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/lit/ - Literature

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8273610 No.8273610 [Reply] [Original]

Besides reading/writing, what are your hobbies /lit/? How they help to make you a better person?

>> No.8273613

I have a job as a cashier
I listen to music a lot
That's about it

>> No.8273615

music and film

>> No.8273616

Video-games, climbing, HEMA, drawing very badly. Haven't been able to climb or HEMA for a while, though, because of exams.

>> No.8273623

Lifting, playing music, painting.

I'm ubermensch.

>> No.8273624

Oh, and I play the clarinet, also very badly.

Do /tg/ count as reading/writing?

>> No.8273656

I go to underground bdsm clubs, I hold satanic masses, I fuck a lot of beautiful men and women, I travel around the world, I hold bon fires at my cabin in the dense woods, I'm also a writer, musician, and engineer for nasa.

>> No.8273658

So near, and yet...

>> No.8273679

Starring into the ceiling due to overwhelming crippling angst
Watching cat videos
Ignoring my econ studies

>> No.8273683

>help to make you a better person?
what does this mean?

>> No.8273691

>Ignoring my econ studies
Sound decision.

>> No.8273701

It means he's one of those "I'm always looking to better myself" nu-male-in-denial faggots.

>> No.8273721
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I count tea as a hobby, since it takes up a lot of my life and I do a lot of peripheral things related to it (like collecting teaware).

I quilt, which gives me something to do at work and also makes me feel very productive. I fold paper for the same reason; most origami makes for good cat toys too.

I play board games by myself, which doesn't really make me a better person, since I had planned to play them with other people, but I haven't got to the "other people" part yet.

During the season for them, I go to the opera and the symphony fairly often. Probably that was my best step for improving myself, as it gets me out of the house and experiencing high emotion.

Also, I collect a whole lot of things--books, teaware, fountain pens, guns, dinosaurs, etc. They make my apartment look nice at least. I do some interesting things monthly that aren't quite full hobbies, like going to the rock climbing gym, brewing a small batch of beer and target shooting at the range.

>> No.8273726

Really into music (go to a decent number of concerts)
Occasional vidya

Note how all of those are solitary. Some of those do make me a better person I guess but that's not why I do them

>> No.8273730


a bit of chess though I don't know what the 'starting with the Greeks' or 'Starting Strength' is for Chess so I just play some puzzles and sheeiiit.

Also the ordinary like football/sports, or hanging out with friends and have a beer or two.

>> No.8273732

I also watch lectures on the Internet for fun because I'm too poor to go to school. Somebody shoot me.

>> No.8273755

Woman leave

>> No.8273756

Did someone here quit videogames? How doing this made an impact on your life?

>> No.8273769

I didn't quit but I drastically reduced the amount I played. For a while I was staying up all night til like 4-5 in the morning playing so now my sleep is a lot better. It depends on how addicted you are but I think it's easier to reduce the amount you play rather than completely quit. Limit yourself to a couple of hours, don't play every single day and you should be fine.

>> No.8273771


OP here. You look like a pretty awesome guy, anon. Would gladly play some Eldritch Horror with you

>> No.8273772

I have been sort of (embarrassingly) collecting books, lately. I have a big shelf full of ones on my to read list, so that way when the urge to read strikes, I have a lot of options and therefor are more likely to read something. I also spend a lot of time looking up reading material.

I spent my youth playing cello, growing up in a sail boating community, skiing, playing sports. I don't really care about any of that now. I hated the kids at the sailing camp I went to, they weren't even nice to me. Skiing is a bit out of the way and there's no big hills where I live. I just don't have the energy to care about something like playing music, although I tried to get into playing guitar for a while and tried to write my own music by collecting a bunch of instruments (I have my grandma's old electric piano, a fender bass and guitar, and an electronic drum kit, as well as music making software). I also collect a lot of music CDs.

Now a days I don't do anything. I'm unemployed, I live in an apartment which is paid for my by parents. I tried going to college 3 times, each time dropping out within a semester because the stress became unbearable. I find a classroom setting to be painful, prickly boredom. I spend all my time alone in my apartment. I have no friends, I've never had sex, the only people I talk to are people on 4chan, several other websites I go to less often, and the maybe 5 people who I talk to every once and a while online.


>> No.8273774

Painting, music, board games, collecting perfume, pens and notebooks, petting animals.

>> No.8273778

Really though, living alone for a year and a half and having no responsibility saved my mental state. Pressures and responsibilities of living with my parents and so many years of school really destroyed my mental health. I was not in a good place the last few years, and I blame society and everyone else around me a lot for all of it. Having all this time to myself, as well as having complete control over my diet has saved my mental health in a dramatic way. Now a days though, I just can't help but think about all the things I have missed out on in life, like being active, having friends, having love interests, getting on a path to a better career (which is one prospect I find so bitter sweet and insulting, insulting to imply that such a thing even matters).

I've always imagined that I had potential of some sort. When I was very young I used to love drawing, I used to always be making and inventing things with random household items. When I grew up I wanted to be an engineer. I was tested to have a relatively high IQ, over 110. However, as the years went by I started to feel that all my energy was sapped from me. As I began to come to terms with the world around me, somewhere along the line I lost all my motivation to really do anything. I believe that it was because of so many years of school. I remember the feeling of being a small unathletic and skinny 10th grader, dragging myself across the wall to walk to my next class, feeling so absolutely drained of my will.

So, I think of my life so far as a rather tragic one, and to be honest I feel like a bit of a broken record going through all of these details so much. I feel like I'm always repeating myself, always playing that same sad song on my tiny violin. I sort of sicken myself for it actually, but I spend a lot of time these days just feeling sick, mentally sick. It's sad when you feel that there's nothing left inside of yourself.


>> No.8273779

Natural bodybuilding and reading are probably my only ones left. I used to love to smoke weed, play video games and shoplift but those don't make me happy anymore.
>Did someone here quit videogames?
Don't play much video games since I was 15, 18 now.
>How doing this made an impact on your life?
I now have more free time that I would have otherwise spent on video games. If you have more than 1000 hours accumulated on DotA or CS or something then it is a good sign that you should quit playing video games and pick up a more productive hobby.

>> No.8273788

You sound like the kind of disgusting "proper woman" archetype you find in shitty Nip dating sims.

>> No.8273793
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Thanks, OP! I don't own Eldritch Horror, but I do have a lot of two-player games. Just recently got Kodama and Arboretum.

Including the guns and beer? It's more of the poor person's stereotype of what a rich person acts like, probably. I grew up very poor.

>> No.8273797

I will be your friend anon; your post really depressed the fuck out of me because in the past I was pretty similar to you- I can give you an email if you want.

>> No.8273800

I've been trying NOT to quit. Now that I've got so much free time, it's really hard to concentrate on any one game, and I tend to just revert back to reading or online stuff. Which I also can't concentrate on.
Your ownership of Kodama and Arboretum is not helping your case. Honestly, at this point I would consider the guns and beer fully cancelled out (many times over).

>> No.8273825
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I wouldn't mind! I'm bad at keeping friends though, even if someone offers. Drop an email and maybe we can start up some correspondence.

Well, it's not like I'm trying to keep an equal balance of feminine and masculine hobbies. Just saying I'm not a complete stereotype.

>> No.8273826

My life is, overall, quite boring, but I like to fill my boring life with some not-so-boring activities.

I go to college right now for Chemical/Materials Engineering, but I take classes in my free time so that I can get a dual-minor in English and Philosophy- the added bonus from taking these extra classes is that I can spend time away from the socially-awkward engineering department. I like spending what's left of my free time in the great outdoors, taking photos, hiking, camping, backpacking, fishing, and when I was younger, hunting.

If I'm able to I usually like to go on trips around the world (currently posting from Shanghai), but so far I haven't been able to visit many of the places that I would like to.

Occasionally I'll watch some lectures on YouTube, go to the gym, or hang out with friends, but at the end of the day I'm slowly being eaten away by my crippling depression and count the days until my eventual suicide.

>> No.8273833

It's not so much that they're feminine, so much as they're the most painfully proper feminine activities imaginable.

I'm not going to knock tea, being a massive fan myself (although in a drinking sense).

>> No.8273837

>the added bonus from taking these extra classes is that I can spend time away from the socially-awkward engineering department
And rejoice in the extremely socially aware Philosophy department?
>but so far I haven't been able to visit many of the places that I would like to.
Tell me about it. It doesn't help that most of what I love is currently a war zone. Or may as well be.

>> No.8273842

It probably doesn't help that I was closest to my grandmother growing up.

I still drink tea a ton, aside from the peripheral stuff. What's in your cup this morning? I'm having some Mi Lan Xiang.

>> No.8273848

Haha you're not wrong about the philosophy department, but I think between english and philo I get a nice break from engineering. What places are you trying to visit?

>> No.8273863

Turkish (rize). Currently drinking Turkish almost exclusively, 'cause I just got a Turkish tea-set.

Among other places, like Iran, Sudan and Ethiopia.

>> No.8273884

We can try it out. An email you can use to reach me is everythingisgratis@gmail.com

>> No.8273899

My dad went to Iran back in the day - he gave me a carved silver box he got there that I've kept to this day. I can see Iran and Syria, but why Ehtiopia?

>> No.8273901

I make music
Listen to loads of music too
I collect records
collect books
I used to fuck big with watching movies but now i prefer to read

>> No.8273921
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>why Ethiopia
I'm a massive /his/fag.

>> No.8273926

I stopped playing video games years ago, age 27 now. I still play the occasional multiplayer game with friends though. It makes no significant impact on your life. Do what you enjoy.

>> No.8273941

Are you ameri or britfag ? If not there is nothing stopping you from going to iran.

>> No.8273943

I am a Britfag.

>> No.8273947

Well in this case I think you can still go there with an tourist group. Probably not the experience you're looking for I guess

>> No.8273953

What about me as an Amerifag?

>> No.8273958

Only possible with a guided tourgroup. Sorry anon

>> No.8273969

What if I sneak into Iran? I wouldn't be opposed to it.

>> No.8273977

I don't think you know what a hobby is, dear.

>> No.8273984

I haven't quit because I still have my gaming PC I built 5-6 years ago. The only game I play is CSGO, but not even everyday.

Just a few hours here and there throughout the week. The biggest effect is on the amount of free time I have... So I read more.

>> No.8273986

Because OP asks how they make you a better person? I don't think he's assuming they all necessarily do.

>> No.8273995

Maybe you can find a smuggler willing to get you there by boat. Apart from that overland seems like a really bad idea to me.

>> No.8273996

I guess you don't know, either.

>> No.8274002

It's something you do for fun in your spare time.

Do you have another definition for it?

>> No.8274008

I watch a lot of football (soccer). It doesn't make me a better person other than that it's something I do with my whole immediate family and is one of the few thing we all have common ground on.

>> No.8274009

You better look it up in the dictionary instead of pretending to know.

>> No.8274015

>An activity done regularly in one’s leisure time for pleasure

Exactly what I just said, with synonyms.

Stop being so mysterious, anon. Tell us what you're hinting at.

>> No.8274018
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His definition is pretty much the exact dictionary one, only with different wording.

>> No.8274019

I thought his point was that if you're doing it to better yourself you're not doing it for pleasure, but then he'd have taken issue with "fun", too.

>> No.8274022

I collect old toys. Especially the old diecsat cars. I like to dig around in the charity/curiosity shops and see what I can find.

>> No.8274024

My hobby is engendering responses.

>> No.8274026

Same thing.

>> No.8274029

Post some pics

>> No.8274041

I make pony tulpas and write MLP fanfiction.

>make you a better person

Lol spooks.

>> No.8274046

I barely play any more and I played a fucking lot until like 1 year ago.
The only impact is that I have more free time so I started playing the guitar, I read more, watch more lectures, educate myself and things like that but I still mostly hate people and stay solitary as much as possible so it's the same anyway I guess.

>> No.8274052


aka, pleasure addiction

>> No.8274054

No, that'd be spooked.

>> No.8274062
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Here are some of the cars I have

>> No.8274067

I feel like UAE>Iran would actually be a viable option, then maybe fly from the coast to Tehran?

>> No.8274068
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Archery and brewing tea.

Both teach me preserverence and discipline.

>> No.8274069
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I have about 10,000 or so cars and lots of odd toys.

>> No.8274070

Do you take lessons or go to a range, or just do archery around your home? I want to pick up archery but tfw downtown apartment living.

>> No.8274075

t. weeaboo

>> No.8274084

He could be a massive Angloboo.

>> No.8274090


Mostly at home or in the land I own (a couple of acres) where I shoot pheasants and hares, but sometimes I join a few people at a range. You'll need at least 15 feet of space to do target shooting.


I'm not a huge fan of japanese teas tbqph

>> No.8274096

Why fly ? Theres a lot to see on the way and a lot of people to meet. I dont know from where the smuggling ships at Irans southern coast are coming tbqh. Maybe UAE maybe Oman. If you are persistent you might eventually find someone there who is willing to take you with him.

>> No.8274132
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Hey anon, just letting you know I sent you an email about an hour back.

>> No.8274138


>> No.8274143

Eyy, fellow cello-fag in high school too. Always regretted how expensive it was, and how much harder it is to transport than a violin, disproportionate to how important it was in an orchestra.

Well, don't regret it that much now, though I do wish I would have played the piano instead

>> No.8274144

You should photograph them all and make an online gallery.

>> No.8274155

Glad to see you take such good care of them.

>> No.8274156

Video games are so much more boring for me than they used to be. I think the revelation came when I realized that the feeling of a virtual world is so limited, you can't actually fulfill your fantasies besides what the game has to offer.

Not to mention that now a days games are shorter, and they're more focused on the multiplayer aspect and I fucking hate that. Really, the only good modern video games I have played beyond the PS2 era, were Dark Souls and Oblivion: The Elder Scrolls IV. Those are the only games that felt like true classics, each of which I played the fucking hell out of. Then there was Halo 3, which literally held my attention because that's the only game that ever succeeded in having a great online experience. The entire social aspect of my youth was based on the friends I made on Halo 3, which I never stayed in contact with ever again. I remember all the countless hours of shit talking and trolling on the mic and destroying matchmaking matches with trolling and watching free roaming camera replay footage of all the crazy ass stunts you could do with the vehicles.

>> No.8274159

You'll never make the wise decision to quit playing them.

>> No.8274164

Well, learning the cello did give me a great foundation for knowing music theory. I played it for about 5 years before I got sick of it, but this summer I took piano lessons and the teacher was sort of amazed at how fast I learned the piano, said I was the fastest learning student she ever had. Thing is though, I already knew all the music theory from inside of the book, so it was just a matter of getting down the muscle memory of playing the piano. I breezed past a 150 page adult beginner practice book in about 3 weeks.

I still have a lot of piano books I got from my mom which I could be practicing, except after a semester of trying so hard to do something, I sort of lose interest because it feels like work. Hence why I haven't touched the piano since. That's what happens when banks control the federal reserve and we're all slaves tied with with shackles that we construct in our own minds.

>> No.8274174

Not that guy but I don't think you need to completely quit them.
Just limit how much time you spend on them which is easy if you are not playing multiplayer games. Multi is the real addiction, playing through a singleplayer game sometimes is fine and actually making games shorter helps not spending too much time on them, especially if there are only a few good ones anyway.

>> No.8274181

Nobody needs to do anything.

>> No.8274185 [DELETED] 

I'm 19 years old.

I am handsome, smart, athletic and virile.

I have a novel that is in it's final editing stage, and a creative writing professor at my college has read the first draft and thinks it's saleable.

I have a girlfriend who is confident, articulate, playful and spontaneous.

I have a small group of interesting friends from different social and academic backgrounds, and I also have many other acquaintances who see me as a reliable source of humour and good company.

Both my parents are alive and in good health.

I have no regrets.

I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.

I am a passionate lover, a sharp thinker, and a trader of witty repartee.

I am not self-pitying, meek or needlessly humble.

I will live a good life at your expense.

>> No.8274186
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>> No.8274189

I like to play guitar and write alt-folk songs about abstract feelings and clouds. Used to go for walks all the time but I've got a physical condition that prevents me from doing it much now. That's why I spend so much time on 4chan. Actually that's a good things, now that I think about it, because I found /lit/ in 2014 and since have gotten back into reading.

>> No.8274208

I'll try and see what I can find. Thanks a bunch anon.

>> No.8274239


>> No.8274241

/lit/ truly is normalfag.

My hobbies are watching anime, crying and contemplating suicide.

>> No.8274246

>watching anime

It's fine anon, you'll get over that, I have watched over 500+ series and just stopped after that.
Your other hobbies are fine.

>> No.8274254
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I think the day I get over anime is the day I shoot myself. I don't enjoy vidya, television or anything really and even though I like reading, it only augments my willingness to suicide.

Cute 2D girls make me stay in this world.

>> No.8274268

I felt exactly the same things for years but later switched anime for literature, art and knowledge just for its sake.
I still don't socialize apart from the bare necessities at work and don't want a gf but I don't really want to kill myself either.

>> No.8274278

But I already read a lot, I'm neet and read for 5-8 hours a day. If I stop watching anime I'll either have to read for 12 hours a day or become normie and take up a hobby like going to parties.

>> No.8274281

pick up an instrument and start writing, you don't have to leave the basement for either of them

>> No.8274291

I already write (not like I'll ever get something published though), tried playing the piano but it was boring as hell so I stopped. I thought about maybe becoming a marble sculptor because I really like the Greeks but I have no idea how to start and don't want to join a course or club for it.

>> No.8274295

Quite curious. In most cases Anime and vidya walk hand in hand

>> No.8274305

Gamers tend to watch anime (mostly they are the casual shounenfags or the "deep" fedorafags) but not so much the other way around, just try to talk about something like that on /a/, it's more common in Japan than in the West.
Unless you consider VNs vidya but I wouldn't really do that.

>> No.8274312


I see. Interesting, i suppose anime is a lot cheaper as a hobbie too. I mean, if you just download shit of course, not including the miniature/merchandising of course

>> No.8274322
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I absolutely loved vidya. Getting hyped for new releases and playing games for hours each day, but then it just kind of stopped. Most new releases seem very similar, if something looks interesting I have either no energy to play it or it turns out to be shit. After I got bored of playing singleplayer games I had a phase of playing competitive games so I have like 4k hours in Dota 2 and 2k in CS:GO but you get bored of them as well.

I'm sure my lust for cartoons will die out sooner or later, I just don't know what I'll do afterwards.

>> No.8274329

>you can't actually fulfill your fantasies besides what the game has to offer.
That's like reading a book for the escapism.

It's not video games that are the problem, it's you.

>> No.8274336

Same here bro. OP here, by the way. I was asking you this because i watched some anime(not much, like 50 series) when i stopped playing games. i was becoming more of a completionist,just finishing games to put on my list(i know, autism).

Then i spent two or three years reading lots of comics, buying them, actually, but it got really expensive, i tend to preffer cheaper hobbies.

Sometimes i think about watching a new anime series or something.

>> No.8274337

Also there is this stigma here that if you play vidya you are from /v/ which is despicable, especially for an /a/non so there's that.

>> No.8274342

oh no. anonymous stigma.

>> No.8274349

>implying board cultures don't exist and people don't adhere to them just because of anonymity

do you even browse 4chan

>> No.8274362

enjoy your excuses

>> No.8274364
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Every time I play vidya I have this kind feeling and a bit of pressure in my head. It's hard to describe it but I play for 4h for example and then just feel kind of empty? As if I have not achieved anything even if I have finished a good game or got a highscore. Watching anime doesn't leave me with that feeling, never has, nor does reading.

>> No.8274403

I played dota for 10years on and off and just stopped because I came to a point where it was a chore, I needed some time to realize this but really the game was all about winning and I had irrational anger whenever there was some retard in the team and tilted me as fuck so I became even worse the next game, I just couldn't break this cycle.
I didn't even know what to do with all my free time but I became a lot calmer after I left behind this sunk cost fallacy.

>> No.8274436
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Fly fishing and tying.

Fly tying is a creative outlet, as well as being very rewarding when you catch a trout on an imitation you made yourself.

And well, fishing gets me out of the house, and gives me more experiences than I otherwise would.

There is a lot of downtime, waiting around in the woods or on the shore, and so it gives you time to think.

>> No.8274446
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I play video games, roleplay (I guess that's also writing), play the harp, workout (boxing), and paint. This semester I'm starting a sculpting class.

>> No.8274449

Don't you get bored of the insanely formulaic structure of anime? That's what put me off after years, yes there are the occasional gems but overwhelming majority is literally the same scenarios with different character designs.
If I look at cinematography it's the same, only a few gems but mostly just boring shots compared to cinema.

>> No.8274451


You can't even spell salable right.

Kill yourself.

>> No.8274457

I'm really into film and music. I think I get just as much out of them as I do literature, in terms of exposure to all of these great ideas, eloquent expressions, and grand emotions.

Play video games occasionally, which are a fun challenge to your mental reflexes. I mostly play older games and don't pay attention to the most recent developments in the industry.

Exercise every morning, alternating between cardio and lifting, and I walk around my neighborhood nearly every evening. This keeps me sharp physically and mentally, and the walks are great for introspective thinking, almost like meditation.

For several months I was sampling as many beers, wines, and liquors as I could, but I've largely cut that out of my routine in an effort to stay in good health. Still grab a few drinks if I'm with a friend or family, even occasionally alone on a lonely night. Not really sure how this one can be self-improving. Expands my palate, I guess?

Love browsing the web and finding new sites to explore, even though these days I largely just stick to 4chan. Such a wealth of information here so it's a great learning resource. Plus much of modern culture is digital nowadays so this keeps me up-to-date.

Occasionally meet up with some friends or relatives. Might grab a few drinks, reminisce about the old times, complain about the current times, talk politics, attend a concert, play vidya, watch a sporting event or film, etc. Human connection is important for a fulfilling life, but I don't need it too frequently.

Been on dating sites recently trying to find a qt sexual companion. Had a pleasant conversation with a girl last night but when I asked if she wanted to meet up irl she said she was busy for the next few weeks and will get in touch when she's available. Is she just trying to politely decline my advances?

I think that's about it.

>> No.8274460


Didn't quit but I only focus on stuff I really enjoy. Been playing a lot of Dark Souls 3 recently, nothing else has piqued my interest.

>> No.8274461

Still no examples of actual hobbies have been mentioned.

>> No.8274466

He's a try hard.

>> No.8274469

What are actual hobbies? Stamp collecting?

>> No.8274479

stop baiting

>> No.8274483

I'm constantly trying to dodge materialism by creating self sufficient systems that can be built without money,like for example an hidroponic system made out of plastic bottles and sewer water. Or a Solar e reader maybe? I'm a loony I know. I developed this obsession because I can't fit in in a normal workplace

>> No.8274513

stop biting

>> No.8274514
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I used to think the same way anon- You'll eventually move on to something else. I would watch at least three 1-cour shows every single weekend over a good year and a half. Nowadays I'll barely pick up 1 or 2 things a season. I just wish I could finish off my 3tb backlog and officially call it quits.

The worst thing about anime as a hobby is that you can never bring it up with 99% of people. Either you're an weirdo who likes Japanese porn cartoons or talking with literal autists with no other interests besides shitty self-insert shows and JRPGS. Who can I talk to about 1001 Nights and Belladonna of Sadness with?

>> No.8274532

>I just wish I could finish off my 3tb backlog and officially call it quits.

What's the point, I just deleted everything so I won't ever have the chance to fall back into watching anime all day.
Just read some mango if you need to and then quit everything except hentai .

>> No.8274580

>I'm constantly trying to dodge materialism
You don't dodge materialism.

>> No.8274616

I enjoy film. I have a decent sized and growing Blu-ray collection, and I won't think twice about going to a screening alone. Went to a 35mm screening of The Umbrella's of Cherboug last week. I also play video games, but not nearly as much as I used to. I wrote for gaming site for a few years--even went to E3.

>> No.8274639

Cycling. It lets me forget about the world for a couple of hours and get an adrenaline/dopamine/whateverthefuckismine rush every now and then.

>> No.8274642
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I'm with you anon. Anime was my main hobby in college. I ended up transitioning to an interest in film. Trying to discuss anime can be infuriating. It's one of the few hobbies where people can spend almost all their time obsessing over it and still never move pass the surface.

>> No.8274649

I've been learning how to code over the past 2 years. Python last yeear, this year C. I find that it helps with concentration like reading and you have to careful with every line of code lest you risk a bug/shitty performance in your software.

I find the activity, mixed with University level math, to be a stimulating mental exercise at most. I can't imagine designing entire systems where each line is audited and is part of the entire orchestra.

I've also learned how to parse foreign languages more easily in real life since learning to program.

>> No.8274651
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>Self-improvement is a nu-male attitude

>> No.8274681

Found the nu-male in denial.

>> No.8274688

How does that work when you're a woman? How would self-improvement make you a nu-male?

>> No.8274689


>> No.8274696

It's not self-improvement, it's the (skin-deep) obsession with self-improvement because it looks good.

These are the same kind of faggots that want to be Stoics without reading anything Stoic.

>> No.8274706

going to the gym
140kg bench press, 200kg deadlift @ ~78kg

i can only recommend it.

>> No.8274726

I practice guitar and walk through the woods around my house. Sometimes I go to the gym. I've also been wanting to get into photography.
I get lonely a lot so these things help me get over that and feel happy.

>> No.8274737

Cinema is just as repetitive, so are a lot of books if you read fiction. I read mostly philosophy so that's a bit different but saying anime is repetitive but other media isn't is just not true.

>> No.8274777

Sounds like you were watching shit anime.

>> No.8274800

I've watched all kinds of anime for years from Angel's Egg to your generic seasonal shounen battle harem high-school LN adaptation.
Too bad that now looking back at them you can count on 2 hands the ones which are worthy, unlike books and movies where my life will never be long enough to get through them.

>> No.8274814

Totally quit it and to be honest it is for the better. Though I look back on my gaming past very fondly for I truly had a great time, it is for the better because gaming was such a waste of time in the sense of personal development. You stand still in time because of vidya, you really learn very little new and don't really challenge yourself. I spend a hsitton of my time on vidya because I was really competitive. Now the only one iam competing against is myself, trying to better myself constantly. Personally I feel like this a better way of living than when I was playing WoW 16/7.

>> No.8275322

I surf, lift, and play tennis. I have pretty bad anxiety and ADD, and some minor depression so these mellow me out and give me a way to expend energy. It slows my thinking down a little bit and helps me stay disciplined.

>> No.8275391

>visiting art museums and galleries
>shooting and occasionally hunting
>selling the odd rare book on ebay
>traveling, money permitting
>classical music, playing and attending concerts
Obviously I don't do everything on a regular basis.

>> No.8275394

Why are you wasting time replying?

>> No.8275476

How does your ADHD medication play into this? Does it give you, or worsen your depression/anxiety?

>> No.8275575

You're right about not being able to bring up anime with anybody, but I feel the same way with books.

I can't discuss even easier books from authors like Dostoyevsky or Nabokov, even if I talk to someone that likes reading they either read YA (etc) or have absolutely no understanding of the book.

I have tried a lot of things, I just don't like any of the things I have tried. At some point you get tired of trying to have fun at the local ping pong hall or trying to find enjoyment in learning the piano.

Nobody told me life would be like that.

>> No.8275582

You're right, nothing wrong about self improvement but when you talk to a nu-male or normie you can see their obsession with making everything about self improvement.

"Yea I went to the movies with my friends but I'm trying to be the best human being I can be and I'm always improving"

A phrase I heard from someone once.

>> No.8275588

Nigga you died in the 50s stfu

>> No.8275605

I have a lot of miscellaneous interests of which a lot I don't dedicate enough time to to call them hobbies or list here.

But I like:
Cooking (I'm a vegan btw)
Going to concerts/gigs and music in general
Taking long walks (4-15 km a day, ideally)

Less hobbies, more small interests:
Collecting vintage Russian/Soviet wristwatches and cameras
Japanese cartoons and comics

Out of those, I guess just the walks and the cooking are real "self improvement", as they help me be remotely healthy. I don't really care about self improvement; I care about realizing my destiny, which isn't about "improving myself" but doing the right things well, without caring about myself in the process. This mostly relates to reading, writing and studying.

>> No.8275607


>You're right, nothing wrong about self improvement but when you talk to a nu-male or normie you can see their obsession with making everything about self improvement.


Their obsession with self-improvement is plainly a result of sexual neurosis

>> No.8275631

Very true. I've stumbled into a few communities related to it and its all about either "enjoying fun :3" or obsessing over animators (a bit better, but some of these guys seem to be insufferable elitist jerks who still don't understand shit about anything, instead just repeating magical animation words over and over again ("wow, smears") and taking screenshots every time an anime includes a well-animated sequence).

This leads to it being impossible to talk about anything critically as the response is always "well don't watch it then if its not fun to u :3". The animation guys hate "overthinking anime because its so subjective", instead they just want to research production-related facts such as who animated which sequence. Christ.

>> No.8275651

I've quit video games for about four years now. I think it has helped me to enjoy more things in my life and focus on more important activities like excercising. I also think it has also made me feel calmer since I've removed myself from the immense stimulation that video games offer

>> No.8275664


r/Trueanime has decent discussions.

>> No.8275669

Aside from reading, I like to study mathematics and biology, take long walks, exercise, and cook and eat healthily.

For the past 5-6 years, I've also been actively struggling to not be depressed as fuck, but it's not working. I do basically everything research says alleviates bad feelings, but still going to bed feeling like a worthless piece of shit every single night. I often wonder how normal people avoid blowing their brains out when all they do is work, watch TV, and eat junk food. All my hobbies focus on self-improvement and being healthy in body/mind and I still hate myself.

>> No.8275673

I think the vast majority of anime is bullshit: fan service, hentai, pedophiles, ridiculous story plots, virgin fantasies..
The weeaboos have destroyed the industry. Nevertheless I've found some pretty good series and movies in anime (Evangelion, Perfect blue, Ghibli movies,etc.)

>> No.8275676

What makes Oblivion a classic to you?

>> No.8275682

>good discusion

The whole system of reddit doesn't allow decent discussion on any topic

>> No.8275691

Very true on the more popular boards, but on those with less users/posters it can be alright. I only go there for TrueFilm because /tv/ is such shit.

>> No.8275727


Nah the r/true subs are usually smaller and have decent discussions

>> No.8276011
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Lifting (pic related)
Working on my shit at the moment business and learning about it
Meditating (not really a hobbie)

Wow I thought there'd be more than that

>> No.8277038

The chess equivalent would be to start with Tarrasch. (also: lots of Tactics!)

>> No.8277063

I do a lot of music stuff, like playing in bands, recording, booking gigs, doing live sound, writing for local music magazines.
I have taken more of an interest in literature lately because I want to write better lyrics and better articles but lately ive also noticed that it probably doesnt matter because the larger music audience dont really care about anything other than 4/4 songs about fucking girls but maybe I can cater to a smarter niche

>> No.8277229

Good chest, but arms look shit.

>> No.8277233

>want to get into fitness but routines get boring as fuck, discipline isnt even a problem as I can go consistently for months

wat do, feels like i should find a boxing gym or something

>> No.8277236

Economics - though this is basically just reading.
Casually play some vidya - mostly sports games with friends or BF.

>> No.8277240

I put my name on my underwear, too.

>> No.8277250

I played it when I was about 16, I think. I spent hundreds of hours on it, I leveled up my character to be maxed out on every single stat, over powered him as fuck and gave him the best enchanted armor in the whole game, and the best weapons. I would roam around the world and go on massive killing sprees, it got to the point where the law wasn't even powerful enough to stop me, and I raised my bounty ridiculously high.

All the quests were incredible and more unique than they were in skyrim. It was the quests that really kept me playing the game for a really long time. The dark brotherhood, the thieves guild, the mages guild, etc. And the landscape was beautiful, you could just explore so much and it was always something new.

>> No.8277399

Nostalgia is the mind-killer.

>> No.8277438

Drawing, painting, violin, maths, physics.
Am getting into chemistry with a view to neuroscience.. also wanting to start composing more music and improvising (have only done folk tunes so far). I'd love to start sculpting as well. Might pick up programming again.. getting real tired of windows 10.

My hobbies give me a better-informed worldview; I can connect ideas from each. I couldn't imagine focusing on one.. how desolate.

I reckon I might as well mention weed, psychs and dissociatives. Though not hobbies in themselves, the give me a new appreciation of what I already have.

>> No.8277444

You are too good for /lit/

>> No.8277488

>routines can get boring as fuck
>discipline isn't a problem
do you see how these contradict?

>> No.8277498

Where my /pfg/ and /gg/ peeps at?

>> No.8277503

Not really, I can do anything consistently if I'm actually stimulated. Like writing. Fitness just has this weird grey zone.

>> No.8277530

I just smoke and day dream about if my ex and I were still together until I work up the courage to text her but when it doesn't send I remember she blocked my number.

If anything it's building character, right?

>> No.8277778

No. No it isn't.

>> No.8277784

Personally I've always loved running. Helps to have some music going and find some interesting trails or routes through cities. I don't get very bored of working out though, after a couple months of being on a team in high school I learned to love the feeling.

>> No.8277794

Yep. You should keep doing it. It'll only be healthy. Better than just bottling it up, y'know?

>> No.8277806
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>what are your hobbies /lit/?
sucking fucking dick at video games because I am a delusional shitter who can't get over his blatant inability to achieve simplistic, non-impactful, and unimportant goals who will eventually an hero due to not being rank 60+ in overwatch.
>How they help to make you a better person?
They don't, I'm an autistic sperglord incapable of basic accomplishment and destined to die a peasant.

>> No.8277887
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just buy a cheap prepaid phone if you really want to talk to her, but ultimately you shouldn't. Failed relationships failed for specific reasons. There are 7 billion~ people on earth. You will love again if you open your heart and mind.

I know it's not that easy, I am not strong enough to integrate my own advice, but maybe you can be. Best of luck.

>> No.8277908
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I go to violin lessons once a week. I may play in public at the end of the year if I complete the technical requirements for piece I want to play.
Considering joining an orchestra the next year, but not completely sure since I'll be near the 'retirement age' - I'll be 25 and the age limit for the youth orchestra is 27.

>> No.8277961

I see, guess I should try out orher alternatives then like running. Thanks anon

>> No.8279386
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I'm only now getting into serious reading by starting with the Greeks which I am enjoying a lot. I've discovered an obsessive love for the classics.

I want to get back into playing classical guitar. I want to learn to play the piano, and the harpsichord.

I'd like to really learn how to play go/baduk.

I'm also interested in learning photography, filming, sewing, indoor gardening, as well as hobby electronics, chemistry, mycology, ornithology, and amateur radio.

Thanks for listening.

>> No.8279394

classicalfag here: play in a community orchestra or some shit.

>> No.8279403

Most of my spare time is spent reading, or thinking about reading while I'm on fucking 4chan instead.

Other than that, I cycle for recreation, and go to the cinemas and theater a lot.

>> No.8279515

There aren't many community orchestras here that I'm aware of. I live in a small country.
The possible event of playing is an orchestra is unlikely anyway, the audition requirement is playing a mozart concerto (any). I wanted to play concerto 3 in g major but I don't think I will be good enough to playing fluently by then (march, 2016).

What instrument do you play?

>> No.8279550

Fucking do it man
Just do it

>> No.8279557

I'm a professional violist. much respect for learning such a difficult instrument as a hobby -- I know what it's like.

>> No.8279570
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>lab technician
>big on cinema
>fuck milfs
>drive hours away just to travel (cant afford airfare to other countries)
>professional jerking
the highlights of my life right now.

>> No.8279593

Cycling. Funnily enough, I have just finished The Rider, by Tim Krabbe. It is one of the greatest books I ever had the pleasure of reading, in a mere 148 pages.

>> No.8279655

Anyone else just read and write / socialise on weekends / just put up with annoying shit like having a job and cooking but basically treat them as cancers eating into your reading and writing time?

>> No.8279665

you should go on a shooting spree. make them PAY.

>> No.8279675

That is the plot of my new novel, it's written in bullet wounds on the bodies of my colleagues

> not really

>> No.8279683

You seem really charming.

>> No.8279694


>> No.8279752
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Thank you a lot, anon.

>> No.8279765

>implying /his/ is about history

>> No.8280044

I feel ya. Spend all my time doing things the hardest/cheapest way when I know full well I could have worked a little longer and just bought it. I think it comes either from growing up poor around richfags or my feeling that money is the ultimate form of authority. Hobbies include gardening, foraging, and reading about making intoxicants.

>> No.8280052

How so?

>> No.8280059

>implying reading a bunch of stoic works was the hardest part about being a stoic

>> No.8280079

Have you listened to the kings of convenience? Your posts remind me of them

>> No.8280177

depends on what you watch

>> No.8280197

Besides reading, I enjoy exercising (either lifting at the gym, playing football, or going on runs) everyday, listening to a lot music, and going to the beach or the river. My life is pretty boring, but I'm currently a student, and do not have a lot of money to indulge in more costly activities.

I have to say that I have gotten used to this lifestyle, which I follow with strict discipline, and I do not know if this is a good thing, because I think that it might lead to my eventual suicide at age 35.

However, I can say that for the moment it keeps me sane because I feel healthy, and most of my hobbies promote a healthy life.

>> No.8280820

If you need to dodge materialism, you're still materialistic. The point is to not need material to begin with, to not have to want it, not to restrict yourself from it.

>> No.8280829

Music, mostly jazz, ambient and singer/songwriter, and I started getting into classical, but I listen to everything. I play the guitar and I started learning alto sax, I also used to play the harmonica, still do that from time to time but I just improvise a bit and that's all. I rarely watch films, maybe two in a month? I started learning drawing, maybe I'll try painting after I learn the basics of drawing.

Other than that I do some gymnastics, go for walks/hikes, or travel a bit.

>> No.8280885

No. Implying reading a bunch of stoic works is the first step to even understanding what being a stoic means, and which none of these people will ever take.

>> No.8280898
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Cinema is what I love the most. Aside from that, I like music, photography, tennis, some vidya, and feeling miserable. I also go to the gym, I suppose.

I'm only 18. Can I still get my shit together? I have friends that I get along with, and I was somehow extroverted aty school, but I barely talk to them outside of school. I'm so afraid of becoming a cynic, jaded man who will kill himself, and what scares me the most is that I already feel like that.

>> No.8280955

Besides reading and writing:
>lifting, with both strength and aesthetics being my goals
>guitar, though I am very mediocre considering how long I've played
>occasionally watching good movies and series
>shooting, but rarely
>sometimes running, bicycling and hiking
>completing language courses in Duolingo; I'm learning German at the moment
>listening to music, although I would necessarily count this as a hobby

I try to improve myself in all areas of my life: my body must be strong, endurant and healthy, and I must study and learn everything worth knowing, from philosophy to history and from anatomy to art. Writing allows me to use my creativity, and playing the guitar and learning new languages gives my brain nice remedial stimulus. I want to become as perfect in every way as I possibly can.

>> No.8280974

Stopped playing multiplayer all together pretty much but I still log in a few hours each week with a few single player titles. It's okay I guess. I read and work out more. Didn't impact my life all that much.

>> No.8281133

>completing language courses in Duolingo; I'm learning German at the moment

I'm doing the Turkish course right now, and I was wondering whether you just do your goal of 2 or 3 completed lessons everyday or do you complete all the old stuff and always trying to do something new everyday?

>> No.8281145

>I'm only 18. Can I still get my shit together?
I wish these were the magic words that caused instant death.
Jesus christ you're insufferable.

>> No.8281162

Fucking kys

>> No.8281254

I keep everything in full strength and try to move a bit forward every day. I repeat whatever the site is telling I need to repeat and move on to the new stuff after that.

>> No.8281434
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In order of decreasing frequency:
Reading/collecting books
Drinking and conversing with friends and dates
Pipe and cigar smoking
Fly fishing (pic related - a recent trip)
Multiplayer video games (dropped off almost entirely since I started grad school)

I think my hobbies include a good mix of solitary activities for personal reflection and to simply get away with more social activities. Fly fishing is probably my favorite as it gets me out in nature, takes me to beautiful places, and affords me the opportunity to reflect on my surroundings with nobody else around but my dog. Golf is similar but not quite as powerful. I typically golf by myself and nearly always fish alone but sometimes I'll do both with a friend or even a stranger so I can meet interesting new people who are (especially with fishing) often like-minded.

>> No.8281517

I am currently unemployed. All I do with my time is smoke cannabis, play guitar, read literature, and come here when I am bored late at night. I will continue to do this as long as it is viable.

>> No.8281562

>I was closest to my grandmother growing up

>> No.8281564
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Just did 45mins of yoga for the first time. I actually feel relaxed and content. Any recommended literature to go with this feel?

>> No.8281599
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No. I don't think she shares more than one of my hobbies, and she reads very different books than I do.

>> No.8281603

Ryokan, Basho, Buson, Issa

>> No.8281612

is alcoholism a hobby

>> No.8281623

It's more of a lifestyle. You could pick some alcoholic drinks and call them hobbies.

>> No.8281663

This, reading them is just pure enjoyment, but I forget about all that shit as soon as I step outside

>> No.8281734

>Tim Krabbe
In case anyone else was wondering it's the same crab as the chess guy.

>> No.8281931

Powerlifting. That's about it

>> No.8282004

I have a job as a waiter and I'm going to University for Computer Science
I also play a ton of video games and watch movies/tv
Currently playing a shitload of Factorio

>> No.8282089
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I drink because everything is boring and shitty if I don't.

>> No.8282092

I quit games I think an year ago. It's escapism. It's the best decision I've made I think. You have to experience it for yourself, you'll see all gamers are a cult of children. Being an adult feels very nice.

>> No.8282129

Books are escapism too you faggot

>> No.8282132

Music (guitar, edm production), Lifting, Baduk/Go, Drawing and Painting, Studying, Meditation, Partying/Socialising, Meditation, Chess

>> No.8282137

Also, watching series/movies, soending time with the GF and observing people. ;)

>> No.8282166
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I maintain my homeserver and study ethics in technology. I want to do Linux administration after I graduate.

Writing a report for a class on the unabomber's ideals. Very conflicted since I'm in the technology field and sorta agree with Ted.

>> No.8282419

Biggest fucking pleb in this thread.

Hopefully you're not an entitled cunt who wants big tips at work.

>> No.8282421

No if you're reading patrician tier stuff you video game homo.

>> No.8282442

dropping in to say that ethiopia is a great country to visit. highly recommended. i hope you get to visit someday!

>> No.8282446

chess, tennis, alcohol

they do not make me a better person, but they keep me occupied

>> No.8282482

I don't even want to know how much time I've put into Melee over the years. Only games I play now are it and Dota, and I'm considering quitting the latter. I'll stop playing Melee when my hands fall off.

>> No.8282486

>what are your hobbies /lit/?
i collect pictures of female feet

>How they help to make you a better person?
it doesn't

>> No.8282540

I religiously play soccer.

>> No.8282554


Sup Dave, thought you felo-de-sed

>> No.8282588

There are no hobbies for me.

Everything is work. Life is an experiment that I am here to solve.

>> No.8283453

Playing/listening to music, guns, and lifting.

>> No.8283480

What do you mean, there are others hobbies but writing?

Well, I wish I had the time to learn how to produce music and draw.

>> No.8283486

I run and program.
Not sure if it makes me a better person though.

>> No.8283491

you listen to your guns? what do they tell you?

>> No.8284349

wake up

>> No.8284654

play guitar (can strum some songs, trying to learn fingerstyle)
softball (work league)
cooking (recent development and I still have to check recipes online or in books fairly frequently)
movies, stage plays, concerts
fapping to japanese incest gameshow porn

>> No.8284667

Swimming, making friends on the internet, going on the train and talking to strangers about life, attempting nofap (I usually relapse on the 4th day), stalking girls on the internet and sketching pictures of them then sending them those photos

>> No.8284673

I play guitar and listen to a lot of music. Recently bought a harmonica holder which is fun to mess around with.

>> No.8284836

Tim Krabbe is a talent at everything he does.
I can highly recommend his chess diary, by far the greatest internet blog I've ever seen.
You have to be at least an intermediate player to get something out of it though.

>> No.8284853

I think you mean otaku. Weeaboos are non Japanese otaku and therefore have no influence on the industry.

>> No.8285050

All of you are quite boring as people.

>> No.8285131

Working out and playing rugby,

>> No.8285140

What do you do?

>> No.8285271

Martial arts.
It hardens my knuckles.