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8271507 No.8271507 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone read starship troopers/the forever war? General review and discussion thread

>> No.8271511


Only the movie is worth watching because things and plot actually happen in it.

The book is just bookcamp and facist rhetoric.

>> No.8271518

Yeah I'd heard that. Still think it's worth a read tho. I want to get a copy of both books, they seem to have two takes on a similar subject

>> No.8271532

i liked starship troopers because the battles were pretty well written i thought, but as >>8271511 said, there isn't much actual plot or character development

>> No.8271538

Thanks for your input. Anyone ever read the forever war? Or armour? Seem to be better versions of starship troopers

>> No.8271546

Heinlein jerking off in poorly disguised character dialogue.

>> No.8271550

The Forever War and Starship Troopers are not the same book? I read the former and was entertained, but I don't remember much but drug fueled space Vietnam and him adjusting to the utopian/dystopian future.

>> No.8271558

What does "bookcamp" mean?

>> No.8271563

Both deal with powerarmoured troops in space fighting a (mostly) unknown alien race with political messages laced within. I'd read somewhere that the forever war was a retort to the failings of starships troopers. I may be wrong

>> No.8271569

The power armor only comes up on forever peace I think. They also don't seem very similar but I have only read one. Forever War deals with Vietnam and progress/change in society and alienation of soldiers. Starship Troopers seems to be completely unironic fascist fantasies.

>> No.8271570

Yes, and it may well be the worst book I have ever read !

>> No.8271573

Thanks for the input mate. I got through some of the audiobook for the forever war. There were definitely power armoured troops

>> No.8271577

Which one?

>> No.8271586

Sorry I mixed it up. Forever Peace had remote controlled robots or something like that.

>> No.8271594

No bother mate, I won't begrudge anyone a mistake. Can you tell me a little bit more about the book? I want to find out weather I should continue with it

>> No.8271613

Starship Troopers. Not only it was politically disgusting, but also there were some disturbing passages, especially the one were everyone and the author himself are amazed when the boy meets his father in the army... Or when Heinlein teaches you with delice the chastisement for disobeying military men...
All of this being submerged by pages and pages of nothingness. It succeeds somehow to show you the emptiness of a soldier's life. In fact, this book is a strange way to ingrain in you hate for the army and vaccinate you from fascism by a prolonged exposition to its brutishness.

>> No.8271638

Good review. Mayhaps I should stick to the forever war instead

>> No.8271660

This poster is an idiot

It's a pretty mediocre book with some interesting ideas, but the plot is too weak to enjoy reading. I thought I would give Heinlein another try after also being disappointed with the moon is a harsh mistress. This time I really won't read anymore Heinlein.

>> No.8271673

Heinlein is a strange author. Didn't he write the hippies' cult book "Stranger in a Strange Land" too ?

>> No.8273415

Forever War was great when I read, but I bet it would seem a little silly and naive if I read it today.
But I still remember the feeling of awe+shitty realism as something to strive for.

>> No.8273471

The FIRST POST and we're already ragging on muh fascism

>> No.8273488

Early Heinlein is fascistic, late Heinlein is hippie.

>> No.8273556
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Awful lot of pessimism here. It sounds like the same people who say "William gibsons Neuromancer is boring, the Internet is nothing like that". Easy to say now, but during its release it was cutting edge because he stepped out on a ledge others couldn't see and did things others couldn't. Shouldn't you be out catching pokemons? I'm not blindly defending an author, but your stupid ass was likely born in the 90's.

>> No.8273567

>someone on 4chan was likely born in the 90s
Gee what a guess

>> No.8273569

Odd, it's usually the other way round with most people

>> No.8273590


Both good books - particularly the forever war.

Starship Troopers movie is best tho senpai

>> No.8273596


retardedly posted, friendo