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/lit/ - Literature

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8266748 No.8266748 [Reply] [Original]

I'm working as a summer camp counseler /lit/ because I'm a fucking degerate loser.

They require us to all perform a skit for our opening campfire.

Can /lit/ help me make a skit?

>> No.8266755


Perform the scene from Infinity Jest where they play the nuclear tennis game, no idea how easy it'd be.

>> No.8266938

that sounds torturous wtf. quit

>> No.8266953

just go up there and smoke weed out of infinite jest.

>> No.8266955

Do this


>> No.8267138

Why don't you perform some Shakespeare or something?

>> No.8267220

I would perform the scene where sir grummore and the nigger are trying on the finished questing beast outfit from the once and future king. or the scene where the orkney kids catch the unicorn.

>> No.8267324

do some san hyde stand up or an andy kaufman bit.

>> No.8267351

Do the play from TCoL49

>> No.8267369


Just copy something line-for-line out of Kids in the Hall. Nobody's watched that show outside of Toronto.

>> No.8267386

I've got a hum-dinger of a play for you OP. Its called Eschatology and Genesis by Dr. Talos.