the box

Don't be boxxy'd around


>> No.8276682
File: 91 KB, 540x392, noosphere.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What about those that began as memes ?

A mememorphic egg spiraled with threads of Love ?

Do you know the Nu School ?

>> No.8276686

"People" like Tao and Mira are symptoms of just how rigged the game is. Those same gatekeepers who actively prevent real literature from being published because they're convinced no one wants it will bend over backwards to give opportunities to used-up-by-30 drug-addled trendwhores like those two who perpetuate their preconceived notions of what "this" generation and its art are all about.

>> No.8276703

Somehow it seems like this proves that, big picture, being a pothead is worse for writing than being an alcoholic.

Tweet related: https://twitter.com/tao_lin/status/746052759833681920

>> No.8276715

I agree with his tweet.

>> No.8276717

vintage is publishing his next 2 books. nigga made it. I wonder if it will be good.

>> No.8276726

Alcoholism or borderline-alcoholic boozing are time-tested writing aids. Pot-smoking only works if you're already a genius like Pynchon.

>> No.8276735
File: 95 KB, 941x820, Star Light.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Biosphere Extensions: Solar System Resources for the Earth


Like were made of starlight?


>> No.8276739

>After being hospitalized three times (between June 1976 and February or March 1977), [Raymond] Carver began his "second life" and stopped drinking on June 2, 1977, with the help of Alcoholics Anonymous. Carver—who continued to smoke marijuana and experimented with cocaine at the behest of Jay McInerney during a 1980 visit to New York City—believed he would have died of alcoholism at the age of 40 had he not overcome his drinking.

>> No.8276742

If everything else he's ever written is anything to go on, then the answer is no. Bloom should've saved that "can't write, can't think, no discernable talent" meme comment for Tao Lin because he actually deserves it.

>> No.8276747

I had never heard of her until now. Just spent about 20 minutes reading a couple of her articles and scrolling through her Twitter feed. Absolutely horrid. I genuinely loathe this woman. The white male bashing, the sluttery, the flagrant drug use, the shameless attention seeking. She's fucking awful.

>> No.8276753

Women like this are the reason that more men should seriously consider celibacy. Read her work and you'll see that it all revolves around dating and sex; these are the only realms in which women have any power. If you stop caring about these two things they will have zero relevance to or influence over your life.

>> No.8276759

Losing battle, 197 men practicing Celibacy will not make a difference due to a billion sexually active males. Women would not have any power of you personally, but they would still retain their own power & influence

>> No.8276776

This would've been true maybe 30-50 years ago, but for better or worse there are plenty of women in positions of authority now because of the way society has been re-oriented. I don't mean those basic bitches who go prancing around everywhere in torn up jeans or yoga pants. Serious, professional women. If anything, women are more suited to today's hyperconsumerist late-capitalist society because the idea of it makes more sense to them on an intuitive level.

>> No.8276778
File: 17 KB, 236x320, Transmotion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



...Fluid intelligence...

...Tacit knowledge...

...Reflexive Spirituality...


>> No.8276789


Glad to know I'm not the only one. Really. Sometimes I wake up at 3 am and sit besides my windows and ponder if I'm crazy or not, for thinking that maybe, just maybe, those who pulls the strings are the ones preventing this current generation from thinking too much. Keeping the millenials away from things like writing because they might change the scenario in ways that bankrupts them. Slowly killing their artistic vein.

Every time it's either too vague, or it doesn't fit their categories and therefore into the trash it must go.

Thats why I believe that no matter what, aspiring writers should turn to self publishing before giving away the rights for some big publisher house.

>> No.8276800

The thing is, if you self-publish and don't do well commercially, it pretty much kills your chances of getting traditionally published. No one takes the idea of self-published books seriously enough for them to be viable as literature.

Look at that one guy who posts his shit here. Roberto something or other. He wrote one actual book then just started cranking out these retarded 8-10 page things after it was basically ignored. That's what self-publishing looks like these days.

>> No.8276834


I see your point. Yeah, self publishing scene is rather weird now, but it is also rather young. What was the internet before web 2.0? A mess.

But I believe that it is the future, you know? This generation hope in terms of literature. A away to trick the gatekeepers.

It should be taken seriously, tho. Especially now, that it is easy. With the right strategy, you can end up hitting gold.

It is possible to make a living writing despite what people say, there are tools, and money shouldn't be the main reason someone writes but I don't judge people from wishing to make a living out of it, everybody gotta eat. Shouldn't we all do what we love?

Self publishing allows that. If you're not lifting off then there must be something wrong with your writing. It gives you an honest feedback from your readers without some white collar poiting fingers at you and telling what you should do and raping your manuscript until you have another mediocre fantasy romance. Because if you don't do well commercially with a publisher, you're done too, but it >might< not be your fault at all.

>> No.8276850

>What was the internet before web 2.0? A mess.
[citation needed] [Share] [Retweet]

>> No.8276876

That's assuming you even get read though. Pretty much all self-published things that do well are YA or genre fiction.

>> No.8276882

Get off 4chan, Tao. And please, for the love of god, stop making threads about what a genius you are. The amount of posts on this board lately just agreeing that Tao is a genius and an important voice instead of a semi-retarded drug addled failed vice columnist brings me to the idea that you're samefagging all over the place. I hope your landlord finally googles you and sees the truth about you raping children and kicks you out onto the street like the pseudo-intellectual bum you are.

>> No.8276883

Tao Lin is a garbage writer.
I'm be savior of literature desu.

>> No.8277786
File: 61 KB, 387x585, epicurus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going celibate mostly benefits you on a personal level. It's tremendously freeing and it's only once you stop caring about chasing pussy that you realise how much of your energy you were putting in it even if you weren't fully aware of it.

Not trying to make a difference in the bigger picture and removing yourself from politics and such is also very liberating.

Pic related was really on to something.

>> No.8278033

To be honest, senpai, Cioran would have used Twitter, too, if he'd had the chance.

>> No.8278038

>ynw follow cioran and nietzsche on twitter

>> No.8278181

You must have low testosterone if going celibate doesn't make you want to whack off all the time to the point of distraction.

>> No.8278191

i tweet like this. i must be up next in the literary hot buzz

>> No.8278196

I didn't stop masturbating, I just stopped chasing women (and watching porn). I just do it to drain the pipes now, just like one pisses or shits and then get back to other things.

Works fine desu.

>> No.8278278

I don't know about tao lin, but mira's poetry is fucking godawful. It's literally shit like "omg i sad", and her articles are just shit like "omg i did weed so quirky". no fucking way she's a savior of literature.

>> No.8278289

sounds like most female authors

>> No.8278299
File: 19 KB, 578x189, post_twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she mean by this?

>> No.8278313

she fuccs nu-males only

>> No.8278322

wow, poignant. scholars will study this for centuries.

>> No.8278346

It's a slight towards Sam Hyde. He choked her out and made her cum all over his cock but obviously wants him to come back for round 2

>> No.8278374
File: 32 KB, 435x405, pseudbullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is this pseud bullshit.

>> No.8278382

where's their porn video?

>> No.8278402

>DAE hate twitter

>> No.8278431

I want everyone involved in the contemporary literature scene to breathe sarin and die

>> No.8278438

[A1] [A2] [A3] [A4] [A5] [A5] [A7] [A8] ...
~q~qq~Q~Qqq~Qqq~q~QQ~Qq~q~ ...
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\THE GREAT CAPITALISMING/////////////////

A = intellectual
B = proletariat
Q, q = major/minor symbol-mediated Idea
~ = idea-webwork connection
b = lumpenproletariat
p = hyperreal denatured symbol
pppp .... = hyperreal diarrhea soup of inertial thoughtforms from the beforetime

Mira Gonzalez tweeted, on March 23, 201Timedoesntexistanymore:
>cant we all just get along? :/ #LOVE #whatifpeopledidntfight

Tao Lin tweeted, on ???????????
>what if people vote for things they like and people have votes. is that a gvoernemtn? i need moer iphones for gps location of telephone store so i can consume iphone shaped gruel cubes . #ironic #forgottenhowtomovelimbs

IRONIC TWEETER twitted, on □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□
>Its like Goethe said, "I will defend your right to say #hashtag #clinton vote for MORE condoms feminism guys!"

Nerve-Stapled JERRY-STEVENSON-INSTANCE#498328498182819-B thoughtoscillation n҉͈n͎̘̜g̻h̶͚ ̨̭͇͎̤̞̠4̦͈̳8̳̣̩̟͜1̜͙͇̥͟ ͍̤nͅ

>> No.8278440

/lit/ is garbage.

>> No.8278448


Grass is green

>> No.8278472

>What was the internet before web 2.0? A mess.
a mess with higher SNR

>> No.8278484
File: 22 KB, 250x333, 61iunTTQ90L._UX250_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"If someone reads my Twitter feed and doesn’t immediately think I’m a massive shit head, then I probably want to be friends with that person. If someone reads my Twitter feed and does think that I’m a massive shit head, then I probably want to have sex with that person." - actual Mira González quote.

>> No.8278493

Post those nudes, friend.

>> No.8278500


The greatest art is when you walk up to someone in a cafe, just enjoying their coffee, pull off your pants and piss them in the face. It elicits the most delicious of emotions, you can really savour them as you blast their stupid faces with piss.

I'd legitimately prefer to be pissed in the face rather than reading Lin and Gonzalez.

>> No.8278503
File: 213 KB, 750x1334, 1467070754837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8278510

i like lin. people think he's just a quirky cunt but i think his stuff is worthwhile. he gets shat on for writing about the internet, loneliness, and autistic stuff generally. people dont like it because they see themselves in it, but it's not like he's some tumblr spergerino his stuff actually has some depth. it may not be nobel price material but if you read it with an open mind you might end up liking it for it's novelty in how it deals with these topics

gonzales, i just dont know. i'm not feeling it. lin was prolly just exited about doing stuff with a semi-hot beaner chick and he mightve thought shoehorning writing from a non lit medium into a lit format would be cool.

>> No.8278511


>> No.8278547

some of those were actually pretty funny.

>> No.8278692

What is this

>> No.8278705


>if you read it with an open mind

Your brain will fall out.

>> No.8278728

Your homework for today is to meditate on the meaning of the words "sufficient" and "necessary".

>> No.8278734

No one shits on him for what he writes about. We shit on him for how he writes about it. Which is to say inadequately.

>> No.8278747

i have a different opinion on this

>> No.8278748

>having shit taste

>> No.8278749

tao tao needed to appease to the tumblr crowd after the rape thing so he collabs with tumblr: the person

>> No.8278767
File: 82 KB, 1080x1084, 1464122677701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to

>> No.8278776

>all those fucking pill bottles on proud display

>> No.8278785

more hot pics of mira gonzalo pls

>> No.8278787


>> No.8278789

oh god I didn't know I needed this

>> No.8278797

is that tao's doge?

>> No.8278802
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>> No.8278803

Me on the right

>> No.8278807


>> No.8278819

Who is the pig-looking girl?

>> No.8278880

Have you ever rode a tricycle?

>> No.8278906

Once, with my friend Tim (28).

>> No.8278926

Are you aware that some memer here wrote a 10 page "book" called Tao Lin on a Tricycle and put it on Amazon? How does that make you feel?

>> No.8279098

Am I the only one who feels alt-lit is a regression into the degeneracy Beats, but within the framework of the 2000s?

>> No.8279116

>He doesn't fuck everything classified human and experience every facet of consciousness though the use of mind altering substances
Sounds like you're the fucking degenerate.

>> No.8279119

i kekked heartily

>> No.8279125
File: 58 KB, 478x720, 3fa700e861ef831c87070eab09bd72b0.478x720x1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8279167

What a disturbing existence.

>> No.8279173

she is gross

>> No.8279174

Maybe disturbing to you, since you consciously limit yourself to a static realm of almost nonexistence.

>> No.8279184

>Maybe disturbing to you

Of course. Degeneracy will seem normal to degenerates. That's a given.

>> No.8279186


>novel titled 'drug metabolizer' about a man who claims he's metabolizing as many drugs as possible to 'destroy' them

my fucking god did i laugh hard

>> No.8279192

its like one of those books of stale one liners that people used to keep by the shitter to read while they were taking a dump, before there were smartphones. that's the whole point of twitter, so OK, but if they're trying to pass it off as literature now because it's printed, their heads are lost way up their arses.

>> No.8279196

Just like a man without legs would find running weird, eh?

>> No.8279200

It's a form of communication

we have the collected letters of rimbaud and rilke

its just a very modern of expression/communication

i dont see what bad could come of this

>> No.8279202

Ever heard of the categorical imperative? You seem to think that an immoral lifestyle is the be-all, end-all, and I don't understand where you formed that conclusion.

>> No.8279208

Ever heard of "any shit philosopher with outdated ideological practices that I follow because I'm 'intellectual' here"?
The end all and be all is nothing but life, friend. There's nothing outside of the life that you're throwing away to impress people who don't give a fuck either way.

>> No.8279216

Are these their tweets or random people's?

>> No.8279231

I met Mira at a cafe in Echo Park called the Boathouse. She was quietly experimenting with chords on the old upright piano by the bar, interesting, dissonant chords that reminded me of Grateful Dead, stacked thirds and such. I was seated at a small table in the back with my 17" MacBook Pro, downloading, as fate would have it, some late-seventies Black Flag, and as a joke I fired up TV Party and started mimicking some of the chords she was playing. She smiled at me, and prestissimo, thanks to my Mac the ice was broken. We ended up spending the afternoon together, then agreed to meet again the next day. Long story short, she invited me back to her apartment.

She asked me if she could "explore" my Mac, she promised to be real careful. Would I be willing to give her a "tutorial"? Of course, I said. We ended up lying on our stomachs on her bed (actually it was tatami mats with really comfortable quilts and pillows) and I guided her through the eye candy and other nifty features until she suddenly giggled and said, "wow, I grok this, this is like so totally liberating..."

>> No.8279236

Then she was off on her own, creating wildly with a sense of liberating exhilaration that only the Mac cognoscenti can truly understand. While she was exploring new chord forms and creating remarkable drum loops in Garage Band, I lifted the hem of her skirt and gently touched the back of her thigh with my fingertips. She sighed and lifted her rump, exposing violet underpants. Parting her legs, I couldn't fail to notice the dark wet spot in the center of the bandeau of her panties. While she continued to type, email, and surf the net, I tugged at the waistband of her underpants until her buttocks were bare. She sighed again as I parted her cheeks and lowered my face into her treasure trove. The heat of her anus radiated bliss and I kissed, then moistened her opening with my tongue until she groaned and began to grind herself against my face.

Moments later, my cock was pressed into her crack and she cried out as my glans pressed against, and then past, her sphincter. By now she had figured out how to use iTunes and was browsing my library, emitting astonished gasps of recognition at my unusual and admittedly elitist tastes. She lingered over a rare recording of Zappa's Cletus Awreetus-Awrightus as I began to thrust leisurely, my cock deep in her rectum. There was no need to rush, the music inspired our rhythms, and although it was difficult, I didn't come until she had had three shuddering anal climaxes, her fingers clawing at the bedlinens until I emptied myself deep inside her, somewhere behind her solar plexus. Then she kissed me and her mouth and tongue and breath tasted of coffee. The MacBook Pro whispered a Kuryokhin Mekhanika as she tripped off to the small bathroom and sat on the toilet with the door open, smiling radiantly as I listened to J.S. and the staccato music of her spermy farts.

>> No.8279246

spoonfeed me that dank pasta my man

>> No.8279278

We can agree to disagree.

>> No.8279294

Take the bait.

>> No.8279320

omg so damaged and quirky

>> No.8279327

Nice arse though

>> No.8279336
File: 342 KB, 1360x2356, 1441670877806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The future of literature belongs to degenerate alt-righters.

>> No.8279345

His name is Dudu

>> No.8279479

Reading this thread about these two people made me agree a little bit more with Eco on his statements about the internet.

>> No.8279689

and what are those

>> No.8279701

This is the reason I smoke but don't drink. When I'm drunk everything's a blur, but when high I see the letters like a slightly autistic man sees numbers when doing math.

>> No.8279729

I bought this. Taos tweets are funny. Mira's are depressing and annoying.

>> No.8279732
File: 489 KB, 1920x1080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8279749

"The internet shall bring forth dank new memes".

>> No.8279762

That Eco, he's a big guy.

>> No.8279916

isn't dudu a grill?

>> No.8279934

needs more sick tattoos

>> No.8280091

you people make me sick

>> No.8280113

>mira ever leaving her air conditioned house

>> No.8280142


>> No.8280169

I would buy and read a book of collected tweets by Norm Macdonald

>> No.8280178

I would buy and read a book of collected tweets by niggers

>> No.8280184

fucking tweets from Irish teens.
I'd give my right fucking nut.

>> No.8280487

wAcKy MiLlEnNiaL AnTics

you won't believe what this name you recognize did to this other thing you recognize

>> No.8280612

>The white male bashing, the sluttery, the flagrant drug use, the shameless attention seeking
it's ~~ironic~~

>> No.8280615

>hese are the only realms in which women have any power. If you stop caring about these two things they will have zero relevance to or influence over your life.
wow deep thoughts here true wisdom wow

>> No.8280627

10/10 keep it up
gigo, baby

>> No.8280635

really makes you think

>> No.8280639

absolutely love the inspired mixture here of ad copy and erotica. well done

>> No.8280647

I feel ill

>> No.8280665
File: 62 KB, 371x399, such a vulgar thing to say.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is the future of literature. Not bad, not bad at all.

>> No.8280683

I like this post.