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/lit/ - Literature

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8267796 No.8267796 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have any authors that you read all of their books /lit/?

>> No.8267803

Poe, Lovecraft are the only ones who (have) actually released more than 1-3 titles (I won't bother mentioning cases like that)

Also, I won't promise I've read all their material, but I've read very complete collections of their works etc. There's surely a chance that I've missed something small.

>> No.8267807


>> No.8267838

Yeah actually, John Kennedy Toole and Barry Hughart.

Thanks suicide and rage quitting!

>> No.8267845

John Williams, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Charles Dickens (nearly), Jane Austen, Donna tartt, franzen, Steven king, grrm, Tolkien, etc.

Yeah I like to read the full works of an author I like if I can

>> No.8267846

Oh and I've read To Kill a Mockingbird so there's another (Go Set a Watchmen ain't no book)

>> No.8267848

Melville. Got most of Tolstoy knocked out, but still a couple short stories to go. Working on Dickens (novel #7) but motherfucker if he didn't publish a lot.

I'll get Joyce if I ever manage Finnegan's Wake. Big if, though...

>> No.8267857


Fuck you /lit/

>> No.8267859


>> No.8267862


I consumed every last John Bellairs book that I could get my hands on while in middle school, which was something like two dozen volumes. John Bellairs was a YA/high school-tier author who wrote mystery stories with young protagonists, and occasionally some wise old benefactor/sidekick. It helped that many of the books had cover illustrations by Edward Gorey.

>> No.8267870

The closest I've come is reading Joyce's main four (Dubliners, Portrait of the Artist, Ulysses, Finnegans Wake). Though he also wrote some poetry, a play, and various fragments that I've never touched, so technically no.

>> No.8267998

Nietzsche and Plato, one work short of Aristotle.

>> No.8268008

....you read the biological treatises and all?

>> No.8268015
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