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8272376 No.8272376 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm going to be taking my grad school admissions test in 2 weeks and there's a writing sections where you have to make an argument in 30 minutes.

Anyone feel like critiquing some of my practice prompts and giving me some tips?

>> No.8272381

I'll have my "I came here to laugh at you" macro ready.

>> No.8272384

This was done under test conditions in 30 minutes.

>Writing topic: Discuss a solution to the problem of AIDS epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa.

Despite the amazing efforts of individuals, countries and charity organizations such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the AIDS epidemic counties to kill thousands in sub-Saharan Africa. This incurable disease spreads fast, has been shown to mutate and adapt to healing environments that the patient is subjected to and in the poor and malnourished population of sub-Saharan Africa paves the way for multitudes of opportunistic infections to take the life of the patient. One solution to curb the spread of this destructive disease is to enforce prevention policies through education and resources, and to follow that up with frequent STD testing. Additionally, medication for the already infected must be provided, newer medications that Western AIDS patients have access to have been shown to drop blood viral loads to undetectable levels, which would stop an opportunistic infection from claiming a patients life, as well as helping the patients work and be able to life a normal life.

Since the AIDS epidemic in the USA in the 80's and 90's, billions have been spent on education, especially sexual education, in order to stop the spread of the virus. It has been proven time and again that prevention is the best cure, and since then America has not had an AIDS problem. The same needs to be done with the sub-Saharan population in Africa. Unsafe and risky sex needs to be stopped, as well as any rituals or traditions that involve blood or needle sharing. A big problem with this prevention rhetoric however is why would the population follow the advice they've been taught. They've most likely been told hundreds of times about the risks of unprotected sex and blood sharing since AIDS became a problem decades ago and yet the virus still persists. They haven't been following the advice because proper resources and testing hasn't been available to them. If they were provided with resources like condoms, easy access to STD/STI testing and counseling they would follow the advice and we would see massive drops in infection levels; just like in the US when such resources and methods were employed. Additionally medications such as PreP have been developed that could actually allow a person to become "immune" to catching the virus. It's now cheap enough where all you need to get the medication in the US is a simple prescription. If the population over in sub-Saharan were to have access to this medication infection rates would plummet. It's much easier to have someone take a simple pill once a day then to remember to put on a condom before intercourse. Providing medication like PreP falls under giving the people of sub-Saharan Africa the resources and counseling that they need to fight the spread of this infection

>> No.8272389


In addition to prevention, the currently infected also must be dealt with and treated. There now exists medications that will drop the viral load in a patient infected with AIDS to undetectable levels, shielding him or her from opportunistic infection and allowing them to live a healthy life. Providing medications such like this to the already infected population of sub-Saharan Africa would take care of the other half of the problem. You would no longer see hospitals full of dyeing people, but rather an infected person would be able to work and provide for his family. This would greatly improve the economic situation in sub-Saharan Africa and would provide the countries with devestated economies and low GDP to be able to afford to provide the resources that their citizens need.

Despite the amazing efforts of individuals, countries and charity organizations such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the AIDS epidemic counties to kill thousands in sub-Saharan Africa. A simple solution to curb the spread of this destructive disease is to enforce prevention policies through education and resources, and to follow that up with frequent STD testing. Additionally, medication for the already infected must be provided, newer medications that Western AIDS patients have access to have been shown to drop blood viral loads to undetectable levels, which would stop an opportunistic infection from claiming a patients life, as well as helping the patients work and be able to life a normal life.
Also they don't support indentation for some reason, and paragraphs are separated by a line break.

>> No.8273082

guys pls help

>> No.8273087
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You'll be fine bro