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/lit/ - Literature

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826531 No.826531 [Reply] [Original]

Let's say you have two people.
Both are exactly alike in every single way but one.
The first of the two is illiterate.

Would you say that the illiterate person is inferior to the literate person?

>> No.826532


>> No.826536

No doubt.

>> No.826538

logically, yes.

>> No.826545

Did OP really need help with this one?

The answer seems pretty obvious.

>> No.826548

Take it to /r9k/.

>> No.826552

I don't think the answer is as obvious as you all make it seem.

>> No.826554

This in no way implies they are both literate.

>> No.826556

Nope, because I understand the said literate person can have other character traits which makes them inferior, case in point they are going to kill and rape me.

>> No.826559


Well, it is.

>> No.826561

the illiterate person probably has a social life

>> No.826564

How could they be exactly alike in every single way if one was illiterate?

It's near impossible to acquire any form of knowledge without knowing how to read.

>> No.826565


They're exactly the same, bro.

>> No.826566


Jesus did it.



>> No.826569

oops you said exactly alike.

There is no objective view of being better or worse so I cannot say for sure, though they would be of more worth in today's society.

>> No.826576

So if one was blessed by a cosmic magician-zombie, then they aren't exactly the same.

>> No.826580


>> No.826581


Jesus made both of them, not just the one. Idiot.

>> No.826590

Yes. Literacy is a skill that helps people in almost any social class and culture.

>> No.826583
File: 17 KB, 460x288, martin-johnson_1116004c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was a joke chill out

>> No.826592

Obviously if there was no such thing as reading or writing, neither would be inferior to the other.

Then again, illiteracy or literacy would not exist, which invalidates the claim made by OP that one is illiterate and one is not.

Hence, the literate person is superior to the illiterate one.

>> No.826597


>Literacy is a skill that helps people
Helps them read crappy books.
Most people are better off not being able to read.

>> No.826599

So the literate one has also not used his literacy to his own advantage to further his life?

So what's the point of asking the difference between someone who is illiterate and someone who can read but have never actually read anything at all (illiterate)?

>> No.827765

Yes, there is no benefit to being illiterate.

Though I guess one could say, there is no difference between a person who can read but doesn't and a person who can't read at all.

>> No.827785

Not to mention helping us get through our daily lives.
And helping us post on imageboards.

>> No.827792


>Not to mention helping us get through our daily lives.
We'd manage. Universal literacy is a rather new idea.

>> No.827795

Sure we would manage, but it's a lot more convenient this way.
street signs and menus and such.

>> No.827798


>street signs and menus and such.
I just look at the pictures.

>> No.827800

If you want to get obnoxiously technical, it says that the two are alike in all ways but one, then goes on to say that the first person is illiterate, with no conjoinment of the two statements. "The first person is illiterate" could simply be a seperate remark which illustrates that BOTH are illiterate, and that the one difference isn't mentioned.

>> No.827801

there are pictures on street signs?

>> No.827803


You've never seen the little walking man?

>> No.827806

except this is followed by:
>Would you say that the illiterate person is inferior to the literate person?

Clearly implying the first is illiterate and therefore the second is literate.

>> No.827808


Fuck, I didn't notice that. Nevermind then.

>> No.827809

If one of them were illiterate and yet they were the same otherwise that would imply that reading books or, indeed, being able to read at all didn't have influence any influence over the other, didn't help him or her the slightest. Unless they live in an environment where being able to read doesn't matter at all (i.e., a primitive culture), that is impossible. If they do live in a primitive culture, then reading is irrelevant to both of them and doesn't make either superior.

That said, sage.

>> No.827810 [DELETED] 

reMOeV yuOr_IlLGEaL cloen fo_Http://wWw.anOMNoMTaLk.sE/ (ANOmNom_=_anON) IMmEIdateLy. zm pi lbtzsd jnkra o q g fufwzfw zttd ffisl

>> No.827811

No, I mean like street names.
Like Main St. or something.
not traffic directions.

>> No.827814

OP why did you use linetrap for your picture? Now I wont be able to sleep

>> No.827813


Way to say nothing in a whole paragraph, mister. Try putting some substance behind the fancy words.

>> No.827815

Linetrap suck my diiiick

>> No.827817

when & why did she get braces

>> No.827842


except it is a he


>> No.827851

Yes, of course.

>> No.827854

Let's say you have two people.
Both are exactly alike in every single way but one.
The first of the two is colorblind.

Would you say that the colorblind person is inferior to the normal person?

>> No.827856
File: 16 KB, 300x300, mrs. Hoover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP never said that the illiteracy was the difference, he said there is one difference and that the first is illiterate - this doesn't prevent the second from being equally illiterate and the difference being something else.

I suppose the point of this was to attack YOUR lack of reading comprehension, probably to extent of using a hyperbolebole such as "you are illiterate".

In short, you all fell into his trap. A newfag might call it "trolled".

>> No.827858


You high?

>> No.827860

>>827856 OP never said that the illiteracy was the difference

Are you aware of how profoundly stupid you are?

>> No.827863


>> No.827865
File: 190 KB, 516x480, my dog is amazed at how fucking stupid you are.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignores the last line of OP's statement

>> No.827871



>> No.827885

That's bullshit.

Sure, if you analyze every sentence and the question like individual propositions, you could technically arrive to the conclusion that both people could be illiterate.

But language doesn't work like that. When someone types the two first sentences and then the third, it's perfectly normal (and right) to assume that the third sentence implies that the second person is, in fact, literate. Else, he would not have specified "the first of the two". If you also consider that the question uses "the" instead of "an", it's also safe to assume that it is referring to specific people, which would have to be "two people" in the first sentence, one of which is illiterate.

Voluntarily using piss-poor communication skills and ignoring conventions just to laugh at people when they don't get your oh-so-cleverly hidden meaning is so pathetic even a child might find it lame.

I will bet that the OP hasn't reached this level of lameness and answer the question: yes, I would say that the illiterate person is inferior, overall. In certain rare situations it might be preferable not to be literate, but these are so freakishly rare that we can consider literacy an asset.

>> No.827891



>> No.827892


One person is the same as another person, except they are literate.

Therefore the other person has one thing the other person does not have: Literacy. So they are better. Because they are capable of more things.

>> No.827919

Holy crap. When you first see a book, your head is going to explode.

What are you even doing on /lit/?

>> No.827921

Street smarts?

>> No.827923

If I was illiterate I wouldn't have gotten cancer from reading your post. I suppose you are right.

>> No.827926

I understand what you mean, but your argument is very badly presented.

What if the difference between the two almost identical people is that one has the capacity to do evil?

It's not sufficient to say "he can do more things", you also have to prove that the thing he can do is beneficial.

We can prove that literacy is beneficial overall, *that*'s why we can say that the illiterate one is inferior.

>> No.827939


Identical in every way means that they are inclined to do the same things, too.

The literate person is superior because they can interpret and record language.

>> No.827945

Maybe they're both inclined to do evil. If that were the case, the capability to do evil would be a very bad thing for one of them to have.

Point is, the OP wasn't asking if being able to do more things made you superior, he was asking if literacy is a good thing (which it is).

>> No.827947

If the two people are exactly the same in every way except one is illiterate doesn't that mean that the person who is literate hasn't used his ability to do anything. As he is exactly the same as the other. If he hasn't used it to gain knowledge or inspiration wouldn't that make him the same if not worse than the other?

>> No.827953

The question is not meant to reflect a realistic situation.

If someone had learned how to read and write then they couldn't possibly be identical to the one who hasn't, because that person wouldn't have developed in the same way at all.

>> No.828080

i think we have gotten confused, if we strip it back to the basics and assume that this isn't a reading exercise the basic idea is, "does being illiterate make you inferior to someone who is literate ?"

>> No.828085

fuck yeah, thank you

>> No.828087

the illerate person became a famous movie critic on television and made more money because he/she didn't waste their time readying.
problem solved

>> No.828117


>> No.828185

Of course it does.

>> No.828246

cool story, bro

>> No.828291


If they are exactly the same in everything then the illiterate person is superior because he doesn't waste time reading and thus has more time to share among more usefull things.

>> No.828304

They are exactly same? Then there is no difference. But that is bullshit, one can't be same if he reads some good books, lot of extragenetical information, it is good for you.

>> No.828333

fuck yeah! who wants to read bullshit books?! total waste of my life!!