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8269159 No.8269159 [Reply] [Original]

Be honest, who here watches the show?

>> No.8269171
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Dropped it after season 2

>> No.8269174
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I'll recommend you something better: Dekalog.

Watch it then tell me GoT is good TV.

>> No.8269177

I don't trust that polish sounding name

>> No.8269238

I do.
I think it's not too bad for a tv show, the books are garbage though.

>> No.8269248

I watch it, I used to love it, but I don't think I can stand another season of that bullshit anymore. It actually feels like when you start a relationship, and two years later it sucks. The show dropped so much it's quality, and it will not get good again, ever.

>> No.8269250

To be honest, I really never even seriously considered watching it.

I cannot understand for the love of me the fascination that reaches even my pleb professional humanities circles, admitting that it's ""just entertainment"" of course, in watching a literal BOOK ADAPTATION (laughable in professional /tv/ circles) of a GENRE FICTION (laughable in professional /lit/ circles).

I don't think if anyone wanted to, for the sake of diminishing the moral of the people, deliberaly expose their capacity to be bombarded by advertisements into blind servile consumption of junk cultural (non-)content, that he could devise any better plan than creating a BOOK ADAPTATION of a literal GENRE FICTION

Is mankind just rusing me? Or am I going insane? Wouldn't staying sane in such an insane society be the real proof of my insanity?

>> No.8269286

Because until recently when it got a bit shit, it was an unusually complex show essentially about medieval politics, with some actually deep and believable characters.

I hate fantasy/genre fiction but it is good.

Also it might get rid of your annoying condescending outrage if you actually tried to watch it.

>> No.8269964


It's just a spectacle and nothing more, it'll be entirely forgotten once it's over and done in a year or so. Though the thing that annoys me most are the people who claim to love ASOIAF/GOT when ten years ago they wouldn't have even heard of it or giving a flying fuck now.

>> No.8270057

the show/books are utter shit but
>how dare they liking something they didn't know from day 1

>> No.8270089

>he didnt develop a love for cersei &(and) Jaime
>he dont hate dani
>he dont enjoy the aryas story

>> No.8270093

>>8269250 what a generic analysis, anon.

>> No.8270542
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Watching it and loving it. The last two episodes were stunning: visually more impressive than most movies, excellent use of the score, and being partially freed from Martin's sprawling messes of the last two novels has really cleaned up the scripts.

>> No.8270569

Leaving aside your strident all-caps-I'm in third-year-humanities-listen-to-me emphasis, what exactly do you think are "professional /lit/ circles"?

>> No.8270629

>he watches TV

Even if you pirate it, it's still a colossal waste of time. It's a medium that is fundamentally structured to take up as much of your time as possible so you'll [in theory] sit through commercials.

>> No.8270638

So were serial novels by Dickens, Thackery, and Collins. That doesn't mean they were all terrible.

>> No.8270658

I have been torrenting it because my friends watch it. Also the reason I read the books.

Both are absolutely terrible.

>> No.8270682

You've watched 60 hours of a show you hated, and read around 5000 pages of a book series you thought was terrible, just because your friends are into it?

>> No.8270696

he obviously secretly enjoys it

>> No.8270705

Either that, or he's quite the masochist. I hope he at least jerks off to the nudity, if nothing else.

>> No.8270711

>BOOK ADAPTATION (laughable in professional /tv/ circles)

Wow, you are an idiot.

>> No.8270718


I am quite the masochist, yes. I read the books in about a week after months of urging from friends. I also skip through the show if something is extremely boring or quiet. Takes me about ten or twenty minutes to watch the show. I also put it on 2x speed sometimes.

>> No.8270727

But why? Do you enjoy talking about a show/book series you barely tolerate? Will they not let you join in any reindeer games if you don't know the names of the three dragons?

>> No.8270753


I don't know at this point.

>> No.8270952

It's easy to read, accessible without need of any thinking, and enjoyable on some level, even if one knows the whole thing's objectively crap. That's my reason. Reading fantasy soothes me. I just regret the authors utterly abandon the idea of writing worthy prose, and instead of that vomit soulless, endless, and ultimately useless descriptions in order to fit their 10K pages long poor man's version of a novel.

>> No.8271101
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how and why are the books bad? Does this have something to do with this 'prose' i keep hearing about