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/lit/ - Literature

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8276098 No.8276098 [Reply] [Original]

I just bought it and i'm feeling intimidated by its length.

>> No.8276101


that's what your mom said. to me.

>> No.8276112

it took me awhile because at first i would force myself at least 20 minutes a day for it, but once i got more free time i would crank out 50 or more pages with little effort.

>> No.8276114

reading is not a fucking difficult activity to do and if you can't commit to a task that can be tangibly confined to the palm of your hand you have bigger problems than /lit/ can help you with

that being said it took me about 1.5 weeks with ample free time

>> No.8276117


it's not worth it friend, it's a terrible "book"

>> No.8276127

I don't normally give a shit about tripfags and in fact you and I have had nice chats in the past. But really to have persisted with a trip for this long when all it does is get you into arguments speaks only of solitude and incurable heartache on your part.

I feel for you Muck, I really do.

>> No.8276133

The Infinite Jest
Is just a test.

The book is mailed?
Congrats! You failed.

>> No.8276148
File: 121 KB, 1024x768, work work work.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let it be known that i've never spoken to this man in my life...slanderous

some of us have deep existential dread and the ephemerality of online anonymity is too akin to the cold alone of death for us to have any capability of tolerance for it, please be considerate :C

>> No.8276154

where can i apply to be a sampler of drugs?

>> No.8276159

10 weeks of casual reading

>> No.8276163

Are you her dildo wrangler?

>> No.8276167


It must be easy to get employed in bongland

>> No.8276175
File: 2.44 MB, 1488x1284, how long should a man's legs be?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>disinfector of railways
murder on the orient express
>invisible net maker
>fifty-two years an imbecile
confederacy of dunces
>gymnast to house painter
white noise

>> No.8276561

Brb making a cup of coffee and heading to the book store. Going to try and start-to-finish it before this thread closes.

>> No.8276576

I've had a copy for like 4 years and the farthest I've gotten is like 60 pages.
I liked the 60 pages I read though, I'm just bad with starting a novel and not finishing it and it's hard to pick a novel back up and start over again when it's so long, idk.

>> No.8276578

>/lit/: a discussion of books
>first post in every thread is either "my diary desu" or "ur mom lol"
never change, friends

>> No.8276615

It took me meme weeks, meme days, and meme hours to pretend I read it.

>> No.8276931

>mispronouncing "meme"
at least you subvocalize

>> No.8276939

im 200 pages in and i read it once in a while, when i am bored. its interesting and wacky, but gets a bit ridiculous at some points.

>> No.8276941

Fuck. This book again.

>> No.8276944


>> No.8276962
File: 19 KB, 620x447, DFW3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we've officially said all there is to say about this book (which really isn't much)

>> No.8276992
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>selling your penis

>> No.8277264
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Quality post. I'm going to get this framed.

>> No.8277372

>Brb making a cup of coffee and heading to the book store. Going to try and start-to-finish it before this thread closes.

Decided to check back. It's been nearly 7 hours of reading. Almost halfway done with the book. Books sucks. It's torture forcing myself to finish this shit. Taking a short break to make more coffee.

>> No.8277379

I haven't ready any DFW but all the rage on /lit/ is making me want to. Is /lit/ a shill for DFW?

>> No.8277408


>7 hours.
>Halfway done.

You expect us to believe you?

>> No.8277418

Maybe he's that autistic savant that can read two pages at once, one with each eye.

It might also explain why he thinks it's shit :^)

>> No.8277533

>for a dead man
Are you high?

>> No.8277576



>> No.8277636

I just started reading Brief Interviews with Hideous Men. He's pretty accessible judging from this book and he has a sense of humour that's subtle (I've laughed a few times reading the book). He was clearly an intelligent person, but I don't think he's keen on cohesion much: his obsession with footnotes can add details and digressions that aren't appropriate for the main body of text, but they can also feel distracting, off-putting and especially incohesive if the footnote lasts more than a page, forcing the reader to flick back a few pages once they are finished reading the footnote to then return to the main body of text.

He's enjoyable with a dry wit and humour but he's also quite pedantic as a writer. Could recommend him. New to his work myself so I've yet to see the appeal of the /lit/ memes.

>> No.8277641

> bookmark only a few pages in

Heh. Shame this is staged as a goof though.

>> No.8278086

Depends on how FAST u read

>> No.8278691

about 3 months

this was in high school when i had all the free time in the god damn world and would read ~200 pages a day. right now with the amount of coursework and readings i have to do for uni it would probably take me quite a bit longer

>> No.8278708

Excuse me, I'm a paid shill for the David Fosted Wallace estate.

>> No.8278764

You'd be done in a week if you actually read it that quickly.

>> No.8279078

Took me 3 years to get through it. I just kept putting it down and then coming back to it later. Felt like a slog to get through