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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 385 KB, 1413x2000, christiano-ronaldo-gq-0216-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8271025 No.8271025 [Reply] [Original]

If one could write like Shakespeare, Tolstoy, Proust or Cervantes, for example, and at the same time had a body like the one in pic related, wouldn’t that be nice?

Imagine pictures of such a writer crowned with a laurel wreath: now that would be glorious. The perfect achievement of great body and soul.

The old Greeks and Romans would sing endless hymns of glory for such a man, and Pindar would certainly write his best Ode on the honor of him.

>> No.8271037

the greeks were ripped dude

>> No.8271044

not my taste

>no homo

>> No.8271053


>> No.8271065

He's called Karl Ove Knausgard

>> No.8271083

what's that muscle between his pits and his ribcage? I don't even think I have that one.

>> No.8271085



Those are lats

Pull ups, rows, deadlifts, cleans will build them up. Getting them to pop is a decent milestone in terms of fitness/bodybuilding

>> No.8271089

Why not being an ugly fuck like Sartre or Zizek and still get all the pussy?

>> No.8271092

>his ribcage
that's not his ribcage showing, it's serratus anterior muscle.

>> No.8271098

Musil proved you wrong, read him.

>> No.8271107


Because beauty makes everything greater for you. If you are beautiful you multiply your achievements several times. Ronaldo was not going to be as popular and adored-by-the-media if he were not handsome. Marlon Brando was not going to be revered so much as an actor if it weren’t for his sublime physical beauty.

If we had pictures of Shakespeare, and lets say that he was actually very good looking, he was going to be even more popular than he is now (he would captivate even those girls who hardly read poetry, but still post Rimbaud pics on their Facebook etc.), and I bet a lot of people would even say he was some kind of god or something.

>> No.8271112
File: 89 KB, 928x523, marlon_brando_last_tango.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8271120
File: 56 KB, 500x710, bed70343ac36b6afd90d084d376774f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You know I am talking about this time of his life, right?

>> No.8271143

Streetcar's in my top 10 homie, I'm just having some fun w/y.

>> No.8271145

When watching the EM final on Sunday I realized how breathtakingly beautiful Ronaldo is.
It's not even about his body, but his face. He has a perfect blend of though masculine feautures and delicate femine ones. It's a work of art, I think I could stare at it for hours.

>> No.8271156
File: 53 KB, 736x552, 5cd21f19e5fc3b1c00c3320e7a3df4df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I like him (but I am also jelly as fuck)

>> No.8271175


hot as fuck


>> No.8271195

He underwent plastic surgery

>> No.8271204


If that's so, it's one of the extremely few cases where it actually worked as intended.

>> No.8271208
File: 26 KB, 480x360, cristiano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related was him back in the days tho

>> No.8271225

Top kek the only change between him and this picture is his weight

>> No.8271228

so what you're saying is that Brando wins is what you're saying?

>> No.8271254
File: 47 KB, 1854x280, socrates ripped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8271267


the craziest part is that Athenians were largely considered pussies by the rest of Greece, especially Sparta and Macedon

>> No.8271277

>He has a perfect blend of though masculine feautures and delicate femine ones.
reminds me of jim morrison a bit desu

>> No.8271284

they were jelly because they were all uncultured peasants

>> No.8271288


fucking this; many times I tought the same thing. This two faces are the perfect ones in my opinion; I wanted to look like one of those two guys.

>> No.8271311

Jesus, I knew that /lit/ was one of the gayer boards but I didn't expect something like this thread. But hey, if that's how you swing, go on.

>> No.8271434

didn't nobody ask for your permission

>> No.8271452

>masculine features

Yeah, where? He has one the world's most punchable faces and he's passed his prime

>> No.8271464
File: 37 KB, 388x302, 20160712_158116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not engaging in modern-day /fit/erature
>Making it

Pick one. How can you even call yourself the master race if you can't even bench lmao2pl8s? How can you call yourself le true gentleman if you can't even squat 3?

Man/lit/s BTFO.

>> No.8271481


>Appreciating sublime aesthetics makes you gay


>> No.8271486


Nice tits faggot.

>> No.8271493

>Typical beta manlet response

I know it's your first day on 4chan, but just as a friendly reminder; people under 180 pounds, and people under 5'10" aren't actually allowed to express their opinions on this forum. I'm sorry, friendo. Maybe next time :(

>> No.8271504

kek that gyno

>> No.8271512

You do really have Gynecomastia, and you too are quite the wench in other regards.

>> No.8271515

>you will never be physically attractive

kill me. literally the only thing that matters in the whole world.

>> No.8271529

Chill out, you frick. I don't talk like that in real life; or even on /fit/ or /lit/. I'm just having a bit of the bantz.

What did you just say about me, you little bitch?

>> No.8271530

fat faggot

>> No.8271535

Nice redundant semi-colons by the very way.

>> No.8271549

I talk the way I type, man. Why you bully?


>> No.8271555

>I talk the way I type

Very slowly apparently.

>> No.8271574

>Implying I'm not browsing several other threads at once
>Implying you're my biggest priority next to shitposting on /his/ and tending to my Neopets
>Implying my response time wasn't 3 minutes, which is a perfectly logical amount of time to expect before replying to a 4chan post

I like the cut of your jib, bud. Commas are for commies, am I right?

>> No.8271579

I seemingly am high enough on your priorities list for you two write me half an essay.

And please do cut it off.

>> No.8271584

Your body is a misshapen mess and you're a massive faggot for posting an unsolicited pic of yourself on the Internet. Go work on your triceps, core and legs like a real man. Also, some smaller tits and a bit of hair on your body might help you not look like a disgusting semi-muscular female.

Now go tie a plastic bag around your head.

>> No.8271585


Fully intentional by the way. Of course, I do not make mistakes.

>> No.8271605
File: 24 KB, 499x499, datboifrogmeme.tumblrjpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This thread was already full-homo by the time I got here. What did you want me to do? Validate OP's quest for /fit/ philosophers by keeping my shirt on and taking a pic of my Western Lit thesises?

>Implying I'm not bulking
>Implying I lift for girls

Pic related very related, my dude. Me on the left.

>Greentexting shitposts are now considered "half an essay"

Wowee! Did I sure learn something today!

>"And please do cut it off."

What did he mean by this?

>> No.8271618
File: 12 KB, 240x240, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8271647

Thanks for the (You)!

>> No.8271884
File: 91 KB, 480x598, cRy6yas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy is way too skinny. his muscles are small. he looks homosexual. I'd rather look like this desu

>> No.8271895

you would rather look like an old bald faggot

>> No.8271916

no I'd rather just looked jacked instead of a skinny faggot lol

>> No.8271950

you have a degenerate conception of human ends. one seeks strength to protect others, not for beauty, which is soft, narcissistic and womanish.

men don't need to appear beautiful, that's what women are for.

>> No.8271974

grandpa? is that you in your wwII bunker?

>> No.8272037

Ottermode is always the healthiest and most physically applicable mode.
You think Spartans were meant to be bulked-up whey fags?

>> No.8272335

dog go to the gym for one year. diet to get low bf and you can look like that. it's too easy.

>> No.8272365

How does ronaldo have such beastly lats. I doubt he lifts, that chest is pathetic. The height, face, and frame meme is true, isn't it?

>> No.8272386
File: 384 KB, 840x630, CristianoRonaldoface (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I do not think he has done plastic surgery, but he certainly benefited from tanning (which hides imperfections on the skin) and probably small botox applications (and certainly porcelain veneers to the teeth).

But I think he was very lucky with the cheekbones and jaw.


>> No.8273607

Tfw i will never pass the ugly ducklin stage

>> No.8274490

How the fuck did he changed so much?

>> No.8274510
File: 78 KB, 400x565, dahl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8274529

so if being ugly is not a wonky nose and crooked mouth and double chin and stick-out teeth, then what the fuck IS ugly?

>> No.8274533

>not being able to understand a children's book


>> No.8274609

Did you think starting with the Greeks was just a meme, buddy?

>> No.8274623
File: 86 KB, 349x554, arnie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roids change your facial features.

>> No.8274637

this makes me want to start lifting desu

i went from pudgy to full skeltal but i don't really feel healthy yet

>> No.8274638

>when people are ugly it's their own fucking fault so you better make fun of them best you can

thanks roald :)

>> No.8274659

read it again

>> No.8274665

>If a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on their face
>illustration of a person slowly turning uglier because of their thoughts

Stop having bad thoughts you ugly sack of shit lmfao

>> No.8274674

How does it feel to unironically misinterpret a book meant for children

>> No.8274715

This holy shit

>> No.8274722 [DELETED] 

>this is the kind of person you discuss literature and philosophy with

>> No.8274725


>> No.8274876


It will be nice if things like this pic:


were real

>> No.8274897

I unironically accept this to be true, because I experienced it.

>> No.8274938

how do i become / a e s t h e t i c /, mates?

>> No.8274957

Mortal coils are eventually shuffled off, pretty and ugly alike.

>> No.8274963


Yes, but glory is the sun of the dead.

>> No.8275088

I wonder if a ridiculously handsome writer would be taken seriously.

>> No.8275103

knausgard is famous for having his picture taken smoking a cigarette desu

>> No.8275309

I hope you don't really believe glory matters.

>> No.8275340

get skinny like op

>> No.8275371

i never have been

>> No.8275385

i am skinny now but i'm 6'3" so starting to get pretty fucking spooky

>> No.8275410

He used to look like Nick Winding Refn.

>> No.8276957

Even you don't believe what you just said. Plus knausgaard ia all but athletic: he spent most of his life being slighly obese