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8264968 No.8264968 [Reply] [Original]

why do non-slavs bother reading this book?

worse yet why do non-slavs pretend to understand it?

>> No.8264992

I bought the penguin edition because Amazon reviews said P and V suck. Did I fuck up?

>> No.8264998

>reading anything other than the original

again, why?

>> No.8265004

because I can't read Russian

>> No.8265006

youre missing out druk moy

>> No.8265007
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why do non-americans bother reading this book?

worse yet why do non-americans pretend to understand it?

>> No.8265009

Good question. Thankfully, I will never "miss out" because western lit is inferior by default.

>> No.8265033

Fantastic book, and I really enjoyed it. I did have to read up on some history and references as I went. I'm sure slavs get more out of it, though.

Any thing in particular you think non-slavs miss out on?

The Guerney translation seems to be the one most recommended.

>> No.8265129

if you were russian, why would you transcribe г as k?

>> No.8265138
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why do non-mexicans bother reading this book?

worse yet why do non-mexicans pretend to understand it?

>> No.8265552

Why do Slavs like to pretend there is something incomprehensible about their character by anyone who isn't a Slav? Are you perhaps implying that you are not fully human?

Also, who are these Slavs anyway? Would a Czech person understand this better than a Finn? Slovenian vs. Moldovan? Ruthenian vs. Georgian?

>> No.8265612 [DELETED] 

Because voiced consonants at the end of words are pronounced as voiceless.

>> No.8265638

Rulfo haunts Mexico

>> No.8265680

The version I read missed the last part. The book ended right after Chichikov's past was explained, but apparently it was supposed to continue from there to his capture. Did I miss a lot?

>> No.8265811

It is two books, but the second one wasn't finished/partly destroyed.

>> No.8266837

because he is not russian but likely some Minislav from Austro-Hungary. The Austrians had their slavs write as they talk, rather than etymologically, to prevent every Minislav language from looking exactly like Russian.
That said, the author of this thread is very mistaken. DS is not about slavs. It's about slavers.
According to Aksakov the Greeks, Romanians and Finns are also slavs. They're honorary slavs by virtue of their culture and religion .To him it meant "what rightfully belongs to mother Russia". The Georgians have the right religion, too. The French, however, do not fit into slavdom at all because all that there was to hi Slavophilia was copied from de Staël's glorification of the Non-Napoléonic slaver Germany. You can quite see that Gogol was no slavophile. He mocks both slavery and Slavophiles in his book. And, sure enough, the Westernizers get slammed, too. I guess that makes him a leftist.

>> No.8267753


we are Latin here bro

>> No.8267816
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>> No.8268009

What about Sweden?

>> No.8269335

I know. That was my point: Western Slavs vs. Eastern non-Slavs, more or less.

>> No.8269338

You almost dropped your skin, banana. Suck my d*ck you banana.

>> No.8270216

no non-mexicans bother reading anything that comes out of mexico tbqh

>> No.8270240

cause there's nothing worth reading from mexico

the bulk of spanish language literature is garbage.