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8273587 No.8273587 [Reply] [Original]

Can we all agree that post modernism is one of the best things to ever happen to art, if not the best thing? What better revolution than realizing that art is whatever you find enjoyable, it doesn't have to be done by some sort of standard. If you find something interesting, it's by default a good piece of art.

I think this is wonderful, because not only does it get art to be fun and exciting again (as opposed to stuffy) but it opens up your mind to outside the box thinking. It gets you to think about the subjective nature of our representation of the world. There's no "right way" to perceive the world, and there's plenty of ways that reality breaks down, especially when you get into post modern art like surrealism, dadaism, etc.

I believe this started early in the 20th century with the dadaism movement, but I believe it could predate that. I know that 60s and 70s culture was really the cultural tipping point though, which in my opinion is where the world really started turning around for the better. Pic related is one of my favorite works of art.

>> No.8273595 [DELETED] 

>There's no "right way"
>subjective nature
>art is whatever you find enjoyable
>it doesn't have to be done by some sort of standard. If you find something interesting, it's by default a good piece of art.

This is what cultural marxists who hate whiteness actually believe.

This is the reason why we have feminism and why men have been pussified through postmodern tactics, and we have gone away from race realism to muh feels of equality

>> No.8273597

I'm not quite sure you 'read' postmodernism correctly. Then again I'm not confident that I and the rest of /lit/ know and understand postmodernism.

>> No.8273598
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>> No.8273600


Postmodernism isn't about any of those things.

>> No.8273606 [DELETED] 

>"everyting is subjektive!" xD
>"African culture is only inferior to white culture from a WHITE SUPREMACIST perspective, in reality its neither better nor worse, it's all subjective, man, pass the blunt! :P"

>> No.8273618
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This is another reason why I love post modernism. Traditionalists think that because their perceived wisdom is conventional that therefor it's right. Post modernism breaks down conventional wisdom and questions why it's right, and in some cases rejects wisdom and convention all together and just says fuck it, we don't need to do things by some sort of code. That to me is higher art, but more so I like it because it makes traditionalists very butthurt. I am a dyed in the wool hippy socialist atheist homosexual gender bender vegetarian humanist, and I am glad to be everything you stand against. No, I'm not making this up, I really am all those things.

And by the way, your sexist comment about "pussifying" is disturbing to me. I sympathize with feminism, but I don't associate with feminism, because it has a gendered prefix in front of it, where egalitarian and humanism are gender neutral. For a movement that claims to want equal rights for women (which really just wants liberation from the boogyman of patriarchy, which is bullshit) it really is a bit of a hypocritical stance to take, in my opinion. Rarely in western culture is there really issues which need feminism, 13% more women go to college in our country than men, apparently, plus they live longer, plus they have lower suicide rates, I don't like a lot of what feminism stands for, but I stand with feminists on a lot of the same ideas, so it's tricky.

>> No.8273629

I think that this kind of assessment has it backwards. Postmodernism didn't happen to the arts so much as the arts changed and now fits a postmodern model.

The kind of people who dislike postmodernism seem to think it is something that has been imposed on the arts, denying us the chance to have standards but really it just reflects the fact that the arts are fragmented now with many different branches, even within the same area.

It isn't that there is no objective truth in arts, or any other discipline, but that there are multiple objective truths. Cultural marxism is a very real truth for some people and it shapes their entire worldview just as it is a nonsense fable for a lot of other people.

To say that pomo is the best thing to happen is pretty much an anti-pomo statement as it starts imposing a value judgement on something that is about varying views and narratives. Pomo isn't, or at least shouldn't be, a manifesto, doctrine or plot, it should just be an tempt to describe the world as it is now in all it's conflicting natures.

>> No.8273631


You're all retarded. Just listen to primers like this before writing bullshit

>> No.8273634

lol, where did you get "traditionalists" from postmodernism?

Do you think modernism = conventional christianity or am I misreading your pseud comment

>> No.8273643

All of the people who get mad at post modernism are always alex jones/rush limba tier people, who are the equivalent being braindead.

>> No.8273652

you are, functionally speaking, as pseudo-intellectual and "brain dead" as the infowars demographic that you have so described.

>> No.8273660

That's quite a shallow remark.

>> No.8273671

"it's" "not" "anything"