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/lit/ - Literature

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8262432 No.8262432 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for more books like Kafka, Camus, Ryu Mirakami, Ian Banks. Someone recommended me a couple books in another thread, the devil in the white city, the immoralist, and ritual. celine. I have those on my reading list, but I am looking for a longer reading list, I want to have a larger selection of possible books that I can get into. It seems really difficult to find books I actually like, which is ironic because you'd think that not having read many books, I'd actually be open to a lot of possibilities of something good. It just doesn't feel that way, I guess.

I really like dark, esoteric, surreal stuff. I like stuff like Akira, the band Coil, A clockwork Orange, Eraserhead, I'm a huge death metal, black metal, noise, power electronics, industrial, slowcore (and basically anything else that feels real and raw and sad) appreciator. I don't like stuff that feels flowery, I like stuff that feels really raw, like drinking straight scotch. Idk if I should try to find a different forum to ask these questions, if anyone knows another book forum besides reddit, I'd love to go use it. The people on this forum aren't very nice.

>> No.8262504

Nice bait

>> No.8262507

man, don't do that please. I don't want a shit fest.

>> No.8262518
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lurk more dude. And read widely.